Northern Exposure 2020

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• Suggested retail price: $3.49 ea. • Prices subject to change without notice. P O I NT OF SALE: • Orders include envelopes and title finders. • We offer excellent display programs; ask your representative or call for details. T E R MS AND C RE DIT : • Net 30 days with approved credit. • F.O.B. Edison, NJ. Prepaid orders of $50.00 or more are shipped free within the continental U.S. • We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.

192-Pocket • 4 FT 12-Tier Double - Sided Island Series Display Toll Free:






conTeNts Birthday — 04 Belated Birthday — 27 Thank You — 28 Love & Friendship — 29 Get Well — 32 Anniversar y — 33 Congratulations — 35 Wedding — 35 New Baby — 36 Graduation — 37 Retirement — 38 Sympathy — 39 Pet Sympathy — 41 Blank — 42 Displays — 43 Signage — 47



774 - 00080 - 000

774 - 00085 - 000

774 - 00087 - 000

Want to complain about getting older? I’m all ears. Happy Birthday

If you’re looking for your long-lost youth, you’re going to have to dig a little deeper than that. Happy Birthday

Birthdays blow.

774 - 00088 - 000

774 - 00089 - 000

774 - 00091 - 000

Birthdays are fun... It’s the day after that hurts!

I’m just here for the cake! Have a Happy Birthday

Mirror, mirror, on the wall...who’s the cutest of them all? inside:

(It’s you, of course.) Happy Birthday

774 - 00092 - 000

774 - 00094 - 000

774 - 00096 - 000

Find your happy place today... wherever that may be. Happy Birthday

My back may go out more than I do, but my hands can still party! Have a Great Birthday

You deserve the royal treatment! Happy Birthday

Toll Free:






774 - 00097 - 000

774 - 00100 - 000

774 - 00101 - 000

It’s your birthday... It’s ok to get a little carried away! Happy Birthday

Every dog has its day. Today’s yours! Happy Birthday

Jump for joy! (If you still can, at your age!) Happy Birthday

774 - 00225 - 000

774 - 00555 - 000

774 - 00569 - 000

Another birthday, and you still look fresh as a daisy!

The older you get, the more you like to do things just because you can! Happy Birthday

As you get older, you have to deal with a lot of crap! Happy Birthday

774 - 00608 - 000

774 - 00667 - 000

774 - 00668 - 000

This is what using protection means once you’ve reached our age! Happy Birthday

Drinks are on me! Let’s celebrate your birthday.

The difference between youth and old age is how cute you look when you have 7 teeth and drool all over!



774 - 00669 - 000

774 - 00709 - 000

774 - 00743 - 000

Don’t think of it as getting older. Think of it as approaching the back nine! Happy Birthday

Attitude is everything! Happy Birthday

The older you get, the harder it is to clean the mirrors on the ceiling! Happy Birthday

774 - 00745 - 000

774 - 00779 - 000 Aging is like a bathing suit... It creeps up on you!

774 - 00816 - 000 Getting older means that things you don't want to stick out do, and things that you do, don’t!

When you wake up in the morning after your birthday, and the pig is lookin’ at you like this, don't ask what happened!

774 - 00836 - 000

774 - 00853 - 000

774 - 00870 - 000

Looks like someone’s been taking her calcium supplements! Happy Birthday

We’re not old, we're just old friends! Happy Birthday

I’ve hired you a pole dancer for your birthday.

Toll Free:






774 - 00886 - 000

774 - 00890 - 000

774 - 00904 - 000

I don’t know how old you are, but then I don’t know how old I am either! Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday... and all that jazz!

Look at you... Lord knows it isn’t easy keeping things up at your age! Happy Birthday

774 - 00915 - 000

774 - 00918 - 000

Happy Birthday to a man of many talents!

Happy Birthday to a lady of exquisite taste and refinement!

774 - 00922 - 000 Who needs six-pack abs when you can have a whole keg? Happy Birthday

774 - 00957 - 000 Put on your prettiest party dress and have the happiest birthday ever.

774 - 00961 - 000

774 - 00978 - 000

Just thought you might like a birthday card with a nice pair of hooters on the front!

Let's not call it memory loss. Let's just say our thinking caps are on a little too tight!



