Chiron, by Barbara Hand Clow

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About the Author

BARBARA HAND CLOW is an international lecturer and workshop teacher and writer. She majored in philosophy at Seattle University, then behavioral psychology at the University of Washington, Seattle, and then began extensive reading and study of Reichian, Freudian, and Jungian psychology. In 1969, she discovered that astrology was an exceedingly accurate diagnostic tool, and she began her study and practice of astrology. In 1982–83 she earned a Master’s degree in theology and healing with Matthew Fox in Chicago, and her thesis compared Jungian psychoanalytic technique and past life regression therapy. That research became the basis of her trilogy, The Mind Chronicles. As a result of the original publication of Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets in 1987, Clow has gained wide recognition as the astrologer who defined the astrological usage of the newly sighted planet, Chiron.

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Barbara Hand Clow

c⁄o Llewellyn Worldwide 2143 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN 55125-2989


Stained Glass: A Basic Manual, co-authored with Gerry Clow, Little Brown, 1976

Eye of the Centaur: A Visionary Guide into Past Lives , (Vol. I of The Mind Chronicles Trilogy ), Llewellyn, 1986; Bear & Company, 1989

Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades , (Vol. II of The Mind Chronicles Trilogy), Bear & Company, 1989

Liquid Light of Sex: Understanding Your Key Life Passages, Bear & Company, 1991

Signet of Atlantis: War in Heaven Bypass, (Vol. III of The Mind Chronicles Trilogy), Bear & Company, 1992

Catastrophobia, Bear & Company, 2001

Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Hampton Roads Publishing, 2004

The Mind Chronicles, Bear & Company, 2007

The Mayan Code, Bear & Company, 2007

Publications Woodbury, Minnesota


Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner & Outer Planets. Copyright © 1993 by Barbara Hand Clow. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Second Edition

Twenty-first Printing, 2021

Cover Design: Lisa Novak

Cover Illustration: © Digital Stock Book Design: Terry Buske

The first edition of Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner & Outer Planets was published in1987, with five subsequent printings.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Barbara Hand Clow.

Chiron: rainbow bridge between the inner and outer planets. (Llewellyn’s modern astrology library)

Bibliography: p.

1. Planets, Minor—(2060)—Miscellanea. 2. Astrology. I. Title. II. Series.

BF1724.2.C48C56 1967 133.5'3 88-45244

ISBN 13: 978-0-87542-094-3

ISBN 10: 0-87542-094-X

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Llewellyn Publications

A Division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN 55125-2989

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A pionee1in~ Mode1n classic

Somewhere between Saturn and Uranus orbits Chiron-the planetary archetype of healing and transformation. Its sighting in 1977 coincided with the re-emergence of divination, homeopathic medicine, energy and crystal healing, and the rise of the hospice movement. Chiron is alchemist and healer, initiator and visionary, teacher of integrity and of bravery. This groundbreaking guide, in print since 1987, explores Chiron's mythology and history and analyzes its meaning in each sign and house in the natal chart.

"This book is a major contributionto the new consciousnessin astrology, one that celebratesthe spirit of human potential.It is an inspirationfor seekersand teachers,counselorsand clients."

-Jeffjawer, co-founder of StarlQ Web site

"Chiron'sfirst astronomicaldesignation was 'maverich.'... This book opens doorways with a maverick's instinct, a healer's eye, and an astrologer's intelligence... Assuredly, new insights into your own psyche and the healing remedieswill becomebrilliantly clear. Enjoy."

-Philip Sedgwick, author of the Galactic Trilogy CD-ROM

"BarbaraHand Clow IS Chiron... Throughout, the text is both lively and applicableto real living. This book is one of my topfavorites."

-Maya de! Mar, publisher and chief editor of Maya de! Mar's Daykeeper Journal Web site

Barbara Hand Clow, M.A., is an internationally renowned astrologer and spiritual teacher who has led ceremonies at sacred sites around the world since 1987. She is the author of nine books, including the bestselling The PleiadianAgenda.

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