11 01 13 vol 79 9

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Students going clubbing

No trick, treat inside

Stang Gang thriller

LMC’s Club Day featured 27 clubs giving out information to students to share what they are all about — page 3

Honors students boogie, traditions are upheld and haunted hot spots are explored — page 4

The Mustangs edged out a win during the Catch Pink event in support of breast cancer awareness — page 5

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F.Y.I. Important Dates November is Native American Heritage Month November 5

Transfer and Scholarship Essay Workshop, 12 p.m. to 1p.m.

November 11 Veterans Day, College closed

LMC soup cook-off If you love to cook, Los Medanos College has an event to show off your culinary skills. There will be a soup cook-off on Tuesday, Nov. 12 in the Indoor Quad from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Entries can be by individuals, groups or departments. The entry deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Entry forms can be obtained from Linda Maniscalco in the Cashier’s Office.

PTEC offers program info The Process Technology Program, also known as PTEC, will hold information sessions beginning this month: Q Thursday, Nov. 7, 6 to 8 p.m. Q Thursday, Nov. 21, 6 to 8 p.m. Q Saturday, Dec. 7, 8 a.m. to noon Q Wednesday, Dec. 11, 6 to 8 p.m. A degree or certificate in process technology is useful in several fields, including chemical plant operations, power generation, food processing, and many more. Stop by a meeting to learn more.

Dates for the Zombie Prom


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L M C E X P E R I E N C E . C O M

Cancellation controversy

Fallout of the nixed BCA conference continues



The Fighting the Fight Against Breast Cancer Conference, originally scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 12 was cancelled, creating a variety of constantly continuing controversy. As with all issues, there are two sides. LMC’s stance is simple, the committee appointed by LMCAS for the event set a deadline, and the

deadline was not met. On the other side of the argument it is said that the deadline was met, and because of a processing error all of the paper applications were not input in time. Who is right and who is wrong is not important anymore because the event was cancelled, and there is no taking it back. The controversy continues to swirl,

though, because the donations that were made for the conference were used for the Catch Pink event last weekend. LMCAS student rep Sherrie Anderson, upset about the cancellation of the conference, called some of the people who made donations and informed them the event was cancelled. Thanks to those phone calls, Allie Pedrotti of community relations with

the San Francisco Giants, asked for the autographed Gregor Blanco jersey that was donated for the event to be returned. They asked for it back because Anderson failed to mention that the jersey would still be used to raise money for the scholarship. The problem with Pedrotti asking for the jersey back was that it is against LMC policy to return donations once

Reps toot school horns

No one shows up at meeting

Sports teams go unfullfilled

Students hear the call





Bright smiles and chatter filled the indoor quad of Los Medanos College’s Transfer Day on Monday Oct. 28 as the various university representatives put their best charms for ward. Students had the opportunity to learn about many different colleges, from one of the popular ones like UCLA to lesser known ones like Allied American University. One student, Miguel Maravills, knew exactly where he wanted to transfer and Transfer Day gave him that opportunity to speak with those university representatives. He said, “I want to go to Santa Barbara, Sonoma, or Cal Poly because I like the more intimate environment, getting to know people and small class sizes.” There were about 48 universities that participated in this bi-annual event, which took place on the third level of the college complex from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This included several public and private universities in California as well as a number of out-of-state

See BCA, page 6

Photo by Irvin Trigueros

Guyllermo Santiago flips through a booklet for information on his Economics major with Transfer Admissions Specialist Melida Martinez representing San Jose State University during Transfer Day, Monday, Oct. 28. universities. Students roamed around as they sifted through pamphlets, walked from booth to booth, and spoke to representatives about the questions and concer ns they had. Many questions regarded majors, the cost of atten-

dance, and the requirements and prerequisites needed for transferring. While some booths had representatives waiting for students to come by, others had a several students waiting to talk to a representative. Out-of-state colleges in-

cluded University of Nevada: Reno. The university representative, Rachel Lane, was quite engaging and friendly to students that came up to her booth. She stressed how affordable UNR is with the discount of the Western UnSee REPS, page 6

Los Medanos College Athletic Director Richard Villegas held an interest meeting on Oct. 24 for female athletes to see if they would like to play tennis or be on a swim team, but no one showed up. According to Villegas students were polled while applying to LMC to see what collegiate sports they were interested in. He added that the information also discussed eligibility, commitment, and level of experience. Flyers were distributed throughout the college and was posted on the college’s website. “There were about 12 to 15 flyers in the second and third floor, the library, as well as in Student Life. They were distributed in early October several weeks before the event,” said Director of Student Life Demetria Lawrence. Some flyers were also sent to the Brentwood campus. The meeting was held in an effort to be in compliance with Title IX. Title IX “is a federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in all education programs and activities operated by recipients of federal See TEAMS, page 6

Impromptu gallery of art

Zombie Prom will be performed by the DVC Drama Department. The show is open Friday’s and Saturday’s until Nov. 10. Tickets are on sale now. Call 969-2358 or visit www.dvcdrama.net for pricing and sales.

Workshops for transfer The Transfer Center is hosting workshops to help with applications and personal statements: Q CSU and UC Application Workshop: Thursday, Nov. 7 from 2 to 3 p.m. at the LMC Brentwood Center, Room 9. Q UC Application Workshop: Thursday, Nov. 14 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Library, Room 109. Q Personal Statement Workshop: Tuesday, Nov. 19 from 1 to 2 p.m. at the LMC Brentwood Center, Room 9

Photos by Aishling Doherty and Dennis Trammell

As construction inside the College Complex progresses, Judy Pettite’s Art 40 painting class posted self-stylized portraits inspired by graffiti and stencil art on the walls that border the construction area. Above, Chelsea Hamel takes a quick snapshot of another piece. Left, LMC student Ashley Smith applies some lastminute refinements on her stencil self-portrait painting on Oct. 15.












“Everything has been figured out, except how to live.”