774 - 00985 - 000

774 - 00987 - 000

774 - 01007 - 000

A toast to youth! inside: Wherever the hell it went! Happy Birthday

You gotta have the drive. You gotta have the swing. inside: You gotta have the balls! Happy Birthday

There's only one way to handle getting older... by getting drunker!

774 - 01011 - 000

774 - 01066 - 000 Just a little note to wish you a Happy Birthday!

Friends don't let friends celebrate birthdays alone. Happy Birthday

774 - 01084 - 000 Just thought you might like a birthday card with a little licker in it!

Toll Free:




774 - 01102 - 000 Remember when our birthdays couldn't arrive quickly enough?


774 - 01080 - 000 Age is like a monster that swallows you whole! Happy Birthday

774 - 01120 - 000 May you never be too old to maneuver your balls... inside: ...or to cause a racket! Happy Birthday


774 - 01129 - 000

774 - 01132 - 000

774 - 01136 - 000

Birthdays are fun. It’s turning a year older that gives you an extreme headache!

Yell at the candles all you want. It won’t change your age!

The older we get, the longer we’ve been friends! Happy Birthday

774 - 01139 - 000 A true friend remembers your birthday, but not your age. - Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

774 - 01156 - 000 Another year older, another year more you!

774 - 01165 - 000 Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest. - Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

774 - 01169 - 000

774 - 01172 - 000

774 - 01177 - 000

Men only have two emotions inside: Hungry and horny. So make him a sandwich!

Exercise often, eat well... inside: Then go out and party like hell! Happy Birthday

Let’s not say you’re getting older. Let’s just say it’s not your first rodeo! Happy Birthday



774 - 01182 - 000

774 - 01185 - 000

774 - 01190 - 000

Don’t worry about your age. Things worthwhile take time!

You take the waiter. I’ll take the busboy. inside: Happy Birthday from one cougar to another.

A friend is someone who knows all about you, and still loves you. - Elbert Hubbard inside: Happy Birthday

774 - 01192 - 000 Birthdays are like onions... they sprout out of nowhere and sometimes make you cry!

774 - 01207 - 000 You make recycling fashionable! Happy Birthday

Toll Free:




774 - 01198 - 000

774 - 01206 - 000

You get a little older and your face wobbles, your knees wobble, EVERYTHING wobbles!

Can you explain to me how this texting thing works? inside: Happy Birthday to a creature of habit!

774 - 01211 - 000 To have a friend and be a friend is what makes life worthwhile. -Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

774 - 01212 - 000


It’s your birthday. Go wireless!


774 - 01213 - 000

774 - 01214 - 000

774 - 01218 - 000

They say the older you get, the more naps you need. inside: Happy Birthday to the poster boy for that theory!

No doubt you’ll look distinguished as your candles are extinguished! Happy Birthday

Just thought you might enjoy a set of cat mugs for your birthday!

774 - 01220 - 000

774 - 01221 - 000

774 - 01224 - 000

I’m just praying that this is going to be your best ever birthday!

Your special day will never go unnoticed! Happy Birthday

I feel your pain! inside: Olive it! Happy Birthday

774 - 01238 - 000

774 - 01240 - 000

774 - 01242 - 000

Happy Birthday tutu you!

When it comes to celebrating your birthday, there's no such thing as overdoing a theme!

Well-bred, well-mannered, well-behaved. One out of three ain't bad! Happy Birthday



774 - 01250 - 000

774 - 01253 - 000

774 - 01254 - 000

You would have loved the gift I didn't bother getting you. -Anonymous inside: Happy Birthday

We have three types of friends in life... Friends for a reason, friends for a season, and friends for a lifetime. -Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

The older we get... inside: The more we have to rely on our hand-held devices to give us pleasure! Happy Birthday

774 - 01256 - 000

774 - 01257 - 000

774 - 01261 - 000

There's no one I'd rather be nosy with! Happy Birthday

Birthdays are like bikinis... the older we get, the less attractive they look on us!

Every year at least one of your hooters tilts a little more! Happy Birthday

Toll Free:

774 - 01262 - 000

774 - 01264 - 000

774 - 01266 - 000

It’s your birthday. Do it up big!

