January 5 Denton Time 2012

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02 Denton Time

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THURSDAY Would Edgar Allen Poe (left) wring his hands over the Kardashian women? Poets are all the rage in Martin Amis’ short story “Career Move,” which skewers celebrity — embodied today by the likes of Kim Kardashian (below).

9:30 a.m. — Crafters’ Corner at Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St. Work on projects and learn new techniques. Free. Call 940349-8752 or visit www.denton library.com. 7 to 8 p.m. — Death and Dessert Mystery Book Club at Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St. Explore a new mystery each month and eat a themed dessert. This month’s discussion topic is “Vintage Crime.” Free. E-mail terri.gibbs@ cityofdenton.com. 7 to 8 p.m. — Conversation Club, for those wishing to practice their English language skills with others, at Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St. Free. No registration required. Call 940-349-8752.

SATURDAY 10 to 11 a.m. — “Play and Read With Puppets” at North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. This come-and-go program encourages dramatic play and narrative skills formation for children ages 2-5 and their caregivers. Free. Call 940-3498752. 2 to 3 p.m. — Travel Club at Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St. Discuss travel locations, see a presentation led by a member and enjoy refreshments. Call Terri Gibbs at 940-349-8752. 2 to 4 p.m. — “E-Book Extravaganza” for new owners of e-readers, iPads or smartphones, at North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. Learn how to download and check out e-books, audiobooks and more from the Denton Public Library website. Call 940-349-8752.

SUNDAY 1:30 p.m. — Denton Elks Lodge Hoop Shoot free-throw contest for boys and girls ages 8-13 at UNT’s Bahnsen Gym, 1908 W. Highland St. Free. Registration begins at 1 p.m. A hot dog lunch will be served to participants following the event at the Denton Elks Lodge, 228 E. Oak St. Call Dennis Page at 940-566-0698.

ON THE COVER NEW RESOLVE Want to better yourself for the new year? A wealth of continuing education courses at Denton’s colleges can make it easy — and inexpensive — to learn a thing or two for 2012. (DMN file illustration) Story on Page 6

AP file photos

FIND IT INSIDE MUSIC Concerts and nightclub schedules. Page 3

FRIDAY 3 to 5 p.m. — Ask Emily: Drop-In Technology Help at Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St. Library staff and volunteers will be on hand to answer questions. Feel free to bring your portable device or flash drive with the document you’re working on. Free. Call 940-349-8752 or visit www.dentonlibrary.com. 7 to 9 p.m. — First Friday Denton at A Creative Art Studio, 227 W. Oak St., Suite 101, featuring music by Uver, refreshments and a community painting. Attendees can make artist trading cards. Linka Behn will demonstrate paper clay sculpting, and Robin Huttash will do a stained glass demonstration. Free. Call 940442-1251 or visit www.acreativeart studio.com.

Denton Time

DINING Restaurant listings. Page 5

MOVIES Reviews and summaries. Page 5

TO GET LISTED INFORMATION Include the name and description of the event, date, time, price and phone number the public can call. If it’s free, say so. If it’s a benefit, indicate the recipient of the proceeds.

An hour without the Kardashians

TELL US ONLINE: Visit www.dentonrc.com, and click on “Let Us Know.”

E-MAIL IT TO: drc@dentonrc.com


Library series skewers preoccupation with celebrity


ove to hate headlinehogging fame chasers? Then make haste to South Branch Library on Wednesday night for the first installment of the “Professor’s Corner” series of 2012. The gathering was made with Kim Kardashian haters in mind. Hunter Hayes, a professor from Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, will spend the evening with a presentation that promises to be as arch as it is stimulating. In “From Wastepaper Basket to Hollywood: Martin

MONDAY 6 to 8 p.m. — “E-Book Extravaganza” for new owners of e-readers, iPads or smartphones, at North

Amis’s ‘Career Move,’” Hayes will touch on the country’s current love of celebrity over substance. Amis’ short story finds the nation vaunting poets. Producers fly them to Tinseltown, angling for merchandising and production rights while screenwriters schlep their work to literary magazines (read: highbrow periodicals that give as much attention to literary successes and missteps as People gives to the marriages of Jennifer Lopez). The free lecture and session is 7 p.m. Wednesday at

Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. Learn how to download and check out e-books, audiobooks and more from the Denton Public Library website. Call 940-349-8752. 6 to 8:45 p.m. — Chess Night at

South Branch Library, 3228 Teasley Lane. Participants can read the short story, available at the reference desks of all three local libraries or by sending an e-mail to the series coordinator, Fred Kamman, at fred.kamman@cityofdenton. com. “Professor’s Corner” invites local and regional English professors to present programs related to special interests. For more information, call 940-349-8752. — Lucinda Breeding

North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. Players of all ages and skill levels welcome. Free. Call 940-349-8752. 7 p.m. — PFLAG Denton meets at

Continued on Page 3


MAIL IT TO: Denton Time 314 E. Hickory St. Denton, TX 76201

DEADLINE: Noon the Friday before publication. All information will be verified with the sender before publication; verification must be completed by noon the Monday before publication for the item to appear.


Features Editor Lucinda Breeding . . 940-566-6877 cbreeding@dentonrc.com

ADVERTISING Advertising Director Sandra Hammond 940-566-6820 Classified Manager Julie Hammond. . . . 940-566-6819 Retail Advertising Manager Shawn Reneau . . . . 940-566-6843 Advertising fax . . 940-566-6846

EVENTS Continued from Page 2 Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1111 Cordell St., for support time followed by a speaker and discussion at 8 p.m. Visit www.pflag denton.org.


Noon to 1 p.m. — “The Importance of Remembering,” a talk by Larry Barber, a licensed professional counselor and author of Love Never Dies, part of Ann’s Haven VNA’s hospice family luncheon at the Denton Elks Lodge, 228 E. Oak St. Free, but reservations are requested by calling Molly Harrison, bereavement coordinator, at 940-349-5900. 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. — “E-Book Extravaganza” for new owners of e-readers, tablets or smartphones, at South Branch Library, 3228 Teasley Lane. Learn how to download and check out e-books, audiobooks and more from the Denton Public Library website. Call 940-349-8752. 6 to 8 p.m. — A free seminar for dementia caregivers at Select Rehabilitation Hospital of Denton, 2620 Scripture St. Presented by Peggy Watson and Nancy Shadowens, consultants in dementia therapy and authors of Dementia: Loving Care With a Therapeutic Benefit. Call 940-297-6500. 6:30 p.m. — Twilight Toddler Time features stories, songs and activities for toddlers and their caregivers at Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St. Free. Call 940-349-8752. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. — Teen Advisory Board for teens in grades 6-12. Help plan and run library programs, discuss books, movies and music, earn community service hours and more at North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. Free. Call Juli Gonzalez at 940-349-8741 or visit www.dentonlibrary.com. 7 to 8:45 p.m. — North Branch Writers’ Critique Group, for those interested in writing novels, short stories, poetry or journals, meets at North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. Free. Call 940-349-8752.

Moseley’s songs all together now


enton singer-songwriter Taylor Moseley has named his latest project Lil Red Button. It’s a small-sounding title for a box set chock full of music.

