2 minute read
How to Use This Book
To my big sister, who has always had my back. The way you battled cancer during the Covid-19 crisis taught me more about integrity, grace, and strength than you will ever know. I love you.
Exercise List xv
Medical Disclaimer xvii
Foreword by Thorn Mooney xix
Introduction 1 History of Yoga 4 Another World Tree 5 How to Use This Book 6
Chapter 1: East Meets West 9 Yoking Yoga & Witchcraft 11 Yoga Defined 12 Yoga & Psychic Powers 12 Magick & Mysticism 13 The Hermetic Approach 18 The I & the Me 19 The Siddhis 20
Chapter 2: The Witch’s Body 25 A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body 26 The Forgotten Witch’s Tool 26 Mind-Body Connection 29 Conclusion 30
Chapter 3: Guidelines for a Magickal Yoga Practice 33 The Basics 34 Preparing for Practice 54
Chapter 4: Yoga & the Witch’s Elements 57 The Ether 58 The Element of Air 60 The Element of Fire 62 The Element of Water 65 The Element of Earth 67 The Elements of Occult Anatomy 68 Putting Them Both Together 73 Magick & the Elements 76
Chapter 5: Chakras 81 The Chakras in Yoga 82 Location of the Chakras 85 Working with the Chakras 87
The Root Chakra (Muladhara) 90 The Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) 91 The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) 92 The Heart Chakra (Anahata) 93 The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) 94 The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) 95 The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 96
Chapter 6: Meditation 99 Meditation: The Heart of Witchcraft 101
Chapter 7: Visualization, Imagining & Astral Travel 111 The Foundational Skill: Imagining 113 The Fear of Astral Projection 114 Astral Projection Basics 120 Lucid Dreaming 126 Astral Projection, Witchcraft Powers & the Siddhis 129 Imagine This 133
Chapter 8: Developing Your Psychic Senses 135 Clairsentience 138 Clairaudience 145 Clairvoyance 152 Making Sense of Psychic Phenomena 162
Chapter 9: Yoga & the Witch’s Esbat 163 The Moon 164 The Circle 165 Why Widdershins 166 The Quarters 167 Elementals & the Witch’s Circle 168 The Horned God & the Goddess 170 Adding Yoga 178
Chapter 10: Yoga & the Wheel of the Year 179 Yoga & the Witch’s Sabbats 181 Hallowmas 181 The Winter Solstice 183 Candlemas 186 The Spring Equinox 189 Beltane 191 The Summer Solstice 194 Lammas 197 The Autumnal Equinox 200
Chapter 11: Yoga Sequences for Specific Purposes 203