28 minute read

Chapter 3: The Four Pathways of Healing

When I awoke in the morning, I knew that I had been blessed with ideas so important that I needed to share them with the world. I couldn’t keep them only to myself, but first I needed to get a handle on how to implement them.

THE EMERGENT FOUR PATHWAYS APPROACH I began asking questions about—and then adding philosophies to—my nighttime revelation. Lacking the existence of a multidimensional go-kart, I wondered how I could transfer energy, which is information that moves, between pathways. I was already an expert on chakras, and I knew that those subtle energy bodies more than suffice when it comes to shifting energy and healing. After all, they can change physical, or measurable, energy into subtle, or immeasurable, energy. I quickly began using them as “elevators” to move between the pathways.

My next consideration was how to help people best interact with their chakras as well as the pathways. Intuition became the key there. I also knew I needed to devise a way to track the energies necessary to heal an issue, no matter the pathway, and to figure out how to understand what was happening on several of the pathways at once; the concept of energy mapping was born. All of these concepts together became the first edition of this book.

As time went on, it became obvious to me that we live within more than one overarching reality, or universe. My research revealed two cosmologies. I discovered an original universe that was full of hope and light. When I imagined myself as an extension of this universe, which I called the heavenly universe, I experienced a lightness of being and greater healing for myself and my clients. When I linked only to the everyday universe, which I labeled the shadow universe, I felt dark and dreary; standing in this universe, it was tougher to create transformation. Because I could now perceive this differentiation, I began interweaving the cosmological and energetic paradigms of two coexisting universes into my teachings. Students and clients responded enthusiastically.

What I liked best about the emerging system was that it afforded vital choices to people requiring healing as well as to practitioners. For instance, I remember interacting with a client who had a hereditary kidney disease. She’d already had one kidney removed and the second one was failing. Every member of her immediate family had been born with the same dysfunction, which meant they couldn’t be donors. Because my client introduced herself as an “adamant allopath”—referring to allopathic medicine, the healing modality that involves prescription medications, surgery, and other interventions of modern medicine—I wondered why she was seeing me, an intuitive energetic healer.

It turned out that all she wanted was some simple intuitive-based advice. Should she continue to take drugs she had been prescribed or surgically receive a donor kidney from someone outside her family? I knew I had to work on the elemental pathway with her, as it is most closely aligned with the allopathic medical model.

We professional intuitives aren’t doctors. We can’t deliver medical advice, so I didn’t. Rather, I guided my client into the chakra that relates most closely to the kidney line. As you’ll learn, this is the third chakra, located in the solar plexus. After she entered a light trance state, I had my client picture a medical clinic. In a doctor’s chair sat her own wise self. As you will learn, all things practical are available through the elemental pathway, including the use of drugs, surgery, and herbs. I encouraged the client to imagine that this office space was in a heavenly realm. Hence, she received the highest level of input possible there.

My client’s doctor-self clearly indicated that surgery was in order. She followed through, and the donated kidney has been humming along perfectly for years.

When compared to participating in the foundational and somewhat slow-moving elemental pathway, operating through the power pathway often results in significant and sometimes instant shifts. A “shift” is a change in state, a movement from a lower, unhealthy status into a higher, healthier position. A perfect example of a power pathway interaction involves a female client who was experiencing horrible premenopausal symptoms.

When we interacted over the phone, I intuitively perceived a degenerative force on her ovaries and a generative force on her adrenals. As you’ll learn in this book, the power pathway is a land replete with fields of energy called forces. Some are destructive or cause loss of energy and others are constructive and add or create energy. My client’s ovaries didn’t have enough energy to produce her needed hormones, and her adrenals were overextended and therefore exhausted. Using the same techniques you will learn here, I simply switched these forces. This alteration allowed her ovaries to get back online energetically and took the pressure off her adrenals. And guess what? Over the next week or so, my client’s mood swings abated. She said she could feel her ovaries making more estrogen and progesterone and her adrenals pumping out testosterone. The night sweats, anxiety, and other premenopausal symptoms that had been playing havoc disappeared, and she became her old self.

The imaginal pathway can be a grand place to play, especially when it is aligned with the heavenly universe. One student who has taken my four pathways training operates exclusively along the imaginal pathway. For a living, she reads the Akashic Records for clients around the world. The Akashic Records are energetic libraries that store data

about everything a person or another living being has ever experienced, is undergoing, or might face. She loves the idea of a heavenly universe, so she always links with it too. She asserts that her insights are at least twice as accurate and helpful as they used to be, and she has actually achieved a high level of fame in her field since she began interacting with the imaginal. As she discovered in her training, it is relatively easy to visit other spaces and worlds through a set of magical mirrors that are available on this pathway.