— Jean Paul Sartre

Naidra Erfan

Charles Powell



Women should have equality

Inspecting our food choices

Women, do you really think you have equal rights? As an American woman if you are content with your situation then you are either happy being in denial or you live your life embracing the famous quote, “ignorance is bliss.” The reality is that women live in a society where they have to work harder than men and yet get paid less than men. Hundreds of datum and statistics indicate the same conclusion. According to the Census Bureau, 685,000 men and 916,000 women graduated from college in 2009, which means 25 percent fewer men receive college degrees than women. That is the latest year that the statistics have been published. Other small independent researchers suggest this number would be higher now. Despite the fact that women in general display higher intelligence and hard work by being more academically accomplished than men, they still make less in wages than men. The statistics become even more shocking when combined with the fact that the discriminating wage gap between women and men remained unchanged from 2011 to 2012. According to the Census Statistics released September 17, the gender wage gap of women’s earning were 76.5 percent of men’s in 2012, compared to the 77 percent in 2011. As the wage gap moves at the pace of a snail, if it at all, wage gap might be the most documented way of exhibiting the fact that women have far from equal rights even in America. But there are so many other injustices done on behalf of women that cannot be proven through statistics or some tangible evidence. Like the African American slaves who were kept illiterate so they stay ignorant and never ask for their rights, women go through a similar kind of brainwashing that conditions them to live their lives continuously conforming to the roles set up for them by a mostly patriarchal society. Although conditioning start as early as birth, naming a girl a flower while naming a boy prophet names or some other significantly meaningful name. As little girls play mother and wife playing with baby dolls and cooking with plastic wear, little boys are encouraged to test the limit of their intelligence by putting together Lego puzzles, creating and accomplishing. Little girls are told they’re princesses, so dream as in fairy tales riding ponies, and brushing their hair waiting for their prince charming to marry. Their brothers are introduced to their first scientific experiment kit, so their mind can thrive. Boys enjoy the satisfaction that comes with putting together a fully functioning robot just from parts that come in a box, girls become self conscious as the importance of appearance is imbedded in them. As little boys grow to their full potential, feeling confident and ready to accomplish great things, little girls are almost completely brainwashed by now, ready to fill the role set up for them by a long standing patriarchal society. Even when they perfectly conform to this role they seemed to feel a lack of satisfaction.

The people in Washington will be choosing on whether or not to pass a referendum to require the labeling of Genetically Modified Food or GMO. A measure similar to what Californians considered during our last election. At the time I voted against it and I seriously regret that now. I had no background knowledge or deep understanding of GMOs or their potential health risks. I have had a naïve belief the food and drug administration ensures American consumers are well protected and the organization looks out for our best interests. Unfortunately, political pressure and a revolving door between public office and seats on corporate boards can cause a shift from being a consumer advocacy group to how can companies keep their profits big? I had no idea how technologically involved the process was. It is not a matter of cultivating traits over time to develop plumper strawberries by slowly finding the plants with traits you want and cross breeding them until the new fruit can be harvested. The goal of GMO food is along the lines of helping the survivability of crops and by making it so they can grow in places they previously could not. It sounds wonderful, but may be awful. The insertion of genetic material from one organism most likely takes place in a sterile lab with breathing masks and petri dishes. It might be more fitting for it to take place in Doctor Frankenstein laboratory splicing from creature A and inserting onto creature M. Lightning could be flashing and thunder crashing while Igor cackles with delight at the shout, “It’s Alive!” I do not want to be a villager with a pitch fork and incite hysteria. However, there is a huge problem with science’s capability to out-pace ethics, and its tendency to do something before discovering some disastrous side effects. A company can create a highly effective pesticide and produce it in mass quantities. It can sell like crazy and seem like the greatest thing ever. The prime example of this is DDT. DDT killed the bugs, but it also created neurological problems in fish. It lead to the softening of egg shells in birds leading to both Bald Eagles and the California Condor being placed on the endangered species list. An internet search of effects of DDT should turn up a page by Duke University that lays out what the chemical is and why it proved to be so dangerous in unintended ways. It also charts why it took so long to discover how harmful it was. Today, GMOs are having the same kind of innovation period followed by crud that’s a problem. In efforts to boost crop survivability some foods are modified, so they can withstand pesticides. One tactic is to use Bacillus thuringiensis or BT a protein toxin that kills plant eating insects. Instead of spraying it on the plants the deadly protein is woven into their genetic codes. GMO-compass.org has more information on this. Corn May Cause Allergies, Infertility and Disease there are links between these same BT engineered foods and everything in the title. Hamster’s after eating this food become sterile. People may also. Another article by Richard Schiffman entitled Mystery of the disappearing bees: Solved! traces the destruction of bee colonies to the pesticides called neonicotiniods, and the possibility that GMOs also have negative effects on them as well. We need bees to grow crops. I am not against scientific advances, but I have a huge problem with doing things without considering fall out or not paying attention to unintended consequences. Get involved and do some research of your own.

READER OPINION POLICY The Experience welcomes Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns. If you are interested in expressing your opinions, bring submissions to Room CC3-301 or mail to Experience c/o Los Medanos College, 2700 E Leland Road, Pittsburg, CA 94565. You may also send them online at lmcexperience.com. They may be edited at the editor’s discretion. Include a phone number for verification.

