Llewellyn's New Worlds September/October 2022

Page 24

Honoring the Autumn Season and more... HONOR AND WORK With the Dead Learn That You ARE WORTHY AS YOU THE FOLLOW-UP TO Psychic Witch FREE SHIPPING on US Orders over $30! WWW.LLEWELLYN.COM Opening the Door to Spiritual Evolution & Magical LivingSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022

Honor the Autumn Season with Intuition, Ancestor Veneration, and Shadow Work

• Page 12: Costumes and candy, goblins and ghouls—the Trick or Treat Tarot is the perfect deck to inspire your readings this spooky season.

Stay Connected

How can we celebrate the beauty and power of this transitional season? We can begin by developing our innate intuition and psychic skills. We can con nect with our revered deceased, honoring their continued presence and pro tection. We can revel in our celebrations, perhaps with costumes and candy. The books and decks in the pages of this issue offer some great ways to get Thisstarted.issue, we have a number of books and decks to help us find personal heal ing, renewal, and empowerment that we can use in our daily lives.

• Page 30: What better time for a ghost story?! Unlike a typical collection of ghost stories, Gently Haunted recounts uplifting and inspiring spiritual encounters from a haunted antique shop.

• Page 2: With more than 40 exercises and rituals, The Witch’s Guide to the Paranormal shows you how to make the most of your witchy talents so you can bring peace to restless spirits and those they haunt.

• Page 4: The Samhain season is perfect for necromancy and ancestor veneration. Discover more than 50 exercises, rituals, spells, and recipes to honor and work magically with the dead in The Bones Fall in a Spiral

• Inside Back Cover: Use the Psychic Enhancement Bath Salt Exercise from Mastering Magick to give your psychic connections a boost. May your autumn season be beautiful and bright, as well as reverent and Bestreflective.andbrightest, Anna

Nature-Based & Pagan ........ 1 Tarot & Divination 12 Lo Scarabeo 14 Blue Angel 16 2023 Annuals ................ 18 Astrology 21 Magick 22 Alternative Health & Self-Help 24 Psychic Development, Past Lives, & Spirit Communication ..... 29 Astrological Services 31 Order Form 32 Inside

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As we leave behind the seemingly endless hours of summer sunshine, and before we begin to prepare for the frozen slumber of winter, we slow down during the autumn season. We have reaped what was sown in the spring and grown in the summer, but are not yet ready to hibernate in the dark to come. Through the natural world, we recognize that the death of winter is near at hand, but also that it isn’t an ending—merely a transition.

Likewise, our Samhain Sabbat is often one of transition and introspection, as we honor those who have preceded us to the other side; it is at this time that the veil between our realms is at its thinnest, facilitating communication and cooperation with our ancestors.

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• Page 1: A companion to the international bestseller Psychic Witch, Mastering Magick is a groundbreaking book featuring more than 60 spells to help you bridge the divide between the seen and unseen worlds.

• Page 9: Shadow work is deeply important, and this season is a perfect time to begin to plumb the depths of the hidden. Use the guidance of The Philosophy of Dark Paganism to get started on your journey.

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Discover how to be a powerful psychic witch with this book on wielding energy and awakening your psychic senses. Featuring over ninety exercises and the inner tools you need to perform magick anywhere and at any time, Psychic Witch helps you merge magick and psychic ability. With them, you’ll create a strong foun dation for accessing your full potential. 978-0-7387-6084-1 $18.99

Magickal Mediumship Danielle Dionne • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Mat Auryn • 296 pp • 6 x 9 Boost your psychic ability and incorporate the greater mysteries of magick into your practice. A companion to the international bestseller Psychic Witch, this groundbreaking book features more than sixty spells and is the first of its kind to focus on casting magick to bridge the divide between the seen and unseen worlds. Mat teaches you how to enchant yourself as a powerful psychic witch by connect ing with the witch's tools, the elements, the moon, the seasons, and the plan ets. You'll learn the mechanics of spell work and how to make your magick as effective as possible. In addition to Mat's own tried-and-true castings, Mastering Magick features more than a dozen spells from well-known witches and practi tioners, including Christopher Penczak, Judika Illes, Juliet Diaz, Storm Faerywolf, Laura Tempest Zakroff, Devin Hunter, Madame Pamita, and others. 978-0-7387-6604-1 $18.99

Create Personalized and MagickSoul-Stirring


978-0-7387-6185-5 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

This invaluable resource weaves together mediumship, magick, Spiritualism, and ancestral reverence to forge a strong foundation for spiritual development and connection with your deceased loved ones. Danielle Dionne provides hands-on exercises, rituals, and recipes for honoring and working with ancestors for divination and healing. 978-0-7387-6407-8 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft Cat Gina Cole • 232 pp • 5¼ x 8

Mat Auryn is a witch, professional psychic, and occult teacher. He is also the multiaward-winning author of the international best selling book Psychic Witch and a High Priest in the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft. He runs the blog For Puck's Sake on Patheos Pagan, is a teacher at Modern Witch University, and has a column in Witches & Pagans magazine entitled "Extra-Sensory Witchcraft." He has been featured in various magazines, radio shows, podcasts, books, anthologies, and other periodicals. To find out more about him and his work visit his website or follow him on Instagram @matauryn.

Mastering Magick

This is a step-by-step guide to the process of discovering and hon ing one’s skills as a psychic, from foundations to advanced tech niques. Psychic and witch Cat Gina Cole shares explanations and hands-on practices for letting go, stepping aside, and facing fears as well as working with the “clairs” and applying psychic talents to mediumship, divination, deities, and more. 978-0-7387-6768-0 $16.99

Intuitive Witchcraft Astrea Taylor • 360 pp • 6 x 9

Astrea Taylor provides the tools and techniques you need to bond your intuition and witchcraft together, uniting them in a practice that allows you to follow your heart and spirit. Featuring exercises, examples, activities, and rituals, this book helps you find your magical path—intuitively—based on personal experience.


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Nature-Based & Pagan

Psychic Witch Mat Auryn • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Flex WitchesMethodsInvestigativeThatOnlyCanWield

Experience for yourself the trance state, clair voyance, spiritual healing, and also learn how to avoid spiritual fraud. This guide is for anyone who wants to communicate with spirits; this revised and expanded edition of Buckland’s popular Doors to Other Worlds has over one hundred new pages, including a completely new chapter on electronic spirit contact. 978-0-7387-0399-2 $22.99

As a witch, your ability to manipulate energy allows you to interact with ghosts in ways that other investigators can't. Discover how to use your magical toolkit to identify and resolve the four main types of haunting—residual, poltergeist, human earthbound, and inhuman entity.

Hex Twisting 288 pp • 5¼ x 8

Spirit Conjuring for Witches

The Witch's Book of Spirits

This book is the key to countering any curse or hex that is thrown your way. Providing a variety of ways to defend yourself, this indis pensable guide helps you drive negative magick out of your home, trap malevolent spirits, and more. Diana Rajchel provides you with essential knowledge through this book’s powerful collection of exercises, tips, and techniques. 978-0-7387-6538-9 $17.99

Frater Barrabbas • 264 pp • 6 x 9

J. Allen Cross guides you through the basic principles of a haunting, while building a foundation of paranormal investigation, witchcraft, and medium ship skills. You will learn how to craft a seal, open and close portals, perform an exorcism, and help spirits cross over. With more than forty exercises and rituals, this book shows you how to make the most of your talents so you can bring peace to restless spirits and those they haunt.


www.Llewellyn.com • 1.877.NEW.WRLD (1.877.639.9753)

978-0-7387-5004-0 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

978-0-7387-5194-8 $19.99

The Witch's Guide to the Paranormal J. Allen Cross • 256 pp • 5¼ x 8

978-0-7387-7208-0 $16.99NEW!

The art of spirit conjuration, once the sup posed proclivity of ceremonial magicians, can be acquired and mastered by modern witches using only the enhanced tools and methodologies that they already possess. Without having to invest a lot of time, money, and effort, the average Modern Witch can adopt certain practices and tech niques to safely and competently perform invocations, evocations, and more.

Nature-Based & Pagan NEW!

The Witch's Guide to the Paranormal at www.Llewellyn.com

Buckland’s Book of Spirit Communications Raymond Buckland • 272 pp • 8½ x 11

Devin Hunter • 336 pp • 6 x 9

Discover profound spiritual insights with The Witch’s Book of Spirits. Devin Hunter invites you to perform rituals and magic with a wide variety of spiritual beings. You’ll also expand the scope of your magic with the 33 Spirits, a system transmitted to the author by a special priesthood of spirits.

Filled with transformative stories of powerful women from legend and history—as well as rituals, spellcraft, and workings for you to try—this book explores themes that rebels, witches, warriors, and heretics confront as they make their way in a patriarchal world. Each chapter examines an empowering topic and shares hands-on practices designed to support you. 978-0-7387-6793-2 $17.99

SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

Magic for the Resistance

Tomás Prower • 384 pp • 6 x 9

Positive Pagan Lisa Wagoner • 232 pp • 5¼ x 8

Learn how to radiate positive energy, even when you’ve been through an unjust amount of pain and hardship, with this inspir ing book by Pagan priestess Lisa Wagoner. Find powerful support through an extensive collection of meditations, spells, and rituals. This book shows you how to combat negativity inward and out ward. 978-0-7387-6534-1 $15.99

Spells for Good Times Kerri Connor • 232 pp • 5 x 7 Featuring a variety of simple spells, rituals, affirmations, med itations, prayers, and journal prompts, this practical guide helps you and your community raise positive energy and look toward a brighter future. Explore hands-on activities related to coping, social justice, environmentalism, and more. 978-0-7387-7046-8 $15.99

• A song to soothe and uplift your spirit • Correspondences, a ritual, and more These women were specially chosen to accompany you through the cross roads of magick, helping you be strong and carry on. 978-0-7387-6715-4 $16.99

Phoenix LeFae • 256 pp • 5¼ x 8

Powerful Juju Najah Lightfoot • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8

Michael M. Hughes • 264 pp • 5 x 8

From the author of the Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him—the spell that became a social media phenomenon viewed by millions of people—this book provides spells, rituals, and fascinating historical examples designed to help you put your magical will to work to make the world a better place today. 978-0-7387-5996-8 SAVE 30% $15.99 $11.19

Nature-Based & Pagan NEW! NEW!

