6 minute read
Praise for Uncrossing
“When people know you are a Witch, they will come to you for protection and to break curses and attacks, real and imagined. I’ve been fortunate to see Katrina Rasbold work her cleansing and uncrossing magic firsthand, and I am grateful to have her teachings, tips, and methods— hard won from years of experience—in one place where we can benefit from her wisdom. Let her guide you in helping yourself and helping others if you are called to do the work of uncrossing.”
—Christopher Penczak, co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft and author of The Witch’s Shield
“If you’ve been crossed, jinxed, or hexed, you need to clean up that mess! Katrina lovingly guides you through all the means and methods from various magical paths on removing negativity from yourself, your loved ones, and your environment. I consider this book to be a ‘must have’ on any magical bookshelf and am confident that it is one that you will turn to again and again to change your bad luck to good.”
—Madame Pamita, author of The Book of Candle Magic and Madame Pamita’s Magical Tarot
“Just as you wouldn’t head out on a multi-day hike without a first-aid kit, so, too, you wouldn’t practice magic without having the tools to treat a psychic attack. Life happens, and whether because you have enemies or you’re your own worst enemy, recovery from malicious magic is of paramount importance. With Katrina Rasbold’s experienced step-by-step advice on how to heal from everything from curses and hexes to psychosomatic self-sabotage, Uncrossing is your indispensable magical first-aid handbook for not if you fall victim to psychic attacks, but when you fall victim to them.”
—Tomás Prower, author of Queer Magic, Morbid Magic, and La Santisima Muerte
“Uncrossing is an important work in today’s uncertain times. Katrina Rasbold’s clear, concise style is refreshingly to the point and ultimately practical. Uncrossing approaches energetic involvements from the receiving end
and the delivery point and carefully considers the issues involved in working one’s will or blocking another’s. Their review of healing and after-thefact are so important not only to this topic, but for life in general. I highly recommend this work to practitioners across the board.”
—Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano, Archdruid ADF
“Uncrossing by Katrina Rasbold is a must have for any magickal practitioner—novice or experienced. As a professional witch myself, I talk with clients on a daily basis that are worried about being cursed, hexed, or crossed. This book answers all the questions you could ever have about hexes and curses; from how to diagnose them, to how to clean them up and keep them gone. Rasbold shares what she has been teaching her students and clients for years all in one handy book. When it comes to curses, never fear, just have this book handy! I will be recommending this book to all my clients and customers.”
—Phoenix LeFae, author of What Is Remembered Lives and Walking in Beauty
“I had the distinct pleasure of diving into this book in the early days of this chaotic year. Uncrossing by Katrina Rasbold is a detailed exploration that reflects the author’s experience as well as practice. The chapter on determining whether an attack is actually happening or not—‘Is This An Attack?’—is worth the price of admission. This book will be valuable for the newcomer, as well as the professional.”
—Byron Ballard, witch, priestess, author Roots, Branches, and Spirits

© Myk Aero
About the Author
Katrina Rasbold is the author of twenty-seven books on various aspects of the magical arts. She also pens the popular fictional series The Seven Sisters of Avalon as well as other fiction and nonfiction works.
Born in the hills of Kentucky and raised in folk magic, Katrina studied the magical arts all over the world before settling in her current home in the remote mountains of California. She lectured at Pantheacon in San Jose, Sacramento Pagan Pride, and PanGaia Festival in Fair Oaks, California, and currently offers online and in-person classes.
She and her husband, Eric, are co-creators of the CUSP spiritual path and are co-authors of the Bio-Universal Energy Series. Their first book, Energy Magic, spent several weeks on the Amazon best seller list in the category of Neopaganism upon its release in 2013.
Eric and Katrina own Crossroads Metaphysical Store in Shingle Springs, California, where they offer their handmade magical products and services such as spellcasting, healing, and cleansing. You can contact Katrina via www.crossroadsoccult.com.
Katrina and Eric have six adult children who are grown up and loose out there in the world.
Katrina rasbold Uncrossing
Llewellyn Publications Woodbury, Minnesota
Uncrossing: Identify, Cleanse, and Heal from Hexes, Curses, and Psychic Attack © 2021 by Katrina Rasbold. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Edition First Printing, 2021
Book design by Samantha Peterson Cover design by Shira Atakpu
Llewellyn Publications is a registered trademark of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data (Pending)
ISBN: 978-0-7387-6672-0
Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. does not participate in, endorse, or have any authority or responsibility concerning private business transactions between our authors and the public.
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Llewellyn Publications A Division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN 55125-2989 www.llewellyn.com
Printed in the United States of America
Other Books by Katrina Rasbold
Aster of Avalon Crossing the Third Threshold Crossroads of Conjure CUSP: A New Way to Walk an Old Path Days and Times of Power Energy Magic Get Your Book Published Goddess in the Kitchen: The Magic and Making of Food How to Be a Queen How to Create a Magical Working Group Iris of Avalon Leaving Kentucky in the Broad Daylight Lily of Avalon Magical Ethics and Protection Properties of Magical Energy Reuniting the Two Selves Rose of Avalon Spiritual Childbirth Tarot for Real People The Art of Ritual Crafting The Dance Card The Daughters of Avalon The Magic and Making of Candles and Soaps The Sacred Art of Brujeria Weather or Not Weather Witchery Where the Daffodils Grow
Forthcoming Books by Katrina Rasbold
Jasmine of Avalon
I gratefully dedicate this book to everyone who ever cursed, hexed, or crossed me because without your malice, I would never have learned how to help others or to relate to what my clients feel when someone goes after them.
I also dedicate this book to my mentors who taught me—most times patiently and other times not—how to heal and track energy and, most of all, how to trust myself. Thank you for seeing something in me that I could not yet see myself and for calling me into a service that I had no idea I would ever pursue. You blessed me beyond what any of us could ever know with your faith in me and by sharing your wisdom and talents.
Many thanks to Eric Rasbold for all his hand-holding and tear-wiping as I struggled through writing this book during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Honey, I could not have done it without you.
Disclaimer xi
Introduction 1
Part One: About Psychic Attacks
Chapter One: Psychic Attack within Modern Culture 11 Chapter Two: When Life Feels Like an Attack 25
Part Two: Types of Attacks
Chapter Three: Incidental Attacks 39 Chapter Four: Deliberate Attacks 55 Chapter Five: Controlling Others through Magic 69 Chapter Six: Self-Crossing 83
Part Three: Identifying an Attack
Chapter Seven: Is This an Attack? 99
Part Four: Managing the Attack
Chapter Eight: What Can I Do? 117 Chapter Nine: Preparing the Healing Area 133