Taylor Moseley has enough music to fill seven discs. The Denton musician celebrates the Denton release of his box set, Lil Red Button, at Hailey’s Club on Saturday

TURN IT UP Best bets for music this weekend

Moseley releases the box set at a couple of free shows Saturday night, first at Banter and then over at Hailey’s Club. The seven discs include his EPs, Your Own Preamble, The Last Drop and The Snow Came in February; and fulllength recordings Influence, At the Moment, Taylor Moseley and B-sides Never Happen. Moseley’s folksy sound is introspective and, well, in no real hurry. With a voice reminiscent of Gordon Gano, Moseley approaches vocals as a suggestion, rather than an exact science. He started making music in school, burned out of Ryan High School before getting a

made of recycled materials. See examples, hear from recycling experts and UNT fashion students, and get inspired. Call 940-349-8741 or visit www.dentonpubliclibrary.com. 7 to 8:30 p.m. — Professor’s Corner: A Discussion Group Devoted to Literary Texts presents “From the Wastepaper Basket to Hollywood: Martin Amis’s ‘Career Move,’” a talk by Hunter Hayes, a professor from Texas A&M University-Commerce, at South Branch Library, 3228 Teasley

Courtesy photo

diploma and growing into an independent recording artist. Details: Moseley’s show at Banter starts at 8 p.m. and also includes sets by Left Side Driver, Ben Cloutier and Kyle Ryan. Banter is located at 219 W. Oak St. Doors open at 9 p.m. at Hailey’s, 122 W. Mulberry St. There, he’ll share the bill

Lane. Free. Call 940-349-8752. 7 to 8:30 p.m. — Exploring Philosophy at North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. Chat about philosophical questions with Eva H. Cadwallader, professor emerita. Free. Call 940-349-8752 to register.

MUSIC The Abbey Inn Restaurant & Pub Wed: Earl Bates’ “Celtic Sessions,” 7-

with Jake Sharar, Chris Jessup, local Celtic rockers County Rexford and headliner Richard Haskin and the One-Trick Ponies (starring Haskins and whichever instruments he feels like playing). No cover for ages 21 and older, $5 for those younger than 21. — Lucinda Breeding

9pm, free. 101 W. Hickory St. 940566-5483. The Abbey Underground 100 W. Walnut St. 940-565-5478. Andy’s Bar Sat: Rockett Queen, 8pm. Sun: Les Doux, 7pm. 122 N. Locust St. 940-565-5400. www.andysbar.webs.com. Art Six Coffee House Wed: Open mic, 8pm. No cover. No smoking inside. 424 Bryan St. 940-484-2786. www.facebook.com/artsixcoffee house.

Banter Sat: Taylor Moseley (CD release), 8 pm. Each Thurs, open-mic night, 9pm-midnight, free. Live local jazz at 8pm each Fri and 6pm each Sat. 219 W. Oak St. 940-565-1638. www.dentonbanter.com. Dan’s Silverleaf Thurs: Ryan Thomas Becker’s Last Joke, El Cento, Leatherbag, 8pm. Fri: Backwater Opera, Sol Tax, Union Specific, 10pm, $5. Sat: Little Jack Melody, 10pm, $5. Sun: Hares on the Mountain, American Werewolf Academy, 5-7:30pm, free. Tues: Flowtribe, the BoomBachs, 9pm, $6. Wed: Sundress, Coves, Family Fiend, Comanche, Freak the Mighty, 9pm, $3. Each Mon, Boxcar Bandits, 10pm, free. No smoking indoors. 103 Industrial St. 940-3202000. www.danssilverleaf.com. Fry Street Public House 125 Ave. A. 940-323-9800. www.publichouse denton.com. Fry Street Tavern Fri: Dusty Smirl. 121 Ave. A. 940-383-2337. thefrystreettavern.com. The Greenhouse Mon: Clark Erickson. Live jazz, each Mon and Thurs at 10pm, free. 600 N. Locust St. 940-484-1349. www.greenhouse restaurantdenton.com. Hailey’s Club Fri: Usual Suspect, Ruby Rhod, M3SA, Secret Squid, 9pm, free-$5. Sat: Richard Haskins, County Rexford, Taylor Moseley (CD release), Chris Jessup, Jake Sharar, 9pm, free-$5. Wed: Disco Jelly, Billy Ratcliff, Yatagarash, Kiwi Sisters, Mexican Lions, Bleedwitch, 9pm, $5$7. Each Thurs, ’80s music, free-$5; each Tues, ’90s music, free-$5. 122 W. Mulberry St. 940-323-1160. www.haileysclub.com. La Milpa Mexican Restaurant Each Fri, Mariachi Quetzal, 8pm. 820 S. I-35E, Suite 101. 940-382-8470. Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios Fri: Bright Light Social Hour, Ishi, Fresh Millions, Vita Brevis, 8pm, $8$10. Mon: “Denton Is Burning,” 10pm, free. Tues: “Singles Going Steady” with DJ Wild in the Streets and Gabe, 10pm, free-$5. Each Thurs, “Discipline,” 10pm, free-$5; each Wed, “Whatever Wednesdays,” 10pm, free$5. 411 E. Sycamore St. 940-387-7781. www.rubberglovesdentontx.com. Simone Lounge 222 W. Hickory St., Suite 104. 940-387-7240. www.face book.com/simonelounge.

Continued on Page 4

WEDNESDAY 3 to 5 p.m. — “E-Book Extravaganza” for new owners of e-readers, tablets or smartphones, at Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St. Learn how to download and check out e-books, audiobooks and more from the Denton Public Library website. Call 940-349-8752. 7 p.m. — “Pajama Story Time” at North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. Kids can wear pajamas and bring a favorite stuffed friend for stories, songs and puppets. Best for ages 1-5, but the whole family is welcome. Free. Call 940-349-8715 or e-mail dana.tucker@cityofdenton.com. 7 to 8 p.m. — Trashy Fashion Show info session at North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust St. The Denton Public Library and UNT are teaming up to put on a Earth Day fashion show for teens interested in fashion design, featuring garments

DENTON PARKS AND RECREATION North Lakes Recreation Center is offering a free week of group exercise starting Monday. Show up at any or all of the following times, and experienced instructors will guide you the rest of the way: I Les Mills BodyCombat, 5:30 p.m. Monday I Les Mills BodyPump, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday I Zumba, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday I Les Mills BodyFlow, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12 During launch week, you may also try Power Yoga and North Lakes Recreation Center’s boot camp for free. For more information, including class descriptions and a weekly schedule, visit www.dentonparks.

com or call 940-349-8287. The center is at 2001 W. Windsor Drive. I Register by Wednesday for the Indoor Coed Soccer League for ages 4 to 11. The $70 fee includes practice, a jersey and an individual award. For those who register late on Jan. 12 or 13, the fee will be an additional $15. For more information and registration, visit www. dentonparks.com or call 940-3497275. I Register now for the following preschool-age programs: I Kindergarten Prep, a part-time preschool program, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, Jan.

9 through Feb. 1, or Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan. 10 through Feb. 2. I “Hop ’Til You Drop,” a series of structured activities, from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan. 10 through Feb. 2. I Preschool Naturalists presents “Wigglin’ Worms,” from 10 a.m. to noon Jan. 13. For details and complete listing of preschool-age programs, including full-time preschools, visit www. dentonparks.com or call 940-3497275. I Youths ages 10 to 17 can learn necessary skills to care for infants and children in the Cross Lifeline Child Care and Babysitting

Course from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 14 at North Lakes Recreation Center, 2001 W. Windsor Drive. The $54 fee includes a workbook, a completion card, and instruction in diapering, feeding, CPR and first aid. For more information and registration, visit www.dentonparks.com or call 940- 349-8287. I Registration is now open for the following sports leagues: NFL Flag Football for ages 5 to 12; girls volleyball for ages 7 to 14; USTA Junior Tennis for ages 8 to 18; and adult volleyball, flag football and basketball. For league details and registration, visit www.dentonparks.com or call 940-349-7275.

03 Denton Time

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04 Make your pitches now for a race to the screen Denton Time

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Fest solicits local ideas for topics for documentaries


he Thin Line Film Fest is looking for input from Denton folks. The upcoming festival, now in its fifth year as Texas’ only documentary festival, will include a filmmaking race — the Docu-Denton 7K. “Documentary filmmakers will make a film in 7,000 minutes,” said Joshua Butler, the festival founder and director. “The race starts on the first Friday of the festival and they have to finish the following



county, include the group’s full name, a spokesperson’s name and contact information. Pitch your idea in 300 words or less, and e-mail it to topics@thinlinefilmfest.com. Include your name and contact information. For more information, visit www. thinlinefilmfest.com. Team registration will start Jan. 16 on the festival website.

