Vocabulary unit 8

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Unit 8: Energy Thermal energy Thermal energy: Energía térmica Light energy: Energía luminosa Sound energy: Energía del sonido Electrical energy: Energía eléctrica Switch on/off: Encender / Apagar Energy sources: Fuentes de energía Renewable energy: Energía renovable Non-renewable energy: Energía no renovable A trip to a wind farm Coal, oil and gas: Carbón, petróleo y gasolina Power stations: Centrales eléctricas Fossil fuels: Combustibles fósiles Acid rain: Lluvia ácida Global warming: Calentamiento global Ice caps: Casquetes polares To waste energy: Malgastar energía

Matter: Materia Particles: Partículas Further apart: Más lejos Heat insulators: Aislante térmico Heat conductors: Conductor Sound energy Sound waves: Ondas sonoras Distorted: Distorsionado Echo: Eco Therefore: Por lo tanto Sonic boom: Estampido supersónico Strenght: Fuerza Pitch: Tono Rate of vibration: Tasa de vibración High-pitched: Tono alto Low-pitched: Bajo tono

Types of energy Kynetic energy: Energía cinética Petrol: Gasolina (USA) Batteries: Baterías / Pilas To burn: Quemar Hydropower: Hidroelectricidad Meteor showers: Lluvia de meteoritos Lightning: Relámpago Lights bulbs and candles: Bombillas y velas Chemical energy: Energía química

Useful expressions:

Light energy

The Sun is a natural source of light.

To light up: Encender / Iluminar Straight line: Línea recta To get in its way: Ponerse en su camino To behave: Comportarse Opaque: Opaco Translucent: Translúcido To scatter: Dispersarse

Thermal energy flows from a warm object to a cooler one.

Energy can be transformed from one form to another. Most cars get their energy from petrol. We can transform electrical energy into light, sound or movement.

Fossil fuels come from underground. When chemical energy is released, it is converted into other forms of energy.

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