Llewellyn's New Worlds, July/August 2022

Page 19


RECENT release



Sun Signs, Houses & Healing Carmen Turner-Schott • 272 pp • 5¼ x 8

Uniting sun sign personality traits with the astrological power of the twelve houses, this beginner-friendly book teaches you how to accomplish three important things: transformation, healing, and resiliency. Each chapter focuses on a sun sign and a house, exploring them separately and in connection to the planets. 978-0-7387-7130-4

Birth Chart Interpretation Plain & Simple

The Twelve Faces of the Goddess Danielle Blackwood • 312 pp • 6 x 9

Andrea Taylor • 240 pp • 6 x 9

You might be intimidated by the complexity of your chart, but this book makes it simple. Using a method she has perfected over forty years of teaching and counseling, Andrea Taylor guides you through the houses, planets, aspects, and more. 978-0-7387-6987-5

Unite the powerful forces of astrology, magick, and goddess spirituality to change your life for the better. This remarkable guide dedicates a chapter to each zodiac sign, explaining its archetype, personality, guiding goddess archetype, and correspondences. 978-0-7387-5603-5


SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

What's Your Big Three?

A Lantern in the Dark

All Around the Zodiac

Andrea Taylor • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Danielle Blackwood • 256 pp • 6 x 9

Bil Tierney • 480 pp • 6 x 9


SAVE 30% $27.99 $19.59

Angels of the Zodiac


Essential Astrology

Patricia Papps • 312 pp • 5¼ x 8

Martin Lass • 288 pp • 7½ x 9

Amy Herring • 408 pp • 6 x 9


Your sun sign represents your will, your moon sign shows how you feel, and your rising sign—AKA your ascendent—indicates what people first notice when meeting you. This beginner-friendly book explores the meaning of each zodiac sign and how your big three work together. Learn what energies you inherited and uncover deep truths about the way you think, love, and act. 978-0-7387-7061-1


Open yourself to the love and wisdom of the angels of your sun sign, who reveal your life’s meaning and show you how to live harmoniously each day. Angels of the Zodiac organizes the angels by the sun sign with which they’re associated, allowing you to easily determine which ones to connect with throughout the year. 978-0-7387-5085-9

SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29 Astrology by Moonlight Tara Aal & Aswin Subramanyan • 208 pp • 5¼ x 8

Astrology by Moonlight presents each Moon-planet interaction—and each phase during that interaction—as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself. Start a new relationship or reignite a current one when Moon-Venus is in the new phase. Discover how Moon-Pluto in the balsamic phase helps you resolve issues of the past and move forward. 978-0-7387-6871-7


Featuring meditations, stories, affirmations, and more, this compelling book helps light your way through the crossroads of life. Danielle Blackwood offers guidance for every major astrological transit, from the first Saturn return to the second. This book also presents a wide variety of self-care tools, including journal reflections, therapeutic rituals, crystals, and herbs. 978-0-7387-6868-7

Chiron in a chart used to be thought of as a wounding. Now it has been discovered that, like the mythic character, it functions as a bridge between two worlds, one of wounding and one of healing. Chiron represents the awareness of how things we consider bad or painful can lead to healing. 978-0-7387-0717-4

All Around the Zodiac is ideal for all who want to get new insight into the dynamic qualities of each sign. This book begins by defining each of the signs, and then analyzes the meanings of all sixty-six pairs of signs and concludes by revealing the meanings of the planets and houses in the signs. 978-0-7387-0111-0

SAVE 30% $23.99 $16.79

Introducing natal astrology with in-depth, easy-to-understand instruction, Essential Astrology shows how to interpret your chart beyond the stereotypes and into the heart of each planet, sign, house, and aspect. This comprehensive guide provides you with the practical tools you need to enrich your knowledge and application of astrology. 978-0-7387-3563-4

Discover the Aspect Pattern in Your Birth Chart

Anthony Louis • 424 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Glenn Mitchell • 336 pp • 6 x 9

Featuring over one hundred charts and many clarifying examples, this practical guide shows you how to read a birth chart with confidence by presenting the eight basic planetary patterns and what they mean. These patterns reveal your personality traits, talents, values, and aspirations. 978-0-7387-6288-3


SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49 Horary Astrology With nothing more than a sincerely asked question, horary astrology can help you find anything that has been lost. Join renowned astrologer Anthony Louis as he shares dozens of sample charts taken from his own astrology practice, complete with in-depth explanations of how to read them. 978-0-7387-6699-7


F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 0 o r m o re (see order form for details)


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