Vocabulary unit 2

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Unit 2: Looking after yourself We are all equal Medical treatment: Tratamiento médico Advances: Mejoras Illness: Enfermedad Vaccinations: Vacunas Disease: Enfermedad Smallpox: Viruela Measles: Sarampión

To be aware of: Ser consciente de Confident / Shy: Confiado / Tímido To Deserve: Merecer Feelings: Sentimientos Empathy: Empatía Nearby: Cerca Play tag: Jugar a pillar

Healthy Habits Research: Investigar Take care: Cuidar Iron: Hierro Potassium: Potasio Strengthen: Fortalecer Fibre: Fibra Running smoothly: Funcionar fluidamente Plenty of: Mucha Rest and Sleep: Descansar y dormir Germs: Gérmenes Plaque: Placa Check-up: Chequeo Optician: Oculista

Useful expresions

Unhealthy Habits

We should wash our hands before eat

Get sick: Ponerse malo To avoid: Evitar Contagious: Contagiosas Pathogens: Patógenos White blood cells: Glóbulos blancos Fast food: Comida rápida Weight problems: Problemas de peso Food labels: Etiquetas de los alimentos Additives: Aditivos Headache and backache: Dolor de cabeza y espalda Eye strain: Fatiga visual Dust: Polvo Harm the liver: Dañar el hígado

Some diseases are contagious

Vaccinations protect us from diseases X-rays pass through the body and leave an image of bones or organs Iron helps blood carry oxygen Proteins build muscles Exercise makes our body stronger

White bloods cells protect the body against germs and pathogens All people are equal We must remember people always deserve respect

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