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The Deep Dive: Upon Further Examination

The suggested questions provided with the spreads throughout this book are intended as starting points—conversation starters, one might say, in the discussion between you and the universal forces that are providing the answers you seek. These questions may spark ideas for questions of your own, and you may wish to tailor the questions to address your specific situation.

Sometimes, you will receive a card that seems to raise more questions than it answers. When this happens, it is advisable to go off trail from the suggested questions or from what you had in mind to ask and formulate new inquiries that address the particular energies of that card. You can always draw a clarifying card and return to where you were in the questioning process. When what is revealed leads to more questions, it can take you down an invaluable path of discovery, if you simply follow it. That is, after all, why we use tarot: to delve deeper into the mystery, to look beyond, to explore, to expand and enhance our understanding, and to seek guidance, wisdom, and clarity.

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