perceived as an irritant, there is no point in heedlessly trying to fully overcome fundamental lack because this is not possible. Neither should we ignore it and impoverish ourselves to a narrow It is either fundamental lacking perception of our options. It is and freedom or determinism important to understand the and slavery. alternative: it is either fundamental lacking and freedom or determinism and slavery. Suffering under restricted freedom is much deeper than suffering in an imperfect, yet free, world. 1.6. Recognition of lack The imprints of lack in human nature explain why people find it hard to accept it. Human beings are fallible, they lack knowledge, and they are social beings. The marks of lack are also found in the surrounding world. The world is described by temporality and space, and its scarce resources must be put to proper use. Imperfect people act in an imperfect world. In this regard, unacceptance of lack may be attributed to the following reasons: The ontological level. The understanding of lack as a basic phenomenon of being is complicated by the fact that the primordial causes of being are not entities in themselves. Understanding them requires an intentional effort. It is through the senses that manifestations of the primordial element, but not its essence, can be experienced. Yet, at the same time it is hard to contemplate lack per se because the sensory perception of it immediately calls for action. It <…> impacts human beings as a catalyst, triggers the internal engine, incenti vizing action, hope, and goal-setting. This evolving activity diverts attention from the possibility of reflection” (Leontjeva 2016: 87).