3 Israel 2009 day 3

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DAY 3: Caesarea Maritima * Megiddo * Tiberius (Sun. Mar. 15)

Plain of Sharon en route to Caesarea Maritima (Caesarea by the Sea)

Rose of Sharon The Plains of Sharon: The area between Mt. Carmel and the ancient port of Jaffa (modern Tel Aviv), is perhaps the most fertile region of the land of Israel and Natanya is its capital.  Song of Solomon 2:1 "I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys"  Isaiah 35:2 "it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God.  Isaiah 65:10 "Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people who seek me."  Brackish water along the coast has been built up with mud walls to cultivate fisheries that thrive in the water mixture.

Philistine Coastal Plain: South of Jaffa the lands running parallel to the hills of Judea are known by their Hebrew name of "Shephelak" - low lands. Along the coast developed the port cities of the Land of Israel, the oldest being Jaffa (thought to be named after Jafeth son of Noah). After the settlement of the tribes of Israel, the tribe of Dan was promised this region. Towards the south, at about the same time that the Children of Israel crossed into the Promised Land at Jericho, many scholars felt that the "people's of the sea" began their conquest of the southern coastal region, eventually establishing an independent "Philistine" culture and confederation. The cities of the Philistines included Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron and Gath. Pasted from <http://www.ctsp.co.il/LBS%20pages/LBS_sharon_survey.htm>

Israel is strategically located along the Via Maris and parallel to the Mediterranean Sea, this region has witnessed all the upheavals of human civilization and peoples that have passed through the land of Israel. Caesarea Maritima  Built by Herod the Great  Edomite Chief married to a princess of the Hasmonean dynasty (Maccabees); father converted to Judaism  Gained throne from Rome during Hasmonean strife; promised to spread Roman Culture and empower the enconomy with some of the most ambitious building programs in the history of the area.  Built new Roman city with 3rd largest harbor (among the first artificial) in the world (Pic: 3493) at Straton's Tower because Jaffa was small and primarily Jewish population and Akko (Acre) was primarily pagan community.  Died in Winter Palace in Jericho when Jesus was 4 yrs old Herod built himself a palace and a hippodrome

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 Herod built himself a palace and a hippodrome  Killed many sons and even beloved wife in paranoia  3-4 remaining sons highly incompetent  Roman Procurator stationed in Caesarea Maritima (low ranking officer) Pilate, Flores (stole priests garments to control and manipulate them); made C.M. the capital; 66ad Israelites rebelled  Peak 100,000 by Byzantine Period  Talmud says Jerusalem and Caesarea Maritima would never prosper at the same time…  Harbor fell into ruin under Muslim control because they did not participate in maritime trade Harry's thoughts:  Caesarea Maritima named for Caesar Augustus by Herod the Great; Caesarea Philippi named for Tiberius Caesar by Herod the Great's son Phillip.  Phillip the Evangelist (known for two missionary journeys to Samaria, the Ethiopian Eunuch, Yaffa, and finally residing with his four daughters (mentioned as prophets) in Caesarea Maritima.  Peter came here from Yaffa at the request of Cornelius (Roman Centurian; proselyte, follower of YHWH but not circumcised; first fruit of Peter's new vision of gentiles.  Paul (visited Caesarea Maritima 4 times) escaped Jerusalem to CM on his way to Tarsus; came to CM after 1st missionary trip; after 2nd missionary trip; after a time at Ptolomais (Acre/Akko); after arrest in Jerusalem plot to kill him (found out by his sister's son) he was moved here to Herod's palace and had three opportunities to witness to King Agrippa 2 (2 years in jail) in assembly hall (Another Bernice is Agrippa's 1/2 sister and significant other)  Lessons from Paul's defense to Agrippa is recorded in Acts Always respectful appeal to scripture and testimony never decries status of prisoner never argues that it is a different religion but a fulfillment of Judaism 66ad revolt started in Caesarea Maritima and moved to Jerusalem by 70ad

