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a real relationship with CBD to help you complete the body‑ mind connection. Using the given recipes will help you build the connection and allow you to turn this practice into a part of your spirituality. When you put more effort into what you do, when you pay more attention to what you do, when you have reverence for what you work with and understand the history and science behind it, you build the body‑mind‑spirit connection. The CBD you work with almost takes on a per‑ sona of its own. You learn to respect the plant and how well it works with your body.
In the chapter “The Mind,” we take on matters that can be treated with CBD such as anxiety and insomnia. We will share recipes and tips in this chapter to help relieve some of those issues. They will help put you into a better place men‑ tally and help you relax at the end of the day. A better night of sleep is on the way.
We move on finally to the chapter on “The Spirit,” which contains meditations, affirmations, blessings, and all kinds of tips and hints on ways you can turn your CBD use into a daily spiritual experience. By working on being present in your own body, learning to give it the attention it deserves, and how CBD plays a role, you can make the body‑mind‑spirit connection complete.
Finally, we will finish up with some information on pets, because yes, pets have an endocannabinoid system, which works with CBD too. We now have a way to help our furry,