What about the divine pathway? A good example is the man I mentioned in the introduction who has used the four pathways concepts to achieve a remission in his cancer. He lives as if he’s always on the divine pathway, in a state of acceptance and love. Constantly aware of the presence of the heavenly universe, he has become a healer. Though he only takes clients through word-of-mouth referrals, his work has benefited hundreds of individuals with cancer. Most of the time, his work slows the growth of cancer, although many times the cancer disappears or goes into remission.

As you’ll come to discover, you don’t have to perfectly understand the four pathways approach in order to wield its concepts. You don’t have to be a perfect practitioner to direct the energies found on the pathways. Neither must you be a perfect person to operate the pathways themselves. Not only is that goal impossible to achieve, but attempting to be flawless would inhibit your effectiveness. Why? Because where we are most broken is where we are most open to healing and the energies of the heavenly universe.

HEALiNG WHAT’S BROKEN WHiLE iN A BROKEN STATE Let’s take a closer look at this. If we are honest with ourselves, we must all admit to being broken in some way.

Perhaps our heart is the most broken part of ourselves. We’ve been rejected, abandoned, or even forgotten, until our true self is now a faint childhood memory hidden away in a misplaced treasure chest. We might feel dispirited because of a disease, accident, job loss, or addiction. No matter the cause or the symptom, we yearn to be freed from our hardships so we can experience love, wellness, and joy.

We desire healing.

The phrase “to heal” means “to make whole.” Most of us have spent a lot of energy trying to create wholeness where there is brokenness, but it can seem like a losing battle. We fix one problem and another pops up. We peel away a layer of the onion and discover that there is more onion to peel away. It can be hard to keep going.

We end up feeling like we are on a merry-go-round.

One reason for the cycle of brokenness is that most of our healing modalities are based on a broken model. In the appendix, entitled “The Limitations of Our Current Healing Approaches,” we’ll explore the most popular contemporary healing models, emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses. Ironically, the takeaway is that our models expect perfection, but they can’t actually move someone over the finish line into a perfect state. Instead, they just keep searching for one problem after another, and of course they find more. You know why? Because these processes are based on the shadow universe, the one that only differentiates between good and bad, black and white, and has no sense of the perfection and beauty in the imperfect and nonsensical.

The truth is that as humans, we are imperfect because we are continually in the process of being made anew. Change is the only certainty, and uncertainty is the only invitation we need to make choices that better ourselves and others. Where we have lack, we have need—and we can open to love and assistance. Where we have pain, we can seek—and grow in knowledge and strength. Where we have loneliness, we can fall to our knees—and know that no matter what, we are actually connected to something far bigger than ourselves.

If we want to experience that kick-up-our-heels hurrah that comes with genuine well-being and enduring change, we only need to align with the heavenly universe, the reality, that embraces our brokenness and says, “It’s okay. You are whole no matter how broken you seem; you can be broken and whole at the same time.”

Once we arrive at this place of understanding, we have entered the portal to the four pathways. We are ready to assemble the component pieces of the four pathways system, starting with knowledge about the two universes.

THE TWO UNivERSES—THE BACKDROP OF THE FOUR PATHWAYS SYSTEM In the four pathways system, we base our healing activities on a paradigm that encourages authentic transformation. Fundamentally, we make a decision before or while engaging with any of the pathways: we select which universe to energetically and consciously align with. We choose which universe to plug into and pull energy from.

These two realms are separate, but they also interweave, and we dwell within both. But our healing models, especially the allopathic one, are based on the universe that holds all the sources of our problems, whether those difficulties are physical, psychological, or spiritual. As I said earlier, I call this the shadow universe, and you’ll come to understand why in this book. The universe from which hope, love, miracles, and ease

spring has been confined to storybooks, mythology, and, to some extent, the “spooky” side of religion and science; I’ve labeled it the heavenly universe because of the imagery that invokes.

For background, the first universe came into being just before the big bang. Scientifically, we have evidence of its existence in that there are twists of primordial light lingering in space. The substance of this light is different from any other, and because of this, it has been called the Absolute Light. It is completely still and composed of a very pure energy.