Harod's Theater (Bernice) Pic: 3472, 3477,3491 Found through aerial photography Filled with rubble; excavated and seats repaired; original had another tier above Roman procurators placed statues in the theater but they had to be removed before the Jews revolted. (3492)

Harod's Palace Pic 3478, 3479  Modern Archeology emerged from Bible Scholars determining to do "scientific research" to prove the validity of the scriptures  Dedicatory Inscription (1st independent support for Biblical record of Pontius Pilate)  "Pontius Pilatius, the prefect of Judaea (erected) a (bldg dedicated) to (the Emperor) Tiberius (original in Israel Museum)  Upper Level (Administration; probably added later)  Lower Level (Private Residence; all granite and marble imported) Largest room in the upper level probably the room of Paul's appeal to Procouncil

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Lower Level (Private Residence; all granite and marble imported)  Largest room in the upper level probably the room of Paul's appeal to Procouncil

Herodian Hippodrome 3481, 3482, 3483, 3486-3490, • Having an arena ca. 300m long, it seated ca. 13000 spectators with a spectacular view of the sea with seating only along one side • According to Josephus, athletic contests, gladiatorial combats, hunting spectacles, and horse and chariot races were conducted therein. Only discovered in 2003, further validating Josephus account. • Starting gates - five on either side of a central wide gate indicate that it served indeed as a hippodrome, not just for athletics. • Was later used for Christian persecution; pitting them against the gladiators

Caesarea Maritima Elevated Aqueducts: necessity of aqueducts indicates population growth that required more water than was locally available. Ran from sources in the north around Mt Carmel and the Crocodile River in the south.

Mt. Carmel: Mukhraka Arab word for "fire" in reference to Elijah's challenge and defeat of the prophets of ba'el. (3498, 3499-3513) • Carm: Vineyard (of) El: God • In ancient times it was very difficult to transverse from Caesarea Maritima; easier approach from Jezreel Valley; difficult terrain has actually preserved it in what is believed to be a very similar state as in the days of Elijah. • Mt. Carmel is now a national park which preserves the natural trees and vegetation as well as thousands of varieties of wild flowers. • Group of Carmelite Monks still maintain the monetary on their namesake mountain and have resided there since the crusade era.

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Wash me with Hyssop... Jezreel Valley: Known, in Hebrew, as "The Valley of God’s Saving" (Ha-Emek), Scripture Ref: Joshua 17:16; 19:18; 1 Samuel 25:43; 29:1; 2 Samuel 2;8ff; 1 Kings 4:12; 21:1; 2 Kings 8:29; 9:24-26, 30-37; 10:1-11; Hosea 1:5 ○ the Jezreel Valley is located between the mountains of Samaria in the south and the Galilee heights in the north. ○ Israel’s largest valley is also transversed by the ancient byway called the Via Maris, the thoroughfare that connected ancient Mesopotamia with Egypt. For this reason the Jezreel has witnessed countless wars and important historical movements. ○ The southwestern entrance to the valley is dominated by Megiddo (called in Rev. 16:16 "Armageddon"). ○ Queen Jezabel: a spoiled Leboneze princess married King Amri's son, Ahab. She arrived at the port in Yaffa and took the mountain pass through Mt. Carmel to Jezreel Valley to meet Ahab. She was attended by and entourage of over 1000. She was a worshipper of Ba'el and is infamously regarded for her confrontation with Elijah. ○ Kishon River which flows through Jezreel Valley is mentioned in the story of Elijah and the prophets of Ba'el as the place where they slayed the pagan prophets. 1 Kings 19

○ Harry's Thoughts: Val of Megiddo is the crossroads of the World Trade Routes and anyone wishing to dominate the world must win this place… reason for prophecy of Armageddon. • Remember what Elijah said in 1 Kings 18:21 "How long will you continue "limping" along between two opinions?" • Revelation 16:12-16 "…blessed is the one who stays awake…" • King Josiah (of Judah) fought King Neco in the Valley of Meggido ○ Mt. Tabor is located in the northeast the site at which Deborah and her general Barak surrounded and destroyed the Canaanite army of Sisera from Judges 3.(Round top mountain ○ Mt. Gilboa: where Saul and his sons were defeated ○ To the north, Nazareth overlooks the vast valley. The broad valley is about 15 miles north to south, and 30 miles across. It is a well-watered are, with Kishor River to the west and the Harod River to the east. (3514, 3518) Drove through Necropolis (City of the Dead) on way to Megiddo. Evidence of Rockslides that broke off of cave and