Using simple techniques that don’t interfere with any religions, Good Juju helps you lay a foundation for daily ritual practice. Learn how to craft mojos, create and work with altars, tune in to your intuition, and more. This book is designed to help you nav igate whatever life throws your way and embrace the magic all around you. 978-0-7387-5645-5

Good Juju Najah Lightfoot • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8

Written with a mix of reverence and battle-cry inspiration, this book is the first multicultural journey into understanding the role of magic in resistance and warfare around the world. Tomás Prower invites you to journey throughout history and see how people have allied with spirits and the divine to defy their oppressors. 978-0-7387-6797-0 SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

A follow-up to the bestselling Good Juju, Powerful Juju provides guidance and comfort in times of hardship. Najah Lightfoot introduces you to a dozen goddesses and legendary figures, from mythology and modern times, who offer inspiration and protection against the most difficult parts of life. Each one is accompanied by:

Journey through the Crossroads of Magick with 12 Iconic Women

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Witches, Heretics & Warrior Women

Warrior Magic

order form for details) 3

What Is Remembered Lives

This book shares techniques to help you connect to your ances tors and receive the benefits that come from veneration—stronger spellwork and magic, more love in your life, better outcomes in creative pursuits, and more. Discover how family recipes, altars and offerings, and even practices like music and dancing can enhance your spiritual journey. 978-0-7387-6100-8 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

Mallorie Vaudoise • 264 pp • 5¼ x 8

Providing more than 50 exercises, rituals, spells, and recipes, this book teaches you how to honor and work magically with the dead. Mortellus shares the history and power of death magic while also demonstrating its ability to bring comfort and connection. They show you a variety of ways to build a meaningful and safe practice, from using necromantic tools to understanding the nature of a soul.

978-0-7387-6111-4 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

What Necromancy Is, What It Isn't, and How to Use It in Your Practice

978-0-7387-6498-6 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

This book is an invitation to find the spirits that you sense around you, to connect with them, honor them, and share their stories. Learn to commune with other realms of existence and explore hands-on techniques for interacting with deities, your Beloved Dead, and the Fae. With dozens of exercises and easy-to-follow instructions, this is a must-have guide.

978-0-7387-6792-5 $19.99

The Bones Fall in a Spiral Mortellus • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Honoring Your Ancestors

Do I Have to Wear Black? 344Mortelluspp• 7½ x 9¼ 978-0-7387-6540-2 SAVE 30% $26.99 $18.89

Nature-Based & Pagan NEW! NEW!

Badass Ancestors

Explore the myriad of customs that have emerged around death and dying in the magical and Pagan communities. Filled with rituals, meditations, legal considerations, and deep insights into death as a spiritual process, this book can be used by magical practitioners or shared with non-Pagan profes sionals who support Pagans in their final transitions. Discover more than 50 rituals for funerals, memorials, and remembrances as well as meditations for mourning and letting go.

www.Llewellyn.com • 1.877.NEW.WRLD (1.877.639.9753)4

Work with different types of ancestors to find, develop, and cele brate the personal power of your inner badass. By embracing the strength of your lineage—both blood relatives and those chosen by the heart—you can receive wisdom and guidance when you need it the most. Badass Ancestors provides a compelling series of rituals, meditations, mantras, and exercises that connect you with ancestral guides.

The Bones Fall in a Spiral dispels misconceptions around necromancy, helps you ethically work with spirits and remains, and provides a Book of Shades— an extensive spell book featuring step-by-step instructions.

Patti Wigington • 256 pp • 5¼ x 8

Phoenix LeFae • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Filled with spells, recipes, and crafts, this book helps you dis cover the magical rhythms of the natural world. Join Anna Franklin as she shares time-honored recipes and step-by-step instructions for bringing enchantment and joy into your life. Discover dozens of incantations and spells to help you cele brate the cycles of the seasons, honor the gods and spirits, and release negative energy and anxiety.


Various • Hardbox set contains 8 volumes

Celebrate the wheel of the year and the Wiccan sabbats with recipes, spells, and rituals prepared using items commonly found at the supermarket. This book features a complete year's worth of magical items and practices; all the needed ingredi ents are at your local store and just as effective as rarer ones. 978-0-7387-5101-6 $15.99 pre-order NOW! NOW! pre-order pre-order

Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Box Set

978-0-7387-6399-6 $13.99

Llewellyn’s Little Book of the Day of the Dead Jaime Gironés • 196 pp • 4½ x 6½

978-0-7387-4216-8 $12.99

No matter what you call them—Beltane or May Day, Samhain or Halloween, Yule or Winter Solstice—the Pagan festivals enrich our lives. This must-have boxed set features an easyto-use, hands-on book for each of the sabbats. All eight books include rituals, recipes, lore, spells, crafts, correspondences, prayers, meditations, and more. 978-0-7387-7169-4 $90.00

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Michael Furie • 336 pp • 5 x 8

Anna Franklin • 256 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Rachel Patterson • 336 pp • 6 x 9

Join Rachel Patterson on an exciting month-by-month jour ney of seasonal magic. Going beyond traditional sabbats, this book shows you how to honor the energies of each season. Rachel offers correspondences, spells, rituals, meditations, runes, moon magic, tea blends, and altar decorations that add magic and joy to each month.

Enchanted Kitchen Gail Bussi • 336 pp • 5 x 7 Take a delicious tour through the year with this month-bymonth celebration of nourishment for the body, heart, and soul. Part guidebook, part recipe book, and part inspirational journey, Enchanted Kitchen is ripe with the simple magic, healing, and joy found in the ordinary, everyday things we sometimes take for granted.

978-0-7387-7060-4 $17.99

Samhain Diana Rajchel • 264 pp • 5 x 7

Llewellyn’s Little Book of Halloween Mickie Mueller • 240 pp • 5 x 6 • Hardcover This fun, pocket-sized book shares everything you need to know to celebrate when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. Learn how cats, bats, ghosts, and skeletons became associated with Halloween. Filled with crafts, recipes, spells, tutorials, and other unique ideas, this little book will help you make the most out of this holiday. 978-0-7387-5821-3 $12.99

From Old World roots to New World charm, traverse the hodge-podge of legends and customs that created our mod ern tradition. Renowned author Silver Ravenwolf brings you serious facts based on accurate research, as well as practical, how-to goodies and gossipy tidbits. Discover practices, rituals, and recipes that honor the spirit of the holiday, which you can adapt to fit any spiritual orientation. 978-1-56718-719-9 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

978-0-7387-7152-6 $21.99

Nature-Based & Pagan

Jasmine Becket-Griffith • 96 pp • 9 x 11

Supermarket Sabbats

Celebrate the revered Mexican holiday of Día de los Muertos with this beautiful little book. Packed with activities, recipes, spells, and rituals, this pocket-sized guide is a must-have tool for honoring the sacred dead. Author Jaime Gironés shares authentic ways to respectfully enjoy this holiday, from creat ing an altar to baking pan de muerto (bread of the dead). 978-0-7387-6248-7 $13.99

Witch's Wheel of the Year

Jasmine HalloweenBecket-GriffithColoringBook

Halloween! Silver RavenWolf • 240 pp • 7½ x 91⁄8

978-0-7387-6497-9 $19.99

The Hearth Witch's Year

978-0-7387-6091-9 SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99

Llewellyn’s 2023 Sabbats Almanac Llewellyn • 320 pp • 5¼ x 8 Discover all new tips, tricks, recipes, and crafts as well as arti cles filled with fascinating ideas and lore. Llewellyn's 2023 Sabbats Almanac shares brilliant new perspectives on each sabbat, complete with hands-on rituals and activities to help deepen your practice and sense of the sacred.

Samhain—also known as Halloween—is the final spoke in the Wheel of the Year. At this time, the harvest has finished and the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. This guide shows you how to practice the serious work of divination and honoring the dead along with the more lighthearted activities of Halloween.

A Witch for Every Season


Jason Mankey • 408 pp • 7½ x 9¼ This exceptional book is full of unique rituals designed to per fectly fit your needs, whether you’re a solitary practitioner or part of a group. Jason Mankey provides three all-new rituals for every sabbat—one for solitaries, one for covens, and one for larger gatherings. These rituals are flexible to use, and you’ll also learn about the history and tradition of all eight sabbats.

Jamine Becket-Griffith shares her Halloween dreams with beautiful gothic maidens, magical autumn fairies, characters from Dia de los Muertos, and a fun mix of pumpkins, witches, and skeletons. 978-0-7387-5254-9 $19.95

Explore what it means to be a contemporary Witch and learn how to overcome difficult issues. A hands-on guide to the Modern Tradition of Witchcraft, this book is all about creating an authentic expression of Witchcraft that works for you. You’ll also discover how to journey into the liminal realm to meet with spirits.

Laura Tempest Zakroff • Boxed kit includes a 48-card deck and 136-page color guidebook This stunning 48-card oracle celebrates the Witch’s body and how it unites the material and metaphysical worlds. Check the pulse on different areas of your life with cards featuring systems of the mag ical body, lunar and solar events, senses, and more. This deck helps you pinpoint what needs your attention most while the full-color companion offers new perspectives and directs you toward action. 978-0-7387-6982-0 $24.99

RECENT release release

Visual Alchemy

Anatomy of a Witch Oracle

978-0-7387-6434-4 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59



Liminal Spirits Oracle

Laura Tempest Zakroff • 240 pp • 6 x 9

This book is a guide to the most magical tool in your possession— your body. Not just your physical flesh-and-blood body, but also your symbolic Witch body, the conduit for bringing the material and metaphysical worlds together. Explore hands-on magical practices, exercises, and sigils related to your Witch Lungs, Heart, Bones, Mind, and the spiraling path of your inner Serpent.

www.Llewellyn.com • 1.877.NEW.WRLD (1.877.639.9753)

This illustrated book breathes fresh life into the contemporary practice of sigil magick, showing you an innovative approach to using marks, lines, dots, and colors to manifest your will in the world. Discover exercises, examples, techniques, and designs that best support your intention and help you build skills and develop insight. 978-0-7387-5369-0 $19.99

Laura Tempest Zakroff is a pro fessional artist, author, dancer, designer, and Modern Traditional Witch. She holds a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and her myth-inspired artwork has received awards and honors worldwide. She is the author of several bestselling books, including Sigil Witchery and Weave the Liminal. She is also the creator of the bestselling Liminal Spirits Oracle

978-0-7387-5610-3 $19.99

Anatomy of a Witch Laura Tempest Zakroff • 216 pp • 6 x 9

Sigil Witchery

Laura Tempest Zakroff • Boxed kit includes a 42-card deck and 168-page color guidebook This deck can be used as a focus for meditation, a tool for spell craft, a means to commune with liminal spirits, and a system of divination. Rooted in Modern Traditional Witchcraft, the magical artwork of the Liminal Spirits Oracle connects you to the wisdom of the Witch so you can tap into the spirit realm and the deeper energies within yourself. 978-0-7387-6274-6 SAVE 30% $23.99 $16.79

Laura Tempest Zakroff • 264 pp • 8 x 8

Weave the Liminal

6 Nature-Based & Pagan

Discover the Power Where Art and Magic Meet

A follow-up to the bestseller Sigil Witchery, Visual Alchemy takes a deeper look at the extraordinary connection between art and magic. Laura Tempest Zakroff expands on her signature sigil witchery method, an accessible and intuitive approach to crafting effective sigils. She covers numerous topics, including how to connect to the artist within, draw inspiration to you, and easily incorporate art into your ritual practice. Visual Alchemy presents art magic in two parts: create and You'llcollaborate.startwithtechniques for optimizing your creativity, such as crafting a per sonal symbolic language and solving problems with design concepts. You'll then explore magic that connects you with others, from sharing sigils to making pub lic art. Featuring more than 50 shared magic sigils, this book empowers you to put aside fear and unleash the full potential of your imagination.