Cartoon by Luke Johnson


No need for controversy


he cancellation of the Fighting the Fight Against Breast Cancer by Los Medanos College Associated Students (LMCAS) caused controversy among student leaders. Those who were involved in the planning were upset that their hard work was for nothing, and the doctor and nurse who agreed to take part in the Oct. 12 event highlighting Breast Cancer Month at LMC were disappointed, but it deserved to be cancelled. Many would argue against our point, but when it comes down to it, whether a clerical error is what caused the cancellation of the event, or if it was due to low registration, the free event did not get enough people to register by the deadline put in place by the committee that was made by LMCAS to plan it. It’s harsh, we know that, but if there was a deadline put in place and a Plan B was formed, which they discussed creating at the Sept. 9 LMCAS meeting. In that meeting LMCAS Treasurer Rosanna Clark reported that registration was low, and the Associated Students funding the event discussed that it may be time to start getting a Plan B together. The two people who were most upset about the event being canceled, Clark and Sherrie Anderson, were at the meeting and both spoke about the possible need for a Plan B. Clark, was the one who presented the low registration that brought up the discussion of a Plan B being put in place. Moreover, Sherrie Anderson, who lost her position as student rep over the cancellation of this event, pointed out at the same meeting that the event should be canceled sooner rather than later. If the two people who are the most offended by the way the event was canceled could see that it had problems early on, then why is there all the controversy? It’s simple, both put hard work into making the event a success and the event failed. It is hard to take failure, and it is even harder when you feel it wasn’t any fault of your own that led to the failure. While something like this hurts, it happens to all of us at some point in our lives, and when it does happen we need to learn from it. What people should understand is the cancellation of the single event did not stop the LMCAS from still raising funds for a breast cancer scholarship. Thanks to the initial fundraising for the event, the gathering of both money and items for donation, LMCAS was able to partner with the sports teams events like Volleyball’s Dig Pink and football’s Catch Pink and make them a huge success while raising money for a breast cancer scholarship. While there is no arguing that a conference that was slated to have an oncology doctor and nurse speak about the importance of early detection and more, events associated with sports like Dig Pink and Catch Pink draw more students on campus and impact a wider audience. At the LMCAS meeting on Oct. 28 Interim Dean of Student Success David Belman who was present to speak on another topic he commented on how big of a success the Catch Pink event was. He added that he was sitting with fellow staff member who had never attended a football game at LMC, and did not even know the rules of the game, but he attended the game to support breast cancer and take part in Catch Pink. In the end the controversy caused a bit of an uproar among a small group of student leaders, but overall there was a large impact towards breast cancer awareness, and funding was raised for a breast cancer scholarship. The event may have been canceled, but the message stayed alive and it was the right thing to do.


Budget cuts are affecting students DEAR EDITOR: This letter is intended to bring forward an issue that seems to grab the attention of students at Los Medanos College and cause them worry. Multiple budget cuts have been affecting the selection and number of classes available for enrollment. As a result of the budget cuts at the college, there has been a great loss of classes because there is no money to pay teachers, and this impacts courses that many students desperately need. This creates multiple problems for the


students who are getting close to graduating, earning certificates, and even transferring. Some of the students who find themselves in such situations come across issues such as having to wait or go elsewhere to complete their college degree. I believe that there are ways to try and decrease the budget cuts toward LMC or raise more funds that can be directed toward paying teachers for classes that students really need. This is a major issue that should be dealt with so that students do not have so many obstacles in the way of completing their education. — Beau Nobriga


What is your favorite horror movie remake? C











Experience L M C e x p e r i e n c e . c o m

Member California Newspaper Publishers Association

“My favorite remake is the ‘Halloween’ remake. I like it because it’s really good.” — Alfred Chappell

“I don’t like horror movies because I get scared too easily, so I will not watch horror movies.” — Luna Garrison

“ ‘Carrie’.I’d prefer the older version.” — Patrick Olwell

“My favorite horror movie remake would have to be ‘Carrie’.” — Kayla Wells

“ ‘Evil Dead’ is so awesome. The second one scared the s**t out of me. I like being scared.” — Mario Castillo

“None. Because the original ones are better.” — Aisha Hall

“Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” — Thomas Jefferson

Editor-in-Chief .................... BRENDAN CROSS Perspectives Editors......... VANESSA FLORES and JAZMINE GORDON Campus Editors .................. JOSEPH DELANO and ALEXANDRA TAGLIAMONTE Features Editors .......................RATTANA KIM and STEPHANIE PATTISON Sports Editors .......................LUKE JOHNSON and DAKOTAH ZABROSKI News Editor ....................... HILLARY HETRICK Photo Editor ....................... IRVIN TRIGUEROS Web Editor ................................. JESUS CHICO The LMC Experience is published Fridays by students in the Journalism Program. The newspaper serves both as a laboratory for journalism classes and as a First Amendment forum for campus communication. Opinions expressed in the Experience are solely those of the students and do not represent the views of the college.












“Women are like tea bags. You never know how strong they are until you put them in hot water.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

One of a kind Armendariz proves to be a wondrous force at LMC By JOSEPH DELANO


“My dad’s hands were like really thick fingers, very rough and he would just put his hands up and he would tell us, ‘if you don’t want hands like this, you have to make something of yourself, you have to go to school’ and I loved my dad’s hands but at the same time, I remember how hard and rough they were. And that was his life, but we weren’t ashamed of it.” Rosa Armendariz’s father worked in the farming industry. He bailed hay from trucks at the Chase Brothers Dairy in Oxnard, California. It was an odd job, but he was a very hard worker. Just a few miles away, a small Rosa was learning life skills from her mother. “She was teaching me to count using pennies in Spanish,” said Rosa. “My mother invested so much in me… it was probably one of the most influential things for me.” She was the second child to her immigrant parents. Her mother, from Mexico, was an elementar y school teacher before relocating to the United States. Her father was from the Basque region of Spain. Rosa grew up as the baby of the family, with just one

sibling — a brother who was 15 years her senior. She idolized him from an early age, citing him as her inspiration to better herself. “My brother had gone to college, so it was matter of fact that I was going to do the same thing.” He would later become her colleague, as Blas Guerrero was formerly the dean of student development at Los Medanos College. Rosa attended Catholic school from the first grade throughout high school. “I have fond memories of being the eighth grade student body president…I would lead flag salute in the morning. I used a microphone, feeling powerful and we would sing ‘America the Beautiful’,” said a smiling Armendariz. “They called me the Voice, because I got really loud with the mic.” As for ambition, “I wanted to be the first nun president of the United States,” recalled Armendariz. She added that being a nun was very admirable and she wanted to be a leader. Rosa’s father died when she was a junior in high school. “I was a good student, I had a drive…I probably grew up too fast in high school.” After her father’s passing, Rosa