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(3514, 3518) Drove through Necropolis (City of the Dead) on way to Megiddo. Evidence of Rockslides that broke off of cave and show evidence of being hollowed out… other tombs have large stones for covering similar to the record of Christ's tomb in the Scripture.

Ate lunch at Megiddo, first of many Falafels!

(3519-3543) Megiddo, inspiration for James Michener’s “The Source”.  Scripture References: Joshua 12:21; 17:11; Judges 1:27; 5:19; 1 Kings 9:15; 2 Kings 9:27; 2 Chronicles 35:22; Zechariah 12:11-12; Revelation 16:16; 23:29, 30

Dating of Megiddo is a "battle of scholarship: some date it to Solomon in the 10th cen. bce and others to Ahab in the 9th century… those supporting Solomon point to the reference of Megiddo among his fortified cities. • During the time of the Judges, Megiddo eluded the warfare of the Israelites (Judges 1:27), apparently despite the message in the song of Deborah in Judges 5 which speaks of a victory over the Canaanite kings near Megiddo. At a later stage it did become an Israelite city; maybe it was conquered by King David. It became of the main cities in the united monarchy. Solomon built a double wall on the summit of the city and built many public buildings (I Kings 9:15). • • But five years after Solomon's death it was razed by Pharaoh Shishak's campaign of 923 BE, as becomes clear from inscriptions on a victory stele (a pillar with inscriptions on it) that was found in Megiddo (see also I Kings 14:25 -26). Despite the destruction it became once again one of the important cities in the Israelite kingdom, and especially so during the reign of the Northern Israeli Kingdoms, Kings Omri and his son Ahab during the 9 th century BCE. These kings restored the city to its former splendor and more. They were also militarily strong and succeeded to ward off the Assyrian power, at least temporarily.

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• But in 733 BCE Megiddo could not hold them back anymore. The Assyrian army under command of Tiglath Pileser III invaded and destroyed the city and, after renovations, made it their capital of the Jezreel valley (II Kings 15: 29). From here the Northern Israelites were led away to exile to other countries. The original inhabitants never returned. Pasted from <http://www.jewishmag.com/62mag/megiddo/megiddo.htm>

 Perhaps the Holy Land’s best-known Biblical city is Megiddo better known in its Latin form "Armageddon". Located at the foot of the Carmel mountain range, Megiddo commands one of the most strategic points in the land of Israel.  Archeologists believe that Megiddo has been inhabited some 22 times and was the site of countless wars and bloody battles. Shishak of Egypt set up a monument at Megiddo to commemorate his victories over the towns of Israel and Judah.

 Like other Israelite cities, Megiddo was destroyed and rebuilt over and over again producing a mound or "tel." In about 609 B.C. "while Josiah was king, Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt went up to the Euphrates River to help the king of Assyria. King Josiah marched out to meet him in battle, but Neco faced him and killed him at Megiddo." Josiah's servants brought his body in a chariot from Megiddo to Jerusalem and buried him in his own tomb" [2 Kings 23:29-30]. The city never recovered from the resulting devastation  The book of Revelation mentions a great battle at the place called "Armageddon" a site where the decisive battle between the forces of good and evil will be fought before the Judgment Day [Rev. 16:16]. Archaeological excavations have unveiled monumental fortifications and gateways dating to the days of Solomon - exactly as recorded in the Bible. The acropolis includes altars, palaces made of ashtarah stones, and many public and private buildings. Archaeological digs reveal 20 layers of civilization, including fortifications of King Solomon and the water tunnel of King Ahab. Megiddo provides a magnificent view of the fertile Jezreel Valley, prophesied site of Armageddon, at the crossroads of the ancient Via Maris. Date Palms on top of Tel Megiddo are jokingly referred to as the trash (date pits) from the 1930 era School of the Orient Researchers who were the first in modern history to explore the site.