978-0-7387-7092-5 $19.99

Laura Tempest Zakroff • 240 pp • 8 x 8

978-0-7387-6864-9 $17.99

Becoming the Witch Danae Moon Thorp • 408 pp • 6 x 9

Witchful Thinking

In a distinct, almost lyrical tone, Danae Moon Thorp teaches you what every beginner must know when starting on the witch’s path. 978-0-7387-6918-9

A Witch's Guide to Crafting Your Practice

Designed so that you can easily choose a spell, meditation, or ritual to suit your needs, this book is the perfect tool for making your practice thrive, even in the busiest times. Emma Kathryn presents spells and workings for nearly every purpose, from protection rituals and kitchen witchery to candle magic and spirit work.

You can reach the magick that has always been inside you and create a fulfilling life that inspires you every day. This book leads you from the origins of witchcraft to the secrets of the sacred thinking and beyond.

Whiskey Stevens • 240 pp • 5¼ x 8

978-0-7387-6980-6 $18.99

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SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

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Nature-Based & Pagan NEW! NEW!

Witch Life Emma Kathryn • 304 pp • 5¼ x 8

Lisa McSherry • 248 pp • 6 x 9

It’s time to claim your magical power and build a practice that is wholly yours—one that spiritually fulfills you and reveals your purpose. More than a how-to guide, Rise of the Witch is a deep exploration of the inner workings of witchcraft and your integral role in creating magick. Whiskey Stevens provides a comprehensive look at both the basics and more advanced topics, taking you from the history of the Craft to shadow work and everywhere in between. 978-0-7387-6816-8

Zoë Howe • 304 pp • 5¼ x 8 Featuring fun and fresh techniques, spiritual advice, and enough empowerment to rock each day, this book reveals your inner wise woman and the wonder all around you. Join Zoë Howe on a journey into witchcraft, fem inism, and vibrant health. This book gives you the confidence to cast your own spells, own your body type, and start your personal revolution. 978-0-7387-6843-4 $18.99

SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39

Customize Your Magical Path with PracticalTime-Tested,Lessons

A Witch's Guide to Crafting Your Practice at www.Llewellyn.com

Build a unique practice that fits you to a T with Lisa McSherry's self-paced guide to the fundamentals of witchcraft. Presenting a progressive series of lessons with real-world results, Lisa helps you truly connect with each topic. From creating an altar and Book of Shadows to performing rituals and devel oping psychic abilities, this book gives you the foundation needed to start and grow your personal path. Unlike other introductions to magic, this book presents concrete analyses of each topic as well as interludes that use related activities to map out your own practice. Lisa has effectively taught and refined this approach for decades, and now she shares it with you.

Rise of the Witch

Discover dog magic and develop an incredible relationship with your canine friend. The Book of Dog Magic explores the history and cultural impact of canines, and also provides hands-on techniques. Filled with spells, meditations, charms, and exercises, this guide shows you how to bond with your pet on a psychic level.

978-0-7387-4638-8 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

Working with bird magic helps awaken your intuition, tap into sub tle energies around you, and strengthen your connection with the natural world. Providing an encyclopedic listing with more than sixty birds—highlighting each one’s history, myths, folklore, and magical wisdom—Bird Magic shows how they can enhance your spiritual and personal life. 978-0-7387-4864-1 SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

Unleash the wolf within you with the help of this empowering guide to lycanthropic magic. Denny Sargent shows you how to improve your confidence, authenticity, and personal power using werewolf rituals, spells, meditations, folklore, and more. Werewolf Magick teaches you to shed the restrictive bindings of the modern world and answer the call of your feral side.

Denny Sargent • 288 pp • 6 x 9

The Little Book of Cat Magic Deborah Blake • 240 pp • 5 x 7 Deepen the bond between you and your cat as you weave magic together. This wonderful and witchy book is filled with a wide variety of spells, charms, crafts, and recipes that you can use to improve the lives of both you and your feline friends. It has some thing for everyone who loves cats and magic.

The Book of Dog Magic Sophia & Denny Sargent • 264 pp • 5 x 7 • Hardcover

Werewolf Pack Magick offers a wide variety of activities, including pack initi ations, shapeshifting training, werewolf divination, pack sabbat celebrations, and ancient werewolf festivals.

978-0-7387-5323-2 $15.99

Bird Magic Sandra Kynes • 312 pp • 7½ x 9¼

www.Llewellyn.com • 1.877.NEW.WRLD (1.877.639.9753)8

Beyond Werewolf Magick, this lycanthropic Book of Shadows unites you with your spiritual kin and invites them to join in rituals, romps, and spells that call on the feral magick within and about you. Denny Sargent teaches you ecstatic shapeshifting experiences, newly revived from ancient traditions and designed to free you from the restrictive chains of civilization. With your pack, you will return to your true home in the heart of Mother Nature.

Nature-Based & Pagan NEW! NEW!

Werewolf Pack Magick

Run with Your Pack and Unleash Your Power with Joy and Wildness

978-0-7387-7035-2 $21.99

MagicWerewolf Denny Sargent 240 pp • 6 x 9 978-0-7387-6445-0 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

Kate Freuler • 312 pp • 6 x 9 Explore misunderstood topics such as the ethical use of animal parts and bones, blood magick, dark moon energy, sex magick, dark deities, hexing, spells to assist the crossing of a dying loved one, and much more. With a strong focus on ethics, author Kate Freuler provides much-needed information and hands-on techniques to help you strengthen your witchcraft practice.

SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29



Dark Goddess Craft Stephanie Woodfield 240 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Discover a SpiritualLife-ChangingNew,Paradigm

Pagan NEW! NEW!

The Philosophy of Dark Paganism

Frater Tenebris • 302 pp • 6 x 9 Frater Tenebris introduces you to Dark Paganism, a deeply personal and indi vidualized philosophy that focuses on transformation and shadow work. He guides you through the nine Dark Pagan principles, which help you develop a version of yourself flourishing in all that you do. Ranging from self-knowledge and acceptance to magick and environmental mastery, the Dark Pagan prin ciples show how to build confidence, trust yourself, and create a meaningful life. You'll also delve into Dark Pagan ethics and how to improve your relation ships and community by knowing yourself better. Featuring detailed research and self-reflection questions for each chapter, this book supports your journey of personal evolution. 978-0-7387-7260-8 $21.99

Author Tiffany Lazic provides meditations, inner workings, and rituals that invite you to drop into the inner landscape of your uncon scious and restore your light.


The Philosophy of Dark Paganism at www.Llewellyn.com

The Noble Art provides alchemical, spiritual, and psychological tools for reclaiming your essence through the stages and seasons of life. Each spoke of the wheel of the year rep resents an opportunity for transformation.

FREE SHIPPING on orders of $30 or more (see order form for details)

SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99

Empty Cauldrons Terence P Ward • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8 Terence P Ward shares his experiences with depression and the spiritual methods he has used to cope. With contributions from Pagan clergy, depression sufferers, and therapists, Ward offers hands-on rituals, prayers, and exercises. Learn how to conduct shadow work, tend a depression shrine, keep a dream journal, and much more. 978-0-7387-6333-0 $17.99

Nature-Based &


The Noble Art Tiffany Lazic • 416 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Of Blood and Bones

Discover how to use the many faces of the dark goddess to navigate the process of deep and rewarding change. This practical guide looks at the misconceptions surround ing dark deities and encourages you to draw on the power of the dark goddesses to work through aspects of yourself or your life that you wish to change.

SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

www.Llewellyn.com • 1.877.NEW.WRLD (1.877.639.9753)10

978-0-7387-6992-9 $16.99

This collection of forty elegant botanical cards draws inspiration from healers, helpers, and shaman who walk the thin places between one world and another. These wise folks find the plants of their practice at the edges of cultivated fields as well as deep in the woods, wilds, and along shorelines. Each lovingly illustrated card in this deck includes an oracle property that can provide guidance to a seeker or meditative focus to a querent. Cards are printed on premium card stock.

The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Spells, Charms & Brews Tudorbeth • 336 pp • 5¼ x 6 • Hardcover Explore old-world magic and contemporary charms with this brilliant book of enchantments. Within these pages, you will dis cover more than one hundred spells, charms, and recipes for love, money, health, family, career, and more. Author Tudorbeth has selected the best traditional workings along with contemporary spells that can be done with readily available ingredients.

The Path of the Hedge Witch

978-0-7387-5753-7 SAVE 30% $27.99 $19.59

978-0-7387-6745-1 $16.99

The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Seasonal Magic Tudorbeth • 312 pp • 6¼ x 5½ • Hardcover Discover more than 100 recipes, spells, potions, and crafts to help you reconnect with the elemental energies and the turning of the wheel. This book follows the sun around its seasonal year, providing recipes for jams, jellies, chutneys, and syrups as well as seasonal spells, Esbat rituals, and correspondences.

Siolo Thompson • Boxed kit includes 40-card deck and 192-page, full-color guidebook

Natural Witchcraft for the PractitionerSolo

Nature-Based & Pagan NEW! NEW!

Relying on wits, intelligence, integrity, and strength, the hedge witch walks a simple and solitary path that requires few tools or complex rituals. This path teaches you how to create a more beneficial life for all beings through tradi tional folkloric knowledge, a relationship with nature, and the art of hedge riding (trance work). Joanna van der Hoeven shows you how to work with the elements, harmonize with the cycles of the moon, walk between worlds, and establish an ever-growing relationship with the Fair Folk. Covering everything you need to build your own Hedge Witchcraft tradition, this beginner-friendly book connects you to the wisdom of wild places and inspires you to find enchantment every day.