Just because you’re wearing cat eyes... inside: ...doesn’t mean you’re not aging in dog years! Happy Birthday

Age hasn’t changed you. You always were a little cocky! Happy Birthday






774 - 01272 - 000

774 - 01273 - 000

774 - 01274 - 000

I’m doing my best to keep Father Time outside the gate! Happy Birthday

Here’s to looking spiffy... inside: And leaving your true age iffy! Happy Birthday

Friendship isn’t a big thing. It’s a million little things. -Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

774 - 01275 - 000

774 - 01276 - 000

774 - 01277 - 000

The best things in life aren’t things... they’re your friends. - Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

I still have a full deck. I just shuffle slower now. - Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between, we garden! -Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

774 - 01278 - 000

774 - 01282 - 000

774 - 01284 - 000

Another year older and still looking ducky!

The older you get, the scarier you look!

Another year up in smoke! inside: Happy Birthday Dudette!



774 - 01289 - 000

774 - 01291 - 000

774 - 01292 - 000

Indulge yourself on your birthday!

The older you get, the more gas you're likely to pass!

Don't worry about another birthday. You're not overripe just yet!

774 - 01298 - 000

774 - 01302 - 000

774 - 01303 - 000

What good is aging if you can’t be eccentric?! Happy Birthday

Wishing you piles of smiles for your birthday!

May this birthday land gently upon your face!

774 - 01304 - 000

774 - 01305 - 000

774 - 01306 - 000

Some people say it with flowers, I say it with a field of flowers! Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to a rare bird!

You are like prized cheese: aged to perfection. inside: Another year and you’re just getting sharper!

Toll Free:






We are always the same age inside.

– Gertrude Stein

774 - 01307 - 000

774 - 01310 - 000

774 - 01311 - 000

It’s exciting to grow something... inside: ...besides older! Happy Birthday

We are always the same age inside. - Gertrude Stein inside: Happy Birthday

You’ll never feel testy when celebrating with your besty! Happy Birthday

774 - 01318 - 000 Be yourself and you will always be in fashion. - Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

774 - 01319 - 000 You've elevated candle blowing to an art form! Happy Birthday

774 - 01320 - 000 Another year and still afloat! Happy Birthday

774 - 01324 - 000

774 - 01328 - 000

774 - 01330 - 000

It's time to base all of your fashion selections on what doesn't itch! Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, you old buzzard!

Age is like a pig... Cute until it gets big! Happy Birthday



774 - 01331 - 000

774 - 01332 - 000

774 - 01336 - 000

Another year and you're still fetching as ever! Happy Birthday

We keep trying to lose weight... but it keeps finding us. -Unknown inside: Happy Birthday

We’ll never be that limber again...but we may get another shot at wearing diapers!

774 - 01340 - 000

774 - 01342 - 000

774 - 01350 - 000

Another year down the hatch! Happy Birthday

Getting cuter with age is all the rage! Happy Birthday to a real trendsetter.

Every year it gets harder and harder to hold in your stomach! Happy Birthday

774 - 01351 - 000

774 - 01354 - 000

774 - 01355 - 000

It’s your birthday. Party so you wake up looking like this!

This year puts you another year closer to becoming someone’s forefather! Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to someone who always has the largest instrument...and knows how to use it!

Toll Free:






774 - 01356 - 000

774 - 01358 - 000

774 - 01359 - 000

Birthdays won’t count if you don’t see them coming!

It’s Your Birthday! inside: Be prepared for a great time!

Put on your big girl shoes and kick some birthday butt!

774 - 01361 - 000

774 - 01364 - 000

774 - 01365 - 000

Make birthdays great again! Lie about your age. Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you. You live in a zoo. You look like a monkey. You smell like one too! Happy Birthday

Who needs those pricey day spas? Have a Pampered Birthday

774 - 01368 - 000

774 - 01371 - 000

774 - 01377 - 000

It’s just another birthday... inside: You’re not washed up yet. Have A Happy Day

If this card makes you smile... inside: I’ll know the botox has worn off. Happy Birthday

Thinking of you on your birthday. inside: And cake, don’t forget cake.



774 - 00081 - 000

774 - 00082 - 000

774 - 00083 - 000

It’s your birthday...Break out the bubbly!

