2 minute read

A Mobile App for Supplemental Staffing Network

By Jet Role, DNP, RN, LHIT, and James Thompson, MSN, RN

The Supplemental Staffing Network (SSN) leadership team’s commitment to providing accessible resources and effective methods of communication to SSN staff led to the development of a mobile app called SSN EduSource. The partnership between Information Systems (IS) and SSN leadership resulted in finding the right application that supports the process improvement goals of SSN department. The developers used the Mobile Application Development Lifecycle model (MADLC), a systematic approach, to develop the app in phases – identification, design, development, prototyping, testing, and maintenance.

In 2020, the SSN leadership team found several challenges that needed to be addressed. These challenges were:

» Paper orientation forms were missing signatures and progress was difficult to track.

» Training and education materials for new employees were created and placed in a binder, which is costly to produce.

» Links to employee resources were found in multiple places within the organization’s portal.

» Email was not always the most efficient way to deliver information.

The development team specified that the application should be mobile and web-based compatible, minimal- to no-code application, customizable, and expansion ready. With these functional expectations, SharePoint Online, Nintex Workflows and Forms, and SharePoint mobile app were the identified application solution.

The developers utilized the webpart function of SharePoint Online to build the mobile app design and interface. Nintex workflows and forms were used to build interactive forms with automated workflows. The mobile app was designed to include parts that were identified as valuable to SSN staff. These parts include:

» Orientation checklist (beta)

» Unit float packets

» Resource library

» Experience form

» Management contact info

» News/update

» Links to employee resources

To help facilitate user engagement and input, a survey tool was sent to staff members. Some of the positive comments include:

“The convenience of having the application through the phone makes it so that employees will have easier access to forms and other relevant items.”

“I believe this application source is easier to access and utilize because there are less search processes to find forms. The forms are conveniently on the main page and only require one or two clicks while navigating.” These comments helped ensure that the mobile application was headed in the right direction. SSN leaders also reviewed comments marked as opportunities to identify solutions that will improve the overall mobile application.

The SSN leaders were eager to share the experiences they gained from this project and the partnerships between IS and Nursing. The abstract entitled “Developing a Mobile Application for a Supplemental Staffing Team” was selected for podium presentation at the AONL conference at San Antonio, Texas. Jet Role, DNP, RN, LHIT director of SSN, and James Thompson, MSN, RN, manager of SSN, presented on Wenesday, April 13, 2022. Carmela Hongthong, M.Ed, MSN, RN, manager of SSN, also joined the conference to support the team. The overall experience at the conference was robust and informational because there were over fifty breakout and plenary sessions to choose from. This experience empowered the SSN leaders to engage in more process improvement projects and IS-nursing partnerships.

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