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Stolen property, drugs and firearms recovered in CVR
Dodge Ram 1500;
- 1994 Ford Ranger;
Lloydminster fans dove into that when they first played in Lloyd at the now-defunct The Root in 2017.
“It was outstanding,” recalled Bailer.
“The Root wasn’t very big and we didn’t know much about it.”
Bailer tells Lloydminster fans if they loved the group 10 years ago, they will not be disappointed when it showtime again at the Vic Juba.
“It’s not like we’ve moved past where our roots are. We’ve just kind of added to it,” said Bailer.
On March 30, Alberta RCMP Traffic-Vermilion, with the assistance of Vermilion RCMP, Eastern Alberta District-Crime Reduction Unit, and Alberta RCMP Auto TheftNorth, conducted a search warrant on a rural property in Vermilion River County. One subject was located on the property and arrested.
The following vehicles were recovered:
- 2000 Dodge Dakota;
- Chassis of a 2018
- 2004 Honda TRX 450 ATV;
- 2006 Honda VT75 Motorcycle; and
- 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer.
Additionally, the following notable items were seized:
- .22 calibre rifle;
- 12 gauge shotgun;
- Over 164 grams of illicit Cannabis.
Greg Michael Wilson, 31, and Keisha
Rai Sharp, 26, both residents of Vermilion River County, have been jointly charged with:
- Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under or Over
$5000.00 x3
- Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm
- Possession of Illicit Cannabis
- Possession of greater than 200 but less than 1200 cigarettes Tobacco Tax Act)
Wilson has also been charged with:
- Possession of a Firearm Contrary to an Order
Sharp has also been charged with:
- Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under or Over
$5000.00 x2
- Transporting Cannabis in an Open Container within Reach of an Occupant of a Motor Vehicle
Wilson was remanded in custody and is set to appear at Alberta Court of Justice in Vermilion on April 17. Sharp was released with conditions and is also set to appear in Vermilion on April 17.
“Albertans have told us this was red tape - we listened and are addressing it. This change will also help make driver’s licences more affordable for Albertans.”
Starting April 1, drivers who have an urgent need to exit the GDL program – needing a non-GDL licence for a job, for example, – ca n go to a registry agent office to confirm their eligibility.
If the registry agent determines a driver is eligible, they will exchange the driver’s GDL licence for a nonGDL driver’s licence free of charge.
On June 25, the Government of Alberta will implement technology that will automatically exit eligible Albertans who have demonstrated safe driving behaviours from GDL drivers to non-GDL status.
GDL drivers must have no suspensions or demerits within their last 12 months of probation, including zero tolerance for any alcohol and/or drug consumption.
Drivers who exhibit poor driving behav - iours and incur demerits, or are ticketed for other unsafe driving offences during the last year of their probation will have their probationary period extended for an additional year.