Enter the Mouth of the Dragon
For hundreds of years, the imagination of humankind has been captured by the vision of the mythical dragon—an archetype which resonates deeply within the human psyche as a symbol of knowledge and wisdom beyond the reach of mortal humans.
However, dragons are far more than imaginary creatures in fairy tales. Dragons are as real as we are—but they live on the astral plane, which coexists with and intersects our physical plane. Dragons have control of deeper currents of elemental energies than are usually felt by humans—and once befriended, dragons make excellent protectors and powerful fellow magicians. Dancing with Dragons will tell you not only how you can make contact with these ancient astral powers, but how you can work with them to protect your home . . . tap into a vast reserve of energy . . . gaze into the future … and aid all of your magickal workings.
Until now there has been little of practical value written on dragons, especially dragon magick. This is the first book ever to provide complete dragon rituals—for initiation, blessing your tools, calling your chosen dragon and more—as well as information on appropriate music, dance, and tools to use with your rituals.
Because you need to learn as much as possible about the many types of dragons and their habits in order to make contact with them, this book has chapter after chapter packed with dragon lore to help you contact the appropriate power, depending on your need.
Early mapmakers drew dragons at the edges of their maps to denote unknown territory. Some explorers ventured no further than what was known—but others looked upon this venture into dragon territory as an opportunity for amazing discoveries.
This book is your invitation to open the door between realms— and dance with the dragons to lift all areas of your life into a powerful new plane.
About the Author
D.J. Conway was born in Hood River, Oregon, to a family of Irish-North GermanicNative North American descent. She began her quest for knowledge of the occult more than 25 years ago, and has been involved in many aspects of New Age religion from the teachings of Yogananda to study of the Qabala, healing, herbs, and Wicca. Although an ordained minister in two New Age churches and holder of a Doctor of Divinity degree, Conway claims that her heart lies within the Pagan cultures. No longer actively lecturing and teaching as she did for years, Conway has centered her energies on writing. Several of her stories have been published in magazines, such as Encounters, which pertain to the field of science fantasy.
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