1 minute read

Bike Index helps recover stolen twowheeled whips

Have you ever had a bike stolen from your property? Even worse, has one of your kids’ bikes ever been stolen? It’s not a fun feeling, is it?

Thanks to a partnership between the City of Lloydminster and the Lloydminster RCMP, Border City residents can now register their bicycles with BikeIndex. org in the event they are stolen.


Bike Index is a registration database with the highest bike theft recovery rate among any registration service. It allows the bike owner to declare their bike stolen and receive information through the database if it’s recovered.

This week, Lloyd - minster residents are invited to attend two different registration sessions to get their bikes in the system.

The first session took place yesterday from 12-3 p.m. at the outdoor pool.

The second session takes place from 12-4 p.m. today at the Harty Development Skate Park in the parking lot of the Servus Sports Centre.

Aside from helping residents register their bikes, the Lloydminster RCMP will be onsite to help the public learn more about bike safety and test their skills on a bike obstacle course.

By registering your bike, you’re ensuring it’s traceable and increasing the chances of recovery if it’s stolen.

There are many ways to stay updated on the progress being made downtown. They have a ‘Downtown Lloydminster’ Facebook page and are on Instagram, as well as a Lloydminster.ca/ downtown.

“Those things will continue to provide information to people on different things going on and parts of the plan that we are continuing to pursue,” said Torresan. “And if anybody else wants to get involved, another thing is we had a call for applications for committee members that closed on the fourth of July, but we still have quite a few vacant seats,” said Torresan.

If anyone is interested in applying to be on the committee they can contact the city or get more information at Lloydminster.ca/ darp.

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