“Age before beauty”? Why not both? Happy Birthday

Birthday To-Do List, 1. Rest 2. Relax 3. Repeat

774 - 00084 - 000

774 - 00086 - 000

774 - 00090 - 000

Hot dog! Another birthday.

Happy you’re part of my pack. Have a Great Birthday

It’s not easy looking fabulous, but you do it so well. Happy Birthday

774 - 00093 - 000

774 - 00095 - 000

774 - 00098 - 000

Thought you’d like a birthday greeting...

Birthdays: the more the meowier.

I see old people.



...straight from the horse’s mouth! Happy Birthday

That’s it. Just wanted you to know, I know. Happy Birthday

Toll Free:







774 - 00099 - 000

774 - 00156 - 000

Heads up! Here comes another birthday.

And your parents thought it was just a phase! Happy Birthday

774 - 00169 - 000 Happy Birthday from both of us... the cute one and the smart one!

774 - 00439 - 000

774 - 00471 - 000

774 - 00521 - 000

You’re at that perfect age... Old enough to know better, but still young enough to do it anyway!

Don’t count the days...Just make the days count! Happy Birthday

The higher the velocity, the fewer the wrinkles! Happy Birthday

774 - 00539 - 000

774 - 00589 - 000

Happy Birthday from one hot broad to another!

We’re trying to figure out how old you’d be in dog years. Happy Birthday

774 - 00629 - 000 Wishing you a stick-your-head-out-the-window, ears-flapping-in-the-breeze kind of birthday.



774 - 00644 - 000

774 - 00710 - 000

Let’s celebrate another year of bad habits! Happy Birthday

Let’s sing it one more time. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you... Who were we singing this for?!

774 - 00760 - 000 Sometimes it just feels good to be surrounded by things older than you. Happy Birthday

774 - 00809 - 000

774 - 00855 - 000

774 - 00878 - 000

The light from all those candles can be damaging to your eyes!

Getting old ain’t for weaklings! Happy Birthday

More candles – more excitement... Happy Birthday!

774 - 00914 - 000

774 - 00952 - 000 Great minds clink alike! Happy Birthday

774 - 00982 - 000

At your age, it's important to take in a lot of fluids. Happy Birthday

Toll Free:





The older you get, the more your tattoos stretch!




774 - 00994 - 000

774 - 01019 - 000

Another year older, and still one happy camper!

Birthdays! inside: Everyone's got an opinion about 'em.

We’re not getting older.

774 - 01020 - 000 We’re not getting older. inside: We’re getting bolder! Happy Birthday

774 - 01078 - 000

774 - 01082 - 000

774 - 01086 - 000

I can't hear 'em, but I'm pretty sure they're fighting over me. inside: You're never too old to dream! Happy Birthday

Remember when snap, crackle, and pop were sounds your cereal made?!

Prunes, Bran Muffins, Flaxseeds inside: Celebrate your birthday doing whatever moves you!

774 - 01099 - 000

774 - 01125 - 000

774 - 01134 - 000

Eight feet above is always better than six feet under! Happy Birthday

Is that yours or mine? Why yes, I’d love some wine! inside: At our age, we don’t need a reason to celebrate. Happy Birthday

Another year older and still cleanin’ up on the golf course!



774 - 01144 - 000 You still know how to get the girls all hot! inside: Happy Birthday

774 - 01148 - 000

774 - 01149 - 000

I have a black lace thong on today. I know, but you're supposed to wear it under your pants. inside: May you never lose your sex appeal! Happy Birthday

The bad news is your showgirl days are over. inside: The good news is your party girl days aren't! Happy Birthday

774 - 01151 - 000

774 - 01167 - 000

774 - 01174 - 000

Here's to maturity and collecting Social Security! Happy Birthday

The older you grow, the more you glow! Happy Birthday

Have a double-decker, diet-wrecker, what-the-hecker birthday!

774 - 01178 - 000

774 - 01183 - 000

774 - 01184 - 000

Squishing you a Happy Birthday!

Wishing you a romp-and-play kinda day! Happy Birthday

What’s a birthday without a little thong and dance? inside: May all your birthday dreams rise to the occasion!

Toll Free:







774 - 01201 - 000

774 - 01202 - 000

It's your birthday and you know what that means...hangin' out all day with family and friends!

