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Elves, Witches & Gods Spinning Old Heathen Magic in the Modern Day Cat Heath 978-0-7387-6535-8 US $21.99 CAN $30.99 384 pp • 6 x 9 March 2021 Evidence of Extraterrestrials Over 40 Cases Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth Warren Agius 978-0-7387-6713-0 US $16.99 CAN $23.99 336 pp • 5¼ x 8 March 2021 Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life The Transformative Power of Genealogical Regression Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD 978-0-7387-6451-1 US $17.99 CAN $24.99 240 pp • 6 x 9 March 2021 Tarot Deciphered Decoding Esoteric Symbolism in Modern Tarot T. Susan Chang & M. M. Meleen 978-0-7387-6447-4 US $34.99 CAN $47.99 600 pp • 7½ x 9¼ March 2021
Weave the threads of ancient heathen magic into your modern life. Based on decades of research and experimentation, Elves, Witches, and Gods goes beyond surface level heathen magic, providing explanations and hands-on techniques for galdr, seidr, fiber magic, herb craft, journeying, going under the cloak, and connecting with deities and elves. Urban Faery Magick Connecting to the Fae in the Modern World Tara Sanchez 978-0-7387-6421-4 US $19.99 CAN $27.99 288 pp • 6 x 9 March 2021 The fae are increasingly adapting to the urban world. This book teaches you how to develop relationships with them for inspiration and magic. Urban Faery Magick introduces you to dozens of faeries and offers tips and techniques for interacting with the fae and receiving their blessings and help on your own spiritual path. Air Magic Astrea Taylor 978-0-7387-6431-3 US $17.99 CAN $24.99 240 pp • 5¼ x 8 April 2021 Filled with spells, rituals, recipes, meditations, and correspondences, this second entry in Llewellyn’s Elements of Witchcraft series strengthens your connection to the element of air. Astrea Taylor presents practical techniques for incorporating incense, wind, voice, and smell into your practice as well as air deities, animal guides, sacred sites, herbs, and crystals. New World Witchery A Trove of North American Folk Magic Cory Thomas Hutcheson 978-0-7387-6212-8 US $27.99 CAN $38.99 480 pp • 7½ x 9¼ April 2021 Featuring nearly 500 samples of folklore, including stories, artifacts, rituals, beliefs, magicians, and healers, New World Witchery is a comprehensive collection of witchcraft and folk magic. This treasure trove of witchery is designed to help you integrate folk traditions into your life and deepen your understanding of magic. Discover detailed analysis of over 40 UFO encounters that prove once and for all that extraterrestrials are visiting the Earth. Beginning with historical cases such as the Aurora Crash in 1897 and the famous battle of Los Angeles in 1942, this book tells the definitive stories and provides impeccable documentation for historical and contemporary cases. Wisdom of the Natural World Spiritual and Practical Teachings from Plants, Animals & Mother Earth Granddaughter Crow 978-0-7387-6630-0 US $16.99 CAN $23.99 240 pp • 5¼ x 8 March 2021 Become your most authentic self by embracing the teachings of the earth. This book offers practical exercises, meditations, and new perspectives on improving your relationships, career, and health. Explore how the seasons and weather cycles affect your four bodies and learn how to create your own medicine wheel to help you find balance in life. The Archeo Personal Archetype Cards Nick Bantock 978-0-7387-6440-5 US $24.99 CAN $34.99 Boxed kit (5 x 6¾) includes a 40-card deck and 200-page color guidebook April 2021 Create your own personal mythology with this groundbreaking oracle deck by Nick Bantock, New York Times bestselling author and illustrator of the Griffin & Sabine Trilogy. The Archeo features 40 archetype cards, from the Alchemist to the Trickster, and a full-color guidebook detailing their skills and personalities. Also includes two blank cards for your own art! The Secret to Attracting Luck 50 Ways to Manifest Abundance & Good Fortune Richard Webster 978-0-7387-6661-4 US $16.99 CAN $23.99 240 pp • 5¼ x 8 April 2021 Manifest good luck and positive energy with fifty quick and effective strategies from bestselling author Richard Webster. This practical, straightforward guide shows you how to use skills and abilities you already possess—or can quickly develop—to attract good fortune and finally become the lucky person you were meant to be. Your family’s past may be the key to healing today. Explore the healing power of regression sessions that focus on working with your family lineage. By contacting and sending healing energy to certain members of your family tree, you can initiate ripples of healing that make enormous positive transformations in your life and the world. Witchling Academy Tarot Pamela Chen & Mindy Zhang 978-0-7387-6219-7 US $27.99 CAN $38.99 Boxed kit (5 x 7) includes a 78-card deck and 100-page guidebook March 2021 Inspired by magical girl manga series, this RiderWaite-style deck helps you uncover the secrets of magic and divination. Learn the basics of spellwork and master the elements. Build a personal connection to the cards and help maintain the balance of light and dark. This deck and guidebook unite fantastic storytelling with life-changing wisdom. Intuition at Work Trust Your Gut to Get Ahead in Business & in Life Melanie Barnum 978-0-7387-6633-1 US $17.99 CAN $24.99 240 pp • 6 x 9 April 2021 Through hands-on exercises, inspiring stories, and clever techniques, Intuition at Work provides innovative ways to succeed in the workplace and in life, no matter your profession. Psychic medium and life coach Melanie Barnum demystifies intuition and its use in business so you can accelerate your career and improve your personal life. Tarot Deciphered is an in-depth voyage into the esoteric roots that underlie the Rider-WaiteSmith Tarot, the Thoth Tarot, and the myriad decks that share their symbology. This card-bycard analysis reveals detailed insights drawn from the multi-layered traditions of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the magical order
that most strongly influenced modern tarot. 420 Meditations Enhance Your Spiritual Practice With Cannabis Kerri Connor 978-0-7387-6528-0 US $15.99 CAN $21.99 288 pp • 5 x 7
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Discover 420 meditations that have been designed to enhance your spiritual journey and integrate the profound feelings, healing energies, and wise insights of one of the world’s most magical herbs. 420 Meditations provides daily prompts for contemplation, self-inquiry, and reflection as well as chants, mantras, breathwork techniques, and tips for working with stones and essential oils.
Living Magic Contemporary Insights and Experiences from Practicing Magicians Frater U...D.. ., Axel Budenbender, Harry Eilenstein, Josef Knecht 978-0-7387-6679-9 US $21.99 CAN $30.99 360 pp • 6 x 9
April 2021 Living Magic is a profound exploration of real magical practice from four esteemed members of the famous Bonn Workshop for Experimental Magic. Featuring 24 essays exploring topics like Hermeticism, Da’ath magic, states of consciousness, magic and science, magical healing, folk magic, and astrology, this book
is an invaluable source of magical knowledge.