5 minute read
Magick is not for the faint of heart; it will require a complete deconstruction of life as you know it. Allow courage to fuel the path forward, for nothing else is guaranteed.
This book is intended to be an exploration of ideas, concepts, and pathways under the umbrella of magick and witchcraft. It is my hope that you find inspiration within the pages and that it will allow you to dive deeper into your own research. Throughout the book, I do share from set paths, but I believe that each individual should always be free to create their own unique practice. That means learning from the more structured practices already in place. Of course, there is the exception of closed practices, which are practices of cultural background and deserve the highest respect.
This book is not intended to be a complete guide to everything, and I don’t think such a book could plausibly exist. But to be clear, in no way is this book claiming to show the totality
of witchcraft and magick. As you will come to find, the spiritual path when put into practice is a very personal journey; every part of it is unique to the individual, and so even if one were to try to write a book that caters to all parts of what we call “magick,” I don’t believe it could be done. Every bit of connection and communication with the Divine is personal, and the way in which the Divine communicates is different from person to person. From the way each of us finds witchcraft to the way we set up our daily practice, we are all molding it into something we can call our own, whether we subscribe to a strict and set way of practicing or not.
In my opinion it is best to keep an open but critical mind with everything, and the occult is no exception. As you read this book, stay open-minded but do take notice of when your own senses are agreeing or disagreeing with something. Trusting your own internal guide will prove a greater asset to you on your journey than anything you could ever read. Sometimes it is necessary to stake a claim and stand up for what you believe in despite what the majority believes, and that amount of courage will most likely be rewarded on your spiritual journey. What makes one a witch or magician may not make the other; each path is different but leads to the same destination: spiritual freedom, magick, and self-love.
It must also be mentioned that without the witches and magickal practitioners who came before me, I wouldn’t be here or able to write such a book. One of them inspired me to begin a path of deeper understanding several years ago: Kelly-Ann Maddox. Her work on spiritual practice as an act of self-love helped me immensely in overcoming many of my own challenges and blocks and allowed me a deeper understanding of who I was in relation to witchcraft. I’d like this book to reflect the belief that
witchcraft is a unique experience and you don’t need to follow one set system. That has been Kelly-Ann’s belief for many years, and she has written her own book on the subject titled Rebel Witch. I’d like to recognize her work and the influence it has had on my own. I also hope to add my own voice and something new to the discussion.
My own journey into the Craft started many years ago at the age of sixteen. Tarot cards had always been a part of my family, and during each holiday my grandmother would spread them across the lengthy dining room table to read cards for friends and family. I had always been fascinated by the tarot and found a passion with the art of divination. Quite serendipitously I was also gifted a book by a friend: An ABC of Witchcraft: Past and Present by Doreen Valiente. I began to conduct spells and made a Book of Shadows. I wish I still had the red hardcover book and the journal I kept, but the truth is my journey hasn’t been a straight oath; it has been a wonky and winding road. A few years after that I fell into a serious addiction and had to get help; that was a long journey all on its own. But I still to this day remain a seeker. Coming back to a spiritual practice after years of addiction felt beautiful and messy at the same time. I have explored a few different paths, and I am always learning. For many years my grandmother was always there to talk to about anything strange or mystical. Sadly, she passed away last year, but as I sit here and put pen to paper, I can’t help but feel she is with me in some way. This book is dedicated to her—the ultimate witch in my opinion. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner of magick, it is my hope that this book opens doors for you and that it inspires you to let magick into all areas of your life.
There are many people who won’t understand and who won’t want to understand the path you have chosen. Some witches still
practice in secret, which is perfectly fine, and methods for doing so will be touched on throughout this book. That being said, if you are in any danger should you be caught practicing, it is my ultimate advice that you wait until you are able to practice freely. You can connect with the Divine and with your spiritual practice without needing tools or books or anything else. When it comes right down to it, you yourself are the magick. Going forward, as you read each page, take with you only that which resonates and make it your own. Nothing I write needs to be held absolutely; make your own judgments and conclusions. This book is to be used as a tool of exploration and can be treated as such by folding the edges and dragging a highlighter across the sentences that speak to you. Explore yourself within all of the topics and take them deeper when you can.
Thank you for choosing this book and reading with curiosity and an open mind. Books of this nature are like a well-lived-in home: often there will be little items here and there, some dishes in the sink, a sock left on the floor. It is a buzzing center of energy. Treat this book much in the same way.
May we always look to the cards, to the stars, and to the Craft.