A small fraction of this light vibrates in a polarized way, which means that it bends. In the next chapter, we’ll see how this bending light is significant to our healing processes and even to the everyday components of our lives. Think of these streams as the arms of God reaching toward us, bringing us everything we need, if only we would accept them.

This original universe hasn’t drifted away; we dwell within it. But we don’t know how to perceive or relate to it, even though it contains all the “secrets” of our collective and individual divine plans. Though many of our ancestors spoke about this universe, each in their own way, we don’t remember the core messages. Quite simply, we have had so many painful experiences that it’s hard to sift through them to find the gold. Instead, we think of the heavenly realm as a place to reach after death—well, maybe, but even then, only if we’ve been good boys and girls and pleased the sort of Santa Claus god that many of us were raised to believe in. The good news is that, with training, you can learn how to perceive this universe, and by aligning with it enable the highest level of healing.

The shadow universe was birthed after the original universe. We know a bit about its inauguration as it is described by the big bang theory. Arguably, the big bang followed the explosion of a ball of energy, which dispersed various forms of matter and energy throughout space-time. These ingredients have become less dense in what seems to be an expanding shadow universe, which has led to the separation of four fundamental forces and various types of quantum and classical particles and waves. These energies continue to flood into what science believes is “empty space,” but what I would call the fabric of the heavenly universe. These two spatial creations are still present, as are we within them.

From a spiritual point of view, the first universe is foundational, constructed from purely loving and holy qualities and substances. We could apply the Hindu concept of dharma to this universe, with dharma representing the eternal and intrinsic nature of reality. Dharma is the truth of unconditional love and serves as the primal law of the heavenly universe. It states that everything is made of love, done for love, and can be transformed through love.

As you’ll need to know in order to apply the four pathways principles, each being is actually composed of a number of parts. A thumbnail sketch is as follows:

Spirit—the essential spark of a being that is knowingly connected to the

Oneness and all that is good. Soul—a part of the spirit that is able to move through time and gain experiences about love. Mind—the “brain” of a soul, which gathers learnings during various lifetimes and loads these ideas into the physical brain of a body. The conclusions of the mind’s reflections might be accurate or inaccurate. Heart—the loving center of a being. Body—the vehicle through which a soul inhabits a place like Earth and interacts with the environment and other beings.

Our spirit, or essential self, that is knowingly connected to the Oneness is naturally dharmic, while the other aspects of us struggle to become so. Hence, you’ll often turn to your own or another’s spirit, or a greater spirit, when performing pathway healing. In fact, one of the techniques you’ll be taught and encouraged to always use, Spirit-toSpirit, will enable this to occur.

In Buddhism dharma is considered to be a form of emptiness. As I’ll discuss in chapter 2, this does not mean that the original universe is made of nothing. Rather, the original universe consists of so much love that everything exists within it. In this context, our personal drama—the purpose of our spirit and our various incarnations—is to create more love where there is a lack. And that “where” is the shadow universe.

The second universe, the shadow one, relates to the Hindu idea of karma. Karma is technically described as effects linked to causes; in other words, the outcome of our activities. The entire shadow universe is an extension of our sometimes accurate yet usually inaccurate beliefs about love.

Unlike our dharmic perceptions of love, which are unifying, karmic ideas about love are dualistic. There are “good actions” and “bad actions.” There is “cause” and “effect.” Karma essentially boils down to the attempt to even out the harm that has been done to us or that we’ve inflicted on others. Essentially, this attitude results in a conditional perception of love. For some people, love equates with what you can get from others; other individuals might perceive it as a way to survive. The unifying fabric that is love in the

heavenly universe is hard to achieve in the shadow planes, as our beliefs are convoluted and, as I’ve pointed out, quite dualistic.

When I say “our beliefs,” I’m not only talking about humans. As a species we’re dreadfully human-centric and often fail to notice the fact that we share this planet—and probably a lot of other galaxies—with other life forms. In the next chapter, I’ll relate a Hopi story of Creation to give you an idea about what I mean. Suffice it to say that somewhere along the line, the souls incarnating in this secondary world began to feel shame. Instead of accepting the fact that lessons can be hard to learn and that we’ll frequently make mistakes, we started feeling bad about ourselves and others. Unworthiness leads to unfulfilled love.

These two different approaches anchored in these universes—unconditional love (connection) versus conditional love (separation)—define the primal disparity in our world. Most religions, many spiritualities, and much of science align with the precepts of the shadow universe, as do way too many of the ideas in our healing modalities. We cannot heal into an optimum state if we’re aligned with a broken universe. We can only achieve wholeness if we’re attuned to the complete universe. Because we exist within the shadowy universe, we cannot expect perfection, but we can realize wellness.