Photos courtesy of Rosa Armendariz

committed to two things, getting through high school and helping her mom cope with the loss of her husband. The latter required Rosa to work nights delivering medications to the elderly. She recalls driving a little black car, possibly a Ford Escort that was plastered with pharmacy stickers. Between the strong educational influences instilled by her parents and her longing to be a leader, it seemed to be only natural that Rosa would become a member of the education field. After high school, she attended Stanford University where she majored in Spanish Literature/English studies. Rosa is currently pursuing a doctor of Education degree (Ed. D) at St. Mary’s College. While a junior at Stanford, tragedy struck once more as her mother also passed away. “The Rodney King riots happened when I was a sophomore in high school, they marked my experience in high school. It effected the race dynamics and how we were experiencing the world,” said Rosa. “That was a real shift for me and I wanted to be an activist because of it.” Sure enough, she began work after Stanford with the nonprofit organization, Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQÉ). PIQÉ works with the parents, largely immigrants, to teach them how to save up for their children’s college funds. This program was in use for many K-12 schools in the bay area. Although it is a widespread program, Rosa helped to nurture the Oakland office from its humble beginnings. Through PIQÉ she met Peter Garcia, the then LMC president. It was this meeting that would provide her with the job opportunity that she currently holds at LMC.

Rosa and her parents, Vicente and Edelmira, above, gather for a family photo. Rosa sits, learning to ride her bike, right, from her brother, Blas Guerrero.

Photo by Jazmine Gordon

Armendariz sits and teaches in an intimate setting for her ACS-110 students. Garcia had already attended a few workshops that were being led by Armendariz when he talked to her about the possibility of bringing the program to a college level. During that conversation Garcia and Armendariz also talked about a new Hispanic Serving Institute (HSI) grant that LMC was looking into applying for. There was mention of an opening for the position of Activity Director for that grant. “I remember at the end of that discussion feeling really excited about what LMC was about to do,” said Armendariz. “I had a really good vibe…I had to really think hard about leaving the job I was in.” In 2006, Rosa applied and was hired on as the Activity Director for the HSI grant. She worked in that capacity for the length of the grant, lasting four years from 2006 to 2010. Speaking on her team for the grant, Rosa expressed that, “it was what I had envisioned when we wrote the proposal.” In 2010, the grant ended. Not wanting to leave LMC, Rosa decided to fall back into a teaching position. For two semesters, Armendariz taught Philosophy 002. Along with teaching and working on the grant, Rosa is also the faculty advisor for

the La Raza Unida Club. She Nowadays, Rosa has taken adopted that role in 2006 and on yet another role. as Rosa helped to redevelop the club welcomed baby boy Diego in to its former prominence. March 2012. “I felt that this club was “I feel like my life has totally impor tant because when I changed since the baby was was in college, I found the born,” said Rosa adding that Latino clubs really helped me she does not remember what survive,” said Armendariz. “It she used to like to do, with gave me a place to serve as a her life now revolving around role model for students, if they someone else. see me that way.” Thinking back on her accomIn 2011, LMC ventured out plishments, Rosa stated that again to receive an additional she sees herself as a survivor. HSI Grant. This time around, Having lost both her parents Armendariz became Project at pivotal points in her eduDirector.At cational career, this point, “We are making she had to finish she decidcollege despite ed to cut an impact on her losses. d o w n o n making transfer Up to this her teachpoint, she is still ing classes a priority for the most proud of and to focus college” her work with more on ar— Rosa Armendariz PIQÉ in her eareas like the ly career. That is Transfer Academy, although not to say that she is not also she does teach ACS-110 for stu- very proud of her work with dents of the Transfer Academy. the HSI grants. The HSI grant is helping Rosa plans on continuing her to improve the transfer rates career in education alongside for students at LMC. “We are her also being a parent. “I’m making an impact on making learning to be more patient transfer a priority for the col- with life and how to be more lege,” said Armendariz. balanced,” said Rosa adding Transfer applications and that, “I didn’t think I was going admittance has improved over to fall in love with LMC, but the last couple of years with I did. I feel the rest of my life help from the grant and the will be dedicated to this kind programs that are funded by it. of work.”

Health Care Reform and You Brought to you by Kaiser Permanente Top 5 must-know facts 1 What is “health care reform”?

The term “health care reform” refers to the Affordable Care Act and any state laws passed to put it in place. It’s designed to help more people get affordable health insurance and receive better medical care.

2 Who has to buy health insurance?

Most people are required to have a basic level of health coverage starting January 1, 2014. Some people don’t have to buy insurance, based on their income or other status. Go to coveredca.com for details.

3 What if I don’t buy health insurance?

If you’re required to have coverage, you’ll be charged a tax penalty by the government if you go without insurance for three months or longer. You won’t be charged the penalty if you are uninsured for less than three months.

4 What if I can’t afford to buy health insurance?

You may get financial help to help pay for coverage, care, or both. The amount is based on your income, where you live, and if you are a U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the U.S.

5 What services will be covered?

Most medically necessary services will be covered. This includes preventive care and well-care visits for men, women, and children; immunizations; cancer screenings; prescriptions; laboratory and mental health services; as well as hospital and emergency care.

Visit kp.org/reform for more information.

Photo by Irvin Trigueros

Umoja dancers Kayla Wells, K’la Davis and Brittani Rossignon perform at Club Day.

