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action-packed experience
than they can afford.
However, Mills gets a job assignment to transport people in cryogenic pods back to their homes. He’ll be away from his family for two years and it has him on the edge, but later accepts.
Afterward, he is on the ship when the autopilot accidentally takes them into an asteroid belt that wasn’t in the GPS. The plane crashes and takes Mills 65 million years in the past when dinosaurs existed.
The movie followed a man from the future with futuristic weapons as he traveled back in time to find a way home. It gave the audience a different perspective on what the future could look like and presented a unique plot to other movies with dinosaurs.
This film featured great acting from the two main characters Mills and Koa, as they played their parts well. These two notable standouts were played by Adam Driver and Ariana Greenblatt.
Koa was interested in Mills’ daughter, but it was too hard for Mills to see his daughter after finding out that she passed away due to an illness. After this, Mills was numb and didn’t show emotions, even after finding a little girl who survived the crash on the new planet, which is set to be the Earth of the past.
The movie showed that it could take the same plot as other films, but also add a special outlook to make it stand out.
The dinosaurs in the movie were also different from the traditional-looking dinosaurs we are used to seeing, as the ones showed here all looked freaky, spine-tingling and more dangerous. The movie never seemed dull because every moment had the audience enticed.
This movie was better than I expected, and I would recommend anyone to watch it, as long as you can handle a few jump scares. It’s a suspenseful movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat, which makes it an incredible movie for people of any age.
By MICAH SIMMS Staff Writer
Over the past week, famed popstar Miley Cyrus released her eighth studio album and first body of work since 2020. The album is called “Endless Summer Vacation,” and it sure felt endless.
Kid Harpoon and Mike Will Made It shared the production duties for this album.
Throughout the album, they made attempts — with varying degrees of success — to create a fun, summery vibe with Cyrus’s vocals in the same way that she appropriated hip-hop music in the early 2010s. The sounds of contemporary indie pop influenced Miley. It sounded like a cheap imitation of bands like Tame Impala and Animal Collective with her chill, summery sound.

The first track on the tracklist is the lead single for the album, “Flowers.” The instrumentation of this song is painfully mediocre, with a barebones bassline, buried synth lines, and overly reverbed guitars. The mixing and mastering of this song could have been much better than what was here. Her vocals on this track are immaculate. Though they sound like a rip-off of early 2010s Lady Gaga, she does a great job appropriating an older style and did it naturally, especially on the hook. Having said that, however, the lyrics are atrocious. They are super cliche and uninteresting, and she does not do anything new here.
Then we hit the first sign of filler on the album with the second track, “Jaded.” It’s passable but nothing too awful until we get to the third track, “Rose Colored Lenses.” This out of all the tracks is by far the worst.
The mixing is god-awful, with Miley’s vocals being super loud compared to everything else in the mix. The hook is redundant and not earwormy enough, and this is a clear rip-off of dream pop bands like Cocteau Twin and Slowdive. It’s a terrible showing of bad ideas coming together and being executed.
“Thousand Miles,” another filler song, was perfectly mediocre up until the background vocals at the song’s conclusion. Which led to the best song of the album, “You.” It’s a country ballad about how she calls you in the song to express how she feels complete with this love. Her twangy vocals fit the sweetness of the song perfectly.
Then Cyrus decided to pad the length of this album with five more filler songs that range from fine to mediocre. These five tracks feel