Send festival officials your ideas about film-worthy people and activities happening in Denton. Your idea could turn into a short documentary. Here’s what to do: For a pitch about a person who lives in Denton County, include the person’s name and contact information. For a pitch about an organization that serves Denton County or does most of its work in the

What: Texas Filmmakers’ documentary film festival When: Feb. 10-20 Where: Screenings will be at the Campus Theatre, 214 W. Hickory St., and Denton Square Donuts, 208 W. Oak St. Panel discussion and workshop venues will be announced later this month. Details: Discounted passes go on sale on Jan. 16 at www.thinlinefilmfest.com.

Wednesday.” Each documentary finished in the allotted time will be eligi-

ble for the Denton Doc award, which comes with bragging rights and a $1,000 cash award. The filmmakers in the race will draw topics submitted by locals, and Butler said those


topics — assigned in a drawing — will be partially developed by festival officials. “When people find out you work in the film industry, they always say, ‘I have this idea for a

movie.’ They always have an idea. In the Docu-Denton 7K, those people can submit those ideas and they might actually get to see it become a short film,” Butler said. Festival officials will vet the topics, then make sure sources will be available for interviews during the race. “We really want to get the community involved,” Butler said. “We have some control over what gets into the drawing, so the filmmakers are getting ideas that are already partially produced. And I think people will be surprised that the crews can make good films in a limited amount of time.” — Lucinda Breeding


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Sweetwater Grill and Tavern Tues: Sweetwater Jazz Quartet (Neil Slater, Jim Riggs, Ron Fink and Lou Carfa). Jazz shows on patio, 7-9pm, free. 115 S. Elm St. 940-484-2888. Trail Dust Steak House Fri & Sat: Cypress Creek, 7-11pm. 26501 U.S. 380 East in Aubrey. 940-365-4440. www.trailduststeaks.net. VFW Post 2205 Free karaoke at 8pm each Thurs, Fri and Sat. 909 Sunset St.






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Focus Features

Adepero Oduye stars as Alike, a teen struggling to come out as a lesbian, in Pariah.

Enough Alike us Gauzy coming-out story strikes a universal chord By Christy Lemire AP Movie Critic


riter-director Dee Rees’ feature debut achieves a difficult, intriguing balance. It’s at once raw and dreamlike, specific to a particular, personal rite of passage yet relatable in its message of being true to oneself. Adepero Oduye gives a subtly natural performance as Alike (pronounced ah-lee-kay), a 17-year-old Brooklyn girl who’s struggling to come out as a lesbian. Each day at school, Alike

THEATERS CINEMARK DENTON 2825 Wind River Lane off I-35E. 940-535-2654. www.cinemark.com.

MOVIE TAVERN 916 W. University Drive. 940-566FILM (3456). www.movietavern.com.

RAVE MOTION PICTURES 8380 S. I-35E, Hickory Creek. 940321-2788. www.movietickets.com.

Pariah Rated R, 86 minutes. Opens Friday.

dresses the way that makes her feel comfortable in baggy Tshirts and baseball caps, and she pals around with her brash best friend, Laura (Pernell Walker), who’s already happily out. But on the bus ride home, she must transform herself into the young lady her mother, Audrey (Kim Wayans), approves of and loves. Audrey hopes arranging a new friendship with a colleague’s daughter, Bina (Aasha

SILVER CINEMAS Inside Golden Triangle Mall, 2201 S. I-35E. 940-387-1957.

OPENING FRIDAY Beneath the Darkness After their friend is murdered, a group of teenagers tries to bring down a sadistic mortician. With Dennis Quaid, Aimee Teegarden, Tony Oller and Devon Werkheiser. Rated R, 98 minutes. — Los Angeles Times

Davis), will set Alike down a traditionally straight, female path, but this budding relationship only complicates matters further. Simultaneously, Alike’s home life is deteriorating, as her police officer father (Charles Parnell) begins keeping suspiciously late hours; it’s a subplot that bogs things down and feels like a distraction from Alike’s journey, a device to add tension. But Alike’s story is inspiring to see: Oduye is both melancholy and radiant in the role, and she makes you long for her character to finally find peace. Bradford Young’s awardwinning cinematography gives Pariah the gauzy, gorgeous feel of an urban fairy tale. The Devil Inside Twenty years after her mother confessed to three brutal murders, a woman travels to Italy and recruits two young exorcists to find out what really happened and set things right. Rated R, 87 minutes. — LAT House of Pleasures A portrait of the women working in a Parisian brothel during its final days at the turn of the 20th century. In French with English subtitles. Not rated, 125 minutes. — LAT

Central Grill 1005 Ave. C. 940-3239464. Dusty’s Bar and Grill Laid-back bar just off the Square serves a beltbusting burger and fries, a kitchen homily for meat and cheese lovers. Seven plasma TVs for fans to track the game, or patrons can take part in interactive trivia and poker. Darts, pool, video games and foosball. Kitchen open throughout business hours. 119 S. Elm St. Daily noon-2am. $-$$. 940-243-7300. www.myspace. com/dustysindenton. The LABB 218 W. Oak St. 940-2934240. www.thelabbdenton.com. The Loophole Square staple has charming menu with cleverly named items, like Misdemeanor and Felony nachos. Decent range of burgers. 119 W. Hickory St. Daily 11am-2am; food served until midnight. Full bar. $-$$. 940-565-0770. www.loopholepub. com. Pourhouse Sports Grill Classy sports bar and restaurant boasts large TVs and a theater-style media room and serves burgers, pizza, salads and generous main courses. Full bar. Smoking on patio only. 3350 Unicorn Lake Blvd. Sun-Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11-12. $-$$. 940-484-7455. Rocky’s Sports Bar Big games on big screens plus some pretty big tastes, too. Now open for lunch. For finger food, roll chicken chipotle and battered jalapeno and onion strips are standouts. Homestyle burgers; savory Caesar salad with chicken. Full bar. 2000 W. University Drive. Daily 11am-2am. $. 940-382-6090. Rooster’s Roadhouse “We Ain’t Chicken” is what the eatery claims, though the menu kindly includes it on a sandwich and in a wing basket — plus barbecue, burgers and hangout appetizers (cheese fries, tamales, and queso and chips). Beer. 113 Industrial St. Sun-Wed 11-10; ThursSat 11-midnight. $. 940-382-4227. www.roosters-roadhouse.com. RT’s Neighborhood Bar 1100 Dallas Drive, Suite 124. 940-381-2277. Sweetwater Grill & Tavern It may claim a place among the world’s other memorable pubs, rathskellers, hangouts and haunts where the food satisfies as much as the libations that wash them down. 115 S. Elm St. Tues-Sat 11-2am, Sun-Mon 11-midnight. $-$$. 940-484-2888. II Charlies Bar & Grill 809 Sunset St. 940-891-1100.

BARBECUE Metzler’s Bar-B-Q Much more than a barbecue joint, with wine and beer shop, deli with German foods and more. Smoked turkey is lean yet juicy; generous doses of delightful barbecue sauce. Tender, well-priced chicken-fried steak. Hot sausage sampler has a secret weapon: spicy mustard. Beer and wine. 628 Londonderry Lane. Daily 10:30am10pm. $. 940-591-1652. The Smokehouse Denton barbecue joint serves up surprisingly tender and juicy beef, pork, chicken and catfish. Good sauces, bulky sandwiches

and mashed potatoes near perfection. Good pies and cobblers. Beer and wine. 1123 Fort Worth Drive. SunThurs 11-9, Fri-Sat 11-10. $-$$. 940566-3073. Sweet Y Cafe 511 Robertson St. 940-323-2301.

