7 minute read
The Scanning Skill
all got a little psychism inside of us), or maybe it’s because those who are psychic don’t really know how they’d go about teaching it to someone else.
Cat figured it out. She created a system of lessons and exercises that give people the tools to pay attention to, expand, and grow their personal psychic experiences.
So, if you think you’re not psychic, think again. This book will help you find and grow what was there all along.
For those of you who know you have psychic ability, this book will help you fine-tune those skills. And for those of you who find living with your psychism overwhelming, you will be taught skills to help you manage your psychic experiences.
Cat has always kept copious journals and lesson plans, so for years her friends have told her, “You’re writing a book.” And she would insist not. Surprise! Now her techniques for taking people into the beyond are available to everyone.
It’s true the over-culture says if we hear voices (clairaudience) or see what’s not in front of us (clairvoyance) there’s something wrong. Nope. Be proud of your psychism. Come join the psychic circle; we’ve left a spot just for you.
I have been asked many times how long I have been a witch and psychic; my honest reply is “I have never not been one.” I was four years old when I had my first psychic experience. I had my first out-of-body experience when I was four, and my first memorable clairvoyant event occurred when I was around seven.
My magical foundation was laid and assisted by Mom, Dad, and Grandma White. My dad, an immigrant from Italy, had dreams and saw ghosts. When I was older, my mother told me my real father was Native American and Hispanic. She took the secret of who he was to her grave.
Supposedly, Grandma White was not a blood relative. However, she was the only grandma we knew since our biological grandparents had passed before we were born. Grandma White told stories about her family traveling the trail of souls out of Romania during a war and how her family settled in Wales and Ireland. She proudly claimed she and her family as Gypsy. When I was older, my mom hinted that she was indeed my real grandmother, but she never confirmed that fact.
So the way I see it, I have always been a child of mystery and possibilities, and Mom fueled that. Mom was a Christian practitioner of Witchcraft and psychism. Today we call that being a Christian Mystic, and she hid that well from the rest of the family. Grandma was much more traditional and less open-minded than Mom.
When I was nine, Grandma shuffled some funny-looking cards and asked me to tell her what I thought they meant. Later, I learned they were tarot cards. The next day, Mom explained what the “Craft” and psychism were, the “Craft” being Witchcraft. She told me I had the gift of sight and swore me to secrecy. I was never to let anyone know about my gifts because they would not understand and may harm me for them. I could not even tell my siblings. No one, which meant only Mom and Grandma were to know about my gifts. They began my education in the Craft when I was young and initiated me into the family tradition when I was thirteen. Through puberty and on up into my late twenties my clairvoyant skills were off the hook. I could walk into a crowded room and hear not only the actual conversations that were happening, but also the ones in people’s minds. Someone could be with friends, and I would feel their loneliness and depression and much more.
During this time, my skills flooded in with little control. I learned and generously used the skills of charm, glamour, and enchantment to bend people to my will. Coupled with clairvoyance and little fear of anything, I became an untamed Fairy.
This is the state I was in when I was introduced to bikers, and oddly that is when I learned to calm down. The bikers made me feel safe. They were easy for me to deal with because they were a closed group with clear rules. They quickly came to appreciate, value, and use my skills. Within the group, I saw and knew everything but stayed in the background. Yet I was always present whenever they had to deal with others. If I had any doubts about a person, it was a no go. Later, for fear of my safety, my mom suggested I find another way to fit into the world.
And in order to fit into this world, I was pushed hard through social conditioning to put all my psychism and Magic behind me. It remained that way for about ten years. Then in
the mideighties, my skills began to sporadically trickle back. And so it went with my psychic skills until my grandmother passed.
Shortly after Grandma passed, I enrolled in college and quickly became a rising star as a Dual Diagnosis counselor, which is a counselor of people who have both mental health issues and an addiction. My skills now restored and enhanced, I began using them with my clients. This gave my skills of clairvoyance and empathy a place and purpose.
During my fifteen years as a counselor working with people in the city detox and methadone clinics, and among those of the Native Nations in Portland, Oregon, I began to see a pattern and kept records of my findings. My notes proved that 40 percent of the clientele I saw did not have mental issues, but had spiritual, religious, or psychic issues that had not been addressed or expressed. This meant they were likely born a psychic, witch, profit, seer, messenger, or magical practitioner of some kind and had no idea; they just felt lost, confused, out of control, or broken.
My clinical work became the creating and testing ground for many of the exercises in this book. It is what motivated me to leave the clinic and become a spiritual teacher and guide. I knew I could reach more people on the street level.
During this time, I learned three lessons: all things are temporary, what balance really is, and moderation in all things.
In 2018, I lost my psychic skills because of a car accident in which I received a head injury. This traumatic time in my life made me wish for an instruction manual I could use to regain my psychic skills. Then I remembered all the lessons I had previously written and taught, and I realized this was the manual I needed to regain my skills. So while I cannot write an instruction manual for regaining psychic skills specific to everyone, I can write one to help others based on my own experiences.
Because of my experiences I know how important it is to find something and someone you can relate to and identify with as a psychic. This is something I intentionally wrote into these pages; I know being a psychic has many challenges, valid fears, and concerns to be dealt with, and I want you to know that you are not odd, a freak, or mentally ill for having psychic skills and being different.
This book is based on a three-level curriculum I teach that progresses from beginner to intermediate and on to advanced skills. In each chapter are correctly labeled psychic skills, discussions, and examples of personal stories about how each skill works. Also, you will see what these practices look or feel like accompanied by tools and exercises that are easy to understand. The work in this book is a reference and a study course that will increase the effectiveness, skill, and confidence of any psychic.
Chapter 1 includes a brief chapter glossary with definitions to get you familiar with the terms used as you start your studies and there is a bibliography and index in the back of the book for further reference material.
To successfully complete the work in this book, you will need a journal. Writing down your thoughts and experiences is vital to your practice. You will see examples of my personal journal entries throughout that demonstrate a journal’s value.
As a Hedge Witch, I focus on how psychic skills fit into Magic, Witchcraft, and ritual, but these skills by no means are exclusive to those areas. Anyone, not just magical practitioners or people of a specific religion or culture, can use the skills I present.