To explain the basic difference between the effects of these two universes on a healing endeavor, I’m going to have you imagine that you have a tumor. There are two clinics available for treatment. The first is occupied by medical staff dressed in white lab coats. These practitioners think it’s nearly impossible to get rid of the tumor, but heck, they’ll try anyway. Their method involves killing off as many bad cells as possible and hoping that enough healthy cells stay alive to clean up the debris. You feel scared and isolated. The outcome of the treatment is entirely dependent on the practitioners’ skills—and maybe a bit of luck.

If you probe, they’ll tell you that their treatment is based on the belief that life is about pain and suffering, and that deep inside, we’re all really bad. Becoming healed—or getting loved, for that matter—is conditional. But they won’t tell you the rules, only that you “win some” and “lose some.” Only the strong survive, and even then, it will all be downhill from there.

Then there is the other clinic.

Comfortably clothed, the practitioners greet you with smiles. Before examining your blood tests and other evaluation tools, they ask how you’re feeling—they ask about who you really are—and then offer you a spot of tea. After they have a true sense of you, they examine the tumor from several points of view. Only then do they decide which of four approaches they will employ to assist you, each of which is founded on philosophies that









Figure 1: The Four Pathways and the Two Universes. The four pathways are bounded

by the heavenly universe and the shadow universe. While they are shown stacked atop each other, they interconnect in order to adjoin the two universes.

support interconnectedness and goodness. They show you ways to self-heal and reassure you that you will not be alone in this process. In fact, they emphasize, you’ve never been alone.

I know which approach I would prefer. We have free will, however. And we can operate within either the heavenly or shadow universe via all four of the pathways.

THE FOUR PATHWAYS: THE CHANNELS BETWEEN UNivERSES Fundamentally, the four pathways are channels, or tunnels, between the heavenly and shadow universes. They are the layers, planes, or realities of existence that enable you to heal into wholeness—and consider yourself whole even if you have broken parts that are leading you toward transformation. Each pathway offers equally valid ways to create change, but you have a choice.

Which universe do you want to align with in the process? You’ll discover it’s actually easier than you might think to link with the heavenly universe—and much more fun too.

The best way to understand the four pathways model is to envision the four healing pathways as a three-dimensional checkers game with four boards stacked atop each other. Atop this chessboard is the heavenly universe. Below it is the shadow universe. The pathways exist between these universes but also within them, each functioning with its own set of rules, principles, and systems.

In a nutshell, these pathways, and a shorthand description, shown in figure 1, are as follows:

The Elemental Pathway: Material reality The Power Pathway: Powers The imaginal Pathway: Magic The Divine Pathway: Consciousness

When you are seeking healing, you can select any of the four pathways to operate on. Usually people select a starting point that makes sense in relation to the issue they’re concerned with or that is the most comfortable for their personality. On the elemental pathway, you will take practical steps, such as using herbs or processing emotions. On the power pathway, you might move forces: great waves of supernatural energy that are either destructive or constructive. On the imaginal pathway, you play the part of

a dancing shaman, moving energies between dimensions in order to create a kinder third-dimensional reality. Along the divine pathway, you consciously align with divine sources of assistance, thereby invoking a supremely willed outcome.

The truth is that it doesn’t really matter which pathway you employ. All four pathways are in the here and now, and you coexist within and on each of them, so when critical mass is met on a single pathway, all the boards shift at once. You reach this critical mass most easily when making a healing-based change by aligning yourself with the heavenly universe. When you do this, the pathways become the means for accessing true leapfrogging, quantum-jumping, heart-popping wonders, the ones we call “miracles” from the perspective of the shadow universe.

In the shadow universe, miracles are processes and outcomes beyond the norm. Miracles seem to bend natural law. They make no sense, and because of that we think of them as supernatural rather than natural. From the perspective of the heavenly universe, miracles are normal. They are nothing more or less than the concrete appearance of what is supposed to be present.

For instance, imagine that your aunt has a tumor. She undergoes chemotherapy and reduces the sugar in her diet. The latter is important because she knows that cancer feeds off sugars. The cancer continues to spread. You aren’t surprised, though. Statistically, the type of cancer your aunt has only has a 10 percent remission rate. In the shadow universe, she doesn’t have much of a chance.

