10 minute read

Chapter 3: Tools of the Trade

We guide our thoughts to visualize the best-case scenario or use our imagination to have a full five-sensory experience of how the situation would ideally play out. Just as Olympic athletes use visualization before competitions to improve their outcomes, see a winning success even before you make that first stitch.

It helps to be in a quiet place with no outside distractions. Lie back, close your eyes, and try to picture vividly the scene you want to make happen.

Releasing Energy

Now that we have collected the needed energy, set an intention for its purpose, and visualized the desired outcome, we must release all this into our work. We do this as we make the item by directing the energy out through our hands. It may take some practice to give up all that beautiful light we have collected, but we know there is always more where that came from. Trust in the abundance of the Goddess and keep only what you need. Send the rest out to where it is needed. Send it to your project according to your intention.

Some of the projects in this book will have a string left hanging from the finished project. It is left for the recipient to cut it off or weave it in in order to accept the energy of the piece. Releasing the energy from ourselves will be vital to the success of this type of magick. We want to “move on” from these pieces to allow the magick to manifest. Doing so acknowledges that the desired results have been already achieved, no question.


Shielding in magick is putting an invisible wall between your energy and any entity that may be harmful or draining. Visualizing an actual wall is usually sufficient. This comes in handy when you are practicing Fiber Magick where other people or distractions are around. Even if you have cast a circle of light around yourself, you may want a more substantial barrier at times.

This shield can also be visualized as a door you can close when you have gathered enough love and light necessary for the work. Use what you need and then ground.

Choosing the Proper Time

So much has been written about the phases of the moon and how they affect the outcome when casting spells or performing rituals. There is absolutely no

mistaking the draw of lunar power. It affects everything on this earth, from the tides of the sea to one’s menstrual cycle, some say. And if you can wait until the correct phase to perform your Fiber Magick, it would be quite beneficial.

New Moon: Time for new beginnings. Plan new projects and start them now. Think about picking up a new craft at this time. Waxing Moon: The moon is getting bigger and so is your magick. Time to make projects for growth and abundance. Full Moon: The powerhouse is full and ready to charge your work. If it is possible, try some crafting by the light of the full moon. Make some moon water to bless future projects. Waning Moon: Time to banish, either by creating projects for that purpose or quite literally finishing up some of your works in progress.

But sometimes the need is immediate, and we cannot wait for the proper moon phase. That’s when we can call upon the power of the sun.

The sun actually goes through phases like the moon does, but unlike the moon, the sun moves through several different phases every day. This allows the Fiber Magick practitioner unlimited opportunity for immediate spellwork. Think about the time of day you are creating your work or when you want to perform a blessing on your finished piece. The various times of day will add different energies to the project.

Sunrise: As the sun rises, this energy lends itself to new beginnings, change, and cleansing. Think of the expression “It’s a brand-new day” and go with that feeling. This would be very beneficial to magickal workings that involve new endeavors, employment, love, or direction in your life.

It is also the perfect time to bless a baby blanket. Mid-Morning: As you sit on your patio enjoying your morning cup of tea, the energy of the sun expands and becomes stronger and more active.

Any project that requires building, growing, or expanding works well during this phase. As the energy of the sun builds, so can the positive aspects in your life. Resolve situations in which courage is necessary, and add warmth and harmony to your home during this phase. What a nice setting in which to make your witch’s ladder (see page 92). High Noon: If you are brave enough to go outside in the noonday sun, the peak of high noon, the vibration is excellent for performing efforts that involve mental abilities, health, and physical energy. This is a time

when you can charge crystals and ritual tools. Add this energy, high noon power, to the projects that you will be giving to someone who needs courage and strength. Afternoon: In the afternoon as we perceive the sun’s journey down to the horizon, its energies take on a more receptive quality. This is a good time for efforts involving professionalism, business matters, communication, and clarity. Sunset: Now, can you imagine watching a beautiful sunset while working on projects designed to remove what no longer serves? Take this time for removal of stress, confusion, hardship, or depression. This would be the time for efforts to end a harmful relationship with a person or a substance. Move on and look forward to the new day. Every day we get a chance to say, “Tomorrow will be a good day!”

Utilizing the Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

The four elements play a big role in Fiber Magick. In chapter 7, “Basic Fiber Magick Crochet,” I assign an element to each of the basic crochet stitches. Using a certain stitch will add the attributes of that element to the finished piece through association. This makes it possible to add certain attributes while being free to use any color desired. Combinations of colors and stitches will create depth of meaning. Multiple aspects of the situation can be addressed to customize spells and tools.


