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LLUSP Student Receives National Student Leadership Award
from the American Pharmacists Association
As a third-year student at LLUSP, Cristian Rodriquez was presented one of four national student leadership awards from the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) during its annual meeting in March in Phoenix, Arizona. Cristian was appointed in 2022 to the APhA- Association of Student Pharmacists (ASP) National Standing Committee on Communications and has since also served as president of LLUSP’s local APhA-ASP chapter.
“Being selected as one of the four Outstanding Student Leaders in the country has been a truly amazing experience,” says Cristian. “From founding the SoCal Pharmacy School Mixer to traveling to various conferences as a member of the Communications Standing Committee, I have had the privilege to see much of what student pharmacy has to offer. In that time, I have met so many incredible individuals throughout the country, which motivates me to help showcase and guide others as we work collectively to bring about change not only within the profession but within healthcare as a whole.”
Pharmacy Student Wins Renowned Award
Shasta Erickson, LLUSP Class of 2023, was selected as the 2023 recipient of the Charles E. Weniger Fellow Student Scholarship, an award which recognizes students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of spirituality, academics, civic service, and leadership.
The Charles E. Weniger Society for Excellence was established in 1974 to preserve and honor the qualities of inspiration, motivation, and excellence that were paramount in the life and service of Charles Elliott Weniger, PhD, a beloved Seventh-day Adventist educator. The Society seeks to honor Dr. Weniger’s legacy by recognizing worthy recipients that emulate these qualities of excellence in all aspects of their lives. Loma Linda University is invited to participate in this program every year, and all eight schools may submit nominations. Shasta was selected from all nominations the Society received from inside and outside LLU.