This was one of Solomon's three fortified Chariot Cities: Hazor, Megiddo & Ashulon. He maintained peace by superior power and preparation. Solomon' Stables were here to hold chariot horses and rebuilt in the time of Ahab. Solomon's Tunnel: Of all these exciting findings, the most impressive was a system of water works hewn from the center of Megiddo by way of a 60-meter vertical shaft and a horizontal tunnel about 120 meters long. This water system permitted Megiddo’s inhabitants secret access to a spring located outside the city walls. Pa s ted from <http://www.ctsp.co.il/LBS% 20pa ges/LBS_megiddo.htm>

• they deepened the spring to maintain the water supply; • built up the area around the reserve to allow room for women with buckets • dug a shaft from the inside of the city walls to protect access.

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Holy Sites: circular alter of stones Could have included sacrifice or worship of the Canaanite deity, Moloch, a human figure with a bull's head and outstretched arms, ready to receive the children destined for sacrifice. The image of metal was heated red hot by a fire kindled within, and the children laid on its arms rolled off into the fiery pit below. Some did not sacrifice the children but simply placed them on the hot metal hands of the idol to symbolize their dedication with the "marks of molech"

Canaanite city (14cen bce) 1st (Lowest) Gate: Tutmose III of Egypt; no cut stones, no concrete (get pic number 3522)

2nd (Solomon's) Gate: cut stones with headers and stretchers (pic ____) shows significant engineering expertise.

Importance of the North Gate: facing perceived threat of Lebanon Jeroboam II's grain silo (8th century) (pic____); roof missing

Jezreel Valley purchased by Zionists in 1925 Harry's thoughts from Atop Megiddo • "The Slice" Early Archeologists (1930's expedition) cut a giant slice through multiple layers to try to get an overview… • God repeatedly tells the Israelites to destroy the Canaanite high places which they refused to do. Among the gods worshiped

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by the Canaanites was Molech. Mark of Molech… • You cannot allow the high places of sin to remain in your life or it will come down and infiltrate every area of your existence. Caleb, rather than cowering like the other 10 men offered to take the "high places" knowing God was faithful to give him the battle. • Ephesians 2:1-2 "And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in  the sons of disobedience—" Satan plays the fiddle and our "flesh" will start tapping its foot! • Romans 12:1 "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." • Sin takes no prisoners and gives no quarter…it will destroy you unless you destroy it first…If Satan cannot kill you he will attack and destroy your worship… • Be like Caleb, Joshua 14:12a "So now give me this hill country of which the LORD spoke on that day" who was confident that the LORD would give him victory over the high places! • What is the great battle in my life? Am I arming myself… Am I training to win? Megiddo Stables • Chariots = the tanks of the ancient world • Ahab had 2000 chariots and one of the largest forces in the Near East • Heavy taxation of the surrounding countryside required to feed the horses required to pull the chariots. • Horses were first introduced into the Near East in the 12-13th century BCE. The Philistines were masters of technology (Iron & Horses) • God told Joshua the secret to overcoming such defenses in Joshua 11:4,6 " And they came out with all their troops, a great horde, in number like the sand that is on the seashore, with very many horses and chariots. And the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them, for tomorrow at this time I will give over all of them, slain, to Israel. You shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire.” Final Note on Megiddo: Megiddo was the Junction of the world on the Via Maris "Way of the Sea" but it was also just north of the Samaritan country and therefore Jewish traffic did not generally precede south… obstinate Jews refused to travel through Samaria.

