2 minute read
Witchy Living
Day-by-Day Witchcraft
Finding Your Voice: Exercises to Activate and Balance Your Throat Chakra • 128
This article focuses on the power of the spoken word for spellcraft and manifestation. For many people, the voice is a challenge. They speak either too loudly or not at all. Michelle Skye provides tools to open and regulate the fifth chakra so it spins calmly and with control.
Alise Marie
Beauty and the Beat: Take a Daily Beauty Break
• 140
Learn to take what Alise Marie calls the Beauty Break, which is a sacred pause in your otherwise harried, stressful day. This ritual of wellness is truly empowering and can change your entire energy field.
A.C. Fisher Aldag
Putting the Nature Back in Nature Spirituality
• 148
In the course of our busy lives, we sometimes find we are disconnected from our natural environment. This article explores ways that even the busiest city dweller can enjoy spiritual practices that connect with nature.
Blake Octavian Blair
Practical Divination Journaling
• 160
A lot of emphasis in magical practice is placed on journaling. Adaptability and flexibility can be key to developing a sustainable, long-term divination journaling practice. Blake Octavian Blair details his method here.
Durgadas Allon Duriel
Relating with Your Home & Plants for a Greater Sense of Spiritual Connection
• 169
Few topics are more important than how to foster a greater sense of spiritual connectedness and alignment. Discover strategies to cultivate a conscious, sacred relationship with your home and the plants in your home and neighborhood.
Kerri Connor
Channeling with Cannabis • 178
Once Kerri Connor began using cannabis for meditation, it quickly became clear to her how beneficial it could also be for channeling. Here she explains how to use cannabis to guide you into, through, and out of channeling sessions.
Witchcraft Essentials
Practices, Rituals & Spells
Melissa Tipton
Boundary Setting for Witches • 188
Setting boundaries is an integral part of healthy, fulfilling relationships, yet most of us are never taught how. Drawing on energy healing techniques and witchy practices, Melissa Tipton teaches how to recognize where boundaries are needed and how to set them with kindness and confidence.
Cerridwen Iris Shea
Untangling Magical Misfires • 197
What can you do when your spell goes awry? Cerridwen Iris Shea details how to go back over the working to see if something was too vague or the result simply went cattywampus, and how to fine-tune it and do a course correction.
Madame Pamita
Timing Your Spells for Maximum Magic
• 210
Timing is everything, even in witchcraft. The timing of spells can bring a mindfulness and energetic support to our intentions. Explore ways to add extra juice to your workings and see spectacular results by utilizing spell timings.
Diana Rajchel
Disposal and Cleansing of Magickal Items
• 217
Witches have long used the same methods to dispose of their ritual items: burn it, bury it, or send it down a river. It’s time for an update. Discover new ways to keep or safely pass on your ritual tools, or, if you must dispose of them, to ensure that they go undiscovered.
Kate Freuler
Animism in the Elements • 229
Just as human beings are all different, so is every flame, breeze, and body of water. Kate Freuler breaks down each of the four elements and explains the spirit within the many different forms it takes, then provides examples of ways to engage with that element in magick.
Sapphire Moonbeam
Water Wellness Magick • 239
Water is the element in nature that represents and mirrors our emotions. It can be combined with the other elements to help create desired outcomes in our magical practice. Sapphire Moonbeam offers unique ways to use the element of water in daily life to achieve balance in mind, body, and spirit.
The Sustainable Witch • 247
Tudorbeth discusses the importance of sustainability within witchcraft. She looks at how our festivals on the Wheel of the Year can become sources of renewable magical practice and offers examples of how to celebrate them in an environmentally, economically, and socially balanced way.
The Lunar Calendar
September 2023 to December 2024
Calendar with Holidays, New & Full Moons, and Lunar Phases & Ingresses • 255