We've shared a lot of smiles and styles! Happy Birthday

774 - 01205 - 000

774 - 01226 - 000

At your age you should maintain your upper body strength... inside: ...or lower your expectations! Happy Birthday

Of course we believe you’re the age you claim to be! Happy Birthday

774 - 01227 - 000 Hope your celebration hits all the right notes! Happy Birthday

774 - 01196 - 000 On your birthday, you deserve the biggest and best of everything!

774 - 01231 - 000

774 - 01232 - 000

774 - 01243 - 000

Never feel guilty about anything you do on your birthday!

Aging is exhausting! Happy Birthday

The birthday celebration never ends as long as you're surrounded by friends! Happy Birthday



774 - 01245 - 000

774 - 01246 - 000

774 - 01260 - 000

When it comes to celebrating your birthday, there's no such thing as tutu much!

They say wisdom comes with age. inside: Happy Birthday, Genius!

Who cares if we wiggle and jiggle... inside: As long as we still can giggle! Happy Birthday

774 - 01270 - 000

774 - 01271 - 000

774 - 01281 - 000

There’s no need to fish for compliments. inside: You’re looking reel fine, birthday girl!

The secret to aging well is having a personal trainer!

It's always nice having friends to age with! Happy Birthday

774 - 01290 - 000

774 - 01295 - 000

774 - 01314 - 000

You know what they say about a man with big hands? inside: He can hold more presents! Happy Birthday

It's your birthday... Put on a happy face!

When it comes to celebrating your birthday, everyone is crossing the road!

Toll Free:







774 - 01315 - 000

774 - 01325 - 000

774 - 01326 - 000

It's a perfect day to be led astray! Happy Birthday from all of us.

You're a year older. You're in good company! Happy Birthday

You may be getting older, but you still have a classy chassis!

774 - 01333 - 000

774 - 01339 - 000

774 - 01341 - 000

When you wake up the morning after your birthday lookin' like this, just be glad you woke up! Happy Birthday

Why is it the older we get, the more babylike we look? Happy Birthday

The older you get, the better a quiet evening at home sounds. Happy Birthday

774 - 01343 - 000

774 - 01344 - 000

774 - 01349 - 000

The world is a brighter, more beautiful place because of you. Happy Birthday

Enjoy your day to the fullest! Happy Birthday

You add style to everything you do! Happy Birthday



774 - 01352 - 000

774 - 01357 - 000

774 - 01360 - 000

The fun never ends when you party with friends! Wishing you a wild and wonderful birthday.

I’m so happy it’s your birthday, I pooped myself! Happy Birthday

Wrinkles are extra scary in 3-D! Happy Birthday

774 - 01362 - 000

774 - 01363 - 000

774 - 01366 - 000

The birthday adventure begins! Happy Birthday

Have your selfie a great birthday!

You seriously expect me to drop everything just because it’s your birthday? inside: Ok!

774 - 01367 - 000 Hope your birthday works out better than you! Happy Birthday

774 - 01369 - 000 Don’t act surprised. inside: You’re old. Happy Birthday

Toll Free:





774 - 01370 - 000 It hurts my head just thinking about how old you are. inside: Just kitten-ing! Happy Birthday



774 - 01372 - 000

774 - 01373 - 000

774 - 01374 - 000

I’m doin’ it! I’m pole dancing! inside: It’s never too late to find your freak! Happy Birthday

We’ll always be friends... even when you’re old and weird. inside: See!? Still here! And I sent a card and everything. Happy Birthday

Keto, gluten-free, want your damn cake or not?! inside: It’s your birthday, go ahead and indulge!

774 - 01375 - 000

774 - 01376 - 000

Do I think you’re looking any older? inside: Naahhhhh! Happy Birthday

Where’s my juice box?! Golden Girls is starting! inside: Happy Birthday


774 - 00737 - 000

774 - 00775 - 000

774 - 01229 - 000

Sorry this is late... I couldn’t get a ride to the post office!

I missed your birthday. Shame on me!

Sorry that your repeated trips to the mailbox were in vain. Belated Happy Birthday



774 - 01244 - 000

774 - 01268 - 000

I obviously had the right party outfit, but the wrong day! Belated Happy Birthday

I’m drawing a blank. Sorry I missed your birthday.