Explore the magic and mystery of the powerful earth-based spirituality of the British Isles. This tradition will help you look to your ancestors, to the spirits of place, and to the fair folk for guidance and inspiration. This book is a comprehensive guide to the techniques of Druidry so that you can connect to a higher wisdom.

Joanna van der Hoeven • 280 pp • 6 x 9

The Book of Hedge Druidry Joanna van der Hoeven 360 pp • 6 x 9 978-0-7387-5825-1 SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39

HedgeWitch Botanical Oracle

978-0-7387-7228-8 $19.99

Loki and Sigyn Lea Svendsen • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8

978-0-7387-6931-8 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

Jailbreaking the Goddess Lasara Firefox Allen • 288 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch

Poppet Magick

978-0-7387-4797-2 SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49 Sacred Leaves Diego de Oxóssi • 304 pp • 5 x 8½

Sandra Kynes • 552 pp • 8 x 10 This comprehensive reference to correspondences is packed with content yet easy to use. Entries are cross-referenced, indexed, and organized by categories and subcategories. This book also explores how correspondences give deeper mean ing to our rituals and spellwork—and encourages you to forge new correspondences that are meaningful in your life. 978-0-7387-3253-4 $34.99

978-0-7387-6705-5 $17.99

The Magical Household Scott Cunningham & David Harrington • 208 pp • 6 x 9 Transform your living space into a place of security, life, and fun. The Magical Household offers plenty of ways to invite health, love, peace, wealth, and friends into your home, while shutting out disease, accidents, and intruders. Only common household items are required to perform these simple, quick, and effective spells. 978-0-87542-124-7 $15.99

Jailbreaking the Goddess is a revolutionary revisioning of the feminine divine that presents a five-fold archetypal system, liberating the female experience from the shackles of the reproductive model. Begin building relationships with the different archetypes and discover simple rituals for recogni tion, transition, and invocation.

Discover the power, magic, and secrets of Afro-Brazilian herbal witchcraft with this thorough guide. Compiling three volumes into one updated edition, this book spotlights the authentic day-to-day magic practiced in the Orisha religion, making these techniques accessible to all readers.

Backyard Garden Witchery Laurel Woodward • 408 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Featuring more than 130 full-color photos throughout, this must-have book is the ultimate resource on crystals and how to partner with them for potent magic. Bestselling author Devin Hunter presents an immense collection of recipes, grids, correspondences, and activities that help the modern witch begin or advance their crystal practice in amazing ways.

The Witch Compass Ian Chambers • 272 pp • 5¼ x 8 This book invites you to explore the Witch Compass, an important ritual tool at the heart of traditional witchcraft prac tice. Traditional Witch Ian Chambers takes you through the origins, history, and uses of the compass and other magical circles, comparing their many forms, how they work, and how they can help practitioners enhance their magic. 978-0-7387-7103-8 $17.99

Nature-Based & Pagan RECENT release RECENT release RECENT RECENT release RECENT release RECENT release RECENT

Throughout history, horned deities have been honored as gods of nature, sex, fertility, passion, sacrifice, death, and rebirth. The Horned God of the Witches reveals the origins and features of their most common guises—Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Elen of the Ways, the Green Man, and even the Devil. 978-0-7387-6308-8 SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39

978-0-7387-6886-1 $24.99

The Horned God of the Witches

This captivating book takes you deep into the infamous leg acy of Loki and his wife Sigyn. Join Lea Svendsen on a rich exploration of these two Norse deities, together and separate.

Jason Mankey • 304 pp • 6 x 9

Magical Faery Plants Sandra Kynes • 304 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Bestselling author Silver RavenWolf’s book is a hands-on guide to creating your own dolls for love, money, health, luck, banish ing, and more. Learn what materials to use, including specific colors, herbs, oils, and stones. Discover patterns and helpful instructions, color photos and illustrations, and everything you need to experience the power of magickal spirit dolls.

FREE SHIPPING on orders of $30 or more (see

Liz Williams • 232 pp • 6 x 9

In Modern Handfasting, you will discover the history, practi calities, legal considerations, logistics, and magic of the big day. Author Liz Williams—a priestess and longtime celebrant— guides you through opening the ceremony, creating a circle, consecration, calling the quarters, vows, tying the knot, and closing the ceremony. 978-0-7387-6658-4

Modern Handfasting

Take a peek inside the whimsical world of faery and connect with nature on a deep, soul level. This book goes beyond the usual books about faeries by showing you unique ways to use plants when contacting and working with the fae. Sandra Kynes presents historical information about faeries and over 100 pro files of common and obscure plants associated with them.

978-0-7387-5615-8 SAVE 30% $22.99 $16.09

978-0-7387-7032-1 $24.99

Discover their adventures in parenthood, their complicated relationships with other gods, the entertaining exploits that only a trickster can accomplish, and much more.

No matter what your skill level is, you’ll find practical advice for building and maintaining an enchanting garden, as well as spiritual guidance for keeping it sacred and safe. This book covers not only the ins and outs of dirt types, zones, and sun exposure, but also the energy of plants, regions, and land spirits. 978-0-7387-7070-3 $29.99

Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences

order form for details) 11

Devin Hunter • 272 pp • 7 x 10

Silver RavenWolf • 288 pp • 8 x 9

SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

SAVE 30% $31.99 $22.39

Jack-O’-Lantern Tarot Giuliano Costa; Rachel Paul • Boxed deck includes 78-card deck and instruction booklet

As the Wheel of the Year turns to autumn, this lovely tarot reflects how the distance between our world and the spirit plane thins and fades. With fabulous art by Giuliano Costa, this laughing and grin ning macabre new deck of eternal wisdom and perilous delight carries the Halloween spirit fully into Tarot. 978-0-7387-7084-0

www.Llewellyn.com • 1.877.NEW.WRLD (1.877.639.9753)12

The Halloween Oracle Stacey Demarco, with illustrations by Jimmy Manton • Boxed kit includes a 36-card deck and an 80-page book Festivals of the Dead have been celebrated for thousands of years across many different world cultures, and serve to honor those who have passed and to celebrate death as a way to welcome in a new beginning. Each of the 36 richly illustrated cards has an accom panying meaning in the guidebook featuring rhyming couplets.

Barbara Moore & Jonathan Hunt

Tarot & Divination NEW! NEW!

Tarot Z Alejandro Coluccio • Boxed deck includes a 78-card deck and instructional booklet

A Tarot of Frights & Fun

Dark Wood Tarot Sasha Graham & Abigail Larson • Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 304-page, full color guidebook Dare to enter the dark wood and discover your shadow self with this enthralling Rider-Waite-Smith-style deck. You’ll take on the role of a witch entering the wood and, as you journey through its depths, examine your secret desires, dark dreams, and the unknown recesses of your psyche. 978-0-7387-5930-2

SAVE 30% $24.95 $17.47

978-0-7387-4495-7 SAVE 30% $22.95 $16.07

Edgar Allan Poe Tarot Rose Wright & Eugene Smith • Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 288-page, full-color guidebook Blending the divinatory power of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot with the visionary writings of Edgar Allan Poe, this deck offers deep spiritual insight into who you are and what you might become. Stunning illustrations based on Poe's tales of the mysterious and the macabre will inspire your imagination and open your soul to revelation. 978-0-7387-6033-9 $31.99

Trick or Treat Tarot

Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 216-page, full color guidebook Welcome, goblins and ghouls, to a tarot kit of frights and fun, disguises and delights, div ination and daring adventure. Featuring the irresistible illustrations of Jonathan Hunt and the expertise of bestselling author Barbara Moore, this Rider-Waite-based deck is easy to use and includes a full-color guidebook for exploring the cards. Trick or Treat Tarot provides exactly what you need to confront fear, peer into the future, and create a unique identity that suits you every day—not just on Halloween.

Santa Muerte Tarot Lo Scarabeo • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and instructional booklet A masterpiece of inspired imagery, this tarot deck is a powerful tool for working with the mysticism associated with the Day of the Dead and Santa Muerte. 978-0-7387-5438-3 $26.95

The zombie apocalypse is upon us, and Tarot Z is the perfect deck to help you escape the clutches of the undead. This richly illustrated deck provides a primal and powerful reading experience. The dark themes of the cards perfectly capture the otherworldly vibe that fans of the genre can't get enough of.. 978-0-7387-6345-3 SAVE 30% $26.95 $18.87

978-0-7387-6510-5 $31.99

This book provides month-by-month tarot spreads, spells, rituals, and ideas to help you manifest the changes and outcomes to you want to see for yourself and community. Explore spells and prac tices for cutting cords, house clearing and blessing, summoning new opportunities, finding your spirit animal, and many others. 978-0-7387-6712-3 $19.99

Learn how to work with the elemental energies of the cards as well as plants, col ors, and stones. Support your goals through the use of ritual bathing, ground ing meditation, and altar decorations. With personalized mantras, essential oil blends, teas, and more, you can embrace your tarot archetype, take control of your life, and achieve the transformation you have been seeking.

Discover the amazing partnership of tarot and mindfulness with this comprehensive, full-color book by European tarot authorities Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Bürger. Featuring spreads, charts, and card-by-card breakdowns with color illustrations for each, this guide is the ultimate resource for finding peace and balance through your tarot practice. 978-0-7387-6662-1 $17.99

Tarot: The Way of Mindfulness Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Bürger • 136 pp • 6 x 9

Richard Webster, one of the world’s bestselling new age authors, explores the incredibly wide variety of divination systems from around the world. Discover in-depth information and techniques for 31 divination practices, including common methods such as tarot, astrology, palmistry, numerology, pendulums, runes, and the I Ching, as well as less well-known forms. 978-0-7387-5175-7 $29.99 pre-order

978-0-7387-7133-5 $21.99

The Tarot Apothecary

Ailynn Halvorson • 320 pp • 6 x 9

Learn how to confidently deliver tarot readings that leave you ener gized and querents clamoring for more. Tarot professional Jenna Matlin gives you extensive guidance on how to not only give help ful and accurate readings to others, but also ensure that you're not punished for being the bearer of bad news. 978-0-7387-7010-9 $19.99

Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Divination

Through the combined wisdom of tarot, aromatherapy, meditation, and every day ritual, you can create meaningful change and live the life you've always wanted. Compatible with any deck, Ailynn E. Halvorson's unique approach shows you how to use numerology to discover which queen and major arcana cards reflect your true identity and what challenges to expect in the coming year.


