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Seniors invited to housing focus group

Several members of the Lloydminster Concerned Citizens for

Seniors Care Society have accepted an invitation to form a seniors focus group for a new city-wide Housing

Needs Assessment. They will add their input on accessible and age-appropriate housing at City Hall on Sept.

18 at 11 a.m. with consultant Scott Cameron. He’s the president and CEO of Bassa Social Innovations Inc., contracted by the city to assess everything from homelessness and social housing to rental properties and ownership, with public input.

“They’ve asked to meet with us and we’re happy to talk to them and give them our thoughts on what we think about housing needs in Lloydminster specifically for seniors,” said Seniors Care Society president Graham Brown following the group’s Tuesday meeting.

“It looks like we have about 10 people to meet with the consultant and give them some input on this very important subject.”

The invitation is timely as Stephanie Miller, CEO of Lloydminster Region Housing Group summarized the results of a needs survey by residents of senior housing at Tuesday’s meeting at the Legacy Centre meeting.

“I think after hearing Stephanie’s report, there needs to be more funding for capital projects and we are also short of actual spaces,” said Brown.

“We need more spaces for social housing. There’s a waiting list of people and families trying to find a place to live.”

Brown says as the cost of living gets higher that list is going to get longer.

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