3 minute read

Vic’s Views ...

ing and seeding at an amazing pace.

Someone is trying to trick us. Either The Big Guy or da devil. We all think it is time for harvest, but someone seems to have other plans.

In the summer, when crops are growing, nature played the showers lottery with places receiving lots of rain. Just a few miles away, no rain, and dry as could be. Now, it’s harvest time and everybody is getting rain! What gives, anyways?? This isn’t nice!

Unfortunately, we have seen it before –dry all summer and come fall, we get Monsoon August and September. Good luck harvesting, everyone!

On the home front, son-in-law, Jose, who was so anxious to start he was tied to a logging chair in the yard.

He finally broke loose and was spray -

He has two 36-foot John Deere swathers and they are knocking down field after field of canola! He soon will have all the canola swathed.

Bradley is swathing away on canola with six machines. He will soon have to stop as he summerfallowed a section by the highway and it is still a bit green.

Every shower brings more pods out. Hopefully, he will be rewarded.

On my home place, Frank hired a place to spray and now the canola is ripening. His plan is to straight-cut.

I hope these straightcutters know there is a difference between dry and cured.

Don’t be dumping it all hot in a bin. Could easily have a stinky wreck. I wish everyone well with harvest! And don’t get too stressed out and tired!

When we moved into this house in Lloydminster, in the backyard was a lawn and nothing else. I basically hate trees. They are always trying to wreck my swather and combine.

I have brushed and broke about 4,000 acres in my lifetime and have a saying, “the only good tree is a dead tree!”

I asked my wife one spring what she would like for her birthday and she replied … “a couple of apple trees.” I relented and went to Wickham’s and bought some trees!

I bought three apple trees, two cherry trees, two Saskatoon bushes and some hascaps. I tried haggling, but no way. I finally got a break on some scruffy little hascaps.

We have received flowers on the cherry trees and only once did they have fruit.

There have been no Saskatoons, and last year, one apple tree produced a dozen apples. But, those little hascap bushes, did they ever produce this year! A few years ago, grandson Santiago was visiting, so I sent him out to check on the fruit trees. After a lengthy bit of time, he came back.

He said there were no apples, no cherries, no Saskatoons. I asked, “Was there any hascaps?” Pulling himself up to full height and with an air of confidence, he said, “Nope, no hascaps!”

I looked closer at him and could see his lips were blue, his teeth were blue, and so was his tongue. He was right, there was none out there, they were all inside him!

After waiting seven years, I had my first bowl of hascaps, and I ate them all myself!!

- Yours truly, Victor Hult.

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