LMA Directory 2009

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Logistics & Manufacturers Association Port Laredo 2009 25th Anniversary Addition Directory

Table of Contents Mission Statement/Organization


Officers & Board of Directors


Special Advisors


Committee Chairpersons


Past Presidents


Annual Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament




Membership by Company


Membership by Individual


Los Dos Laredos


Federal State & Local


MĂŠxico Government

66 LMA Membership Directory 2009


Mission Statement LMA is organized to provide networking opportunities while representing and promoting manufacturing, logistics and related services in the Los Dos Laredos Communities.

Organization In 1984, the Laredo Manufacturers Association was formed. It has been structured and organized to become a viable resource to the communities of Los Dos Laredos. The membership is active in various committees. These committees include: By-laws, Directory/Membership, Scholarship Maquiladoras, Scholarship, Special Affairs and the Annual Symposium. In February of 2007 the Laredo Manufacturers Association merged with the Laredo Transportation Association and formed Logistics & Manufacturing Association Port Laredo. Our membership interfaces with other civic organizations such as the Laredo Chamber of Commerce, Laredo Development Foundation, Laredo Licensed U.S. Customers Brokers Association, Asociación de Agentes Aduanales, and the Nuevo Laredo Industrial Development Committee. Also many local, state and federal agencies and officials should be included here, but are too numerous to mention. This synergism has provided the membership and our business community with better answers and solutions to common problems. A prime example of this was the work done by these organizations to open the World Trade Bridge for extended hours of service, which was accomplished in January 2009.

Vision Statement “To enhance the competitiveness of Los Dos Laredos”

Website: www.lmaportlaredo.org

E-mail: LMA@stx.rr.com

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 451391 Laredo, Texas 78045 4

LMA Membership Directory 2009


LMA Membership Directory 2009

Logistics & Manufacturing Association Port Laredo Officers President

Javier Garza, Consultant, Texas Community Bank (956) 712-1119 Vice President Secretary/Treasurer

Ivan Rodriguez

Ernest Segura

Union Pacific Railroad (956) 721-3254

Mercy Health Plans (956) 790-8000

Board of Directors:

Frank Quesada

Ed Wawrzynski

Pancho's Transportation (956) 722-6446

Modine Transferencia De Calor (956) 791-0475

Board of Advisors, Past Presidents

Lupita R. Canales

Ed Sherwood

A.R. Canales International Brokers, Inc. (956) 722-4200

Falcon International Bank (956) 794-9784

Mike McBain Laredo Cotton Transport (956) 726-2510

Bill Green Laredo Morning Times (956) 728-2501

Larry Shaw

Carlos S. Garcia

(956) 726-4110

Pacer Stacktrain (956) 795-2000

Mark Pease

Victor Ordu単a Daniel B. Hastings Inc. (956) 723-7431

(956) 727-0383

Tom Wade Emerson Corporate Logistics (956) 286-4684 LMA Membership Directory 2009


Special Advisors Francisco Javier Solis

Gilbert Serna

Sony Electronics Inc. (956) 795-4506

Mercy Health Plans (956) 790-8008

Loye Young

Membership Contact

Isaac & Young Computer Co. (956) 242-4402

Marilyn O’Donnell

Herlinda Garza Mercy Health Plans (956) 790-8038

LMA (956) 791-2143 LMA@stx.rr.com www.lmaportlaredo.org

Committee Chairpersons By-Laws


Victor Orduña

Larry Shaw


Special Affairs

Bill Green

Tom Wade



Mark Pease

Ed Sherwood Golf Tournament

Carlos S. Garcia • Michael O’Donnell


LMA Membership Directory 2009

LMA Past Presidents Mr. Jerry Brochin, Sony Mr. Mark Pease, R. G. Berry Mr. Ed Sherwood, General Motors Mr. Thomas Tomko, Packard Electric Mr. Earl Kenneth, Modine Mr. Martin Siordia, Sony Mr. Nicholas Quinn, Packard Electric Mr. Haven Jenkins, Weigand Mr. John Malloy, ITT Automotive Mr. John Adams, Banc One Mr. Alfred J. Poppitt, Delphi Mr. James Jackson, Cives Mr. Larry Shaw, Modine Mr. William Green, Laredo Morning Times Mr. Tom Wade, Emerson Mr. Javier Garza, Consultant, Texas Community Bank

