3 minute read
Leeway from Lloyd: Senior moments in spandex
They say age is just a number, and at 74, I was one of the oldest, if not the oldest cyclist in the L’Etape Canada race by the Tour de France in Sherwood Park on Aug. 13.
In fact, there were only five of us in the oldest 70-79 age bracket in the 85-kilometre event and just six in the 135 km. I finished third in the group, just one minute behind the second senior, and 15 minutes behind the winner. The other two guys were way behind.
There were also a couple of women over 70 proving seniors rock. Ironically, the start/finish line takes place in front of a 55-plus condo.
The fastest 70-plus senior was in the 135 km and covered the distance in an amazing 3:48.41. By com - parison, I was 3:16.23 in the 85 km, averaging 26.3 km/hr to his 35 km/hr!
I maxed out my effort on a hot day and my computer indicated my heart rate also hit my pacemaker max of 160 bpm for over seven minutes.
There was no way I could have taken part in the Alberta Senior Games for Zone 7 seniors this past weekend but I am looking forward to seeing those results.
When my race was all over, I was grateful I can still compete, but I can understand why more seniors don’t. For one thing, you have to have relatively good health and not be sick or injured on race day.
The sport is not cheap either as I saw a lot of $5,000-plus bikes out there. I got my bike in 2017 for half price but like most seniors, I can’t afford to buy one at those prices.
To compete, you also have to pay a registration fee along with food, gas and accommodation if you are coming from out of town.
There is also a huge time commitment to training that a lot of seniors don’t have.
If age is just a number, pick the one you have and go for it to keep active. You might look good in spandex, too!
The kids should be making them, or pizza, etc. … you are a great cook, you could supervise. Bev suggested dessert on Sunday!
Good luck, Chris! I’m sure you will do a great job right where you are! Yours truly, Victor Hult
P.S. Remember when we were having trouble with Immigration Canada with all the changes in paperwork etc. etc. I told you I didn’t believe you were coming until I could see the whites of your eyes? I looked at those eyes again when I was at the Lutheran Church in Viking on Aug. 6 and those were the kindest eyes looking back at me!
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North Bend
Musical Afternoon
North Bend Musical afternoon is held the second Sunday of each month except for August. Join us from 1-4 p.m. at the historic North Bend Hall, RR 3262 north of Hwy 3. Dancers and musicians are encouraged to join. Raffle tickets are available for our draw on July 9 for $1,000