5 minute read
Leeway from Lloyd: Human rights off the deep end?
minster says it’s all about inclusion, but the pool was already fully inclusive.
It’s no shoes, no shirt, but a potential problem for some people with new legalities at the Bioclean Aquatic Centre, including topless swimming.
The pool’s topless allowance is in alignment with the Alberta Human Rights Act, which does not allow for discrimination based on gender, gender identity or gender expression.
What made me laugh was seeing a man swimming the other day with his shirt on as some sort of possible reverse psychology stunt!
This “go topless” thing kicked off with Edmonton pools, but that city keeps changing its policy, with the latest adjustment being it’s only adults 18 and over who can swim topless and children have to be with an adult.
Hey Edmonton, doesn’t that go against the act you claim to defend by discriminating against teens?
The City of Lloyd - ing away my own share of adults and kids to celebrate my turning 74. I may show up wearing
Allowing topless swimming will make it less inclusive if topless swimming is allowed at any time slot. There’s human rights, but there is common sense, too.

In Lloyd, how about just scheduling a time slot for topless swimming so other swimmers don’t have to feel uncomfortable sharing pool space if they don’t want to? No pool user has the right to swim anytime they feel like it, so scheduling a time for topless swimmers makes sense.
Since the pool is publicly funded, taxpayers should have a major say in user policy, especially since it involves kids and their use of the outdoor pool.
Gender identity and expression, on the other hand, seem more like behavioural issues or just thoughts than human rights, in many people’s minds.
Anyone can think or imagine they’re a woman or the King of England, and dress the parts as an actor would, but obviously, they’re neither. If any man claims to identify as a female and changes in the women’s dressing room, families might react and pull their kids from the pools, period. Sponsors might, too. That’s their right.
As one person from Edmonton commented, this is more like making our pools into a political statement at the expense of the majority of recreational users, especially children.
3” wide version a custom birthday suit, so please don’t call the police. It’s my birthright, man.
Easy Calving Angus Hybrid Bulls for Heifers
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3.75” wide version
For Sale Certified 2022 Algonquin Alfalfa Seed
99.9% purity, inoculated, in 55 lb bags wholesale price $4.00 a pound. Algonquin Alfalfa is a tap root tri foliate, extremely winter hardy, fine stem, and excellent disease resistance.
Easy Calving Angus Hybrid Bulls for Heifers
Charlton Cattle Co. has more than 40 years’ experience raising only easy calving bulls for first calf heifers.
Also Selling Timothy and Brome Grass Blends to your specifications.
• 58 red and black easy calving yearling bulls on test (65-85 pound BWs)
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• Less than 1% assist rate in over 32,000 home-raised and commercial heifers
FREE SHIPPING on orders over 1200 lb.
• Six month breeding soundness guarantee
I am thinking of scar-
An easy calving, stress-free spring is just a phone call away! Contact Daryl at 780-806-1229
CharltonCattleCo@gmail.com www.CharltonCattleCo.ca
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City of Lloydminster Public Referral
Draft Bylaw 09-2023
For Sale Certified 2022 Algonquin Alfalfa Seed
Intent: Bylaw No. 09-2023, Electronic Communications Bylaw
To enable the City of Lloydminster to send electronic assessment and taxation notices and documents.
99.9% purity, inoculated, in 55 lb bags wholesale price $4.00 a pound. Algonquin Alfalfa is a tap root tri foliate, extremely winter hardy, fine stem, and excellent disease resistance.
Background: The City of Lloydminster previously had a process of sending assessment and taxation notices by electronic means. However, distributing a paper copy was still required under the previous version of The Lloydminster Charter. As part of the updates to The Lloydminster Charter, Administration added Section 551.1, allowing assessment and taxation communications to be sent electronically. This was added to the Municipal Government Act (MGA) in 2020 when it was last updated. To address the recent changes to legislation, Administration has prepared a draft Electronic Communications Bylaw to support electronic distribution.
Also Selling Timothy and Brome Grass Blends to your specifications. Farmer Direct. FREE SHIPPING on orders over 1200 lb.
How do I get more information?
The draft bylaw can be reviewed online at www.lloydminster.ca/bylaw09-2023. For more information, please contact Legislative Services at 780-871-8328.
The bylaw will be presented for the first reading during the regular Council meeting on Monday, March 27, 2023.
Unable to attend the meeting in person, watch live at www.lloydminster.ca/livestream. lloydminster.ca
Calendar Of Events
The Meridian Source Calendar of Events is a free service provided for non-profit organizations located within our coverage area. All events are in chronological order, as space permits and at the editor’s discretion.

Square Dancing Introduction
Intro to square dancing will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at City Church, 511549 Street. Walk to the beat of music by following simple instructions from the caller. Come alone or bring a friend. Wear whatever is comfortable. First evening is FREE!
Bingo at the Moose
The Moose Lodge,