Deborah Lipp • 288 pp • 6 x 9

The Magic of Tarot Sasha Graham • 368 pp • 6 x 9

Tarot & Divination RECENT release RECENT

Tarot Interactions

Tarot by the Moon Victoria Constantino • 264 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Will You Give Me a Reading Jenna Matlin • 312 pp • 6 x 9

FREE SHIPPING on orders of $30 or more (see order form for details) 13

Energize Your Life with a ApproachMagicaltoTarot

The Magic of Tarot opens your eyes to a richer, more enlightened style of divination. Sasha encourages you to flex your intuitive muscles, confidently use tarot magic and spells, and perform readings for other people. She also walks you through all the card meanings, introduces you to dream and shadow work, helps you interpret colors, numbers, and patterns, and so much more. 978-0-7387-6358-3 SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

Richard Webster • 360 pp • 8 x 10

Move beyond reading “card by card” and learn to provide powerful readings with a nuanced, flowing narrative like that of a story or poem. Designed for both beginners and advanced students, Tarot Interactions shows how to interact with the cards in a synergistic way, leading to deeper and more intuitive readings with any deck or oracle. 978-0-7387-4520-6 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

www.Llewellyn.com • 1.877.NEW.WRLD (1.877.639.9753)14 TAROT • BOOKS • RUNES • STONES • CRYSTALS • NOTEBOOKS • JOURNALS • ACCESSORIES

Lucia Mattioli's artwork will inspire you with every flip of the cards.

Spiritual Tarot presents entrancing scenes of power and grace that nurture your soul and improve your intuition in a variety of ways.

Corrado Roi & Sasha Graham • Boxed deck includes 78 cards and 160-page guidebook

978-0-7387-7405-3 $37.95

A Compendium of Witches

Step into the phenomenal world of night fairies with these oracle cards by renowned artist Paolo Barbieri. Each card transports you into a realm of wonder where fairies wel come you with brilliant magic and energy. Reading after reading, these night fairies inspire you with their beauty and imbue you with their wisdom. 978-0-7387-7401-5 $21.95

Barbieri Night Fairies Oracle Paolo Barbieri • Boxed deck includes 32 cards and instructional booklet


Spiritual Tarot Cristina Tarika di Maggio, Lucia Mattioli, Francesca Fravolini • Boxed deck includes 78 cards and instructional booklet Touch the spiritual realm in a compelling new way with this stunning tarot. Featuring imagery that was intuitively channeled by visual medium Cristina Tarika di Maggio, this deck reveals dazzling truths in every reading.

Dark Side of Tarot

Notoria: Tarot in Light Fabio Listrani • Boxed deck includes 78 cards and instructional booklet Shining with brilliance, Fabio Listrani's art showcases angels and other forces of light from the ancient lore of Ars Notoria (the fifth book of the Lesser Key of Solomon). This breathtaking tarot mirrors Goetia: Tarot in Darkness and can be used as a comple mentary deck or as a stand-alone master piece. Notoria: Tarot in Light presents radiant divinatory insights and reminds us that, although there is shadow, there is also light. 978-0-7387-7403-9 $28.95

978-0-7387-7402-2 $28.95

Welcome to the dark side of tarot where the masterful illustrations of Corrado Roi and the wisdom of bestselling author Sasha Graham reveal secrets hiding in the shadows of the cards—and in yourself. Known for the best selling Murder of Crows Tarot, Roi uses strik ing black and white to inspire transformative readings that uncover answers you didn't even know you needed. With monochrome magnificence, this deck shows you how to shift perspectives and dance with your own darkness.

Oracle Natasa Ilincic Boxed kit includes 60 cards and instructional booklet Filled with the prophetic guidance of witches and wise women of old, this beautifully illustrated oracle kit will lead you on a transformational journey of self-reflection. A wonder of meticulous research, Natasa Ilincic's watercolor portraits bring you faceto-face with thirty fictional practitioners from across the globe and throughout his tory. Another thirty cards depict magical symbols, such as "Familiar," "Offering," and "Oath." This gorgeous deck is a practical and worldly addition to any collection. 978-0-7387-7406-0 $37.95

978-0-7387-7400-8 $21.95

978-0-7387-7407-7 $33.95


978-0-7387-7358-2 $13.95

Tap into the deeply rooted wisdom of the natural world with this dark and mysterious union of horticulture and occultism. Featuring plants commonly found in a witch's garden, apothecary, or spell book, Maxine Miller's detailed illustrations personify the true spirit of each plant while capturing the elegance and multifaceted nature of the botanical world. With lines and color moving in a symphony of esoteric beauty, this powerful deck is a must-have addition to your magickal collection. (Companion guide also available as a standalone journal.)

FREE SHIPPING on orders of $30 or more (see order form for details) 15 TAROT • BOOKS • RUNES • STONES • CRYSTALS • NOTEBOOKS • JOURNALS • ACCESSORIES

Journey of a Lonely Soul Oracle Anna Majaborda, Charles Harrington • Boxed deck includes 32 cards and instructional booklet Featuring an unforgettable medley of lush color and gothic surrealism, these oracle cards guide your soul from the depths of a lonely wood to the heights of a rose garden in full bloom. This deck uses Anna Majaborda's exquisite illustrations to inspire your inner journey and Charles Harrington's wisdom to help you uncover deep truths about yourself.

Luca Strati, Jaymi Elford • Boxed deck includes 78 cards and instructional booklet Delve into a riveting, steam-powered universe with this spectacular tarot deck. Inspired by the linear designs and flowing curves of the art nouveau movement, each card melds Rider-Waite-Smith symbolism with mechanical ingenuity. Featuring Luca Strati's bold, acrylic art and Jaymi Elford's guidance, this deck is sure to get your gears turning and propel your intuitive skills to new heights.

Steampunk Art Nouveau

Enhance your divination with the feminine energy and striking contrasts of black and white in this must-have Rider-Waite-Smithbased tarot. Each evocative card features gold foil and showcases Elisa Seitzinger's amazing art style. These illustrations are rich in symbolism and eye-catching beauty, and the wise female figures imbue every reading with powerful divinatory insights. With this deck, you'll look deep into your soul and dis cover the answers you seek.

Christopher Penczak & Maxine Miller

Manara Erotic Tarot Mini Milo Manara • Boxed mini deck includes 78 cards and instruction booklet Now available as a mini deck! Sex, Tarot, and Astrology meet in this sensual 78-card Tarot deck by well-known erotic comic artist Milo Manara. The artist's unique interpretations of the Major and Minor Arcana incorporate his usual playful, witty style. The Majors retain most of the traditional names, with The Punishment replacing The Hanged Man and The Mirror replacing The Wheel of Fortune. The Minor Arcana suits are named according to the element associated with each suit: fire, water, air, and earth.

Symbolic Soul Tarot

978-0-7387-7408-4 $26.95

The BotanicalMagickalOracle

978-0-7387-7404-6 $31.95

Elisa Seitzinger, Barbara Moore • Boxed deck includes 78 cards and instructional booklet

Boxed deck includes 33 cards and 160-page guidebook

Water Temple Oracle Suzy Cherub, Laila Savolainen • Boxed deck includes 44 cards and 192-page guidebook Soothe your body, mind, and soul with this visually striking oracle deck. With richly col ored artwork by Laila Savolainen, these 44 cards immerse you in affirming messages that flow from the deep and abiding wisdom of water. Spiritual images of peace and tran quility guide you along your transformative journey and help you discover the healing intuition that has been inside you all along. 978-0-7387-7415-2 $27.95

Dream Journal

Jake Baddeley • 7 x 9¼ • 220 pp With premium quality, cream-colored, wood-free paper and a combination of lined and unlined pages, this gorgeous journal is designed to provide sacred space for all facets of your self-expres sion. Uplifting messages, quotes, and 44 full-page color art reproductions by Jake Baddeley are interspersed throughout for additional inspiration. 978-0-7387-7414-5 $23.95

Lucy Cavendish, Dan May • 7 x 9¼ • 220 pp Venture into the lonely woods and find the greatest gift of all—your true self. With premium quality, cream-colored, woodfree paper and a combination of lined and unlined pages, this tender, empathetic jour nal is designed to provide sacred space for all facets of your self-expression. Uplifting messages, quotes, and 44 full-page color art reproductions are interspersed throughout for additional inspiration. 978-0-7387-7413-8 $23.95

Oracle of Portals

Tess Whitehurst & Laila Savolainen

Boxed deck includes 44 cards and 148-page guidebook


Go beyond the bounds of time and place to discover the profound and transforma tive power of portals. This oracle helps you consciously navigate the liminal to open gateways to your brighter future. With forty-four stunning cards illustrated by Laila Savolainen and a companion book by bestselling author Tess Whitehurst, this deck shows you how to explore the portals and express your magical self. Be bold. Be true. Your tomorrow awaits. 978-0-7387-7483-1 $28.95


Into the Lonely Woods Journal

Dimensions of Light Oracle Alana Fairchild, Barry Stevens • Boxed deck includes 53 cards and 128-page guidebook These beautiful, hand-painted mandalas are spiritual catalysts for love, healing, and uplifting transformation. Featuring fif ty-three cards illustrated by Barry Stevens and a guidebook by renowned author Alana Fairchild, Dimensions of Light nurtures your soul and opens your heart to restorative alchemy. Each card will fill you with divine energy while the guidebook’s accompanying messages magnify the radiance of this deck’s sacred geometry. 978-0-7387-7463-3 $28.95

Lucy Cavendish • Boxed deck includes 55-card deck and instruction booklet The Goddess is here with exquisite creativity and compassionate wisdom to re-Mother, protect, nurture, and gently guide you throughout each day of your life. This sister hood of Divine Mothers, a diverse collective of cosmic energies, is ready to help you cultivate truth, strength and courage within yourself. Card by card, this deck offers simple change, supportive messages, and powerful results. Discover the meaning of your lived experience, the soul lessons within your challenges, and the joy and beauty that is now within your reach. 978-0-7387-7121-2 $21.95

Anthony Salerno & Pablo Romero

Conversations with Blob

Join bestselling author Lana Penrose on a quest to make sense of the madness of our times through a fantasy dialogue with an enlightened blob of consciousness. We may feel that we are muddling, but Blob knows we are divine and delivers a profoundly lib erating message that can radically alter our experience of the world and our place in it. 978-0-7387-7257-8 $22.95

Blessed by the Goddess Cards

NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! pre-order NOW! NOW! pre-order NOW!

