Llewellyn's New Worlds, July/August 2021

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Astrology Reports Find information about the future to plan what will happen and how to deal with the energy. ADVANCED FORECAST CP151E (3-month) $15.00 CP153E (6-month) $24.00 CP155E (12-month) $36.00

Learn your vocational skills and aptitudes and how to best implement them in your career. OPPORTUNITIES APS03-534 $15.00


This accurate and detailed natal report is designed for those with intermediate to advanced skill at interpreting charts. PROFESSIONAL NATAL CHART APS03-119 $5.00

If you’re bored with daily horoscopes, but not quite ready to calculate your own birthchart, try Astrojourney! ASTROJOURNEY CP171E (3-month) $10.00 CP173E (6-month) $24.00 CP175E (12-month) $36.00 This is an advanced astrological analysis based on your birth chart. ASTROTALK DETAILED BIRTH CHART ANALYSIS APS03-525 $20.00 This illuminating report reveals the strengths of and the challenges faced by your child. CHILDHSTAR APS03-530 $15.00 Connections between your chart and your partner’s define how you connect. COMPATIBILITY REPORT CP140E (English) $15.00 CP140S (Spanish) $15.00 Compare and contrast your individual charts to reveal the ways to keep a relationship fruitful. FRIENDS & LOVERS APS03-529 $20.00 This report offers valuable insight into the opportunities and challenges in your life, as well as the year ahead. HEAVEN KNOWS WHAT APS03-532 $15.00 Review your past lives and how they may be affecting your happiness and success today. KARMIC PAST LIFE CP105E $10.00 The depth of this interpretation considers all the basics of your birth chart. NATAL INTERPRETATION: THE MERLIN REPORT CP130E (English) $10.00 CP130S (Spanish) $10.00

Analyze yourself and your partner to find greater pleasure in your relationship. PSYCHE AND EROS REPORT CP180E $20.00 Be prepared with information about how you respond in new environments. Choose up to three relocation destinations. RELOCATION CP160E $10.00 This report addresses the changes and possibilities we face in our later years. SENIOR REPORT CP100E $10.00 The Simpáticos composite chart is a detailed analysis of the planetary aspects of your relationship. SIMPÁTICOS APS03-533 $15.00 The Solar Returns report gives you a picture of the coming year. SOLAR RETURNS CP120E (English) $15.00 CP120S (Spanish) $15.00 Get a monthly overview of what the on-the-go planets and their transits have in store. TIMELINE FORECAST APS03-526 (3-month) $12.00 APS03-527 (6-month) $18.00 APS03-528 (12-month) $24.00 Find your most favorable career—the one that satisfies a broad spectrum of needs and desires—with Vocational Guidance. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE CP110E (English) $15.00 CP110S (Spanish) $15.00 Modern women need a report that can keep pace with them. Understand your needs on every level. JUST FOR WOMEN APS03-531 $24.00

To o r d e r, c a l l C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e a t 1 - 8 7 7 - 6 3 9 - 9 7 5 3 o r v i s i t u s o n l i n e a t w w w. L l e w e l l y n . c o m


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