But then your aunt takes a few other steps. She aligns with the heavenly universe using my two signature tools: Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace. She then takes steps along each of the four pathways instead of only one, which is always an option. She more stridently alters her diet (elemental pathway). She figures out there is a degenerative force on her healthy cells and a generative force on her cancer cells and switches them (power pathway). She discovers a negative entity is pouring harmful energy into the main tumor site. She frees herself from this being and swaps in a reality that isn’t affected by this entity (imaginal pathway). She also allows angelic assistance while seeking a higher purpose for her life (divine pathway). Over a few months, her cancer disappears, she regains her health, and she takes steps to become a creative author instead of an accountant.

“A miracle!” the family might say. Perhaps—or is it possible that the underpinnings of the shadow universe accommodated a long, slow death, while the qualities of the heavenly universe supported recovery?

As a note, alignment with the heavenly universe doesn’t always mean we get what we want. As many of my shamanic teachers from far-flung places in the world have taught

me, healing is different from curing. Our goal is wholeness, not perfection. Wholeness can replace brokenness and we might still die from a terminal cancer or never recover use of paralyzed legs or still battle every so often with a long-term anxiety disorder. Yet we will recognize the actuality of being greater than the sum of our parts.

I have a story that illustrates my point.

Decades ago, my father, who is now deceased, gave a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger gun to my son Michael. This particular species of toy may or may not be recognizable to you, but take my word for it: this was a big deal. This gun was cool. It could dial alien-busting tones and high-alert frequencies while generating enough power to save the world. It was a five-year-old boy’s dream gun. It accompanied Michael to bed, bath, and beyond—until it broke.

Not one for mechanics, I did my best to fix the switch that was stuck. I tried every unjamming technique known to mothers since time began, including the use of eyebrow tweezers and nail cutters. I even superglued another piece of plastic to the broken switch. Nothing helped. Finally, I admitted defeat. I sadly informed Michael that the gun was dead and might as well be thrown out. He looked at me like I was an alien on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television show.

“But, Mom,” he noted sagely, “it’s still the same gun that it was, even if one part doesn’t work.”

No matter how many apparently broken pieces you have, you are still only one complete self. Yet there are four ways to improve matters and become more aware than you’ve ever been of your inherent completion.

THE CHAKRAS AS THE DOORWAYS BETWEEN UNivERSES AND PATHWAYS When the four pathways were revealed to me years ago, I was immediately concerned. Four realms of existence? It’s hard enough to negotiate the day-to-day! How are we to manage four realities? When I had recently begun working with the two universes, I had had the same sinking feeling. Two universes? How are we to deal with two worlds? Wasn’t one world enough?

I solved the first issue forever ago: it’s all about chakras. All four pathways and both universes are accessible through these energetic doorways, and they are available to us all. Chakras are the key focal points of the human energy system, also called the subtle body and the subtle energetic anatomy. They are a complex set of subtle energy bodies that regulate all components of the self. In fact, each of the twelve chakras I work with

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Chakra General Main Functions

first survival and physicality second creativity and emotionality third structure and mentality fourth healing and relationships fifth communication sixth strategy and vision seventh spirituality and purpose eighth mysticism ninth harmony tenth nature and ancestry eleventh commanding of forces twelfth unique to each person



Figure 2: The Twelve-Chakra System. The twelfth chakra (not pictured) is an energetic field surrounding the body.

manages a specific set of physical, psychological, and spiritual functions. The location of the chakras and their basic functions are depicted on figure 2.

Subtle energy bodies are of particular interest to contemporary scientists and healers because of their seemingly magical qualities. By working with the chakras, we can analyze the cause of a problem, predict outcomes, clear issues, and attract what we need.

Chakras are paired with another set of energetic structures, the auric fields, which are also called auric layers. The sum total of these layers is usually called the aura or the auric field. The truth is that every chakra generates its own auric field, allowing us to imagine the chakras as running our relationship with the internal world and the auric fields as regulating the same with the external world. Together, the chakras and their partnered auric fields connect you to the four pathways, which means you can access any or all of the pathways at a given moment. They are also portals for both the shadow and heavenly universes, which means you can choose which universe to align with through the chakras.

In my twelve-chakra system, chakras are situated inside and outside of the human body. Because of this local placement, they govern physical or sensory information but also subtle information. They can also convert one type of energy into another. Their ability to serve as energy converters is one of the reasons that esoterics usually perceive them as swirling vortexes of light, though they also emanate sound.

