In the Beginning, by Brandon Alvis
Before we begin, Mustafa and I want to bring you into our world and show you how our journey into the paranormal began. Each of our stories are unique and from different walks of life. I will begin with how my life changed forever. Ghosts, hauntings, and the paranormal have been an interest of mine since a very young age. I can remember reading anything I could get my hands on that was related to ghost stories and encounters of a haunting. I was the type of kid that would walk by the local haunted house hoping to get a glimpse of said apparitions. Little did I know that this subject would transcend my life into a never-ending journey in search of the afterlife. It wasn’t until 1995 that this interest would take on a new form. This was the first time in my life that I would truly conceive the concept of death and the thought of life after death. September 8, 1995, after a short battle with cancer, my oldest brother passed away. This is the day that would change my life forever. I will never forget walking into my parents’ house to my 5