10 minute read
Happy New Year! The calendar year has begun and even though we may be in the depths of winter (in the Northern Hemisphere) or the height of summer (in the Southern Hemisphere), we stand at the threshold of fifty-two weeks filled with promise. Legend has it that this month is named to honor the Roman god Janus, a god of new beginnings and doorways, but it is also associated with Juno, the primary goddess of the Roman pantheon. Juno was said to be the protectress of the Roman Empire, and Janus (whose twin faces look to both the past and the future simultaneously) encourages new endeavors, transitions, and change in all forms. Since this month marks the beginning of the whole year, we can plant the seeds for long-term goals at this time, carefully plotting the course of our future success.
In the United States, there are three important holidays occurring in January: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Inauguration Day. Each of these days exemplifies powerful change and transition. The dawn of a new year heralds a fresh start, and whether snow-covered or bathed in summer heat, January offers renewed possibilities for all. Michael Furie
2nd B
January 1 bottom of the glass. This star is you, beaming energy into all the goals and Sunday dreams you have illustrated. Throughout the coming year, light the candle once a month and allow it Color of the day: Orange to burn for a couple of hours. Snuff it Incense of the day: Almond out in between, and repeat. Each time
New Year’s Day - Kwanzaa ends you light it, the flame helps bring Goal-Setting Candle Spell Happy new year! This spell sets your goals for the coming year your desires to fruition. Kate Freuler and helps manifest them over the Notes: seasons.
Materials: • 1 white seven-day jar candle • Paint • Brushes • A pen and paper On the morning of January 1, place your candle outdoors or on a windowsill where it can absorb the fresh, hopeful energy of New Year’s Day. Retrieve it in the evening.
Write down all the things you wish to manifest this year, then create a simple symbol or drawing to match each goal. These symbols only need to have meaning for you and no one else, so don’t worry if you’re not an artist. They can be as simple or complex as you wish.
Paint these symbols onto the glass of the candle, visualizing each one manifesting exactly as you wish it to be. When you’re done, flip the candle upside down and paint a star on the
January 2 January 3 Monday Tuesday
2nd B a v/c 5:16 pm a → C 9:44 pm Color of the day: White Incense of the day: Lily
A New Path
So now we begin a new year and a new path. This meditation will help you set out on your new path with a clear vision. You’ll need one small twig or branch. Select one that has some twists and bumps. Sit with it before your altar. Hold it; feel its curves and bumps. Project your feelings and concerns about the coming year into it. When you’re ready, say:
The new year may hold twists and turns,
But from my challenges I shall learn.
And when my road is smooth and straight,
Then my victories I shall celebrate. Keep the twig on your altar throughout the coming year. Now and then, hold it and think about what has happened in your life this year. James Kambos
2nd C Color of the day: Gray Incense of the day: Ginger
Toss the Fruitcake Spell
We love the holidays, but by early January we are ready to move on and embrace all the new year has to offer. Just as strange energies accumulate in late December/ early January, our refrigerators also acquire a lot of leftovers that need to be gotten rid of. Clear out both unwanted food and unwanted energy with this spell.
Peek into your refrigerator and find any items that are past their expiration date. For many of us in early January, that might include a fruitcake. Once you’ve gathered your unwanted/spoiled leftovers, take them out to the compost pile or trash can and say:
The holiday season has passed, and
I throw away all that doesn’t serve me from that season. I shall be rid of any negativity and bad feelings.
All will be renewed. So mote it be! Put any lingering concerns about Yuletide out of your mind. Amanda Lynn & Jason Mankey
January 4 January 5 Wednesday Thursday
2nd C a v/c 7:08 pm Color of the day: Topaz Incense of the day: Lilac
2nd C a → D 9:15 am Color of the day: Crimson Incense of the day: Nutmeg
Double Capricorn “Boss Vibes” Oil
Today both the Sun and Mercury are expressing peak Capricorn energy as they travel through the depths of this sign, giving us major boss vibes. By “boss vibes,” I mean that ability to manage, prioritize, and delegate the things that need to get done to achieve personal and shared goals. This is a good time to take practical steps and see things through. You can bottle this energy by creating the following ritual oil.
Into a half-ounce bottle, blend the following oils and allow to charge on your altar for forty-eight hours: 22 drops cypress essential oil 11 drops cedar essential oil Once the oils are charged, fill the rest of the bottle with the carrier oil of your choice. (Fractionated coconut, olive, and grapeseed work well.)
