Lloyd kagin 5 essential tips for selling commercial real estate

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LLoyd Kagin - 5 Tips for seLLing CommerCiaL reaL esTaTe

TaLK To oTher CommerCiaL reaL esTaTe professionaLs Ask if they have any tricks for making the transition, or if they have particular expertise in your local market. You might even ask if they'll help you gain experience by co-listing a property to begin, allowing you to darkness them through the process.

prepare yourseLf for a sLow sTarT Avoid resign yourself to a slow start, but have your ducks in a row, in the event. When making a professional or personal transition in life, a safety net is always helpful big movements can take time. Regardless of much you know about commercial real estate, is actually important to understand that it can take longer to move commercial listings than it does take to move residential listings. Anticipate to weather that storm.

Learn The CommerCiaL reaL esTaTe appraisaL proCess

Value determinations in commercial real property can be much more complicated than appraisals on residential properties. It's essential that you really know what to ask for and also what things to provide the identifier.

geT on Top of your Training

Seek out training opportunities that rise above what you learned earning your real estate license. NAR offers the (Certified Commercial Investment Member) to train commercial real property owners, investors and users in interest-based negotiation, integrity, market analysis, financial evaluation and more.

Know your housing Code

Commercial real estate comes with a lot of nuance when it comes to commercial use and zoning. To be able to effectively serve your clients you'll need to be up to time. Talk to your local zoning officer about specific properties and any future changes.

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