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Roberts, L. R. (2022). Review of book [Women and reproductive technologies: the socio-economic development of technologies changing the world by A. Burfoot & D. Güngör]. Doody Enterprises Inc. (national library acquisition review service for Medical Library Association), http://www.doody.com/dej/
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King, K., Key-Hagan, M., Desai, A., Mundy, T., Shittu, K., Roberts, L. R., Montgomery, S., Clarke, M., Siahpush, M., Robbins, R., Ramox, A., Michaud, T., & Montgomery, S. B. (2022). Stress correlates related to depressive symptoms among young Black men in Southern California. American Journal of Men’s Health. DOI: 10.1177/15579883221097801
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RN-to-BS Concurrent Enrollment
Loma Linda University School of Nursing is proud to announce a new partnership with Mount San Jacinto College (MSJC). The need for bachelors trained nurses has increased significantly in recent years. This partnership offers nursing students a faster pathway to complete a B.S. in Nursing Degree. This program is 100% online and structured to accommodate students full- or part-time. Students will also take courses at LLU during the Summer.
MSJC provides the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) curriculum while LLUSN provides the RN to BS completion degree curriculum. The RN to BS track is designed for nurses who are looking to further their education and advance their professional careers.
Students will graduate from Loma Linda University School of Nursing with a deepened understanding of whole person care, be able to investigate new areas of professional interest, as well as enhance their personal and professional growth.
For more information, please reach out to our admissions office at nursing@llu.edu or 909-558-4923.