1 minute read

The Butterfly

The Last Word 239 Appendix of Flower Spells 241 Index of Flower Properties 245 References 249

xvii Contents


Hedgewitchery is everywhere, and nowhere more so than in nature itself: in flowers, trees, herbs, and every form of flora imaginable. Every part of a plant can be used in magic, from the colour to the leaves to the stem and, finally, to the flower and petals themselves.

Hedgewitchery is that part of the Craft that is deeply esoteric, solitary, elemental, and totally “out there.” I always describe it to fellow sisters and brothers, who follow the more traditional paths of witchcraft, as making the impractical, practical. We commune with elemental spirits, we travel the hedges, we live at the border, and we have one foot in this world and one in the other. Another thing about hedgewitches is that no two ever practice the same way


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