774 - 00875 - 000 Sorry we forgot your birthday. Who are you again?

774 - 01022 - 000 Apparently I'm not so good at recalling dates anymore. Belated Happy Birthday


Toll Free:

774 - 00263 - 000

774 - 00829 - 000

774 - 00960 - 000

I just can’t say enough... Thank You.

It’s people like you who make people like me glad there are people like you. Thank you!

It's the little things that count! Thanks for being so nice.







774 - 01059 - 000

774 - 01265 - 000

774 - 01131 - 000

Thanks a bushel and a peck!

Thank you for a great time!

Thanks for your uplifting support!

774 - 01173 - 000 Merci, Gracias, Danke inside: Triple thanks for your thoughtfulness.


774 - 00992 - 000

774 - 01133 - 000

774 - 01225 - 000

You're the treasure to my sea.

If you ever need someone to listen, I’m all ears!

Good friends share good dirt!



774 - 01267 - 000

774 - 01285 - 000

774 - 01287 - 000

Every time I think of you my mouth puts a smile on my face!

I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted paychecks. - Unknown inside: Blank

A hug is the shortest distance between friends. inside: Blank

There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the pleasure is having lots to do and not doing it. - Mary Wilson Little

774 - 01297 - 000

774 - 01308 - 000

774 - 01312 - 000

For you, from me. Just because!

Scatter Joy! -Ralph Waldo Emerson inside: Blank

There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the pleasure is having lots to do and not doing it. -Mary Wilson Little inside: Blank

774 - 01316 - 000

774 - 01353 - 000

774 - 00683 - 000

Friends are special, treasure them. -Unknown inside: Blank

I haven’t had both feet on the ground since I met you!

You have saved me so much money in therapy over the years! Thanks

Toll Free:






774 - 00943 - 000 True friends support self-expression!


774 - 01063 - 000

774 - 01076 - 000

A good friend always knows when you need a pat on the back!

You are such a stabilizing influence in my life!

774 - 01162 - 000

774 - 01216 - 000

774 - 01279 - 000

We've been to the ends of our ropes and back together!

Friendship makes the road of life smoother!

Life runs on friendship!

774 - 01321 - 000 A good friend is like the side of a pool... always there to hang on to!

31 31


774 - 00075 - 000

774 - 00243 - 000

774 - 00906 - 000

Hope you get over this hurdle and feel better soon!

Hope you’re well enough to come out and play soon.

Hang on...You’ll feel better soon! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

774 - 01219 - 000

774 - 01259 - 000

774 - 01280 - 000

I see you’ve decided to take the holistic approach! Get well soon.

You know you're sick when people hug you from behind! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Sure hope you feel better than you look! Get well soon.

774 - 01322 - 000

774 - 01345 - 000

774 - 00534 - 000

Glad to see you're looking like your old self again! Get well soon.

Wasn’t that how you got sick in the first place? Hope you’re feeling much better.

Just what the doctor ordered... a little R&R. Get Well Soon

Toll Free:






774 - 01083 - 000

774 - 01175 - 000

774 - 01327 - 000

Never underestimate the healing power of a cozy pillow!

Hope you’re feeling better lickety-split!

While you're recovering, I'll be right by your side.

774 - 01347 - 000 The longer it takes to recuperate, the longer you’ll be stuck inside. Get Well Soon


774 - 00659 - 000

774 - 00998 - 000

774 - 01049 - 000

I’m never letting go. Happy Anniversary

We may be walking slower, but we're still holding hands. Happy Anniversary

You've still got the moves... inside: ...only now they're a lot slower! Happy Anniversary



774 - 01135 - 000

774 - 01215 - 000

774 - 01217 - 000

It’s the perfect day for a little necking! Happy Anniversary

Nibble away... It’s your anniversary!

