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play starts at 7 p.m.
Cribbage Doubles Tourney
The Legacy Centre is hosting a Cribbage Doubles Tournament on April 27, bring a partner! Play begins at 10 a.m. and the cost to play is $10/person. Lunch is also available for $12/ person. Everyone welcome! Call the Legacy office at 780-875-4584 for more info.
Gigantic Garage Sale
A giant garage sale is being held at the Alcurve Hall on Saturday, April 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lunch available, every - one welcome!
Plant Swap
The Lloydminster Public Library is hosting a plant swap on April 29 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Swap with your plant babies, seeds, pots, and other plant care items you no longer need or want and trade them with fellow plant enthusiasts in the community.
Diabetes Education Class
The Saskatchewan Health Authority is hosting a diabetes education class “An introduction is the basics,” on May 1 from 12:304:30 p.m. The class will be held in the Prairie North Plaza – Klinger Conference Room, across the hall from suite 115, 4910 50 St. To register, please call 306820-4887.
The Rocket Man & The Piano Man
The Rocket Man (A Tribute to Elton John) and The Piano Man (A Tribute to
Billy Joel) will be on stage at the Vic Juba Theatre on May 7 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $60/person and available online or at the theatre’s box office, 780-872-7400.
Spring Fling Sale
The Lloydminster Potters Guild will be hosting their annual Spring Fling Sale on Sunday May 7 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Lloydminster Museum and Archives. Meet the Artisans and shop hand-crafted pottery.
There will be a Jamboree at the Tulliby Lake Communiplex on Saturday, May 6, at 7 p.m. Admission is $10, participants free, and lunch will be served. For more info, call Darlene at 780-870-5591.
Cribbage Tourney
The Lloydminster Moose is holding a cribbage tournament on May 7 at the lodge. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and games will start at 10 a.m. Enter as a team of as an individual. Cost is $25 and includes refreshments. Twelve games guaranteed. Prize money awarded for the topthree teams, it’s also the final tournament of the season.
Bowl for a Buzz
The 2nd Annual Bowl for a Buzz Scotch Doubles Glow Bowling Tournament is being held on May 13 at Lloyd Lanes Bowling Alley at 7 p.m. The cost is $60/team *only 48 teams being accepted* All ages and abilities welcome! To register, call Amy at 780-214-2549. Registration deadline is May 5. Payment to be made via e-transfer upon registration. All proceeds go to the Lori Craven Memorial Ball Tournament.
The Stampeders at the Vic Juba Canadian rock trio, The Stampeders, hit the stage at the Vic Juba Community Theatre on May 14 for a 7:30 p.m. show to help celeberate 50 years as a band. Tickets are available at the Vic Juba box office and are $83.
Strategies for Managing High Blood Pressure
The Sask. Health Authority is hosting a Strategies for Managing High Blood Pressure class on May 23 from 9-11 a.m. in the Prairie North Plaza’s Suite 109. To register, please call 306-8206262. This class is free.
Moose Lodge Rummage Sale
The Moose Lodge, located at 5213 57 St., is hosting a garage/ rummage sale on May 26 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and May 27 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tables are $20 ($10 for Moose members in good standing. For more info and table rentals, contact Susan at 780872-1871.
She Shed Raffle Returns!
The She Shed Raffle at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #39 is back! Support the Lloydminster Legion by getting your tickets for the She Shed Raffle! The grand prize is a shed valued at over $11,000 or $5,000 in cash! Get your tickets today to be in for the early bird draw. Tickets are $10 each and available at Cliff Rose for Clothes, Midway Towing or any Legion member. Grand prize draw is July 1!

“We can never say for sure, but we know that if Flora had been properly assessed and treated for perinatal mental illness, it’s highly possible she would still be with us here today and her baby would still have her mother.”
Programming at the Timber Cafe will include speakers, selfcare activities, refreshments and snacks, takehome items and giveaway prizes.
The rate of perinatal mental illness has risen from 1 in 5 pre-pandemic to 1 in 3, with 40 per cent of women and 20 percent of men in Canada currently suffering from a perinatal mental illness, and rates are even higher for marginalized people.
“We want to make sure what happened to Flora never happens again to anyone in Canada; it is simply unacceptable,” said Jaime Charlebois, co-founder and co-executive director of CPMHC.
“Perinatal mental illness is treatable and supports are available.”