BISTROS AND CAFES Banter Gourmet sandwiches and salads, breakfast items, coffee and espresso, plus traditional Spanish tapas (small savory dishes) by reservation only. Free Wi-Fi. Live music on some nights. Beer and wine. No smoking inside. 219 W. Oak St. Daily 10am-midnight. $. 940-565-1638. Bochy’s Bistro Fusion menu grabs elements of European cuisines with many salad and sandwich selections. Winning Greek chicken lisi panini. Artful desserts: tuxedo cake, cream cheese brownie. No smoking. 2430 I35E, Suite 136. Mon-Thurs 8-3, Fri-Sat 8-8, Sun brunch 8-2. $$. 940-3873354. Cafe Du Luxe Upscale casual spot for conversation and a cup of coffee, a light meal, dessert or a glass of fine wine. Specialty coffee beans are freshly roasted; wine list includes vintages both familiar and relatively unknown. Happy hour from 4 to 7 p.m. weekdays. Beer & wine. 3101 Unicorn Lake Blvd. Mon-Thurs 5:30am-10pm, Fri 5:30am-11pm, Sat 6am-11pm, Sun 7am-9pm. $. 940382-7070. The Chestnut Tree Salads, sandwiches, soups and other lunch options served in back of small shop on the Square. Chicken pot pie is stellar, with painstakingly made crust and thick, tender stew inside. Tasty quiche. Decadent fudge lava cake and rich carrot cake. No smoking. 107 W. Hickory St. Mon-Fri 9am-3pm, Sat 9am-2:30pm, Sun 11am-2pm. $-$$. 940-591-9475. Cups and Crepes Eatery serves up both traditional American and European breakfasts and lunch. Get biscuits and gravy or test a crepe filled with rich hazelnut spread. Specialty coffees. Smoking on patio only. 309 Fry St. Thurs-Sun 8am3pm. $. 940-387-1696. Join the Cups and Crepes group on Facebook.com.

BRITISH The Abbey Inn Restaurant & Pub Full bar. 101 W. Hickory St. Sun-Wed 11-10, Thurs-Sat 11-midnight. $-$$. 940-566-5483.

CAJUN Frilly’s Seafood Bayou Kitchen Plenty of Cajun standards and Texas fusion plates. Everything gets plenty of spice — sometimes too much. Sides like jalapeno corn bread, red beans and rice are extra. Beer and wine. 1925 Denison St. Sun-Thurs 119, Fri-Sat 11-9:30. $$. 940-243-2126. Second location: Frilly’s South Cajun Kitchen, 2303 I-35E, 940-898-1404.

CHINESE Buffet King Dining spot serves more than 200 items of Chinese cuisine, Mongolian grill and sushi. No smoking. 2251 S. Loop 288. Mon-Thurs 11-

Continued on Page 8

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01 05 12


A change will do you good: Mix up your routine, broaden your mind with classes By Lucinda Breeding | Features Editor Admit it. You’ve been wanting to take a pottery class for years now. Or you’ve huffed and puffed away on the gym treadmill, wishing this fitness thing were somehow more fun. You don’t always hear much about them, but lifelong learning courses are perennially available at the area’s three college campuses — Denton’s University of North Texas and Texas Woman’s University and Corinth’s North Texas Central College. All three schools honor the idea of a town-and-gown partnership by bringing in teachers with special expertise so that locals can learn to dance, fix a car or throw a serving bowl without the hefty tuition that comes with more committed study. Each college’s continuing education center has already lined up a spring semester of courses that just about anyone — whether they’re retired, a stay-at-home parent or a full-time employee — can fit into their schedule. Take a look at some winners we found in course catalogs.


08 Denton Time

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What: “Achieving Success With Difficult People,” a University of North Texas minicourse Where: online When: Wednesdays and Fridays, from Jan. 18 through Feb. 24 Register: by Jan. 12 at www.ed2go.com/unt/ online_course/sdp/syllabus/Achieving_ Success_with_Difficult_People.html Fee: $89

What: “Swing Dance,” a course on the World War II-era dance for teens and adults Where: TWU’s Dance and Gymnastics Laboratory Building, located on Bell Avenue just north of Administration Drive When: 6:30 p.m. Mondays, from Jan. 23 through March 26 Register: www.twu.edu/ce/CommunityDance.asp Fee: $70

If conflict is inevitable, then learning how to work through it — and maybe even prevent it — could soothe a lot of ruffle-prone feathers. This online course is taught from a corporate point of view. But “tanks,” “exploders,” “snipers” and “know-italls” are also found on the other end of the customer service support line, around the family dinner table and among church committees. This UNT course is designed to help employees, relatives, bosses and volunteers learn how they can get out of a relational rut through learning how to best communicate with the bullies and jerks among us. And if a student should recognize that she’s a classic sniper? Well, a little self-awareness can be a good thing.

Texas Woman’s University offers community dance classes every year for all ages. Adults can learn how to dip, twirl and land safely from a lift to the sounds of Big Band jazz. Swing is a high-energy partner dance that gets pairs bebopping, Lindy Hopping and jitterbugging to blaring horns — though competitive dancers can swing to hip-hop if it has a proper backbeat. The class doesn’t require students to join with a partner, but swing dance is built for people who cut a rug without reservation. To see a full schedule of dance classes — which are set to meet weekly, Monday through Friday — visit www.twu.edu/ce/Community-Dance. asp. Adults and children can try ballet, tap, jazz and hip-hop.



What: “Basic Ceramics: Pottery,” a course for all skill levels Where: at NCTC’s Gainesville campus, 1525 W. California St. When: 1 to 4 p.m. Thursdays, from Jan. 26 to March 8 Register: by Jan. 23 by either mailing or hand-delivering payment and registration form to the Gainesville campus. The registration form is on Page 53 of the spring catalog at www.nctc.edu/LifelongLearning/documents/ completedschedulespring2012.pdf. Fee: $139

What: “Dutch-Oven Cooking,” a course in cooking in a Dutch oven Where: The local NCTC campus at 1404 Corinth St. When: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 28 Register: by April 25 by either mailing or hand-delivering payment and registration form to the Corinth campus. The registration form is on Page 53 of the spring catalog at www.nctc.edu/LifelongLearning/documents/ completedschedulespring2012.pdf. Fee: $55

This course will show aspiring potters how to handle clay and how to throw clay on a wheel to make a vessel. Most of the class time will be dedicated to throwing wheel forms. The pottery wheel is considered to be a fussy tool that requires neophytes to get comfortable with it before finding the best speed and techniques for the individual artist. All students need to bring with them is an open mind, and be dressed in grubby clothes. Pottery on the wheel is muddy work — hands will get dirty.

No, this isn’t a class to teach gourmands about how to make the best of that pricey Le Creuset Dutch oven. This class is to teach campers and backyard adventurers how to make a meal with a pot or two, some nice, hot coals (or canned fuel) and fresh ingredients. This class will cover stews and dishes that revive the body on a camping trip, or meals that feed a fleet of enthusiastic drivers and passengers as they return to the RV campground. Students can bring their own Dutch ovens — heavy cast iron pots that roast meats and heat stews slowly and yield full-bodied flavors — or use one provided by the instructor. And chances are, home cooks can make the same recipes on the stove top with an indoor Dutch oven.

DMN file photo

iStock AP/St. Petersburg Times AP

DINING Continued from Page 5 9:30, Fri-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-9. $-$$ 940-387-0888. Cafe China 2900 Wind River Lane. 940-320-8888. Chinatown Cafe Bountiful buffet guarantees no visit need taste like another. Good selections include cucumber salad, spring rolls, orange chicken, crispy pan-fried noodles, beef with asparagus, steamed mussels. Beer and wine. 2317 W. University Drive. Mon-Thurs 11-9, Fri 11-10, Sat 11:30-10, Sun 11:30-10. $. 940-382-8797. Golden China Small restaurant boasts quick and friendly service. Nice selections on buffet tables

include wonton and egg drop soups, teriyaki chicken and hot pepper chicken. Beer and wine. 717 I-35E, Suite 100. Daily 11-10. $. 940-5665588. 299 Oriental Express 1000 Ave. C. 940-383-2098.