I’ve loved you since the first time you stepped on my toes! Happy Anniversary

774 - 01263 - 000

774 - 01299 - 000

It’s time to break out in song and dance... inside: ...and celebrate your lifelong romance! Happy Anniversary

It’s not how many miles you’ve logged, but who you’ve shared your cab with. Happy Anniversary

Toll Free:

774 - 00783 - 000 I said... I’m not wearin’ any underwear! Happy Anniversary

774 - 00286 - 000

774 - 00911 - 000

774 - 00920 - 000

The passion continues. Happy Anniversary

For richer, for poorer; in boring and in snoring... Happy Anniversary

After all these years, you've still got a handle on romance! Happy Anniversary






774 - 01300 - 000 Remember when assume the position meant something different? inside: Happy Anniversary to a very together and well-balanced couple!


774 - 01323 - 000 Another year together and still livin' the good life! Happy Anniversary

774 - 01346 - 000 Celebrating another year since you two took the plunge! Happy Anniversary


774 - 00235 - 000 Remember how it looked when you started? Congratulations on making it to the top!

774 - 01106 - 000 Success sometimes comes from just knowing how to hang in there! Congratulations


774 - 00598 - 000 The sweet nothings have just begun! Congratulations on your wedding.

774 - 00991 - 000

774 - 01204 - 000

A gal with class; a guy with potential! Congratulations

May the road ahead be smooth, the hugs many, and the bumps few!



774 - 01237 - 000

774 - 00747 - 000

774 - 01045 - 000

Congratulations to a couple who pairs well together!

Happily Ever After is so much more fun with two. Congratulations

Together forever!

774 - 01269 - 000 To have and to hold from this day forward!


774 - 00513 - 000 Congratulations on the newest branch of your family tree! Toll Free:




774 - 00630 - 000 Enjoy your new little superstar!


774 - 00755 - 000 Remember...espresso and breast-feeding don’t mix! Congratulations on your new baby.



774 - 00857 - 000

774 - 01152 - 000

774 - 01296 - 000

Signed, sealed, and delivered! Congratulations on your new little soul.

Good things come in small packages! Congratulations to the proud new parents!

Congratulations on your new little shining star!

774 - 01313 - 000 You’re going to need a longer laundry line! Congratulations on extending the family.

774 - 01348 - 000 Congratulations on your new arrival!


774 - 00929 - 000 Today a diploma, tomorrow the world! Congratulations

774 - 00933 - 000 Brains, looks, diploma... You've got it all! Congratulations


774 - 01093 - 000 Ok, so it took you a little longer. Congratulations Graduate!


774 - 01236 - 000

774 - 00932 - 000

774 - 01005 - 000

Congratulations Graduate. Now you come with papers!

Congratulations Graduate. The pond is all yours.

You always were smart, but now you have the papers to prove it!


774 - 00763 - 000 To think all these years you’ve been wasting your talents at work!

774 - 01301 - 000 Instead of closing deals... inside:’ll be kicking up your heels! Happy Retirement

Toll Free:




774 - 00852 - 000 Retirement will take some getting used to... for the first 30 seconds!

774 - 01329 - 000 Typical retiree... Lots of drive. Lots of naps!


774 - 01288 - 000 You've got a front row seat... inside: watch time pass by! Happy Retirement

774 - 01338 - 000 All you need for a successful retirement is a television and a remote control...for each of you!



774 - 00578 - 000

774 - 00707 - 000

774 - 00771 - 000

Sometimes there are no words. With Sympathy

May your memories be a comfort. May the passage of time help to heal. With deepest sympathy.

May cherished memories help to heal your heart.

774 - 00860 - 000

774 - 01013 - 000 May each passing day lessen your sorrow and restore your spirit. With deepest sympathy.

May cherished memories fill your heart.

39 39

774 - 01038 - 000 May peace surround you and memories comfort you. With sincerest sympathy.


774 - 01337 - 000 May peace and cherished memories be with you during this difficult time.

774 - 01092 - 000 With sincerest sympathy.

Toll Free:




774 - 00579 - 000

774 - 01062 - 000

May the company of friends and cherished memories help heal your heart. With Sympathy

May peace surround you and memories comfort you. Sincere Sympathy

774 - 01252 - 000

774 - 01335 - 000

May peace surround you and memories comfort you. Sincere Sympathy

May loving memories comfort you through this difficult time.



774 - 00942 - 000

774 - 01141 - 000

Pets may leave your arms, but they never leave your heart.

Sorry for the loss of your special friend.