Just about every project in this book ends with you embellishing as desired. This is where you make it your own. Your embellishments will add that little spark of magick to get the job done. Appliqué becomes magick when we give intention to the image being added to the object. Creating a small bag to collect fairy gifts while on a nature walk is magickal enough. Then adding the image of an acorn adds strength and protection for your adventure. You can buy ready-made appliqués and bless them for this work or make them yourself and add many more layers to your intention.

It is a good idea to get yourself a shoebox or craft container and start an embellishment collection. You will never be able to find the exact right thing at the exact right time if you don’t have this valuable resource. Keep your eyes open for doodads of all sorts. It doesn’t matter that you have no idea what you will do with this bauble now. The time will come when it will be perfect serendipity.

Some things to look for are beads, ribbons, charms, buttons, and braids, of course, but remember to think outside the box: spare keys, stray washers or nuts, tassels, broken jewelry, pieces from toys, and all shiny things. Embrace your inner magpie and be ready to embellish when the instructions call for it.


Upcycling is a huge part of Fiber Magick. Using the old to make the new is the practice of transformation. All the energy collected over the years in old clothing, jewelry, and household items creates a foundation for whatever you add to it. When you are treasure hunting in the thrift store, “feel” as well as look for your materials. Make a trip to the secondhand store into a magickal journey by setting a goal for your quest before you get there. If you need buttons for a garment to be used in ritual, ask the powers that be to manifest what you need to find. Then keep an open mind. You may be blessed with something more perfect than you could have imagined.

Storing Magickal Supplies

The Fiber Magick practitioner, as any magick practitioner, may collect a vast array of spell components along the way. In addition to your embellishment box you will accumulate herbs and oils, yarns and cords, fabric, and so on. I keep my Fiber Magick spell supplies separate from my regular craft supplies. Spell components are stored in a box with a piece of selenite for cleansing. My Fiber Magick emergency kit includes several balls of yarn in the colors I use most: blue for communication, green for healing or money, and pink for love. In addition, there are a crochet hook, scissors, and a cotton ball dabbed with lavender oil to produce a calming effect. This little kit stands ready to react when I hear of a need in the community.

Blessing Your Work

You can think of this step as your signature at the bottom of your masterpiece. The finishing touch ensures your hard work will accomplish its goal. The following exercise can be used for an all-purpose blessing when you have finished an item. Refer to the lists in the appendix at the back of this book for the proper color and scent choices to match your intentions.

RITUAL Project Blessing

You Will Need

Your finished project Incense in a scent appropriate to your intention Candle in the appropriate color Water in a bowl Salt in a bowl


Place the item to be blessed on a flat surface. Light the incense and place it to the east. Light the candle and place it to the south. Place the bowl of water to the west. Place the bowl of salt to the north. Hold up your work, presenting it to each direction and reciting as follows:

Air I am.

Pass it through the incense smoke.

Fire I am.

Pass it above the candle flame, carefully.

Water I am.

Sprinkle it with a little water.

Earth I am.

Sprinkle it with a pinch of salt.

Spirit I am.

Hold it to your third eye.

Repeat the recitations and movements three times. Then pronounce out loud the intended purpose of the item, as in these examples:

This blanket will wrap them in courage and strength! So mote it be. This poppet will stand with them through hardship! Blessed be.

“Opal Luna melds magickal practice and hands-on crafting into a powerful, blended, and cohesive spiritual path… With her lovingly written guidance and uniquely personal perspective, Opal has gifted us with the only Pagan craft book you’ll ever need.”

—Patti Wigington, author of Badass Ancestors

“I am delighted by Opal Luna’s Fiber Magick…She covers a range of fiber and spellcasting techniques so that there will be something for both the beginner and more experienced witchcrafter.”

—Raechel Henderson, author of Sew Witchy

70+ Craft Projects to Spark Your Imagination & Enhance Your Magick

Featuring over 100 color photos and illustrations, this fun and accessible guide introduces you to the magickal power of crochet, knotwork, and other fiber crafts. Witch and crochet expert Opal Luna shows you how to move spiritual intention from your mind into your hands through practical exercises, creative techniques, and patterns for more than seventy projects. Improving your magick through fiber arts is easy with Opal’s step-by-step instructions and empowering guidance. Discover the tools of the trade, the power of color, and a variety of weaving, braiding, and knotting methods. Learn how to connect to deities and create sacred space for your practice. Explore how Fiber Magick can be used in your holiday celebrations and rites of passage. From sigils and yarn amulets to prayer shawls and crocheted poppets, Fiber Magick is full of delightful projects and perfect for practitioners of all skill levels.

OPAL LUNA is a long-time Witch, crocheter, and teacher. She is also an active member of the UUCFL and Moonpath CUUPS. She lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Visit her online at www.FiberMagick.com.

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