Notes on the way to Nazareth: • Wheat growing along the way…1st harvest just before Passover (in a few weeks) • Mt. of the Precipice: Jesus chased to cliff before he disappeared. • Church of Transfiguration is on top of Mt. Tabor but is often disputed for Mt. Hermon or here. Nazareth: site of Mary’s Well, and Cana, site of His first miracle, before arriving at the Sea of Galilee.  Scripture Matthew 2:23; 4:13; Luke 1:26; 2:4, 51; 4:13-30; John 1:46; 2:45-46  In the hill country of the tribe of Zebulun, a small village existed for almost two thousand years before the birth of Jesus and yet was virtually unknown in ancient texts and references. This village was unwalled and unprotected, built into a small chalk ridge with a single source of water several hundred meters away from the main body of the village. Small caves were closed in the front to make homes, used for generations. Its unimpressive nature is reflected in the statement of Nathaniel, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" [John 1:46].  The ancient town is now dwarfed by the massive modern village filled with Arab Christians which now fills every ridge around the old village. A number of archaeologists have concluded that the population of the ancient village likely never exceeded 500 persons at the time that Joseph and Mary made this village their home.  Memorial of where Jesus was driven to the "brow of the cliff" before he mysteriously disappeared.  Nazareth now has @ 75,000 people (200-300 people when Jesus lived here)  Nathaniel "can anything good come from Nazareth?"…side note, Nathaniel was from Cana and some believe that Jesus was at his wedding feast but this is only speculation…nevertheless interesting statement to come from a near neighbor...  Jesus Begins His Ministry Luke 14:14-30 14 And Jes us returned i n the power of the Spirit to Galilee, a nd a report a bout him went out through all the surrounding country. 15And he taught in their s ynagogues, bei ng glorified by a ll. Jesus Rejected at Nazareth 16 And he ca me to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, a nd he stood up to read. 17And the s crol l of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the s croll and found the place where it was written, 18"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, beca use he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim l iberty to the captives a nd recovering of sight to the blind, to set a t liberty thos e who a re oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor." 20And he rolled up the scroll a nd ga ve it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of a ll i n the s ynagogue were fixed on him. 21And he began to say to them, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." 22And all spoke well of him a nd marveled a t the gra ci ous words that were coming from his mouth. And they said,"Is not this Joseph’s son?" 23And he said to them, "Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, 'Phys i cian, heal yourself.' What we have heard you did at Ca pernaum, do here i n your hometown as well." 24And he s aid, "Truly, I s ay to you, no prophet is a cceptable i n hi s hometown. 25But i n truth, I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were shut up three years and six months, a nd a great fa mi ne ca me over a ll the land, 26a nd Elijah was s ent to none of them but only to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow. 27And there were many l epers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, a nd none of them was cl eansed, but only Naaman the Syrian." 28When they heard these things, a ll i n the s ynagogue were fi l led with wrath. 29And they ros e up and drove him out of the town and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, s o that they could throw him down the cl iff. 30But passing through their midst, he went a way.

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Church in Nazareth built like a synagogue on the foundations of the synagogue where he was believed to have preached. People not enraged by his claim to fulfill scripture but by his denial to do miracles for them. Salvation is a free gift not a right… Scandal of the Gospel… Hell will not bring people to repentance…only anger, weeping and gnashing of teeth (ie stoning of Stephen) Personal note: I don't know if it was the cold wind or the knowledge that without the intervention of the Holy Spirit we would all respond as Nazareth did but at this point Harry paused and it appeared that he weep as he repeated, "…brands plucked from the fire." (reference to Zechariah 3:1-2, "Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. And the Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, O Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?” ) I will not soon forget it.