1985 - 1986 1987 1988 - 1989 1990 - 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 - 1997 1998 - 1999 2000 2001 - 2002 2003 - 2004 2005 - 2006 2007 - 2008 2009 - 2010

LTA Past Presidents Mr. John Duggan, General Motors Mr. Joe Azios, Brennen Mr. Frank Vida, Brenco Mr. Cesar Montemayor, Montemayor Trucking Ms. Charla Griffin, CFI Mr. Chris Withers, ABF Mr. Frank Vida, Brenco Mr. Tom Wade, Emerson Mr. Joseph Martinez, SMT Mr. Frank Vida, Brenco Mr. Chuck Rollins, Fitzley Ms. Charla Griffin, Landstar Ms. Lucy Wright, DHL Mr. Frank Quesada, Pancho's Trucking

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 - 1992 1993 1994 1995 - 1997 1998 - 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 - 2004 2005 - 2006

LMA Membership Directory 2009


Annual Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament Since 1993 the LMA has sponsored an annual golf tournament. This event in currently held at the beautiful Laredo Country Club the first Monday of November. The current format is a two-man scramble with a shotgun start, which leads to the fun. We have many companies who sponsor this event. In 2007 , which was the first year after the merger of LMA and LTA, under the chairmanship of Carlos S. Garcia , we had a record number of 42 sponsors. Every year we try to add to the interest and fun of this event through the addition of contests such as longest drive, straightest drive and closest to the pin. This coming year’s co-chairpersons are Carlos S. Garcia, from Pacer Stacktrain and Michael O’Donnell from Caterpillar. The annual golf tournament is the main source of income for our scholarship program. Currently we provide ten worthy Laredo students with $1,000 scholarships to attend the college or university of their choice, as long as it is in the state of Texas. The recipients of these scholarships have declared that they are planning for a degree in engineering, manufacturing or business. The “Yes” Camp program from the Texas Center For Border Economics & Enterprise Development is another recipient of funds raised through our golf tournaments. The past several years we have donated $5,000 annually to help support this youth entrepreneurship program. We look forward to another great golf tournament with plans to continue this tradition for many years to come. If you have not joined the fun in past years, please consider your opportunity to participate.

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History of the Laredo Manufacturers Association The history of the LMA reflects the growth of manufacturing and logistics in South Texas and northern Mexico during the past three decades. This economic expansion, on both sides of the Rio Grande, has brought not only monetary rewards but also an infusion of new ideas and added vitality to the Laredo community. The LMA merged with the Laredo Transportation Association in 2007 and has become the Logistics and Manufacturing Association (LMA) of Port Laredo. Since its founding in 1984, the LMA has grown from the original 17 members to over a hundred persons representing a cross section of industry, transportation, academic, and support services. Starting with an initial scholarship fund of $1000 in 1988, the LMA has encouraged engineering and technical careers with over $200,000 in scholarships, as well as establishing a $100,000 endowment scholarship fund at Texas A&M International University. The LMA has also given significant support to high school math and pre-engineering programs, and has financially supported the “YES” camp at TAMIU which provides enterprise training for high school juniors. The LMA, in 1986, was also the first sponsor of Junior 14 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

Achievement of Laredo. In 1990, a committee structure was formed to address customs, environmental, maquiladora, transportation, and other areas of concern to members. The LMA’s maquiladora committee has worked closely with manufacturers in Nuevo Laredo to promote industrial growth and success. In 1994, the first LMA Symposium was launched to bring to Laredo international experts to discuss environmental, manufacturing, logistics, government regulations, and economic development topics. The Symposium rapidly expanded to include the Laredo Development Foundation, TAMIU, and others in sponsoring these 2 to 3 days events, which have attracted participants from many U.S. states and Mexico. Through the years, the LMA has worked with federal, state, county, city, and Mexican government officials to promote infrastructure projects such as the four-lane expansion of the Mines Road to the Columbia Bridge, the Loop 20 project, and the establishment of a 24/7 international bridge opened in 2009. The idea of creating an organization focused on manufacturing was first made by Laredo Mayor Aldo Tatangelo at a meeting with eight local businessmen on March 16, 1984. Tatangelo felt it