Club Day seeks more students By JAZMINE GORDON


The festive, noisy and crowded engagement indicates one thing, LMC’s first Club Day event of the semester. With the “fall harvest” theme, this event showcased the many clubs that LMC has to offer. Jamila Stewart, LMC’s student life coordinator explains the process of how clubs get recognized. “Clubs must complete a club application/ packet,” said Stewart, “and two officers need to complete a club orientation with me.” LMC has a total of 27 active chartered clubs. Sponsored by the Inter-Club Council, ICC, there were many items being sold such as fried Oreos and pizza. One of the clubs that showcased was Gamers United. “It is exhausting but it is very fun,” said club President Miguel Reyes, “We want to get our name out there, and get more members.” Another club that was present at Club Day

was the American Medical Student Association, AMSA. “So far, it’s going pretty good,” said club President Angelica Guzman, “It could go a lot better if we got more people around here.” Club Day is one of LMC’s largest events that happen every semester. “Club Day is very important because it is the one time during the semester that a majority of the clubs are fundraising, recruiting and gives the LMC community and opportunity to see what student-led organizations the campus has to offer.” One of the students that attended Club Day was Lauren Dunn. “I don’t know the club itself but I purchased the chicken skewers and rice,” said Dunn, “Its good, I love learning about a bunch of clubs that I didn’t know about.” Most clubs are members of the ICC, which hold meetings every Monday. “As we close out the semester I believe club participation will increase.” said Stewart, “and I look forward to more growth into the spring semester.”











“Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.”


— Edgar Allan Poe

Getting spooky on the dance floor Honors ‘Halloween Bash’ a hit



Los Medanos College’s honors students, many decked out in costumes, walked into Library Room L-109 Oct. 25 ready to party the night away at the annual Halloween Bash sponsored by the Honors Program. Honors Social Ambassadors Ashley Hinchcliff and Gary Fridland had been excited about the party since September when the planning began at several committee meetings. “We were so excited,” Hinchcliff said. “There’s always been a traditional Halloween party for Honors and being able to be one of the main people who actually puts the party together was really exciting. Me and Gary knew that we’d throw a really good party so it was one of the best ones yet.” Usually the honors Halloween party has been strictly for just honors students but this year, it was open to the other student clubs, such as MESA. There were about 50 people that attended the bash. Promotion was a huge part in the success of the party. In the month leading up to the bash, bright posters and Halloween-themed decorations were plastered all over the Honors Center to get the word out. The decked out Honors Center set the standard, and the Halloween Bash planners went above and beyond in decorating for the big event. The walls were covered in posters, streamers were in abundance and

Photo courtesy of Michael Walker

Students (left to right) Anise Gonzalez, Gary Fridland and Amber Woods danced during the Honors sponsored Halloween Bash. the dim room was lit up with colorful flashing strobe lights. Honors student Rebecca Carver had been very involved with the planning process of the bash. Being a part of the Honors Program for several semesters, she had the opportunity to witness the various Halloween parties over the years.

“I think this one was more themed than the last ones of just having some decoration and music playing,” she said. Other than dancing, a costume contest was held and games were played such as one where students had to guess which horror movie they were from. Food was never short in

supply with two tables that spanned against a wall that was filled with so much food that there was almost no space left. Some of the food included a cotton candy machine, various desserts and even fast food. The night ended with students leaving with big smiles. Michael Walker, who has been

a part of the Honors Program for several semesters, credited the social ambassadors for making the “party what it was” with the bigger room, advertisement and decorations. “We really made sure to bring lights and music so that way it could feel like a party,” he said. “I feel like that was the best part.”

Holy day honors loved ones By SEAN TONGSON

holiday, All Saints Day and All Soul’s Day.” According to history, One of the biggest the origin of Día de los holidays in Mexico, Día Muertos are distinctly de los Muertos or “Day Mexican, as during the of the Dead,” is set for time of the Aztecs 3,000 Saturday November 2. years ago, a month long Celebrated annually, summer celebration Día de los Muertos is overseen by the goddess a Mexican religious Mictecacihuatl, the Lady holiday that focuses on of the Dead, honored the gathering of friends those who had died and and family to pray for, welcomed their spirits honor and remember back to earth for a visit. their friends, family “Legend says that the members and loved ones ‘gates of heaven open at who have died. midnight and that the “Día de los Muertos souls of dead children is a folk tradition re‘angelitos’ are the first to flecting the folkways visit their loved ones still and folklore of Mexico on earth’,” said Abril. Photo by Irvin Trigueros “They roam the earth and the identity of its people,” said Puente LMC library’s showcase honors the holiday, Día de los Muertos. for just one day and then Coordinator Elizabeth the following midnight, Abril. “At the core, Día de los Muertos creasingly popular not only in the United the gates are opened once again to allow traditions and rituals retain the primary States, but in other parts of the world. the adult souls to descend.” mission of honoring, remembering and “Dia de los Muertos is similar to our While specifics of the celebration vary celebrating the life of all those who have upcoming Veterans Day on November with certain regions, one of the most come before us; as well as giving hope to 11 where we celebrate and honor Amer- common customs of Día de los Muertos is our own inevitable mortality.” ica’s Veterans for their patriotism, love the construction of elaborate altars, known Celebrated throughout Mexico and of country and willingness to serve and as ‘ofrendas’ or offerings, to welcome around the world every year, Día de los sacrifice for the common good,” said Abril. departed spirits home. Vigils are held Muertos celebrations are becoming in- “It is also closely related to the Catholic See DEAD, page 6 stongson@lmcexperience. com

Photo by Stephanie Pattison

Access is restricted at the Byron Hot Springs Hotel.

