faculty updates
NEW FACULTY UPDATE MEGAN ANDERSON, RN, PHN, DNP, FNP-C Megan graduated with her BS and MS degrees from Loma Linda University School of Nursing. She is currently working in the emergency department at LLUMC and Eisenhower Medical Center as a nurse practitioner. She is joining LLUSN Faculty as the instructor for Advanced Pharmacology in the DNP programs.
CORRIE BERK, DNP, MBA, APRN, FNP-BC Corrie received her BSN, DNP, and MBA all through the University of Pittsburgh. She has run the Las Vegas campus of Loma Linda’s Transplant Institute for the last four years. Prior to that, she worked in liver transplant from 20082018 at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. She currently will be joining us an associate professor in our FNP program.
SAMANTHA HERNANDEZ, BS Samantha graduated from Loma Linda University School of Nursing and is currently planning to attend LLUSN again for her CNS. In addition to being a undergraduate Fundamentals clinical instructor and skills lab instructor, she currently works for Loma Linda University Medical Center.
loma linda nurse
DARREN MOON, MSN, RN Darren completed his undergrad at Cal State University Long Beach in School Health followed by his RN at Cal State San Bernardino. He followed with his MSN at Grand Canyon University where he is currently working on his DNP. He spent seven years working in the LLUMC ER and is currently SSN while serving as Loma Linda University School of Nursing’s course coordinator for NRSG 303, Advanced Med Surge.
GEMMA PANGAN, BSN, RN, PHN Gemma is a 1998 undergraduate alumna of Loma Linda University School of Nursing. She spent almost 23 years working on 9100 at LLUMC as a bedside Registered Nurse, Preceptor, & Team Leader, 18 years of those in Medical Intensive Care Unit and 4.5 years in Neurology Unit. She started working with LLUSN in 2020 as a contract clinical instructor for Non-degree, Adult Health Nursing III (Med Surg 3) lab and is now joining us full time for both Health Assessment Lab & Public Health Nursing Lab.
MANSI PATEL, BSN, RN Mansi graduated in 2014 from West Coast University with her BSN and is currently working on her Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner DNP. In addition to joining us as co-coordinator for our undergraduate Adult Health 1 class she is also serving as a clinical instructor.