LMA Membership Directory 2009


was critical to form a local association that manufacturers, looking to locate in the Laredo area, could identify with. The Mayor also wanted the proposed organization to work on improving vocational and technical education in Laredo. The organizing meeting was sponsored jointly by the Laredo Chamber of Commerce and the Laredo Development Foundation. To form such a manufacturers association, David C. Leyendecker, representing the chamber, and Edward C. Sherwood, representing the LDF, were assigned to make the mayor's concept a reality. Leyendecker and Sherwood made plans for an initial meeting of the Laredo Manufacturers Association to be held on May 8, 1984. Both men kept busy calling prospective members. There were only 26 companies with manufacturing operations at the time in either Laredo or Nuevo Laredo. Typically, in Laredo, meetings were held at lunch time to accommodate the preferences of the banking and retail communities. Since manufacturers normally start work early, and rarely care to take extended lunch hours Leyendecker and Sherwood planned for LMA meetings to be held early, 7:30 a.m., and were planned to last for only one hour--a tradition of the LMA that continues today. Jim Parish of the Laredo Morning Times and Richard 18 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

Deibel of the Laredo News were instrumental in getting the organization off the ground through their writing and coverage of early LMA meetings. On May 6, two days before the first meeting, Jim Parish ran a story in the Times which lead off with: "If you are an executive of a Laredo or Nuevo Laredo Manufacturing firm, your presence is desired at a Tuesday breakfast meeting at which the organizing of the Laredo Manufacturers Association will move forward." Sherwood was quoted in the same article as saying: "Laredo Manufacturers Association is being formed to promote the growth of the manufacturing community, to provide advice and guidance to educational, governmental and community leaders on matters affecting manufacturers, and to communicate information and ideas of mutual interest." The first meeting was held at the Hamilton Hotel, May 8, 1984, at 7:30 a.m. Seventeen persons attended with nine manufacturing executives present. The 17 were Larry Norton, Eliseo Olivares, Mario Herrera, Jorge de la Garza, Aldo Tatangelo, Richard Deibel, Enrique de la Garza, Eugene Fernandez, Jim Parish, Humberto Vela, Edward Norena, Frank Leach, Dave Leyendecker, Jim Fowler, Jerry Brochin, Leon Ramirez Sr., and Ed Sherwood (the order was taken from the sign-in sheet). The speakers at that first meeting

LMA Membership Directory 2009


were Cynthia Mares Jackson, and Diana McDonald, both from Laredo Junior College (now Laredo Community College). They outlined the courses LJC could provide to industry to meet their employee training needs. The breakfast served was donated by the Hamilton Hotel. It was planned that the LMA would meet approximately monthly, and hopefully the association would grow. When the next meeting, held on July 10, 1984, only attracted 16, Sherwood became concerned and raised three of his friends from their early morning sleep to attend the meeting held on September 25, 1984 (the three friends were, unfortunately, unemployed at the time due to the abrupt closing of Meridian Industries of Laredo). Attendance slowly climbed that first year, and by July 1985, six meetings of the LMA had been held with an average attendance of 20 persons. Meetings were held at the Hamilton, the Hilton, and at the Holiday Inn; numerous organizations helped with the LMA's expenses including the Tex-Mex Railroad, the Union National Bank, The Hilton Hotel, SMT Lines, International Bank of Commerce, and the Laredo National Bank. The growing LMA organization caught the eye of the Texas Association of Business in 1985, and L.W. Gray, then president of TAB, spoke to the LMA on April 30, 1985. He encouraged the 20 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

merger of the LMA into the TAB organization. The membership of the LMA debated the pros and cons of the merger, but decided to keep its independent status. The primary reasons were to retain a focus on manufacturing, and its unique international membership policy. Ed Sherwood had been presiding at LMA meetings during its initial year, and as the LMA grew, it was decided by the July 12, 1985 meeting to elect its first official officers. Elected were Jerry Brochin from Sony as the LMA's first president, Ron Marianetti from Delredo as vice president, and Fernando Reyes, Reyes Industries , as secretarytreasurer. Under the leadership of Jerry Brochin, the LMA active membership grew from approximately 25 to 40. Brochin also helped to direct the formal organization of the LMA-dues were established, goals of the LMA were clarified, and greater input to the Laredo community, especially on educational issues, was achieved. Jerry Brochin also designed the organization's original logo. The LMA expanded its activities to include, for example, a tour for manufacturers of the Air Logistics Center at the Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio in September, 1985. In November, 1987, Mark Pease, from R. G. Barry, was elected president for the 1988 calendar year. Also elected were Edward Leyendecker Jr., from CMI, as treasurer, and Ronald La