Inner Child Oracle

FREE SHIPPING on orders of $30 or more (see order form for details) 17 ORACLE CARDS • BOOKS • RELAXATION & GUIDED MEDITATION CD s & DVD s • JOURNALS • ACCESSORIES BL

Toni Carmine Salerno • Boxed deck includes 55-card deck and instruction booklet You are never alone. You are guided, much loved and far more than your physical being. You are a multidimensional channel of love, light and creativity. The same magical force that flows through all creation streams through you. Feel its vibrance and be wel comed into peace and protection as you breathe, ease into this moment and choose a card. Be guided by the voice of your wise, eternal soul for direction, inspiration and gentle reminders for a blessed tomorrow. 978-0-7387-7122-9 $21.95

Lana Penrose • 224 pp • 5¼ x 8½

Boxed deck includes 40-card deck and 64-page guidebook Bring new energy to your daily yoga practice with this insightful, 40-card oracle. Each card features an enlightening message to improve your day and a pose to help you embody that wisdom. Pablo Romero's rich watercolor illustrations express warm feelings of hope and joy over a textured background that makes every card seem wellloved. With a rainbow of color and spiritual guidance, this sensational deck inspires you to lead your best life. 978-0-7387-7412-1 $27.95

Teresa Salerno, Christine Karron • Boxed deck includes 46-card deck and 128-page guidebook Connect with the innate wisdom of your inner child to navigate the tangles, trials, and tumbles of the grown-up world. This ora cle introduces you to Benny Blue, a lovable bunny who helps you meet your challenges with a lighter heart, ready for mischief and miracles. Featuring the gorgeous illustra tions of Christine Karron and the gentle wis dom of Teresa Salerno, this oracle soothes your hurts and restores your spirit. These cards encourage you to be all you were born to be. A world of wonder awaits. 978-0-7387-7490-9 $28.95

Eternal Light Cards

Yoga OracleWisdomCards

Llewellyn’s 2023 Witches’ Companion Llewellyn • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8 Llewellyn's 2023 Witches' Companion explores the leading edge of Witchcraft and Pagan lifestyles with more than two dozen articles featuring new insights and hands-on magical practices. 978-0-7387-6403-0 $13.99 Llewellyn’s 2023 Magical Almanac Llewellyn • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8 For more than thirty years, this almanac has provided useful spells, rituals, and ideas that inspire all levels of practitioners to improve their connection to magical energies and elements. 978-0-7387-6394-1 $14.99

Llewellyn’s 2023 Witches' Datebook Llewellyn • 168 pp • 5 ¼ x 8 Spiral Bound Express your inner Witch throughout the year and stay organized while you do it. Llewellyn's 2023 Witches' Datebook fea tures amazing illustrations from award-win ning artist Jennifer Hewitson as well as tips, techniques, and recipes to help you connect to nature, spirit, and your own deeper wisdom. 978-0-7387-6404-7 $13.99

Llewellyn’s 2023 Sabbats Almanac Llewellyn • 320 pp • 5¼ x 8 Discover all new tips, tricks, recipes, and crafts as well as articles filled with fascinating ideas and lore. Llewellyn's 2023 Sabbats Almanac shares brilliant new perspectives on each sabbat, com plete with hands-on rituals and activities to help deepen your practice and sense of the sacred. 978-0-7387-6399-6 $13.99

www.Llewellyn.com • 1.877.NEW.WRLD (1.877.639.9753)

Llewellyn’s 2023 Witches' Calendar Llewellyn • 28 pp • 12 x 12

Llewellyn’s 2023 Witches' Spell-A-Day Llewellyn • 272 pp • 5¼ x 8 Spellcasters of all levels enjoy the 365 spells in Llewellyn’s Spell-A-Day Almanac These easy bewitchments, recipes, rituals, and meditations are designed to be used for the areas of life that need the most magical attention: love, health, money, protection, home and garden, travel, and communication. 978-0-7387-6405-4 $13.99

Calendars, Datebooks, & Almanacs

Llewellyn’s 2023 Herbal Almanac Llewellyn • 320 pp • 5¼ x 8

18 2023 — LLEWELLYN —

For twenty-four years, Llewellyn's Herbal Almanac has provided enthusiasts of all skill levels with a wealth of practical ideas on growing, using, and benefiting from nature's most dynamic plants. This impres sive guide is packed with valuable infor mation, including gardening resources, hands-on project ideas, and dozens of helpful tips and techniques. 978-0-7387-6393-4 $14.99

Since 1998, Llewellyn's Witches' Calendar has been a favorite way to mark the turning of the Wheel of the Year. This beautiful calendar fea tures magical wisdom, astrological data, and Witch's holidays, making it the perfect choice for bringing more happiness and enchantment into your year. Each month features a beautiful original scratchboard illustration by award-winning artist Jennifer Hewitson as well as a spell or ritual and an inspiring article. 978-0-7387-6402-3 $14.99

Calendars, Datebooks, Almanacs

Llewellyn’s 2023 Moon Sign Book Llewellyn • 320 pp • 5¼ x 8 Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book is a respected resource for people in all walks of life, and it's been a bestseller since it first appeared in 1905. This book is a gardener's best friend, with lunar timing tips for planting, harvesting, and more. 978-0-7387-6397-2 $13.99

Llewellyn’s 2023 Astrological Pocket Planner Llewellyn • 192 pp • 4¼ x 6


Llewellyn’s 2023 Sun Sign Book Llewellyn • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8 For nearly forty years, this beginner-friendly almanac has provided detailed horoscopes and forecasts for every sun sign. Llewellyn's 2023 Sun Sign Book is perfect for practitioners of any skill level, and it shows you how to use planetary wisdom and more. 978-0-7387-6400-9 $13.99

The best-known, most-trusted astrological calendar since 1932, Llewellyn's 2023 Astrological Calendar features phenomenal artwork, monthly horoscopes, best days for planting and fishing, rewarding and challenging days, and travel forecasts. With original art by Mary Ancilla Martinez, this calendar perfectly combines breathtaking visuals and must-have astrological insights. This edition also includes major daily aspects and an astrology primer. 978-0-7387-6389-7 $15.99

Llewellyn’s 2023 Daily Planetary Guide Llewellyn • 208 pp • 5¼ x 8 Spiral Bound Llewellyn's 2023 Daily Planetary Guide makes it easy to plan your days using powerful cos mic energies. For forty-five years, this essential datebook has helped astrologers find the best time to do anything on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis...even down to the minute. 978-0-7387-6391-0 $13.99

Llewellyn's 2023 Astrological Pocket Planner shows you how to pinpoint the perfect times for any activity or event. This convenient, trav el-sized planner helps you choose the best dates for vacations, parties, meetings, and everything in between. Discover the Moon's daily signs, phases, and aspects, and learn the best days for planting and fishing. 978-0-7387-6390-3 $9.99

Llewellyn’s 2023 Astrological Calendar Llewellyn • 40 pp • 12 x 12

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Llewellyn’s 2023 Moon Sign Datebook Llewellyn • 192 pp • 5¼ x 8 Spiral Bound Llewellyn's 2023 Moon Sign Datebook is a weekly planner packed with tips for garden ing by the moon, moon lore, and information on retrogrades, void-of-course, equinoxes, and solstices. 978-0-7387-6398-9 $13.99

Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12

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Llewellyn’s 2023 Tarot Calendar Llewellyn • 28 pp • 12 x 12 This calendar features evocative and powerful tarot cards from a dozen different decks and combines them with spread ideas and hands-on tips from world-re nowned expert Barbara Moore. More than just a collec tion of beautiful art, this calendar helps you unlock the mysteries of tarot. 978-0-7387-6401-6 $14.99

Alchemy 1977 presents a new wall calendar filled with stylish imagery. Showcasing exquisite illustrations of imaginative and seductively mysterious scenes, this calendar makes a powerful statement wherever it is on display. This sixteen-month calendar also features a designed grid for each month that enhances each sen sational piece. You'll be energized and inspired every day by this wondrous world of shadows. 978-0-7387-6388-0 $14.99

Alchemy 1977 Gothic 2023 Calendar

The playful energy of these magical and mischievous cats is sure to bring plenty of smiles to all your human and feline friends. Showcasing twelve beautiful illus trations by award-winning artist Ciro Marchetti, this fun and frolicsome calendar will delight you all year long. Includes major US, UK, and Canadian holidays, Pagan holidays, eclipses, and moon phases. 978-0-7387-6396-5 $14.99

Llewellyn’s 2023 Magical Mystical Cats Calendar Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12

Llewellyn’s 2023 Hedgewitch Botanical Calendar Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12 With exceptional art from Siolo Thompson, creator of the Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle, this fabulous cal endar presents the spiritual essence of your favorite plants and witchy tips on how to use them by popular author Monica Crosson. Using handmade paints to create the original artworks, Siolo imbues her personal energy into every work. 978-0-7387-7112-0 $14.99

Llewellyn’s 2023 Dragon Calendar Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12

NEW —for— 2023

Live each day to its fullest with this vibrant calendar's awe-inspiring dragons. Featuring original art by Piya Wannachaiwong, Llewellyn's 2023 Dragon Calendar is a perfect tool for connecting with dragon energy all year long. From wyverns to drakes to hatchlings, these dragons inspire you with their fiery passion and fan tastical beauty. Includes major US, UK, and Canadian holidays and moon phases. 978-0-7387-6392-7 $14.99

Alchemy 1977 • 24 pp • 12 x 12

Llewellyn’s 2023 Magical Moon Calendar

Illuminate the magic and mysteries of the moon throughout 2023 with Llewellyn's Magical Moon Calendar. Featuring an eclectic collection of illustra tions by renowned artists Laura Tempest Zakroff, Abigail Larson, and Jessica Roux, this calendar will delight you all year with not just beautiful images, but also spells, rituals, and lore. 978-0-7387-7107-6 $14.99

Calendars, Datebooks, & Almanacs

What's Your Big Three?

