2 minute read
The word “archangel” is a combination of the words “arch” (meaning “chief”) and “angel”; combined, the meaning is “chief angel.” Consequently, archangels are angels of high status who possess great influence and power. For instance, archangel Gabriel is God’s chief messenger, and archangel Michael is God’s main warrior in the endless battle against evil.
“Archangel” as a title is commonly used to describe all angels of importance; until the Middle Ages, they were considered the most important angels of all. At that time, theologians became interested in creating different ranks of angels, so the archangels were demoted. Because of this, “archangel” also describes a rank of angels in the celestial hierarchy of angels.
There are usually thought to be seven archangels. In the book of Revelation, John wrote: “I saw the seven angels which stood before God” (Revelation 8:2). These seven are believed to be archangels, but no one knows the names of all seven. Over many years, different names and varying numbers of archangels have been suggested.
Only two archangels are mentioned by name in the Bible: Michael and Gabriel. The same two archangels are named in the Koran: Jibril (Gabriel) and Michael. Islam recognizes two other archangels as well: Azrael, the angel of death; and Israfel, the angel of music, who will blow the trumpet on Judgment Day.
The book of Enoch names seven archangels: Uriel, Raguel, Michael, Seraqael, Gabriel, Haniel, and Raphael. However, Judaism suggests Phanuel as a replacement for Uriel. Other sources claim that there are twelve archangels who are connected to the signs of the zodiac. The Kabbalah lists ten archangels, though the number is actually nine, as Metatron is listed twice.
Despite variations in the number of possible archangels, most authorities agree that the main tasks of archangels are to carry out the commands of God and to act as God’s most important messengers. The most notable example of this occurred when Archangel Gabriel told Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. Archangels also look after empires, countries, cities, and other large groups of people. In addition, they act as guardian angels for highly-evolved people who have special spiritual work to perform in this incarnation.
In this book I discuss the angels who are most likely to be archangels, though it’s inevitable that I’ll miss some whom other people might consider to be archangels. It’s worth noting that angels are not interested in their names or the particular choir or order to which humans say they belong. The archangels know their tasks and responsibilities, and they work hard to fulfil the wishes of the Divine.
I’ve also included a number of different ways to communicate with the archangels. I hope you’ll contact the angels in this book that relate to your needs and allow them to help you.