Duque, from Rapidprint, as secretary. The LMA under Mark Pease grew to approximately 70 members, and also initiated the sponsorship of management courses taught by the University of Texas as well as time management courses taught by Mark himself. Ed Sherwood was elected as LMA's third president in December, 1988, for the following year. During 1989, the LMA succeeded in raising its membership to over 100 by the end of the year. Several member training and recreational events were held, and the first formal LMA Bylaws were created and adopted. To celebrate its fifth anniversary, a special salute to the LMA was held at the La Posada on the night of May 24, 1989. This event was attended by approximately 300 persons and was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce as well as by the International Bank of Commerce, La Posada, The Laredo National Bank, NBC Bank of Laredo, and the South Texas National Bank. At the LMA's fifth anniversary regular meeting, held the next morning, prominent Laredo businessman, Vicente Garza, was the featured speaker. Garza was also well known as one of the former TWA hijacking hostages held in Lebanon in 1985. Before leaving office in December, 1989, LMA President Sherwood created the LMA's scholarship fund with the $1000. left from the proceeds of his term. This was the start of a 22 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

fund that has substantially grown over the subsequent years providing technical scholarships for many young Laredoans. Under Thomas Tomko, LMA president in 1990 and 1991, the LMA grew rapidly, exceeding 200 members by the end of 1991. Tom, from Packard Electric, also created an organized LMA committee structure, including committees to address the areas of budget, communications, customs, environment, government interface, maquiladoras, membership, special affairs, and transportation. He also spearheaded the publication of the LMA monthly newsletter, with contributions by a wide variety of community leaders. The special activities group, headed by Nick Quinn of Packard Electric, initiated the annual LMA golf tournament, which has been responsible for the major growth of the scholarship fund. Under Tomko's leadership, the first LMA Directory was published, resulting in a second source of scholarship funds. In May, 1991, a third source of fundraising was initiated when the LMA sponsored its first Little Theater benefit performance. The play was "Steel Magnolias", and the aftershow reception was held at the new offices of the Laredo Development Foundation. Elected LMA President for 1992 was Earl G. Kennett of the Modine Corporation. Under Earl's leadership, the LMA continued with the awarding of

scholarships to area students to study in technical fields at Laredo Junior College, Laredo State University, University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, and Texas A&I University at Kingsville. The LMA also provided funding for an engineering "Math Counts" program, as well as continuing to help sponsor the Junior Achievement program in Laredo. Kennett also presided over the LMA's decision in 1992 to commit to donating $100,000 over a four year period to support the expansion of Laredo State University (now named Texas A&M International) to become a four year university. Elected LMA President for 1993 was Martin Siordia of the Sony Corporation. Siordia continued the numerous activities of the LMA, adding sponsorship of the "Math Day" at the annual WBCA Carnival as well as sponsorship of an environmental educational program for high school students called "Project Del Rio." Under Siordia, the work of the LMA committees continued, and a successful golf tournament and Little Theater benefit were held in 1993. Nick Quinn of Packard Electric was elected as President of the LMA for 1994. Nick's very successful management of the LMA Golf Tournaments each year had earned him the gratitude of the LMA membership. Under Nick's leadership, the LMA planned for its 10th anniversary and invited 24 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

former U.S. Secretary of Education, Dr. Lauro Cavazos, to be the featured speaker at the May 20, 1994 celebration meeting. The activity received good local support and publicity. On April 15, 1994, the Environmental Activities Committee of the LMA held its first annual Environmental Symposium with over 85 in attendance. The Symposium was chaired by Ed Sherwood, and special guests of the LMA were representatives from the six area high school, Laredo Community College, and Texas A&M International. Elected LMA President for 1995 was Haven Jenkins of the Weigand Division of Emerson Electric. Haven continued with both the LMA committee structure, and with another successful golf tournament, co-chaired by Nick Quinn and Shawn Pallagi from Parkard Electric. The LMA also held its second annual Environmental Symposium on April 21, 1995 with even a larger representation of area high schools and colleges than previous year. In 1996, a relative newcomer to Laredo, John Malloy, was elected as President, and then reelected in 1997. “Jay� Malloy was General Manager of ITT Automotive in Laredo/Nuevo Laredo. He convinced the board to hire its first paid Administrative Assistant in 1996. With the creation of a staff person, the organization was to

