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As Alberta continues to attract workers from across the country, it is crucial they can use their credentials in good-paying jobs.
In fall 2021, Alberta’s government passed the Labour Mobility Act so highly skilled, certified professional workers from across Canada will have a more streamlined process to use their expertise in Alberta.
With the act now in force, the government has another tool in its toolbox.
“I am proud of this government’s efforts to ensure that everyone who wants to work in Alberta can use their skills and build rewarding careers,” said Kaycee Madu, Minister of Skilled Trades and Professions. “Not only will this legislation help us create jobs and diversify our economy, but it will also strengthen our workforce with the skilled workers Alberta needs.”
In summer 2022, Alberta’s government launched the Alberta is Calling campaign, targeted at bringing skilled workers and professionals from Toronto and Vancouver to Alberta.
Earlier this year, a second phase of the campaign was launched, with a focus on attracting workers from the Maritimes and southeastern Ontario.
The campaigns have been successful: in the third and fourth quarters of 2022, Alberta saw more than 30,000 people move to the province from across Canada, bringing the annual total to more than 45,000 from across the country.
This migration also represents the importance of this legislation and the need to ensure that out-of-province, certified professional workers will experi - ence a consistent and transparent approach for timely recognition of skills, education and credentials.
The C.D. Howe Institute estimates that reducing labour mobility costs by $500 per person per year could attract about 20,000 additional workers to Alberta and increase the provincial GDP by
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March 2023, compared to March 2022, an increase of 1.7 per cent.
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$2.8 billion.
The Conference Board of Canada estimates that improving Canada’s credential recognition system could potentially increase the annual incomes of the people affected by an average of $15,000 to $20,000, totalling more than $3 billion for those with out-of-province credentials.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
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