774 - 00858 - 000

774 - 01251 - 000

774 - 01294 - 000

774 - 01334 - 000

774 - 00984 - 000

Toll Free:



774 - 01122 - 000



774 - 01286 - 000

774 - 00859 - 000

774 - 01293 - 000



D: 18” • W: 48” • H: 70”

D: 24” • W: 48” • H: 61”

117-Pocket • 4 FT 13 -Tier Inline

192-Pocket • 4 FT 12-Tier Double-Sided Island Series Display

Pre-Packed Display

Pre–Packed Display

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $1,301.38

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $2,340.24

Includes display and cards.

Includes display and cards.

714 - 00079 - 000

714 - 00086 - 000

117-Pocket • 4 FT 13 -Tier Inline

192-Pocket • 4 FT 12-Tier Double-Sided Island Series Display

Display Only

Display Only

Approximate Cost: $425.00

Approximate Cost: $660.00

401 - 00574 - 000

401 - 00575 - 000



D: 33” • W: 33” • H: 75.5”

L: 36” • D: 25” • H: 79”

L: 29” • D: 16” • H: 79”

192-Pocket Rotating Quad Spinner

144-Pocket Triple End Cap Spinner

96-Pocket Double Spinner

Pre-Packed Spinner

Pre-Packed Spinner

Pre-Packed Spinner

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $2,310.24

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $1,732.68

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $1,187.62

Includes spinner and cards.

Includes spinner and cards.

Includes spinner and cards.

714 - 00080 - 000

714 - 00081 - 000

714 - 00082 - 000

192-Pocket Rotating Quad Spinner

144-Pocket Triple End Cap Spinner

96-Pocket Double Spinner

Spinner Only

Spinner Only

Spinner Only

Approximate Cost: $600.00

Approximate Cost: $450.00

Approximate Cost: $365.00

401 - 00535 - 000

401 - 00423 - 000

401 - 00424 - 000

Toll Free:







D: 20” • H: 72”

D: 23” • H: 72”

D: 16” • H: 72”

96-Pocket Spinner

72-Pocket Plexi Spinner

64-Pocket Spinner

Pre-Packed Spinner

Pre-Packed Spinner

Pre-Packed Spinner

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $1,080.12

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $953.84

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $732.58

Includes spinner and cards.

Includes spinner and cards.

Includes spinner and cards.

714 - 00083 - 000

714 - 00084 - 000

714 - 00088 - 000

96-Pocket Spinner

72-Pocket Plexi Spinner

64-Pocket Spinner

Spinner Only

Spinner Only

Spinner Only

Approximate Cost: $150.00

Approximate Cost: $400.00

Approximate Cost: $125.00

401 - 00536 - 000

401 - 00542 - 000

401 - 00537 - 000



Toll Free:

D: 16.25” • H: 70”

D: 16” • H: 72”

48-Pocket Spinner

32-Pocket Spinner

Pre-Packed Spinner

Pre-Packed Spinner

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $557.56

Approximate Cost at 50% Off Retail: $385.04

Includes spinner and cards.

Includes spinner and cards.

714 - 00085 - 000

714 - 00087 - 000

48-Pocket Spinner

32-Pocket Spinner

Spinner Only

Spinner Only

Approximate Cost: $110.00

Approximate Cost: $100.00

401 - 00543 - 000

401 - 00541 - 000







Small Spinner Sign 909 - 00099 - 000

The following fixtures hold the small sign: 192-Pocket Rotating Quad Spinner 144-Pocket Triple End Cap Spinner 96-Pocket Double Spinner

W: 10.3” • H: 10.2”

Large Spinner Sign 909 - 00100 - 000

The following fixtures hold the large sign: 96-Pocket Spinner 72-Pocket Spinner 64-Pocket Spinner 48-Pocket Spinner 32-Pocket Spinner

W: 12.7” • H: 12.5”


TO PL ACE AN ORDER: Contact your local Northern Exposure representative. C ALL TO LL- F RE E : 800.237.3524 TOLL- F RE E FA X : 888.218.3542 W W W.N EC ARDS .CO M 11 Executive Avenue, Edison, NJ 08817

904 - 01615 - 000

RE TA I L VALU E : $10.9 9 US $14 .50 C A

Copyright © 2020 Northern Exposure. All Rights Reserved.

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