Beware of these local haunted locations By STEPHANIE PATTISON spattison@lmcexperience.com

There are multiple places in the East Bay that people claim are haunted or have spirits present. If you want a good scare or are skeptical and want to disprove these claims, here are some places you could visit. Black Diamond Mines is one place that has numerous ghost sightings and eerie feelings from guests. It is located on Somersville Rd in Antioch. One of the ghosts that are seen the most is what people call “The White Witch.” Her name was Sarah Morton, a woman who died in the 1800’s when the carriage she rode turned over and crushed her while she was on her way to deliver a baby. She was not a religious person so when she was alive, she told her children she did not want a funeral. After her

death, her children tried to hold a funeral for her on three separate occasions and each time being interrupted by extreme storms. Finally, after the third time, her children went through with it despite the weather. Now people have reported seeing a white apparition between the headstones of the Rose Hill Cemetery, where she was buried. People have said she is looking for a way out. Another creepy place to go to is Gravity Hill on Empire Mine Rd in Antioch. The myth is that in the 1950’s, a bus filled with children was driving home from a field trip. The bus skidded off the road and all the children drowned. The myth today is that the ghosts of the children still reside there and help others not have the same accident as See HAUNT, page 6

Halloween word search HALLOWEEN WORD SEARCH



















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“The superior man blames himself. The inferior man blames others.”

— Don Shula

Baseball gears up By DAKOTAH ZABROSKI


Photos by Luke Johnson

The LMC sideline celebrates at the end of the game in a crazy come-from-behind victory over Mendocino on Pink Day.

Wild comeback at LMC

Stang Gang remains undefeated at home By LUKE JOHNSON


It was Pink Day at Mustang Field Saturday, a breast cancer awareness event that featured a thrilling afternoon driven by intense emotion and highlighted by breakaway plays, in the Los Medanos Mustangs’ miraculous comeback over the Mendocino Eagles. The victory almost seemed like an impossibility after the Mustangs turned the ball over on downs on a questionable missed passing interference call trailing by 12 points with eight minutes to go in the fourth quarter. “Throughout the game we stumbled at times,” LMC Head Coach Chris Shipe said. “We just tried to regain our composure… Our guys just fought.” But with a Jadeveon Clowney’s Outback Bowl forced fumble type moment, LMC linebacker Benjamin Malolo knocked the ball away from Mendocino quarterback Andrew Paulson, and was recovered by defensive back Aaron Cole. A few snaps later, LMC quarterback Adam Nesheim lobbed the pigskin to running back Shawn Vasquez on a screen play for him to find a hole and break some tackles in the open field for a 56-yard catch-and-run. A successful 2-point conversion trimmed Eagles’ lead to four. On the ensuing drive, the Eagles’ offense pushed the ball all the way to

LMC’s 3-yard-line before the Stangs subjected them to a fourth down with nearly four minutes remaining in regulation. The following chip shot attempt by Eagle kicker Kris Selita, that would have put Mendocino up by seven, was blocked by defensive lineman Wesley Faatalale and picked up by defensive back Jamon Ward who ran it to all the way to LMC’s 42-yard-line before being knocked out of bounds. On the next play from scrimmage, Nesheim pitched the ball to Vasquez who took it to the house for 58 yards, shedding six would-be-tacklers along the way, to have the Stang Gang lead for the first time since the middle of the first quarter. “As a captain of this team I had to step up, and make some plays. I had determined in my mind that I was not going to get tackled, that I was going to score and bring our team back, and that mentality got me into the end zone,” Vasquez said.” On the next drive LMC’s defense forced a three-and-out, and gave the ball back to its offense. A punt by T.J. Bossett that was stopped inside Mendocino’s 5-yard-line sealed the dramatic win for the Mustangs. “I was just taking my time, their wasn’t no rush,” Bosset said. “I blocked ever ything out, and just kicked it.” Two plays before Bossett’s punt, Vasquez was flagged for a second

Photos by Luke Johnson

Running back Shawn Vasquez avoids a Mendocino tackler. personal foul and was ejected from the game. He was clearly upset when he left the field, as the crow viciously booed the referees. “It was a bad call,” Vasquez said. He explained that he was assisting a Mendocino player to his feet, but when he offered his hand, the Mendocino player pulled him down, and Vasquez stumbled over the top of him. In addition to Vasquez’s MVP performance, in which he scored three touchdowns and totaled 182 yards from scrimmage, LMC wide receiver Jermaine Sims, aka “Optimus Prime,” had the most impressive catch of the season. The 6-foot-4, 220-pound wideout snagged a long ball, throw by Nesheim, over two defenders, shaking them both and finding the end zone for a 63-yard touchdown. Nesheim had his best game of

his collegiate career. The Mustang quarterback tossed the ball for 335 yards and three touchdowns without an interception. “We had some chances to put them away, but we didn’t do that,” Mendocino Head Coach Chris Snyder said. “We had some mistakes that allowed them to get right back in it.” Mustang Field drew its biggest attendance all season. The spirited game that supported breast cancer awareness filled up the seats with fans sporting pink. This win makes the Mustangs undefeated at home, while they are still winless away. This afternoon, the team will drive approximately 300 miles north to Eureka, and stay the night before their match up against the College of the Redwoods Corsairs tomorrow afternoon.

After making a playoff run last year the Los Medanos Mustangs baseball team looks to return back to the postseason. After losing key players such as All-Conference outfielder Kelly Starnes and pitcher Peter Nyznyk, the Mustangs have voids to fill but plan to do it more than one way. The team will look to returning players for leadership and red-shirt freshman to step up and perform. Anthony D’Albora will be returning for his second year as LMC head coach. He thinks that his experience as well as his team’s will should help with the success of the season. D’Albora is liked among his players because he is laid back and has different methods. “He seemed like he would light the way for my future in baseball,” said freshman shortstop Jeremiah Francis. The team also shares a goal of winning as a team, rather than setting individual goals. “We have a lot of good pitchers this year, and I’m just trying to see what I can do to help out the team overall,” said pitcher and catcher Wyatt Foreman. D’Albora recruited locally and wanted to keep the talent local. “Our biggest challenge was to try to keep more of the local kids around,” said D’Albora. D’Albora wants a balanced team that can perform in certain situations. “One thing we did a great job of last year is running, we stole a lot of bases,” Said D’Albora. D’Albora also wants his team to hit the long ball more. “I do think our goal this fall is to get a lot stronger than we were previous seasons, and see if we can drive the ball to both sides of the field,” said D’Albora. Even though the season is young, the team is already gelling and building great chemistry. “I’ve never been part of a team that has such good chemistr y, everyone works well together and understands each other well, it will be an exciting team to watch this year,” said Foreman. Returning players such as shortstop Ryan Lacy help the team chemistry. Lacy, who batted .296 and had a .392 on base percentage last year, looks forward to his leadership role and seems confidence that he can deliver. “Everyone on the team should have a leadership role. I’ll try to be the best leader can be.” Lacy looks to lead his team with his presence but also with his skill, which he worked in the offseason to improve. After having success last team, the team has the same goal; to bring home a title. “We’re just looking to work hard everyday, beat everybody on and off the field and hopefully bring home a state championship,” said Francis.

