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Sask investing in post-secondary student success
The Government of Saskatchewan is empowering students to pursue post-secondary education through increased financial support. In 2023-24, the government will provide $112 million in direct support to students through tax credits, grants and scholarships, an increase of $9 million from the previous year.
ing will address the growing needs of students and graduates in our province through increased student supports and enhanced repayment assistance.” benefits students who qualify for student aid by providing a $750 scholarship per year to a maximum of $3,000;
The province provides financial assistance to over 20,000 post-secondary students each year through numerous programs. In 202324, the government will allocate $34.5 million to the Student Aid Fund, which provides loans and grants to Saskatchewan students. Applications for the 202324 student aid year will open in June. Students are encouraged to apply early to help ensure funding is received by their program start date.
The government also has specific supports to assist students with disabilities in completing their post-secondary education.
“I’m really thankful for the Canada-Saskatchewan Grant for Equipment and Services for Students with Disabilities because it’s given me so many supports like tutoring, computer equipment, and financial aid,” said second-year psychology student at the University of Regina Landon Sawden.
- $3 million for the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship, which is matched by post-secondary institutions and divided into multiple scholarships; and
The province also provides loan forgiveness for nurses, nurse practitioners, veterinarians, and veterinary technologists who choose to practice in rural areas of the province. The additional funding will address the growing needs of students and graduates in our province through increased student supports and enhanced repayment assistance.
“Students are the future of our province and we are committed to supporting them from their first year of studies to entering Saskatchewan’s workforce after graduating,” said Advanced Education Minster Gordon Wyant. “The additional fund -
The Canada-Saskatchewan Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Disabilities provides students with up to $22,000 per academic year to purchase specialized educationrelated services and assistive equipment.
“The grant has helped me be successful in my courses and made it possible to continue my degree so I can get a good job after graduation.”
The government is also investing over $12 million in scholarships for students currently in or entering post-secondary. This funding includes:
- $8.6 million for the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship, which
- $500,000 to support French Language Scholarships, the Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship, Queen Elizabeth II Centennial Aboriginal Scholarship, the Scholarship of Honour, and new Indigenous Languages Scholarships.
Post-secondary graduates who live and work in Saskatchewan can also benefit from the Graduate Retention Program, which provides up to $20,000 in tax credits.

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