This simple, unique guide to astrology shows how your sun’s house placement indicates your strengths and how your moon’s placement affects your intuition and the depths of your person ality. Whether you’re a newcomer or experienced astrologer, this book will help you understand and manage your emotions, trust your instincts, and make your mark on the world. 978-0-7387-6422-1 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29 Astrology by Moonlight Tara Aal & Aswin Subramanyan • 208 pp • 5¼ x 8

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Wendell C. Perry • 216 pp • 6 x 9

Andrea Taylor • 264 pp • 5 x 7

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Uncover Deep Truths

Astrology by Moonlight presents each Moon-planet interaction— and each phase during that interaction—as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself. Start a new relationship or reignite a current one when Moon-Venus is in the new phase. Discover how Moon-Pluto in the balsamic phase helps you resolve issues of the past and move forward. 978-0-7387-6871-7 $16.99 Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Astrology Kris Brandt Riske, MA • 336 pp • 8 x 10 Popular astrologer Kris Brandt Riske presents the essentials of astrology in a clear manner, paying special attention to relation ships, career, and money. She explains the meaning of the plan ets, zodiac signs, houses, and aspects, and how to interpret their significance in your chart. 978-0-7387-1071-6 $24.99 Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Predictive Astrology

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Wendell C. Perry • 224 pp • 6 x 9 Explore a new approach to the mystery of lunar nodes with this fascinating book on how your life is affected when the planets aspect them. Wendell C. Perry teaches you which planets aspect the nodes in your birth chart, how they influence your personality, and how to use that knowledge to achieve your life’s purpose. 978-0-7387-7008-6

Embark on a fascinating journey of self-discovery by exploring the three most important facets of your astrological blueprint. Your sun sign represents your will; it's who you are at your core. Your moon sign reveals your inner self, where vulnerability, emotions, and needs reside. Your rising sign, or ascen dant, describes the outer layer you show to people when you first meet. This beginner-friendly book reveals the energies you were born with and how they influence your motivations, fears, and challenges. You'll also learn to identify how the big three affect your family, friends, and colleagues.

Born Under a Good Sign Kristy Robinett • 240 pp • 5¼ x 8 Set yourself up for better relationships and a bright future with this down-to-earth guide to sun signs. Stripping away the woo-woo and technical charts, Kristy Robinett shows how to deal with each sun sign’s traits and tendencies. This book’s essential information works for any calendar year and will improve your life and rela tionships. 978-0-7387-5716-2 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89 Behind the Horoscope

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Astrology NEW! NEW!

Kris Brandt Riske, MA • 288 pp • 8 x 10

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Lunar Nodes

The Long-Lost Friend Johann George Hohman, Edited by Daniel Harms 312 pp • 6 x 9

Low Magick Lon Milo DuQuette • 216 pp • 6 x 9

Practical Sigil Magic

Frater U. .D. . • 168 pp • 53 16 x 8

The Angelical language channeled by alchemist Edward Kelley and recorded by royal astrologer John Dee has mystified magicians, linguists, historians, and cryptographers for generations. This fas cinating, in-depth analysis reveals the truth behind the saga of two Renaissance wizards who spoke with angels 978-0-7387-1490-5 $39.95

This dynamic radical departure from traditional Kabbalah books takes you into the Tree of Life not as an observer but as an active participant who engages with its sephirot. Presenting dozens of rituals, meditations, memoirs, and hands-on activities, this book transforms the Tree from a complex topic into an embodied dance of love and learning. 978-0-7387-6869-4

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The Kabbalah & Magic of Angels Migene González-Wippler • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Falling through the Tree of Life

Modern Magick

The Angelical Language, Volume II Aaron Leitch • 600 pp • 6 x 9 • Hardcover This masterwork is the most comprehensive analysis of John Dee's Angelical language ever undertaken. For the first time, every Angelical word in Dee’s books, journals, and personal grimoire is recorded and cross-referenced in a number of ways, allowing the reader to recognize root words, alternate spellings, and more. 978-0-7387-1491-2 $59.95


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Originally published in 1820 under the German title Der Lange Verborgene Freund, this is authentic American folk magic at its best—household remedies combined with charms and incanta tions to cure common ailments and settle rural troubles. 978-0-7387-3254-1 $21.99

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The Magical Use of Prayer Beads Jean-Louis de Biasi • 336 pp • 5¼ x 8

Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki & J.H. Brennan 272 pp • 7½ x 91 8

Donald Michael Kraig • 528 pp • 8½ x 11


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Money Magic Frater U. .D. . • 240 pp • 53 16 x 8 Frater U. .D. . presents the definitive guide to money magic, start ing with the revolutionary premise that money belongs to the element of Air. By transforming the idea of money in your psy che, invite wealth to flow more freely into your life. This advanced guide will be welcomed by ceremonial magicians, hermeticists, and other magic users.

Queer Qabala Enfys J. Book • 256 pp • 6 x 9

The Angelical Language, Volume 1 Aaron Leitch • 336 pp • 6 x 9 • Hardcover

Magical Use of Thought Forms

For over two decades, Modern Magick has been the world’s most popular step-by-step guide to working real magick. Grounded in the Western magickal tradition yet designed for contemporary practice, this book teaches all core concepts and techniques, including healing rituals, Kabalah’s inner mysteries, NeuroLinguistic Programming, Chaos Magick, and more. 978-0-7387-1578-0 $36.99

Take a fascinating journey into the life of one of the most respected and renowned magicians alive today: Lon Milo DuQuette. From using Shakespeare to remove a curse to the ins and outs of working with demons, the entertaining true stories in this memoir contain authentic magical theory and invaluable technical information. 978- 0-7387-1924-5 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

The Kabbalah & Magic of Angels examines Kabbalistic concepts and their relationship to numerous angels. Contact angels using simple spells, magical rituals, and Kabbalistic evocations. A detailed list of angels makes it easy to choose the best one to work with for specific purposes and desires.

A fresh look a Hermetic Qabala, this book highlights the inherent queer and non-binary nature of this powerful magical system as well as the innate inclusivity of its practice. Enfys J. Book explains the basics of Qabala in an easy-to-understand way, making this book a powerful spiritual tool for any practitioner to enjoy. 978-0-7387-6976-9 $18.99


Discover a practical guide to one of the world’s most ancient and revered spiritual practices. Join author Jean-Louis de Biasi as he explores how the profound tactile experience of beads can be used to deepen spiritual work in Qabala, Wicca, Druidry, and Hermetic traditions. 978-0-7387-4729-3 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.19

Empower and advance your magical practice with sigil magic, one of the most efficient and economical of magical disciplines. Practical Sigil Magic is widely regarded as the definitive guide to the topic. Unavailable for a number of years and long sought-after by ceremonial magicians, mages, and hermetic practitioners, this classic work is available once again. 978-0-7387-3153-7 SAVE 30% $15.95 $11.17

Jane Meredith • 480 pp • 7½ x 9¼

Combining elegant rites with an evocative description of each deity’s myths, this book invites you to begin a soul-level trans formation and awaken to your own strength, power, and divinity.

Magical pathworking is the powerful process of using specific guided meditations to explore the unlimited spiritual energies that form the contours of our lives. This book guides you through a journey of unique pathworkings based on archetypal themes and helps you develop your inner workspace. 978-0-7387-6541-9 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

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One of the most important books in the modern history of occult ism, Papus's Elementary Treatise of Occult Science helped estab lish the shape of occult thinking and practice for decades...and its legacy as a source of spiritual philosophy continues today.


Invoking the Egyptian Gods

John Michael Greer presents an innovative system of self-initi ation into ceremonial magick with powerful Druid rituals based on the life stages of the great wizard Merlin. Featuring eight full ceremonial workings to perform throughout the year, this impres sive guide deepens your spirituality and connects you to ancient wisdom and mysteries. 978-0-7387-5949-4 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

Judith Page & Ken Biles • 288 pp • 6 x 9

This fascinating book follows Jenny Tyson’s year-long training and the intense three-day spirit initiation that turned her minimal psychic abilities into full-blown clairvoyance and clairaudience. Providing detailed accounts of Jenny’s experiences and the tools she used to contact the other side, Spiritual Alchemy also teaches you how to undertake your own spirit communication.

Discover a powerful system of ritual magic that uses the cards of a standard tarot deck. Based on Golden Dawn tarot correspondences, these rituals can be worked anywhere and take only a few minutes to complete. With this innovative approach, you can erect an entire ritual temple anywhere you choose. (Previously sold as Portable Magic.) 978-0-7387-5723-0

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Discover a new system of Western magic that uses 24 postures and 24 hand gestures to evoke and work with the fundamental eso teric forces of the universe. This book shows how to energize your body and mind, call forth the powers of the elements and plan ets, command spirits, bring comfort and healing to the sick, and exorcise demons. 978-0-7387-6413-9 $24.99 Living Magic Frater U. .D. ., Axel Büdenbender, Harry Eilenstein, Josef Knecht • 288 pp • 6 x 9

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This irreverent guide to chaos magic emphasizes experimentation and finding out what works best for you. Andrieh Vitimus presents a revolutionary hands-on course of study for the average person, offering an accessible and practical approach that makes it easier to perform successful chaos magic that is uniquely your own.

This book demystifies the charismatic and influential founder of Thelema, Aleister Crowley. Discover how his work evolved to become a paradigm-shifting system of magick and how he was influenced by Qabalah, the Golden Dawn, Egyptian deities, and more. You’ll also find step-by-step instructions for practicing the basic rites and rituals of this misunderstood tradition. 978-0-7387-5104-7 $19.99

John Michael Greer • 216 pp • 6 x 9

Edited by Lon Milo DuQuette & David Shoemaker 528 pp • 8 x 10 This must-have book features the greatest minds of magick assem bled in one place. Compiled by two leading figures in the magick community, this masterful work includes more than 500 pages of insights into magical systems, techniques, grimoires, correspon dences, and practices. 978-0-7387-6472-6 $39.99

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Simon Court • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Spiritual Alchemy Jenny Tyson • 312 pp • 6 x 9

Tarot Magic Donald Tyson • 240 pp • 6 x 9

Donald Tyson • 288 pp • 7 ½ x 9 ¼

Living Magic is a profound exploration of real magical practice from four esteemed members of the famous Bonn Workshop for Experimental Magic. This book features 24 essays exploring topics like Hermeticism, Da'ath magic, states of consciousness, magic and science, political dimensions, magical healing, folk magic, and astrology. 978-0-7387-6679-9 $18.99

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Discover your true magickal name; create a doorway into other dimensions; and receive messages from Isis, Sekhmet, Nut, Hathor, Osiris, and many others. 978-0-7387-2730-1 SAVE 30% $19.95 $13.97

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Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Ceremonial Magick

Papus, Mark Anthony Mikituk, & John Michael Greer 312 pp • 8 x 10 • Hardcover with Dust Jacket

Thelema Colin D. Campbell • 216 pp • 6 x 9

A trained linguist and enthusiastic intellectual, Patrick Dunn delves into the web of language and symbols that constitute nearly every magical act. His theoretical, language-driven para digm touches on all elements voiced and written, from speaking in tongues and creating mantras to composing Enochian spells and understanding gematria.

