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Leeway from Lloyd: Gender identity off the rails!
and so on.
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I am beginning to think we are living in the Bizzaro world where up is down, black is white and male is female. All of us have been witness to the craziness that oozed from the pandemic, and more recently, we have been subjected to the “new normal” of gender identity.
It seems some humans who are born either male or female, grow up and decide to gender identify as everything from aliens and animals to the opposite sex, babies
The unhealthy part of gender expression is allowing people and organizations to enable the lunatic fringe without being aware of the consequences or just not giving a damn.
A case in point involves a transOakville, Ontario teacher who wears Z-cup prosthetic breasts, a blonde wig, tights and glasses at school with a thumbs up from the school board.
Parents, meanwhile, are rightfully screaming to fire this disrupter who was recently photographed walking in all his male attire. I can’t stop laughing.
Now he claims the photo taken by a New York Post photographer isn’t him and his breasts are actually real from a rare condition known as gigantomastia!!
He is also suddenly claiming he is not transgender but was born intersex.
It’s time for common sense to kick in and give this clown the royal boot for upsetting kids and families with his over-the-top behaviour. The school board continues to defend this. They need a swift boot too into a loonie bin.
There’s a trans killer in Scotland who doesn’t want to be transferred to a male prison and started to identify as a baby and demanded guards hold “her” hand, change her diapers and feed her baby food. This self-declared baby should only be eligible to possess toy bank cards, a fake passport, and live in a doll house.
Let’s pray this adult toddler is adopted by the loving Putin family in Russia who will help her grow up on the front lines!
Spoiler alert, but I now identify as an elected clone of former U.S. president Donald Trump with a large desk wired to many red buttons that need pushing to put an end to this insanity once and for all. Please don’t blame me for the apocalypse. You voted for me!