expand its activities and to provide a focal point for information to its members and the community. During 1996 and 1997, LMA fund raising was accomplished through publication of its membership directory, and through its Annual Golf Tournament. As a result of these funds, the LMA presented to Texas A&M University the last $25,000. portion of a total contribution of $100,000. In 1998, John Adams was elected President, and was subsequently reelected for the following year. John was a senior officer with Banc One, but also had extensive prior manufacturing experience as well as being the author of several books on economic and historic issues. John revitalized the Maquiladora arm of the LMA through the leadership of Larry Shaw, Plant Manager of Modine as who served as chairman of the Maquiladora Committee. The LMA continued to support Junior Achievement in Laredo, and awarded $10,000. in scholarships to local students in 1998. During John’s terms, he brought several outstanding speakers to LMA meetings, and presided over the organization’s 15th Anniversary Gala, with Lt. Governor Rick Perry as the keynote speaker. Al Poppitt, from Delphi Corporation, served as LMA President in 2000. Along with the normal LMA activities, an expanded LMA Symposium was initiated. The annual Symposium 26 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

was re-named as the “LMA Annual Symposium— Manufacturing in Mexico On the U.S. Border”. Under the cochairmanship of John Adams and Ed Sherwood, the event attracted over 100 attendees during 2000. James Jackson, General Manager of Cives, was elected as President for 2001 and 2002. Jim guided the re-organization of the LMA, negotiating a partnership with Texas A&M International to provide administrative services. David Cardwell, from TAMIU, provided the administrative leadership, as well as serving as Editor of the monthly LMA Newsletter. Also during Jim’s terms, he promoted the sponsorship of monthly LMA meetings at different locations from the normal Laredo Country Club venue. Larry Shaw, Plant Manager of Modine, was elected as President for 2003. Larry presided over successful golf tournament, membership drive, and the 10th “Annual LMA Symposium— Manufacturing in Mexico & On the U.S. Border”. Proceeds from the Symposium were donated to the United High School’s Engineering Magnet School, and to Laredo Community College. During his term, a special 20th Anniversary Edition of the LMA Membership Directory was prepared, and the LMA’s 20th Anniversary Gala was held on May 14, 2004, with “Red” Mc Combs, legendary Texas businessman, as the featured speaker.

William Green, publisher to the Laredo Morning Times, served as LMA President for 2005-2006. Under Bill’s leadership the LMA strengthened its organization and activities through strategic planning. He also moved the monthly meetings to the new Laredo Embassy Suites, with the hotel sponsoring the cost of the breakfast sessions. He also oversaw successful golf tournaments, the continuation of the Symposiums, and the LMA scholarships. Serving in 2007 and 2008, Tom Wade, from Emerson Logistics, conceived and accomplished the successful merger of the Laredo Manufacturers Association and

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the Laredo Transportation Association. This merger brought new synergies to the LMA’s many activities as well as increasing membership. Tom also spearheaded the establishment of a 24-hour, 7 day a week international bridge schedule. This goal was accomplished as of 2009, giving Laredo improved logistical efficiencies. The LMA continues as a vibrant organization, funded completely by its members and sponsors, promoting the economic growth of the Laredo area.

Edward C. Sherwood May 8, 2009

History of the Laredo Transportation Association The Laredo Transportation Association (LTA) was established in 1988. The founding members of the LTA were, John Duggan (GM), Tony Pelligrino (TSI), Poncho Velasquez (City Trucking), Frank Vida (Brenco), Joe Azios (Brennen), Pepe Trevino (Southern Transportation), and David Topp (Penske Logistics). These charter members organized the LTA in order to present a unified business group when requesting information or changes from the local government agencies. The LTA’s charter states that the goal of the organization is to inform its members of local, state and federal issues that affect their businesses, and to work with those government agencies to assist them in making decisions that will affect their businesses. Throughout the 1990’s and into the next century, the LTA’s leadership was involved in the decision making process for several projects and plans that were considered for Laredo. These projects included the opening of the Colombia Solidarity Bridge, the creation of the Laredo Hazardous Material ordinance, the increased police presence on I-35 to assist motorist in navigating past the long lines of tractor trailers waiting to enter Mexico, the desire by the Texas

Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to create hazardous material routes in Webb County, the expansion of the Mines Road, the building of a major intersection at I-35 and the new Bob Bullock Loop, the new truck route ordinances, the NAFTA impact studies being done by federal, state, and educational institutions and the design and construction of the World Trade Bridge. In 2000, one of the larger issues the LTA was occupied with was the proposed building of a truck inspection station at the exit of the World Trade Bridge. In 1992 the City of Laredo and U.S. government opened the Colombia Solidarity Bridge located 17 miles north of I-35 and Mines Road. This was a big step in the future of Laredo assuring its place as one of the largest land ports in the United States. At the time, the Colombia Solidarity Bridge was the state of the art commercial port of entry. The LTA was present and committed to being a supporter of the bridge. This bridge would eventually become one of the busiest bridges between Mexico and the United States, even with the future building of the World Trade Bridge. In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico LMA Membership Directory 2009


and Canada. The signing of the NAFTA would put Laredo in the international spotlight. Laredo, being strategically located in one of North America’s best trade lanes, would become the largest land port of entry along the U.S. and Mexican border, crossing billons of dollars of commerce yearly. Along with this notoriety came federal, state, and educational groups, with inquiries about how the treaty was affecting the border community. The LTA leadership and members spent hundreds of hours explaining how the NAFTA was affecting the Port of Laredo and what effects there were on the local community as well as those on the national level. And, of course, with the NAFTA came the worldwide media. LTA leaders were heard worldwide describing how Laredo and the region were prospering with the implementation of the NAFTA. Local leaders were also able to discuss infrastructure problems that were being caused by the increase in trade volumes with the media which in turn brought federal attention and dollars to the area. With a new local focus being placed on transportation issues, the city embarked on development of a hazardous material ordinance. The leaders of the LTA worked as members of the ordinance development committee and as presenters to that committee. The LTA participation in the 30 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

development of the ordinance assured the city that there would be little chance of preemption by the federal government. The result was an ordinance that works for both the city and the industry and meets the federal requirements for handling the movement and storage of hazardous interstate cargo. Along those same lines, TxDOT was exploring the possibility of creating a hazardous material route along the Camino Colombia Toll Road. The LTA worked with TxDOT in creating that designation and signage along I-35 which would lead trucks with direct destinations to utilize that route. Another issue of mid-90’s was the long line of trucks waiting to enter Mexico along I-35. These trucks and trailers would come to a complete stop on the highway while awaiting Mexican Customs to process trucks in their lot located on the Mexican side of the Lincoln Juarez Bridge. At times this line would extend from the Lincoln Juarez Bridge all the way to Shiloh road. This created a dangerous situation for passenger car drivers as the trucks would have to line up in the left (inside) lane of the highway. The LTA was able to convince the city to institute a $.50 increase in tolls per truck in order to pay for the Laredo Police to station units along the highway to warn drivers of the parked trucks and trailers. Also during this time, the city

and TxDOT worked together to widen the Mines Road from a two lane roadway to a six lane highway with bridges and flyovers to assist the movement of truck traffic. This project was supported by the LTA which provided valuable communications to those companies affected by the construction. In the late 90’s the city was ready to build the World Trade Bridge. LTA members were involved in the planning of this bridge that has become the leading commercial crossing point for freight entering and departing the U.S. Along with the World Trade Bridge came the major intersection at I-35 and Bob Bullock Loop. The LTA and its members were again instrumental in keeping members and other transportation companies up to date on the progress of the project as well as traffic diversion requirements. Early in 2002 TxDOT began exploring the possibility of building truck inspection stations near the exit booths of the World Trade and Colombia Solidarity Bridges. These inspections stations were to be built to provide a safety inspection for Mexican trucks that would enter the U.S. under the provisions of the NAFTA which had been delayed by Congress. The LTA had mixed emotions about the stations as there was the potential for delay at the bridge head if the inspection process took too much time. The LTA, working

with TxDOT and the Texas Department of Public Safety worked out a process that would not require 100% inspections of all vehicles entering the U.S. The agreed upon process would only allow for full “DOT” inspections of a small percentage of trucks entering the U.S. or those that had obvious visual violations when passing the inspection booth. Once a truck passed a full DOT inspection, that truck would not be subject to another inspection for 90 days. All trucks would be weighed using the latest “weigh in motion” technologies. As of this time, only the Colombia Solidarity Bridge has such an inspection station. The LTA sponsored several charity events over this time span. The LTA would sponsor an annual golf tournament at Casablanca Golf Course. This tournament started as an evening 9 hole event which eventually grew to a full day 18 hole event. The LTA was also the sponsor of 3 different Truck Rodeo and Truck Driving Championships. These events tested the driving skills of local truck drivers as well as promoting safe driving by truckers as well as passenger car drivers in the presence of a big truck The proceeds from these events were donated to the Sacred Heart Children’s Home. In 2007, the LTA merged with the Laredo Manufacturers Association to create the Logistics and Manufacturing Association – Port Laredo. LMA Membership Directory 2009