HAMBURGERS Burger Time Machine 301 W. University Drive. 940-384-1133. Cool Beans Funky atmosphere in old building. Menu offers foodstuffs that go well with a cold beer — fried things, nachos, hamburgers, etc. Veggie burger too dependent on salt, but good fries are crispy with skin still attached. Full bar. 1210 W. Hickory St. Daily 11am-2am. $. 940382-7025. Denton County Independent Hamburger Co. Custom-built burg-

ers with a juicy, generous patty, fresh fixings on a worthy bun. Also available: chicken sandwich and limited salad bar. 113 W. Hickory St. Mon-Sat 11-3. 940-383-1022. 2nd location: 715 Sunset St. Mon-Sat 11-8. 940-3823037. $. No credit cards. Beer at 2nd location. Love Shack Chef Tim Love’s third gourmet hamburger establishment, with patties made from half prime brisket, half tenderloin. Specialties include Dirty Love Burger, topped with wild boar bacon and a quail egg. Plus fries, chicken, fish, hot dogs, soups, salads and the milkshake of the day. Full bar. 115 E. Hickory St. 11am-midnight Sun-Thurs; 11-2am FriSat. 940-442-6834. www.loveburger shack.com. Katz’s Hamburgers 901-A Ave. C. 940-442-6200.

Mr. Frosty Old-timey joint has all your fast-food faves but with homemade quality, including its own root beer. Atmosphere and jukebox take you back to the ’50s. 1002 Fort Worth Drive. Tues-Sun 11am-11pm. $. 940-387-5449. RG Burgers & Grill 2430 S. I-35E, Suite 172. 940-383-2431.

ICE CREAM Beth Marie’s Old-Fashioned Ice Cream and Soda Fountain Parlor with lots of yummy treats, including more than 40 ice creams made on premises. Soups and sandwiches at lunch at the downtown Square location, all day at the Unicorn Lake location. 117 W. Hickory St. and 2900 Wind River Lane. Mon-Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11-11 (Wind River shop open until 11:15pm), Sun noon-10 (lunch

daily 11-4). $. 940-384-1818.

KOREAN Bulgogi House 408 North Texas Blvd. 940-382-8060.

PIZZA J&J’s Pizza Pizza lovers can stay in touch with their inner-collegiate selves through cold mugs of premium draft. Bountiful, homemade pizza pies, in N.Y. style or deep-dish Chicago style. Salads, hot and cold subs, calzones, lasagna and spaghetti. Beer. 118 W. Oak St. 940382-7769. Mon-Sat 11-midnight. $$$. Palio’s Pizza Cafe 1716 S. Loop 288. 940-387-1900. TJ’s Pizza Wings & Things 420 S. Carroll Blvd., Suite 102. 940-3833333.

job lists

I BUY CARS RUNNING OR NOT Call CHRIS 940-390-2577 Wanted: Junk Vehicles Running or not. Cash Paid. Lost title okay. Call 940-765-6425 Denton area




BEST VALUE RV Sales & Service. Consigning RVs. We’ve moved to 7201 North I-35 in Denton 866-724-2378

***BILINGUAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE*** OPENINGS IN CORINTH, DECATUR, DENTON, FLOWER MOUND, FRISCO, HIGHLAND VILLAGE, JOSHUA, KELLER, LEWISVILLE, LITTLE ELM, MCKINNEY, PONDER, SHADY SHORES, SOUTHLAKE, WHITESBORO, WYLIE. PAID VACATION, 401 K, #1 when it comes to great COMPETITIVE PAY, MEDICAL, deals. Motorcycles, ATV’s, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE INSURUtility Vehicles, watercraft, ANCE, & INCENTIVES both new and used. NURSES & ATTENDANTS 521 Acme St (FtWorthDr/IH-35E) CALL STAFFING, Cyclecenterofdenton.com 903-532-1400 OR 866-856-5923 sales@cyclecenterofdenton.com THERAPIST CALL 903-532940-387-3885 1400 eoe 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71, 4 WD, $8450, 117K miles, white, new tires with upgraded 18" wheels, leather, 940-4972858 calinneman@yahoo.com

A person needed with good driving record, job references, good attitude and sales ability, a clean cut appearance. Will train for pest control and sales. Apply 902 N. Elm 8am-12pm

Contractors as needed HANDY PERSON & CLEANING PERSON must have experience, cell phone & car. Call 940-390-1285


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APPLY NOW FOR: ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂

AR/Collections Inbound Call Center Executive Admin Asst. Forklift/Material Handler Machine Operators General wood workers Assembly/Kitting Order Pulling Industrial Maintenance Tech CNC Op’r w/Setup 310 Audra Lane Denton, TX (940) 442-6550 www.otstaffing.com

CASH LOANS on Car Titles, VIP Finance, Lewisville TX. Call 972-434-6616 vipfin.com


Please visit our website at datcu.org for more information and to apply on-line. EOE Denton Company is hiring Experienced CSR’s. Must have at least 2 yrs in an Inbound Call Center. Hour Personnel 940-566-6300 Denton County MHMR Nursing Program Manager, Team Leader, Community Support, Direct Care, Maintenance Tech and more! Call 940-565-5287 or Visit www.dentonmhmr.org Drivers needed Class A CDL, with Tanker endorsement preferred. Call Mon thru Fri 8am-5pm only 940-736-0758.

EXPANDING NOW! City of Highland Village Active, disabled woman needs over night CAREGIVER 2 or 3 nights per week. North Lewisville area. Will train. 972-741-1884 A Mechanic/Lead Person is needed to diagnose and repair rental equipment. Applicants must have at least two years of experience in repairing large and small construction equipment, must have own tools, be able to pass a drug screen and have a good driving record. To apply: phone: 940-484-5288, fax a resume to: 940-387-1607, or email: employment@pioneerrental.net

StreetTechnician I/II $12.66-$13.95/hr, DOQ

Crossing Guard $10.50/hr

Police Officer $49,148 - $54,063 annually, DOQ

Sales Manager

Knowledge of local market, ACT Software, PMS Systems, NORTHSTAR BANK Seeking person interested in full and hotel operations preferred. time employment with customer Please send resume to Executive Risk service telephone, interview lq6153gm@laquinta.com Administrative Assistant skills, and legible handwriting, to Various duties in the risk complete applications for energy Little Guys Movers is now hiring management & credit dept. responsible individuals who assistance preferably bilingual. Bank experience required. possess strong communication Credit Analyst/Underwriter Person must have current valid skills, a positive attitude, and a NORTHSTAR BANK Tellers Texas Driver license, insurable valid driver’s license. Background Denton. 2-4 years bank credit including documentation of cur- checks. Apply in person, 520 S. In Lewisville 9:00-6:00 analyst/underwriting experience rent motor vehicle insurance cov- Elm St, Denton. Starts at $8/hr. In Pilot Point 9:00-6:00 in real estate /healthcare/ Both include Saturday rotation. erage. Must submit and pass reMake $16-$18/hr, M-F, commercial lending required. quired pre-employment examinacleaning houses! Ability to analyze & prioritize Resume to Jobs@nstarbank.com tion and criminal history check for Own transportation. recommendations to lenders. For details visit consideration of employment. Please call 214-855-7189. Must have strong computer skills High school graduate or certifiwww.nstarbank.com "Careers" in Excel & applicable financial & cate completing general educaExperience preferred. EOE Management & Teacher research software. Strong "2012 Best Companies to Work tion development (GED), two Career Fair! communication & problem solving years of college or AA, at least for in Texas" Children’s Courtyard is hiring skills are required. Resume to three (3) years work experience, Jobs@nstarbank.com. EOE - providing services to economical- exp’d Managers & Teachers in North Dallas! TX Director’s For details visit ly disadvantaged persons. License req for mgmt positions. www.nstarbank.com "Careers" Join us with your resume Applications are available at NOW HIRING! Tuesday, January 10th 401 East 6th Avenue, For the Lewisville Area. from 4pm-7pm at Corsicana, Texas or by tele Order Selectors / Packaging 2160 S Edmonds Ln, Lewisville, phone request at Immediate Full time Openings TX 75067. Resumes to: 1+ 800-831-9929 through for 1st shift Positions resumes@learningcaregroup.com January 9, 2012. Monday through Friday. EOE Only interested persons living Must be able to lift up to 25 lbs. within the specified county and Pass a background should apply. CSI is an EOE. and drug test.