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Tess Whitehurst 224 pp • 5¼ x 8 978-0-7387-6752-9 $16.99


This book shares hands-on action steps designed to help you start the jour ney from paralyzing self-criticism to expansive self-adoration. Each chapter contains exercises, meditations, rituals, self-care practices, and journaling prompts to help you integrate the information in an experiential way, exploring everything from energetic hygiene to body positivity.

The SuperpowerSelf-Love

Durgadas Allon Duriel • 272 pp • 6 x 9 You are worthy as you are, right now. This book proves it, taking you on a journey of compassion, authenticity, and spiritual connectedness. Durgadas Allon Duriel shares empowering tools and exercises, uniting cognitive behav ioral therapy with spiritual practices to help you remove harmful self-talk and cultivate good habits. Guiding you through nine important realms of life, including body image, relationships, self-love, sexuality, and career, Durgadas leads you toward greater freedom within yourself. You'll also discover techniques for self-care and compassionate thinking, such as affirmations, meditation, and journal ing, while learning how to avoid spiritual bypassing.

Embrace your authentic self and learn to live on your own terms with 150 lessons meant to inspire, motivate, and teach. Shed what’s false and come to know, accept, and express your true self.

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Alternative Health & Self-Help NEW! NEW!

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Discover Your Authentic Self Sherrie Dillard • 360 pp • 5 x 7

Worthy As You Are

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978-0-7387-6092-6 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

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You’ll explore a range of topics for self-discovery, including intu ition, spiritual guidance, living your purpose, and more.

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Tisha Morris • 264 pp • 6 x 9

Mindful Mama Ileana Abrev • 320 pp • 5 x 7

Transform your home into a magical place that harmo nizes with your deepest needs through more than a dozen thought-provoking exercises. Lesley Morrison’s room-byroom approach bridges the worlds of design, spirituality, and psychological health by presenting practical techniques that draw from a variety of traditions.

Let your home nourish your soul and uplift your spirits. In this delightful book, intuitive counselor Tess Whitehurst reveals how your home can be a powerful catalyst for personal trans formation and manifestation. She offers a variety of simple ways to create a harmonious home while enhancing your own happiness, intuition, and magical power. 978-0-7387-1985-6 $16.95

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A space for spiritual encounter or meditation, the altar is a powerful tool for people of all faiths. Sandra Kynes demon strates how to create personal altars and empower them. She provides nine matrices, each corresponding to the number of objects placed on the altar, and the numerological signif icance. 978-0-7387-1105-8 $16.99

This delightful New Age guide to pregnancy shows how to work with crystals, flowers, essential oils, exercises, meditations, and affirmations for each week of pregnancy. This book keeps you focused on everything that can go right during pregnancy, helping you overcome challenges, relieve stress, and support your little one’s growth into a strong, positive person.

The Secret to Attracting Luck Richard Webster • 304 pp • 5¼ x 8 Manifest good luck and positive energy with fifty quick and effective strategies from bestselling author Richard Webster. This practical, straightforward guide shows you how to use skills and abilities you already possess—or can quickly develop—to attract good fortune and finally become the lucky person you were meant to be. 978-0-7387-6661-4 $16.99

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This is a practical, hands-on guide to holistic health and well ness. Dr. Debbie Palmer is the perfect coach as you learn how stress, nutrition, relationships, and spirituality can affect your sense of inner peace and outer beauty. Discover new tools for spirituality, relaxation, and self-care.

This book shares ideas and techniques for transforming any space into a haven designed to bring balance, serenity, and joy into your life. Sanctuary of Your Own shows you how to carve out a mini sanctuary at home, work, in your car, or even in a hotel room. No matter where you are, you can create a sacred space.

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Rituals for Beginners

Melanie Barnum • 224 pp • 6 x 9

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Turn intuition into a superpower you can leverage for success. Through hands-on exercises, inspiring stories, and clever techniques, Intuition at Work provides innovative ways to suc ceed in the workplace and in life, no matter your profession. Discover effective strategies for manifesting money, increas ing professional influence, bringing out positivity in others, calming your nerves, and trusting your instincts.

The Book of Sacred Baths Paulette Kouffman Sherman, PsyD • 288 pp • 6 x 9

Tess Whitehurst • 240 pp • 53⁄16 x 8


Mindful Beauty Dr. Debbie Palmer • 264 pp • 5¼ x 8

Balance your personal energy and beautify your living space while also healing your home and the planet. Join feng shui expert Tisha Morris as she reveals the amazing possibilities for transformation when you use the wisdom of the Five Elements to make simple changes in your home and in your life.

Sanctuary of Your Own Caroline Dow • 336 pp • 5¼ x 8

Discover simple, meaningful rituals you can use to enrich your life in ways large and small. Join renowned author Richard Webster as he shares ideas for honoring import ant transitions of life, such as birth, marriage, and death. Explore tips for making everyday tasks into moments of spir itual connection. 978-0-7387-4765-1 $15.99

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The Taste of Joy Emily A. Francis • 288 pp • 6 x 9

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Lesley A. Morrison • 224 pp • 5¼ x 8

Use the wonderfully relaxing practice of bathing to create transformation in your love life, career, health, and spirit. Discover 52 recipes for sacred baths, each tailored to a specific emotional or spiritual need, helping you align your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to attract your highest good. 978-0-7387-4602-9 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

Richard Webster • 312 pp • 5¼ x 8

Your Altar Sandra Kynes • 240 pp • 6 x 9

In the Spirit of Home

Decorating with the Five Elements of Feng Shui

The Taste of Joy shows you the value of living simply, mind fully, seasonally, and naturally, while feeding the body and soul more richly. Explore your own path to happiness as Emily recounts her eye-opening experiences getting to know a new region, its inhabitants, and their culture. 978-0-7387-7368-1 $18.99

Access the mysteries of the unconscious mind through an innova tive and simple three-step approach: identify universal symbols, consider the context, and pinpoint personal associations. Also includes an overview of major dream types, such as nightmares, recurring, and precognitive, plus in-depth, classic meanings for over three hundred dream symbols.

The Art of Transforming Nightmares

Modern Dreamwork is a hands-on guide to several different approaches for interpreting your dreams so that you can work through difficult issues with confidence knowing that you’re in tune with the wisest parts of yourself. Linda Yael Schiller presents three unique methods: the Integrated Body Method, the PARDES method, and the Guided Active Imagination Approach (GAIA). 978-0-7387-6182-4 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

Clare R. Johnson, PhD • 328 pp • 6 x 9

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Dr. Clare Johnson, world-leading expert on lucid dreaming, shares her best practical tips for overcoming nightmares and a unique Nightmare Solution Quiz that identifies your personal sleep er-dreamer type so you can fast-track to the transformative tech niques that work best for you.

Nightmares, especially those caused by trauma, not only disrupt your sleep but can leave you exhausted and on edge, haunting your daylight hours. With in-depth infor mation on the nature of nightmares, international speaker, author, and psychotherapist Linda Yael Schiller shows you how to turn anxiety-filled or heart-pounding dreams into resources for spiritual growth. Learn to safely heal post-traumatic nightmares and their root causes. Through compel ling case descriptions and thoughtful exercises, learn how to apply a multiplicity of integrated and embodied dreamwork techniques as well as somatic, narrative, and psy cho-spiritual approaches. Combining neuroscience, healing, mysticism, and creativity, PTSDreams helps you transform nightmares into a new story: one of hope, healing, and life-affirming images. 978-0-7387-7047-5 $18.99

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Alternative Health & Self-Help NEW! NEW!

Modern Dreamwork

The Awakened Dreamer shows you how to remember your nightly dreams, interpret what they are telling you, and use daydreams to manifest your desires into reality. Kala Ambrose helps you combine daydreams with powerful visualizations that can be channeled into your nightly dreams, strengthening the connection between your conscious and unconscious self.

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Linda Yael Schiller • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8

The Awakened Dreamer Kala Ambrose • 240 pp • 5 ¼ x 8

Turn Your Nightmares into Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

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Linda Yael Schiller • 312 pp • 5¼ x 8

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The Samhain season is the perfect time to enhance your psychic skills, intuition, and spirit communications. Get started with this Psychic Enhancement Bath Salt Exercise, excerpted from the new Mastering Magick, to give yourself an extra boost of psychic connectivity. Keep repeating this as you stir until you intuitively you feel that you’re done mixing it. Store it in your mason jar. When you take a bath, use about two handfuls of salt. As you add the salt to the water say: With this salt, I transform this water. No longer is it just water, but an elixir of psychic enhancement, so that whatever is dipped within it is infused with its energy. Then soak.

PURPOSE: Magickal baths can do more than just cleanse your energy; they can also bring in specific energies at the same time, soaking your body and infusing that energy into your aura. Use this bath formula for an extra boost of psychic connectivity.

DIRECTIONS: To make this formula add the two cups of salt to the bowl and mix thoroughly. Add the essential oils to the salt, ensuring the drop amount is precise. As you add an essential oil, ask it for its assistance in creating this for each oil you use. For example: “Spirit of lavender, I ask for your assistance in creating this Psychic Enhancement Bath Salt” then repeat the same with jasmine, mugwort, and peppermint. With a spoon begin to stir clockwise, mixing it thoroughly. As you do, say, I stir this salt within this bowl I stir this salt with my Three Souls. Plant spirits four, assist with this spell So that psychic senses are heightened well. TURN TO PAGE 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION!

MAGICKAL TIMING: Full moon and/or on Mondays

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Psychic Enhancement Bath Salt

MATERIAL: • 1 cup Epsom salts • 1 cup sea salt • 10 drops lavender essential oil • 10 drops jasmine essential oil • 5 drops mugwort essential oil • 3 drops peppermint essential oil • 1 large bowl for mixing • 16 oz. (or larger) mason jar for storage

2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125 2989 Duplicate copies? Help us conserve precious resources. To order call 1-877-NEW-WRLD or visit our website at www.Llewellyn.com NW225 Source code: PRSRT STD U.S. PERMITPAIDPOSTAGE#266MIDLAND,MI Get the FREE New Worlds App for Your iPhone or Android Device! WWW.LLEWELLYN.COM1-800-THE-MOON Get Exclusive Deals & Stay Connected! FREE SHIPPING on orders of $30 or more A Tarot of Frights & Fun Barbara Moore & Jonathan Hunt Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 216-page, full color guidebook 978-0-7387-6510-5 $31.99 TURN TO PAGE 12 FOR MORE INFORMATION! NEW! NEW!

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