Logistics & Manufacturers Association Port Laredo Membership Directory (Alphabetical by Company) A.R. CANALES INTERNATIONAL BROKERS, INC. MS. LUPITA R. CANALES 125 FLECHA LANE LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 722-4200 (956) 723-2223 - Fax lupita@arcanales.com www.arcanales.com

BEST WESTERN, SAN ISIDRO INN MS. CELINA SOLIS 1410 HOSPITALITY DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 723-1600 1-866-723-9777 (956) 723-1610 - Fax csolis@sanisifroinn.com

BEST WHITE LLC AT&T MS. LUPITA ZEPEDA 5711 MCPHERSON, SUITE 204 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 727-6703 (956) 727-6813 - Fax gz0010@att.com www.att.com

MR. EDWARD (LALO) VILLAREAL 6909 SPRINGFIELD AVE, SUITE 201 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 585-2020 • (956) 337-6800 - Cell MAILING ADDRESS 306 PLANTATION GROVE BLVD, SUITE 104 MISSION, TEXAS 78572 Edward@bestwhite.com www.bestwhite.com

MS. CYNTHIA RUIZ AT WORK HUMAN RESOURCES 1705 DEL MAR BLVD. #116 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 723-4980 (956) 729-7768- Fax cynthia@atwork.com

CANALES, GARZA & BAUM, PLLC MR. J. CLAYTON BAUM P. O. BOX 3627 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (956) 724-1111 (956) 724-1350- Fax baumcpa@bizlaredo.rr.com

BATES CONTAINER MR. BOB TRUITT 10600 FISCHER ROAD P.O. BOX 1359 VON ORMY, TEXAS 78073 (210) 436-7777 • (800) 460-0777 (210) 825-7030 - Cell • (210) 436-7779 - Fax Btruitt@batescontainer.com www.batescontainer.com 32 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

CANALES, GARZA & BAUM, PLLC MR. AARON CANALES P. O. BOX 3627 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (956) 724-1111 (956) 724-1350- Fax aaroncanales@bizlaredo.rr.com

LMA Membership Directory 2009




MR. GREGORIO G. GARZA P.O. BOX 3599 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (877) 398-3891 Garza_Gregorio_G@cat.com www.cat.com

MR. HUMBERTO GARZA 5210 BOB BULLOCK LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 795-2000 (956) 795-2572 - Fax hgarza@ci.laredo.tx.us www.cityoflaredo.com/airport

CATERPILLAR REMAN MR. ISRAEL MORALES P.O. BOX 3599 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (877) 398-3891 Morales_Israel@cat.com www.cat.com

CATERPILLAR REMAN MR. MARK STRATTON P.O. BOX 3599 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (877) 398-3891 Stratton_mark_r@cat.com www.cat.com

CATERPILLAR REMAN MR. MICHAEL O’DONNELL P.O. BOX 3599 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (877) 398-3891 (956) 236-2864 odonnell_michael_l@cat.com www.cat.com

CITY OF LAREDO - AIRPORT MR. JOSE LUIS FLORES 5210 BOB BULLOCK LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 795-2000 (956) 795-2572 - Fax jlflores@ci.laredo.tx.us www.cityoflaredo.com/airport

34 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

CITY OF LAREDO - BRIDGE SYSTEM MR. MARIO I. MALDONADO JR. PO BOX 579 LAREDO TEXAS 78042 11601 FM 1472 Laredo, TX 78045 (956) 791-2200 mmaldonado@ci.laredo.tx.us www.cityoflaredo.com

COMPASS BANK MR. JOAQUIN ROMERO, JR. P.O. BOX 59 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0059 (956) 723-1151 (956) 764-1592 - Fax Joaquin.romero@compassbank.com www.bbvacompass.com

DANIEL B. HASTINGS, INC. MR. DANIEL B. HASTINGS, JR. P.O. BOX 673 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0673 (956) 712-6283 (956) 723-3951 - Fax dbhjr@dhastings.com www.dhastings.com

DANIEL B. HASTINGS, INC. MR. VICTOR ORDUÑA P.O. BOX 673 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0673 (956) 723-7431 - Dir (956) 723-0576 - Fax v.orduna@dhastings.com www.dhastings.com