Add Saturnian herbs such as comfrey, elm, and thyme to enhance this energy. Label the bottle and use the oil whenever your energy is dragging or when tackling big projects. Devin Hunter Abundance Talisman
Prepare yourself for a prosperous new year by creating a talisman to carry with you in your purse, your backpack, or even your pocket. First, wrap a dollar bill around a small cinnamon stick. As you wrap it, chant three times:
Let my assets multiply— all my needs be met. Burn clove incense. Pass the bundle through the smoke several times and chant three times:
Bring abundance to my life, as much as I can get. As the incense burns, visualize the abundance you desire and deserve. Keep the talisman with you as often as possible. When you have more than enough, remember to share with others by giving something back. Ember Grant
January 6 January 7
Friday Saturday
2nd D Full Moon 6:08 pm Color of the day: Pink Incense of the day: Violet
Full Moon Family Blessing
The Full Moon in the watery, intuitive, emotional, and nurturing sign of Cancer tonight is an ideal time to heal and strengthen family bonds, with both those who are family by birth and those who are chosen family. For this spell you will need a bowl of water and slips of paper to write down the names of those in your family you wish to bless using a pen. Then, under the Full Moon, place the name papers into the water and say:
Cancer Moon, as you do shine,
Bless those who are family of mine.
Heart to heart, our bonds are strong,
A seat of blessing to all who belong.
Be they through blood or be they through feeling,
I bless us all through the
Moon’s power of healing. Leave the bowl of water under the Moon until morning. The words of ink should have dissolved. Remove and dispose of the papers, and pour the water at the roots of a nearby tree. Mat Auryn
3rd D a v/c 5:23 pm a → E 9:40 pm Color of the day: Indigo Incense of the day: Ivy
Flower Power
January is a cold and snowy month for many people in the Northern Hemisphere. While it is dark and cold outside, bring flowers into your home to add vibrant new life to your space. You can choose flowers based on their color meanings. Red flowers bring power, passion, and love to your space. Yellow flowers add an uplifting joy. White flowers have the energy of purity and innocence. Orange flowers represent enthusiasm.
Once you have flowers and colors in your space, this chant will evoke the energies to magnify and show gratitude for nature’s gifts:
I am grateful for the flowers that are now in my space.
May their energies enhance my home with their magick and grace. This spell can be done to liven up the energy of your home and add more magick to your days at any time of the year.
Sapphire Moonbeam
January 8 January 9
Sunday Monday
3rd E Color of the day: Yellow Incense of the day: Juniper
Right Path Tarot Reading
New years are exciting, but the terrain can seem unfamiliar at times. This reading gives you signposts to indicate you’re on the right path. Hold a deck of tarot cards in your hands and take a deep breath. In a clear, strong voice, say:
Signs to know and signs to see.
Six months of signs, please send to me. Draw six cards from the middle of the deck. Place them before you in a rainbow arc, starting on the left and continuing to the right. These cards represent signs for each of the six months: 1. Sign in January 2. Sign in February 3. Sign in March 4. Sign in April 5. Sign in May 6. Sign in June Write down the information in your book of shadows, along with the symbols on the cards. Over the next six months, watch for these signs to know you’re on the right path. Astrea Taylor
3rd E a v/c 8:52 pm Color of the day: Gray Incense of the day: Neroli
Embodied Consent Spell Protection
This spell requires your body and voice, and repetition. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, arms at your sides.
Step forward with your dominant foot (if you are right-handed, then you are right-footed) while pushing away with your palms facing out in front. Say, “No.” Step back to your neutral starting position.
Step forward, raising your arms forward, with palms facing down toward the ground, and say, “Maybe.” Step back to neutral.
Stand firmly with your feet hipdistance apart. Roll your shoulders back, with arms loosely at your sides, palms up, and say, “Yes.”
Envision a situation that requires your consent. Practice using your voice and body to respond. Practice “stepping into it” and saying what is needed: no, maybe, or yes. Feel the power of embodied consent.
When you repeat this practice 300 times, you develop muscle memory. And when you repeat it 3,000 times, you create new neurological pathways
that will make future access to these skills almost automatic. Then, without having to think about it, you can practice embodied consent even when confronted with a sudden stressful event. And that embodied consent is the magic we most need to use in a crisis. Dallas Jennifer Cobb
January 10 Tuesday
3rd E a → F 10:15 am Color of the day: Maroon Incense of the day: Cinnamon
Seeking New Knowledge
If you have ever searched for just the right book or new area of study but weren’t quite sure exactly what you wanted, then this spell may help. You will need a small blank notebook, a white candle, and a candleholder.
Hold the notebook in your hands and visualize that it is filled with exactly the new information you wish to learn. Set the book down and pick up the candle. Envision a bright orange light (a color of Mercury and learning) streaming down your arms and into the wax. Place the candle on the notebook, light the candle, and say:
Words of power, a brand-new course,
Seeking knowledge from a new source.
Candle’s flame, now light my way, to ideal form and topic for me.
As I do will, so mote it be. Allow the candle to burn for as long as it is safe, then extinguish it. Michael Furie