Think of the potential of using your chakras as gateways between you and the heavenly universe, of traveling a chakra along a pathway to figure out how to best approach a problem. Because of the chakras’ innate ability to transform energy, you could potentially fold a physical tumor into a subtle slip of space and then wink it out of existence. You could also dream a dream and manifest it in the three-dimensional world. Using the chakras as the doorways of light that they truly are while simultaneously allowing their respective fields to border and protect you are the keys to heavenly healing.

ENERGY MAPPiNG FOR CHAKRA HEALiNG In order to make use of the four pathways—and super-connect your endeavors to the heavenly universe—you have to be able to find them. Energy mapping is a technique that allows you to intuitively access all four pathways. Through energy mapping you can accomplish the following: • Activate the chakras as doorways • Select the correct chakras to use for a particular problem

• Move energies from the heavenly into the shadowy universe • Picture your life issues in order to construct helpful solutions • Mobilize resources for healing • Shift your problems out of physical reality and bring in solutions from the subtle realms

• Open to the miracles you desire

With a map of your physical surroundings, you can determine where you are in relation to streets, buildings, and other landmarks. Once you know where you are, you can figure out how to travel to wherever you want to go. In the same way, an energy map shows your current position on a given pathway in relation to the energies around you and the heavenly universe’s availability to you. From there you can intuitively follow the chakric doorways, energy lines, principles, and walkways toward the origin of your problems. You can then access the energies from the heavenly universe and align with the wholeness latent within and around you. When necessary, you can also determine which energetic or practical changes you need to make, in perceptions or behaviors, to create a healthy order in your life. By seeing what to release and what to attract, you can chart your own course for healing.

You can energy map any life issue. You’ll learn how to do so in this book through exercises interspersed throughout. In part 6, the energy-mapping section of this book, I present energy maps of common life complaints. Some of these are the garden-variety illnesses that annoy us all, like colds and flus. Others are the more tragic ones that befall too many of us, like cancer and heart disease. Still others are psychological and biochemical in nature, like narcissism and codependency. After examining and working with these energy maps, you’ll be able to construct your own.

USiNG YOUR iNNATE iNTUiTiON To align with the heavenly universe, you need to use your own inner ability to read and direct energies. To seam together the two universes—to access a pathway or weave them together through your chakras—you must also rely on your intuition.

Intuition isn’t an eerie, occult, or paranormal concept; it’s a fact. Being intuitive is nothing more or less than interpreting the information contained in energy that moves too slowly or quickly to be easily recognized through your five everyday senses. Anytime you sense another’s pain, feel a storm coming the day before it arrives, or guess

who is on the phone before you answer, you are acting intuitively. You are being the intuitive that you are.

Your intuitive abilities operate a little differently on each pathway because energy moves at different speeds and in different ways on each one. With a little practice, you can adapt these skills to working each of the pathways. In part 4, I provide ways to help you better define your personal intuitive styles. Knowing which of the many intuitive gifts is easiest for you to use will also clue you in to which pathway might be the most effective for you to access.

There is plenty of information in store for you on all of the topics I have introduced here in chapter 1. Let’s get started in chapter 2 by exploring the qualities and characteristics of the two universes.

Remove Energy Blocks and Achieve True Healing through


Join world-renowned energy healer and bestselling author Cyndi Dale as she provides a comprehensive guide to energy and chakra work using the four pathways healing system. The concepts and techniques of this potent approach are designed to be totally aligned with divine love so that you can achieve the awakened state that brings true healing. Featuring nearly fifty hands-on exercises and a full-color insert, this book shows you how to negotiate the pathways—elemental, power, imaginal, and divine—through the subtle energy organs known as the chakras. You will explore the energy patterns and programs that underlie imbalances and illness and learn methods for energy mapping as well as Cyndi’s signature Spirit-to-Spirit practice. The four pathways are interconnected and dynamic, so when you transform one you transform them all, leading to healing outcomes that are based in the unifying energy of love.

© Katie Cannon Photography

............. Foreword by .............

Dr. (Doc) C. Michael Scroggins, PhD, CEng, CMarEng, FIMarEST ......................................

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant. She is president of Life Systems Services, through which she has assisted over 70,000 clients and students and presented training classes throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Cyndi is the author of nearly thirty books, including Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras, The Spiritual Power of Empathy, and Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Illness. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Visit her at www.CyndiDale.com.

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