business opportunites

Full Time Case Manager Denton County

La Quinta Inn & Suites in Decatur, Texas is seeking an experienced

* NO EXP. NECESSARY * WEEKLY PAY * FULL TIME / PART TIME Overtime available. CALL NOW! 940/323-2694

GATEWAY CONCRETE Exp. Mixer Drivers needed. $15/hr. Call 940-242-3100 GK’S Cleaners needs FT/PT Front Counter help. Mon-Fri afternoon, plus Sat. in Flower Mound. 972-355-4991 Jill. HEAVY HAUL DRIVER with Class A CDL and Low Boy Exp. Owner/Ops wanted also. Call 940-387-4430 or 940-368-7432

MEDICATION AIDE Needed 2p-10p shift. Monday thru Friday Must be a Certified Nurse Aide and be able to pass a criminal background check. Apply in person. No phone calls please.


Services to seniors in: skilled nursing, assisted living, home health and senior independent living. We Hire: Nurses, Nurse Aides, Housekeepers, Cooks, Waitstaff, Maintenance, Sitters, Drivers, and More.

APPLY ONLINE AT www.highlandvillage.org Human Resources 1000 Highland Village Rd Highland Village TX 75077 Phone: 972-899-5087 EOE

Sack N Save Hiring exp. meat market manager, asst. manager, apply at 1500 I-35E Denton or sacknsavedenton.com

Small AV rated law firm seeking an individual for CLERK position. Please email Resume to: jmccarley@cdhllp.com

OnTrack Staffing is accepting applications for the following: ∂ Electrical/Mechanical Technicians w/ manufacturing experience. ∂ Forklift Operators w/recent exp. ∂ Machine Operator Must be available for any shift. DT & BG required Apply at 310 Audra Lane Denton, TX 76209 (940) 442-6550

We are now hiring for TWO FULL TIME Positions: Full Time Leasing Agent Full Time Administrator No experience necessary, only full time applicants need apply. Apply IN PERSON at 525 S Carroll Blvd, STE 100, Denton, Texas 76201 No Phone Calls Please

Check our current openings and apply on line at: www.good-sam.com. AAE, EOE, M/F,H, V

•RNs ICU*Emergency*Med/Surg *CVICU*Behavioral Health*Surgery Dialysis*Pre-Op*IP Rehab •LVNs—Med/Surg*Behavioral Health

•Behavioral Health—C.N.A.*LVN

WANT TO BE A FIREFIGHTER? in Less Than 6 Months? Texas Commission on Fire Protection and EMT cert. Enroll now for classes! Write: Haz-Co, PO Box 3063, Sherman, TX 75091 or call 903-564-3862

Alfalfa & Alfalfa/Orchard small & large square. Round Bales & Bermuda Sm. Sq. 217-737-7737, Aubrey Would Like To Buy A Small Cattle Herd Aubrey, TX 940-368-9319

Reduced price 2011 Kabota Tractor 7040 cab, 10’ mower, like new, not sold separately 903-429-6530 or 936-419-9483

Booze Appliance

Recent CDL Class A Graduates & OTR Trainees


•Plastic Surgery—Nurse Practitioner/PA

Job Description and Requirements Available on our website

Receptionist/Light bookkeeping position in Aubrey. Send resumes to hollyb@bluemoonsportswear.com

205 N. Bonnie Brae Denton Tx. 76201

& Lake Forest Home Care


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Small, friendly school, Denton TX, hiring TEACHER for 1st to Bonduris Music • Lessons now 3rd grade, multi age classroom. on all inst’s & all styles of guitar. Starting Fall 2012. Low teacher/ Student bands. All North Texas trained teachers. 940-320-6023 student ratio. relaxed "home school" atmosphere. Love to Sing? Find Your Voice! Open/creative curriculum. All Styles • 20 years experience $28,000 to $30,000 to begin; www.dentonvocalstudio.com elementary teaching Call Larry 383-1378, 391-4838 experience needed. Send resume to Community School, 2046 Scripture St, APPLY TODAY: Denton TX 76201 SHIH TZU PUPPY --current on 310 Audra Lane, Denton TX. shots, has papers, will come Southwest Petroleum or 3961 Beltline Road, Addison TX. with leash, bed & dog bowl. Transport in Denton, TX is $199.95 OBO. 940-594-4234 looking for Transport Drivers and/or Bobtail Drivers. Must have CDL, Hazmat & Tanker endorsement. Must be 21 yrs of age. We offer top pay, great NOW HIRING!!! benefits, 401K, paid vacation, & Tractor, Trailer, Repair, Painting General Warehouse: health & dental insurance. Order Puller’s & Pickers and Welding* All Makes Call 940-442-5300, email Seeking Stand up/ Sit Down and Models. Pickup available. carrollenderby@yahoo.com, Forklift operators- all shifts Brad Harkins 940-368-9494 or fax 940-442-5301. Must be flexible. 940-312-7347

Experienced Mechanic wanted. Se Busca Mecanico con Experiencia Taller Mecanico Denton TX 940-390-5144

Female Care Givers Needed. 24 Hour Live-in Senior Care Phone answered Tues-Sat. 8 am - 6:30 pm Call 940-206-0276

Reception/Front Desk and Back office and Office Manager needed for busy medical practice. Looking for someone highly motivated, trainable & dependa ble with great people skills. Multi-tasking a must, & the ability to work under minimal supervision. Flexible schedule. Please email resume to dentonresume@gmail.com

Seeking recent grads with CDL A for our Trainee Program. Need to be w/i 60 days of graduating

•Dietary—Diet Aide*Supervisor •Radiology—Sonographer •Wound Care—Tech*/Receptionist •IP Rehab—C.N.A./Ward Clerk

Excellent pay and benefits! Elite Driver Trainers!

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Apply on line at www.wiseregional.com 2000 S. FM 51 Decatur, TX 76234 • EOE • Job Line 940-626-2525 • A not for profit hospital

Apply online with three year work history at www.jbscarriers.com or call 1-866-298-4573 option 2 L5


Reconditioned & Guaranteed Washers , Dryers, Stoves & Refrigerators 3511 E. University Dr, Denton 940-382-4333 We Buy BUY SELL REPAIR We pay above scrap price for some brands of washers, dryers, etc. 377 Appliance , 1010 Ft Worth Dr 940-382-8531

Desktop, Laptop, New & Used Bought, Sold, Repaired, Specials, Del desktop complete: Windows XP, Vista, 7 for $279 940-482-7906, 940-391-1829,

DENCO FIREARMS CHL Instruction & Sales Sat. & Sun CHL Classes www.dencofirearms.com 940-453-4162 Denton Publishing Company will not knowingly publish any ad for the sale of weapons that does not meet our standards of acceptance.


