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Formula Feeding
Although breast milk is the best possible nutrition your baby can receive, you may choose to use infant formula instead of or in combination with breast milk. It is important that you know how to safely prepare, handle, store and feed infant formula. Powder formula may contain harmful bacteria that can make your baby sick, the steps below outline the safest way to prepare infant feedings.
Ready to feed formula
This is the easiest type of formula to prepare and can be stored at room temperature. However this can also be the most expensive.
1. Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them using a clean towel or disposable napkin.
2. Open the bottle and screw on the cap.
3. Warm to feeding temperature if desired.
4. Feed immediately or refrigerate for up to 48 hours.
Preparing powder formula
1. Clean and disinfect the area you will be using to prepare the formula.
2. Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them using a clean towel or disposable napkin.
3. Heat clean and safe water until the water comes to a rolling boil.
4. Carefully pour the appropriate amount of boiled water into a clean and sterilized feeding cup or bottle. Do not allow the water to cool to less than 158°F/ 70°C. The water should be cooled for no more than 30 minutes after boiling to prevent bacterial growth.
5. To the measured water, add the exact amount of formula as instructed on the label. Adding more or less powder than instructed could make the infant ill.
6. Taking care to avoid burns, shake or swirl the mixture gently until the contents are thoroughly mixed.
7. Immediately after preparation, quickly cool the formula to feeding temperature by holding the bottle or feeding cup under running tap water, or placing in a container of iced or cold water. Do not allow the cooling water to touch the top of the feeding cup or the lid of the bottle.
8. Carefully check the feeding to ensure it has reached a safe temperature to avoid burns in the baby’s mouth.
9. Throw away any formula that has not been consumed within two hours.
10. If storing formula feed for later use, store in a refrigerator (40°F/ 4°C) immediately after cooling; throw out any formula not used within 24 hours of preparation.
Tips when feeding a baby
• Always hold your baby when feeding
• Never prop a bottle
• Do not put the baby to bed with a bottle
• Infant should be held at a 45 degree angle when feeding
• Infants should be held upright for 15 minutes after a feeding
• Always discard any milk left in the bottle at the end of a feeding
• Observe your baby for signs of too fast or too slow milk flow
Babies can get air in their stomachs and it is important that you burp your baby after every feeding.
To burp the baby, pat the back gently or stroke the back with an upward motion. You may not always hear a burp but it is important to try after every feeding.