Notes on Josephus  Son of Sadducee family, trained in Rome  Returned to Israel in 66ad and put in charge of the defense of Galilee  Discovered in Yodpat by Vespasian and supposedly spared when he prophecies that Vespasian would become Caesar, joined Roman army as historian.  Question of Josephus' reliability; gives a lot of improbable details but modern research and excavation has found him remarkably reliable. Nain: is located on the northern slope of the Hill of Moreh, facing the northern arm of the Plain of Jezreel. • Soon after healing the centurion’s servant in Capernaum, Jesus and His disciples traveled the twenty miles to Nain. There they met a funeral procession as it headed for the little cemetery on the hill. The only son of a widow had died. Having compassion on her, Jesus raised her son from the dead (Luke 7:11-17). • Nain was located only a short distance from Shunem, a few miles around the western end of the Hill of Moreh. There, Elisha had raised the son of a woman who had given him hospitality (2 Kgs 4:8-37). The mourners at Nain may have made a connection between these two similar miracles. Luke records, "Fear gripped them all, and they began glorifying God, saying, ‘A great prophet has arisen among us!’ and ‘God has visited His people!’" (Luke 7:16) Pasted from <http://www.ancientsandals.com/overviews/nain.htm>

• Orthodox church (no Christians remain) is closed but Bernice found that Rome had entrusted a key to the Muslim family next door that maintains the church. They allowed us to go inside but as soon as Harry began teaching, he warned us this would happen...the Islamic call to prayer (from across the street sounded)

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Stood inside together and sang the "Doxology" and "For a thousand tongues to sing" • Harry's thoughts about Nain: • Dignity was given to women in Israel above other Near Eastern countries □ Included with father in 10 commandments □ Scripture commands that the widows be cared for • Jesus raises three different people during His ministry 1. the only son of a widow from Nain (Luke 7:11-14) (Miracle of God's manifestation; reminded people of the "Great Prophets") • Elijah and The Widow of Zarephath's son (Zarephath=Sarepta) • Elisha and the Widow of Shunam 2. the daughter of the religious leader Jairus (Mark 5:22-43) 3. Lazarus (John 11:1-44)

Cana • 2 major churches at the courtyard where the wedding feast was believed to have taken place. • "On the third day" (Tuesday) traditionally regarded as being "doubly blessed" as a wedding day because God created two things "on the third day" (See note above on Nathaniel) • Significance of Water -> Wine • John tells us that the water he used was in stone jars and used for purification rites; This is a significant part of the story —that Jesus was going to transform some water used in Jewish ceremonies. This symbolized a transformation in Judaism, even the fulfillment of ceremonial washings. Imagine what would happen if guests wanted to wash their hands again—they would go to the water pots and find every one of them filled with wine! There would be no water for their ritual. The spiritual cleansing of Jesus’ blood superseded ritual washings. Jesus has fulfilled the rituals and replaced them with something much better—himself. The servants filled the containers to the brim, John tells us (v. 7). How appropriate, for Jesus filled the rituals completely, rendering them obsolete. In the messianic age, no space is left for ritual washings. Horns of Hattin (Mt. Arbel):named for the village of Hattin which is located at the hill's base. A landmark for the site of the Battle of Hattin, Saladin's decisive victory over the Crusaders in 1187, some have proposed that the Horns of Hattin is the Mount of Beatitudes, the location where Jesus is believed to have given his Sermon on the Mount.Writing in 1864, Fergus Ferguson describes it as the "supposed" site, because although "its position corresponds with the particulars of the narrative", no one can declare with any certainty that he gave a sermon at that exact spot. Mt Arbel: is a mountain in The Lower Galilee near Tiberias in Israel, that has split into two after an earthquake. The other half of is Mt. Nitai. On the mountain there are four settlements: Kfar Zeitim, Arbel, Kfar Hittim, and Mitspeh. The peak, at 282 meters above sea level (481 meters above the surrounding area), dominates the entire surroundings (much of the area is below sea level) and from the lookout atop the mountain, one can see almost all of the Galilee into the Golan Heights including Safed, Tiberias and mos t of the Sea of Galilee. Near the mountain remain the ruins of an ancient Jewish settlement including a Synagogue from the fourth century C.E. with extend

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pews and columns, and dug into the mountain itself are a number of cliff dwellings. The extant cliff dwellings are from the 17th century and were built by the Druze though there are documented Jewish cliff dwellings dating back to the Second Commonwealth in the area. Josephus writes about the Roman conquest of some of the last Hasmonean rebels who dwelt in the cliffs of Mt Arbel. Dinner and overnight in hotel in Tiberias

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