Denton Time

01 05 12

10 Denton Time

01 05 12

Firewood business for sale, 3/4 ton PU, GN trl & customer base. Will finance part at no interest 940-395-9090

Let Us Help You Achieve your best shape & health for 2012. 100% guaranteed! Dr. Recommended. Call 800 210 3814 OR www.betrim4ever.com

Place a 1107 N. Locust, 3/2, $775+/mo Call 940-566-5717 1 & 2 Bedroom BRAND NEW Apartments. DOWNTOWN Denton. Available in Feb. Starting at $795. 940-382-3009

380 FLEA MARKET Open every Sat. & Sun.

All metroplex buyers & sellers welcome. Located 1 mile E. of Loop 288 on Hwy. 380, in Denton. (940) 391-6202 (940) 383-1064 (h) • (940) 390-5900 (c)


Denton 1836 N. Lake Tr. Fri. 1/6 & Sat. 1/7 7a-3p Furniture, Kitchen items, TVs, Vintage Toys, luggage & misc.

FREE CABLE & WATER 1 Bdrm 1 Bath Starting at $569 Low elec. bills. 6/9/12 mo. lease. 2 Bdrm 1 Bath Starting at $669 2/1 $680/mo; 2/2 $695/mo Windsor Village 940-382-9556 1/1 $570-$585. Walk to UNT. Call www.jackbellproperties.com our friendly staff at 940-382-3100. 1 Bdrm 1 Bath Upstairs, GRANDVIEW GARDENS $395/mo plus electric. Free Rent on in Sanger. Credit check required, 2 Bedrooms Only no pets. 940-206-4268 Ask for details 940-442-6919 1 Bdrms Starting at $559/mo LAKE DALLAS $625/mo. 2/1 in 2 Bdrms starting at $639 brick 8-plex, water/sewer trash CRYSTALWOOD Apartments pd, appl. $500dep, 110 W. 940-591-0121 Hundley. 1-940-736-1966 1 Bedroom 1 Bath, Near UNT 600 sq ft, $535/mo. No Pets www.tntprop.com or call for more details 940-381-6675

2/1, 2/2, 3/2 $660--$825 Large Enclosed Patios Greenway Patio Townhomes 2912 Augusta @ Greenway 940-387-8741, 940-368-1814 Largest Units in Denton!

Denton, 909 EAGLE DRIVE (off street parking available) Fri & Sat Jan. 6 & 7, 8am-4pm Fostoria, Antique Furniture, Antiques, Misc Replacement Parts for J.I. Case Equipment heavy duty wooden bunkbeds and Misc Household Items

2/1.5, large kitchen & garage, good flooring & appliances, near University / Loop 288. $685/mo. FREE RENT! 940-390-8044 2/1.5 quiet studio apt. W/D conn, no smoking, pet (cat only) ok. $680/mo + elec. $500 dep 12 mo lease. 613 W. Hickory btwn UNT & downtown. 940-206-9520

Little Elm 1417 Nighthawk Dr. Southside Paloma Creek off 380 Fri 1/6 & Sat 1/7 7am-5pm Clothes, furniture & electronics

2B Townhouse 1.5B, WBFP, patio, 2-car carport, approx 1200 sq ft, close to I-35, $900/mo. 817-403-1570 321 Withers in Denton Walk to TWU, 1 Bdrm 1 Bath $489/Mo. + Electric & Gas Call 940-382-3100 $595/mo 3825 Camelot St. # D New carpet & tile, Big kitchen 2 Bed/1 Bath, Unit in 4-plex Call 940-735-1999

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis

Coronado Oaks, 201 Coronado, $149 (2BR only) Move in Special. 1BR starts at $539. Newly renovated property. 1&2BR. Denton 940-566-0308

for stuff priced $1500 or less Reaching over 320,000 potential shoppers!

Leasing for February & March $199 to apply. Great Floor Plans! Westwind Apartments! 1710 Sam Bass 940-382-1535 Leasing in Krum ISD 3/2 Quad Plex, New Construction Country Living near Denton Amenities $845. 469-576-4880 Leasing in Krum ISD 3/2 Quad Plex, New Construction Senior Living near Denton Amenities $845. 469-576-4880



Now Leasing Houses, Duplexes, Apts & Condos. Ask About Our Specials!!! AMSI 940-565-8484 www.assetdenton.com

Shadowwood Apts Denton! 2BR, Open Thur-Sat 10-5. 940-387-0452. * 2B/2.5B, Lake Dallas, 940-321-3231. THE MARTINO GROUP 940-382-5000 Talon 2, UNT, 2/1, $820; 2428 Louise, 1/1, $495 ABP; 405 Hughes, Sanger, 2/1 $475

Beautiful 1bd/1ba apartment DUPLEXES like new in Downtown Denton 416A Collins, 3/1, $695; sublet Move-in Special $659/mo 3816 Camelot 2/1, $550; till May 31, 2012. No apt. 532 E Windsor, 2/2 w/loft, $750; deposit. 9ft ceilings. Balcony. 607 Wolftrap, 3/2/1 $795 W/D conn. Walk-in closet. Black appliances. Marble HOUSE: countertops. Serious inquiries 3444 New Hope, call (940) 224-1771. Aubrey, 2/1, $795 BLOCKS FROM UNT 1 & 2 Bedrooms $585 to $680 All Bills Paid. 305 Ave G. 940-484-9000 or 940-783-7910.


From furniture and appliances to cars and homes, let the Denton Record-Chronicle Classifieds help YOU earn cash!

6000 SQ FT WAREHOUSE with 400 Sq Ft OFFICE on 1 Acre, $3250/mo. 1500 Sq Ft OFFICE on 3/4 Acre, $1500/mo. Both gated and fenced. Call 940-367-4704

CALL US FOR 1, 2, & 3 Bdrms HOLLYHILLS Apts940-382-6774 750 Sq Ft, 1 Big Finished Room w/restroom, commercial Use Ask about Move in Special at only $325/mo plus electric. credit FORESTRIDGE Apts check, Sanger 940-206-4268 Apply at office 900 Londonderry Open Mon-Fri 8:30a-5:30p & Sat 10:00a-2:00p

Denton Record-Chronicle www.DentonRC.com/ads

CAMPUS SQUARE APTS Call 940-387-5565

Winter Special!

All Bills Paid Walk to UNT -- Efficiency, 1 & 2 BR starting at $415 & up

$599.99 28 days at Value Place No lease! Newly built furnished studios, full kitchens Free utilities w/cable! 4505 N. I-35 940-387-3400 New guests only C BAR T Properties, Effs, 1, 2 & Linen service required 3 BR Apts, Homes & Duplexes, 940-383-2141 UNT/TWU/OTHER Must present this ad www.cbartproperties.com Based on availability

Available now small retail space on high traffic Dallas Dr location from $475/mo. All bills paid including free high speed Fios internet. Call 940-387-7524 or mccullar2@verizon.net

*Non-commercial accounts only. First 15 lines are free. Price of items must be in ad with a combined total $1500 or less. Excludes pets/animals for sale. Other restrictions may apply.