Last second dream killer

Comets steal win from LMC By VANESSA FLORES


Photo by Cathie Lawrence

Kiana Pinkowski and Taylor Scriven go for the kill against Napa.

Down to the wire By DAKOTAH ZABROSKI


Four points was the biggest difference at the end of each match in a competitive volleyball game between the Los Medanos College Mustangs and the Napa Valley College Storm. The crowd was pumped up and both teams were all over the cour t in this intense matchup. Although LMC lost in three straight matches, the game was exciting from start to finish with each set being a toss up.

Napa edged out LMC 26-24, 25-21 and 25-22 respectively. “We fought a little bit harder than we have before,” said Outside Hitter Stacie Gatison, adding, “we played as a team — we definitely talked more than we do on the normal.” Despite losing, LMC’s hard work did not go unnoticed. “They were definitely really scrappy, that’s one thing that kinda got us because they picked up most if not all of our tips,” said Gatison. See V-BALL, page 6

The Los Medanos Mustangs soccer team played tough on Tuesday in a contest against the bitter-rivaled Contra Costa Comets, but another last minute goal was the game changer. The first goal of the match came within 20 seconds of the final whistle and left the Mustangs with no hope. “So frustrating,” LMC’s forward Alexia Trezza said. “No words for that goal.” The goal came in the 90th minute with a great play from CCC’s forward Laura Hurtado. “Now or never” are the exact words Hurtado told her teammates when she heard the call from the referee for the last two minutes of the game. The Mustangs fell apart defensively in those last two minutes. Trezza felt that Hurtado pushed a defender down right before scoring and that referees lacked attention throughout the game. Despite the last minute goal, the game was up for grabs for both teams. Both played strong defensively, desperate to leave with a victory. In the 45th minute of the game, what seemed to be a goal for the Mustangs was ruled a no goal by referees due to a player being offside.

Photo by Cathie Lawrence

LMC’s new addition Lauren Ayers goes up for the ball over a Conta Costa defender in a final second loss. LMC Head Coach Mark Bryant refused to comment after the game. The lady Mustangs had recently picked up two consecutive wins before Tuesday’s loss, after nearly two complete seasons without a victory.

The soccer team will travel for a game against Solano College on Friday at 3:30 p.m. in search for another win as the season is nearing its end. The Mustangs sit at 1-6-1 in conference and 2-12-1 overall on the season.






N O V.




them. When you go to Gravity Hill and put your car in neutral, your car is then pulled up the hill. It is said that it is the children pushing you to safety. The Byron Hot Springs Hotel is another location that has rumors of being haunted. Unlike the other locations, it is considered trespassing if you go on these grounds. The hotel was originally built in the late 1800’s and was often filled with Hollywood stars and famous athletes. The hotel was burnt down in a fire in 1901. Then, it was rebuilt and back in business in 1902. Soon after that, this building was victim to another fire in 1912. They rebuilt it a third time and it still stands today, but now in ruins and graffiti. The myth is that the victims of the fires at the hotel have never left and still reside there.

BCA From page 1

they are received. LMCAS Student Advisor Demetria Lawrence explained the rule. “Donations cannot be returned because of tax implications,” she said. This has caused Anderson, who was already in hot water for other issues, to be removed from her position as student rep on multiple committees. In the Oct. 28 LMCAS meeting, Anderson defended her actions. “I wanted to step in because of the way the event was cancelled and I put a lot of time and money into it,” she said. That doesn’t change the fact that what she did broke the rules, and Senator for Publicity and Outreach Renee Washington had one idea why it upset so many people. For her, the problem was that everyone was worried about “I,” but the reason she joined LMCAS was to be a voice for the students. This sums up the whole controversy about the event being handled, the people who are upset, like Anderson, are taking the cancellation of the event personally because of all of the hard work they put into the event. The event was cancelled, though, and there is not much that can be done about that, which is why there was a plan b put in place in case the event had to be cancelled. LMCAS President Brianna Klipp was a member of the planning committee that decided that there had to be a minimum amount of registrations and helped form a backup plan. “The LMC faculty and planning committee decided it was best to have a minimum amount of participants due to the amount of money being funded to the conference,” she said. “This type of practice is common in the event that registrants are required.” It is not like Klipp wasn’t upset about the cancellation of the event too. She just understood that these are common practices. “Initially I felt disappointed, but at the same time this was a great learning experience for all of us student leaders,” she said. “I believe that we can only grow from this.” Everyone involved will learn from this, but it doesn’t lessen the sting for those who put hard work into planning the event. The scholarship was originally called the Breast Cancer Scholarship in Honor of Rosanna D. Clark, but at her request her name has now been removed from the scholarship. “There’s nothing to discuss,” she said. “I don’t want to be a part of it anymore.” Even with the conflict between the two sides, LMCAS was still able to put together a great event for the Catch Pink Tailgate event and raise money for the Breast Cancer Scholarship. The funds have not yet been calculated, but they raised more money than they planned. Although events like this were not apart of the original plan, Klipp believes it is for the best. “Rather than having one day of breast cancer awareness, we spread it throughout the year so that no one forgets how important it is,” she said. “We want to impact as many students as possible, and this was the best solution.” If you would like more information about the scholarship or to donate to the scholarship you can get more information at the LMCAS page on losmedanos.edu.

