Llewellyn's New Worlds, March/April 2022

Page 24

Magick The Angelical Language, Volume 1

The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy

Aaron Leitch • 336 pp • 6 x 9 • Hardcover

Edited and annotated by Donald Tyson • 480 pp • 7 x 10



The Angelical Language, Volume II

Three Books of Occult Philosophy

Aaron Leitch • 600 pp • 6 x 9 • Hardcover

Henry C. Agrippa, Edited by Donald Tyson 1,024 pp • 7 x 10 • Hardcover

The Angelical language channeled by alchemist Edward Kelley and recorded by royal astrologer John Dee has mystified magicians, linguists, historians, and cryptographers for generations. This fascinating, in-depth analysis reveals the truth behind the saga of two Renaissance wizards who spoke with angels. 978-0-7387-1490-5

This masterwork is the most comprehensive analysis of John Dee's Angelical language ever undertaken. For the first time, every Angelical word in Dee’s books, journals, and personal grimoire is recorded and cross-referenced in a number of ways, allowing the reader to recognize root words, alternate spellings, and more. It includes notes about each word's definition, history, or usage. 978-0-7387-1491-2

The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa and unnamed others, is considered one of the cornerstones of Western magic. For more than three hundred years, this mysterious tome has been regarded as difficult or even impossible to understand—until now. 978-0-7387-1876-7

Having been used for five centuries (but never reprinted in its entirety), Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa is the single most important text in the history of Western occultism. Edited by occult author Donald Tyson and presented as Agrippa intended, this new edition is easily available to scholars and laypeople alike. 978-0-7387-5527-4



The Celtic Golden Dawn

The Golden Dawn

John Michael Greer • 384 pp • 7½ x 91⁄8

Israel Regardie and John Michael Greer 960 pp • 7x 10 • Hardcover

A century ago, groups descending from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn fused occult lore of the Western magical tradition with nature spirituality of the Druid revival. Greer has re-created a complete magical system based on the Celtic Golden Dawn traditions. His curriculum covers ceremonial magic, divination, magical techniques, self-initiation, and more. 978-0-7387-3155-1

SAVE 30% $23.99 $16.79

First published in 1937, Israel Regardie’s The Golden Dawn has become the most influential modern handbook of magical theory and practice. In this new, definitive edition, noted scholar John Michael Greer has taken this essential resource back to its original, authentic form. 978-0-7387-4399-8


Golden Dawn Magic

Kinesic Magic

Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 432 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Donald Tyson • 288 pp • 7½ x 9¼

SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49

SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49

The Great Wizards of Antiquity

Living Magic

Golden Dawn Magic shares bite-sized exercises and meditations to help you build the skills that are needed for more advanced rituals, guiding beginner and intermediate practitioners on a powerful journey of magical work. Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, Chief Adepts of the Golden Dawn, provide a firm foundation in practical Golden Dawn theory and methods. 978-0-7387-5788-9

Guy Ogilvy • 336 pp • 6 x 9

The history of sorcery comes alive with these unique portraits of some of the most remarkable and infamous practitioners of magic and alchemy. Join author Guy Ogilvy as he reveals the fascinating beliefs, techniques, and powers mastered by these influential figures. From antiquity to the Renaissance, this book is a profound exploration of magic and alchemy. 978-0-7387-4412-4

SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99

Living Magic is a profound exploration of real magical practice from four esteemed members of the famous Bonn Workshop for Experimental Magic. This book features 24 essays exploring topics like Hermeticism, Da'ath magic, states of consciousness, magic and science, political dimensions, magical healing, folk magic, and astrology. 978-0-7387-6679-9

Patrick Dunn • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Lyam Thomas Christopher • 384 pp • 7½ x 91⁄8

Advancing to higher levels of ritual magic requires a spiritual transformation. A complete course with information and techniques in the order of initiation, from neophyte to adeptus minor, this is a thoroughly modern presentation of classic and new material. 978-0-7387-0893-5


Frater U...D..., Axel Büdenbender, Harry Eilenstein, Josef Knecht • 288 pp • 6 x 9

$18.99 Magic, Power, Language, Symbol

Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation


Discover a new system of Western magic that uses 24 postures and 24 hand gestures to evoke and work with the fundamental esoteric forces of the universe. This book shows how to energize your body and mind, call forth the powers of the elements and planets, command spirits, bring comfort and healing to the sick, and exorcise demons. 978-0-7387-6413-9

A trained linguist and enthusiastic intellectual, Patrick Dunn delves into the web of language and symbols that constitute nearly every magical act. His theoretical, language-driven paradigm touches on all elements voiced and written, from speaking in tongues and creating mantras to composing Enochian spells and understanding gematria. 978-0-7387-1360-1

$19.99 w w w. L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )

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