For Sale Or Lease, Prime Location, Denton Commercial Building, 12800 Sq Ft Warehouse, 700 Sq ft Office, Contact 940-367-4704

houses: unfurnished


3912 Titan, Denton 4/1.5/0 $995/mo. $750 deposit. Jack Bell Property Mgmt Call 940-382-9556

500 All bills paid. Safe Area 2/2 Mobile Home 555 Ramsey Dr. Near UNT. Furn or Unfurn. Free Cable, TV & Int. Serious student fenced backyard, storage bldg, or employed professional only. Ponder ISD, water & trash paid 940-591-1450 $550/mo $500 dep 940-479-2593

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it ilHALF PRICE STORAGE legal to advertise "any preferNo Deposit & Month to month ence, limitation, or discriminaNear I-35 & Hwy 377. tion because of race, color, reliGated & 24/7 Video gion, sex, handicap, familial www.eaglestorageindenton.com status, or national origin, or inCALL 940 594 4409 tention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimiRV & BOAT STORAGE nation." We will not knowingly Competitive rates. Enclosed Units, Covered Units & Outdoor accept advertising for real esUnits. Krum, TX. 940-390-9574 tate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby inBrand New, 1, 2 & 3 BDRM formed that all dwellings adverRV STORAGE Washer/Dryer Connections tised are available on an equal 50 ft x 12 ft on concrete LEASE TO OWN OPTION! totally enclosed, locks, 30 amp, opportunity basis. Starting @ $500/Month 1/2 OFF Deposit & 1st Month’s water, dump, 24 hour, $200/mo. 3 miles north of Justin TX at Rent! Pets OK-940-380-1200 Clark Airport 940-648-2264

3bed 2bath 3200sf on 1.5 acre 2 & 3 BR Mobile Homes - J & A Mobile Home Park, Ponder. lot, just east of Denton off Mingo, fenced yard & furnished Starting@$570/mo. Also lots 2 Bdr/2 Ba, washer/dryer, ceil for rent. 940-465-9022, lv msg. appliances, $1200/mo, ref & ing fans, great neighborhood dep required, avail Jan. 1st, 2 Bdrm 1.5 Bath $625/mo. $500 Strata St., Denton $775/M, contact 940-383-3939 or deposit. Krum ISD. Includes, $300 dep. Call 940-594-1218. russell@verizon.net water, garbage, lawn mainte nance. no pets. 940-390-9574

940-566-4900 524 Strata, 3/2, $800+/mo Call 940-566-5717 Denton--2BR 1.5 Bath, 1.5 car garage, in brick 4-plex, fireplace, appliances, $650/mo. $600 dep 632 Wolftrap 1-940-736-1966

1628 Egan $875 611 N. Austin $550 1111 Cruise $1050 113 Timberlake, Hickory Creek $1650 2515 N. Locust $725 806 W. Collins $750 Kathy Orr, Broker propertysearchassociates.com

houses: unfurnished


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2006 Azalea, Denton 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 1500 SF Fenced Backyard, Fireplace --Only $1025/ Month-CALL 940-566-0033 TODAY! 2 Bdrm 2 Bath frame home on 3/4 acre, $825/mo. $825 depos it. Krum ISD. No pets. Call 940-390-9574

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RESTAURANT For Sale or Dirt Work & Hauling, New Const. lease 6000 sq ft, heat/AC, fully Including - Clean-up, Manure, 3/2 starts at $650 furnished with equipment on Trash, Debris, Pick-up & Haul Off. APARTMENTS in mobile home community. 1.3 acres, located on busy in 1b/1b 214 Normal #B $450 WE CAN DO ANYTHING! 534 Alegra Vista, Denton 3 bed Call 940-387-9914 tersection in Sanger, exit 477, Call Andrew at 940-367-0742 2 1/2 bath, covered parking, sale price $785,000, lease HOMES kitchen appliances, w/d conn, all LOTS from $6500/mo 940-367-4704 for info 3b/1b 711 Myrtle $795 electric, Ask for Manager’s 3b/2b 909 Rio Bravo Special Call C BAR T Properties $305-$325/Mo. ADVANCE-FEE LOANS in Haslet $1095 940-383-2141 with Carport and/or Shed /CREDIT OFFERS 3b/2b 108 Maned in Sanger $975 "Fixer Upper" home for sale by Up to $2000 Move In Incentive! Lewisville, Adorable 2/2.5/1 It’s illegal for companies doing owner: 5 bedroom, 2 bath, Centrally located 940-387-9914 GDO, fence, $895/mo $900 business by phone to promise DUPLEXES 2 living areas with large you a loan & ask you to pay for it 3b/2b 3816 Stuart Rd $995 Valley View, 125 Wilson Court. dep.109 Manco. Bill Clark Mgmt kitchen. Dining room, home before they deliver. For info., call 972-355-0970, 972-795-2211 2b/1.5b 716 W. Mulberry #11 $850 3 bdrm 2 bath Pioneer Valley office, 2 acres with catfish toll-free 3b/2b 3918 Stuart $995 $450/mo $225 dep Lakefront. Joe pond. West of Krum, $130K 1-877-FTC HELP 2b/1b 1302 Margie $625 972-413-9076 (flexible). Call for appointment Public service msg from 940-391-1986 7,500 SQ FT Denton Publishing Co. Warehouse Space Call 940-565- 8484 or mobile/ 760 Fed. Trade Commission 829 Rose St in Denton. www.assetdenton.com Call 940-390-6510 manufactured homes Brick house For Rent Offices/Warehouses for lease. Mobile Home Repos and 3 bed, 2 full bath, big yard. 3429B Seasoned Oak Firewood 1400-5600 sf in Krum, TX. $695- Foreclosures Wholesale to the East University. Rent $1100. 100% split 1026 Shady Oaks, $825/mo. Dep. same as monthly public. Call Kathy 817-884-7152 940-748-2404 Bobby Grimes $120 1/2 cord you pick it up rent. Call 940-390-9574. 3000+ SF and 2250 SF. R 36365 1/2 cord $185 delivered 1028 Shady Oaks, up to 7000 SF, PRAIRIE RIDGE Cord $285 delivered. Pecan & 940-566-5717 462sf efficiency,$400/$300dep mesquite available 940-668-8840 KILLIAN PROPERTY MGT 3112 INGLEWOOD 1017sf, 2/1.5,$850mo/$850dep 1100 SF Overhead door in rear. Denton Publishing assumes no Fios available. Water &Trash pd. responsibility for advertising Tom Fouts, REALTORS, Inc. 438 SouthFork, Lewisville, 162+ Acres Approx. 5,300 ft. content. Be aware of 1200 S. Woodrow Lane, Ste 100 $500 Dep/1st mo. rent free! of Road Frontage. Backs up to (940) 382-1541 972-436-1690 or 972-897-8949 Lake Ray Roberts Core on N.E. licenses/insurances needed or required by law to perform cerwww.dentontx.com A choice of offices, best location corner. Beautiful bldg sites w/ tain services or before purLANGSTON’S Handyman view of lake. Great investment chasing certain services. in town. Single, double, or Sanger 2 bed/ 1 car, brick, extra I do tile, wood floors, minor elec nice, all tile, corner lot. $675/mo. multiple offices. Dr. office ready, property for farmland or devel tric. Build fences, decks, tape and move in all bills paid. 502 W. Oak opment. Currently a beef Cattle computer services1140 bed and paint. I can do mostly Ref required & deposit Call 940-383-4759, 940-367-3424 Farm w/ Hay Barn & Coastal 940-458-5506 anything! I have lived here for 42 Nick’s Computer Services pastures; located in Sanger, years. I have done this for 20 Office Space available Use your Denton local biz! TX. approx. 50 miles N. Of years! Contractor ID 18340 Great location close to Repair, Backups, Tuneups, Virus D/FW area. WILL DIVIDE! 940-390-9989 EPA certified Downtown & Arts District Removal, Training 940-465-9150 per law passed 4-22-10 / Insured 940-458-4240 Call for details 940-381-6675 0 Credit Check 2, 3 & 4 Bdrm Office Space/Retail homes $550/mo to $1500/mo. Denton Publishing assumes no Downtown Krum, For Rent or Sale responsibility for advertising Lots Of Parking Owner financing on land/home content. Be aware of 940-482-6599 pkgs , 1/2 acre to 4 acres, licenses/insurances needed or Ponder ISD, kid/pet ok, required by law to perform certain services or before purCall 940-648-5263 www.DentonRC.com chasing certain services. www.ponderei.com


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SMART TREE SERVICE TRIM OR REMOVE STUMP GRINDING Free Estimate 940-597-3560 TOP TO BOTTOM TREE INC. Tree removal, trim, install & regu lar maintenance, land clearing, 940-483-TREE 940-483-8733

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