From page 1

funds,” according to the Office of Civil Rights. The documents states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” According to current rosters from the LMC website there are 48 woman athletes versus 130 male athletes — there are 79 on the football roster alone. “We have to represent the underrepresented gender,” said Villegas. Despite there being more male athletes than female ones, LMC is in compliance with Title IX because an effort was made to represent women athletes. “There was a held meeting, it was advertised, and no one showed,’ said Villegas. However, according to Villegas, just because there is a meeting doesn’t necessarily mean there will be a team. Tennis and swimming were scheduled to start Jan. 15. Tennis was supposed to have 26 matches, and swim team was supposed to have 11 meets. Team minimums are ten players for tennis and 15 for swimming to be competitive in a league. For more information on sports or how to join a team contact Athletic Director Richard Villegas at 4390-2181 ext. 3332.

REPS From page 1

dergraduate Exchange. That allows students of sister states like California and Arizona to pay less than half of the regular out-of-state tuition. “It’s affordable and comparable,” Lane said. “Come to campus and you’ll see students from all over the world doing incredible things.” In addition to Transfer Day, a companion event, College Night, was held in the evening from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the LMC gymnasium. College Night invites high school students in the area to check out LMC. Since it was open to the public, LMC held their own booths such as Honors Programs, Puente Program and Transfer Academy trying to recruit incoming students. In attendance for both events was John F. Kennedy University. Representative Marcey Vasumpaur was excited to recruit as many students as possible and to show off JFKU’s best assets. “You’re going to smile,” she said. “John F. Kennedy is a Bachelor’s completion school so we only take students in for their junior or senior year. I’m here to find out what kinds of major incoming freshmen are really interested in ‘cause we’re looking to see what kinds of programs we should be planning at JFKU.” Another university representative of Allied Health School, Tammy Henriks, expressed her event goals. “We are out here trying to help you guys. That’s what we do,” Henriks said. “ It’s what we do to put our names out there and let you know that you have options and to talk to you if you have questions.” Even though Allied Health School is a lesser known online college, Henriks stressed the importance of a better future for students. “I have engineers that just started and the reason that they’re getting cer tificate programs is because they can go on and work and not have to get paid minimum wage. They could still do what they’re doing and go work instead of flipping burgers or that type of things,” she added. Transfer Day was a great success, leaving representatives satisfied with the number of possible recruitments and students and eager to transfer and further their career goals. LMC student Joshua Cruz said, “I think it’s a big success. It’s a great thing LMC does and it’s a good turnout.” Students that are seeking more information about transferring are encouraged to visit the Transfer Center which is located in Room 225 on the second floor of the College Complex. The center is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. — Kendall Ogorchock also contributed to this report

From page 5

Taylor Scriven and Michelle Mayfield were crushing the ball as usual as they combined for 24 kills. However they also combined for 22 of the team’s 26 errors. Scriven was also leading the in digs with 18. Setter Kiana Pinkowski was good across the board as she racked up 24 assists, six digs and six kills with only one error. “We have a great setter. We wouldn’t be able to hit it. If it wasn’t for the passing,” said Outside Hitter Taylor Scriven Stats were spread across the board for Napa, and everyone contributed. Carlina Quintero dominated in kills with 28, which was twice as many as the next person in the game. The Mustangs started the year as a team who hadn’t played much together and had little experience, but Head Coach Lou Panzella has changed all that. “The girls come into practice everyday, they work hard, they get better,” said Panzella. LMC has improved so much that it even caught the eyes of their opponents. “It was really fun to play this team, this team has improved ten-fold and they’re very talented…the first time we played them they weren’t even near this, now they’re ten-fold the team they were, so for us to win in three is big because that’s a damn good team,” said Napa Valley Head Coach Kelly Van Winden. The Mustangs were in every match and at one point were only one point away from wining the first set. “We didn’t get down, we just competed,” said Panzella adding, “I’m pleased with the effort the girls put in, I’m pleased with how hard we’re playing and that we’re competing and not getting down on each other.’” LMC sits at 4-6 overall and 6-13 in conference. The team’s next home game is Friday Nov. 1 at 6 p.m. against the Laney College Eagles.

DEAD From page 4

and families often visit cemeteries to fix up the graves of their departed relatives. In addition, strong potent smells such as marigold flowers, spices, incense and scented candles are often also part of the altars, as are pictures of the deceased, portions of their favorite foods and drink, toys for the angelitos (little angels) and other personal items are displayed on the altar table in honor of those who have passed. According to Silvia Jimenez, who has participated in many Dia de Los Muertos ceremonies, many different types of foods are also prepared during this ceremony in honor of their loved ones. “Some of the foods are Pan de Muertos (“Bread of the Dead”) which is a sweet bread that has rolls of dough on top to resemble a skull and bones,” said Jimenez. “They also have a drink called ‘atole’; a corn based drink that chocolate is often added in, and a drink called ‘ponche’; a fruit punch with cinnamon and cloves. Another big tradition is ‘casuelitas,’ a little dish of small or medium bowls made of clay where they make sugar food made to resemble real Mexican dishes like tacos or enchiladas.” In celebration and commem-­‐ orate of this event, the Puente Students of Los Medanos College have built an altar, located in the English department. In addition, the Puente students have also decorated a display showcase located in the library. Puente Coordinator Elizabeth Abril is inviting students and staff to visit one or both of these showcases to not only honor those who have passed on, but to observe and enjoy the creativity the Puente students have put into these displays. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to visit the altar commemorating Dia de los Muertos in English Department. “The altars consist of many items that are well considered with the dead loved ones in mind,” said Abril. “If it’s your first time viewing an altar, you’ll notice a common theme; the sugar skull. The display of skulls has great meaning; symbolizing life, death and rebirth. Therefore it is extremely significant in celebrating Dia de Los Muertos.” For more information on Puente go to losmedanos.edu/ studentservices/puente






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