DISPATCH BORDER SERVICES, LLC MS. TABITHA CANTU 5952 HWY 359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 725-2201 (956) 725-5861 145*3*49481 - radio tabi@dbstransport.com www.dbstransport.com

EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL OF WASHINGTON, INC. - LRD MR. ALASTER LOVE 8510 WEST BOB BULLOCK LOOP LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 Direct: 956-721-7008 Cell: 956-744-0453 Nextel ID: 145*4*2832 alaster.love@expeditors.com www.expeditors.com

EMBASSY SUITES & HOTEL MS. CLEMA OWEN 110 CALLE DEL NORTE (956) 723-9100 (956) 723-9105 - Fax clema_owen@hilton.com www.laredo.embassysuites.com EMERSON CORPORATE LOGISTICS MR. TOM WADE 12013 SARA LANE LAREDO, TEXAS 78046 (956) 286-4684 tom.wade@emerson.com

EMPIRE TRUCK LINES INC. MR. ROBERT RAMIREZ EMPIRE TRUCK LINES, INC. 5615 EAST SAUNDERS LAREDO TEXAS 78041 (800) 935-0866 - Toll free (956) 726-0866 (956) 726-9304 - Fax (956) 251-0538 - Cell 142*55366*2 - Radio robert_ramirez@emtl.com www.empiretrucklines.com

EXEL LOGISTICS MR. LUIS GONZALEZ GENERAL MANAGER 834 UNION PACIFIC BLVD LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 794-2828 luis.gonzalez@us.exel.com www.exel.com

FALCON INTERNATIONAL BANK MR. ED SHERWOOD 5219 MCPHERSON SUITE 200A LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 794-9784 (956) 723-3373- Fax edwardsherwood@usa.net www.falconbank.com

FASKEN LIMITED MR. RAUL PERALES 8333 MILO ROAD LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 791-5000 (956) 791-5055 - Fax raul@embarcadero-laredo.com

FERMAG, INC. MR. MARCEL HAYS P.O. BOX 1718 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-1718 (956) 717-3593 ext 1010 52 867 711-1010 (956) 711-1042 - Fax 52 867 711 1042 - Fax marcel.hays@ugimag.com.mx

FROMEX, S.A. DE C.V. MR. ROBERTO LEYVA P.O. BOX 430488 LAREDO, TEXAS 78043-0488 Roberto.leyva@emersonprocess.com

LMA Membership Directory 2009


GEO MORTGAGE SERVICES MR. EDWARD GLASSFORD 9901 MCPHERSON SUITE 101 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 728-8700 (956) 728-8740 - Fax ed@geomtg.com

INTEREX CORP USA MR. JUAN MARTIN TOLENTINO 222 WEST LAS COLINAS BLVD SUITE 1730 IRVING, TEXAS 75039 (956) 728-8883 martin.tolentino@interexcorpusa.com

INTEREX CORP USA MR. MANUEL MARONO 222 WEST LAS COLINAS BLVD SUITE 1730 IRVING, TEXAS 75039 (956) 728-8883 manuel.marono@interexcorpusa.com

INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE MR. CARLOS CAMPBELL P.O. BOX 1359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 722-7611 (956) 796-6589 - Fax ccampbell@ibc.com www.ibc.com

INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE MR. NATIVIDO LOZANO P.O. BOX 1359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 722-7611 (956) 726-6637 - Fax nlozano@ibc.com www.ibc.com

36 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE MR. WILFREDO MARTINEZ JR. P.O. BOX 1359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 722-7611 (956) 726-6637 - Fax wmartinez@ibc.com www.ibc.com

ISAAC & YOUNG COMPUTER COMPANY MR. LOYE YOUNG P.O. BOX 451088 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 242-4402 • (956) 857-1172 - Cell loye.young@iycc.net www.iycc.net

J.O. ALVAREZ, INC. MR. EDDIE ALVAREZ P.O. Box 1434 Laredo, Texas 78042 (956) 723-5521 (956) 723-5274 - Fax eddiea@joalvarez.com www.joalvarez.com

JOSE DAVID GONZALEZ U.S. LICENSED BROKER MR. JOSE D. GONZALEZ 4506 MODERN LANE LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 728-7636 (956) 728-7638 - Fax jose@jdgonzales.com www.JDGONZALEZ.COM

KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN RAILWAY MR. HECTOR RODRIGUEZ 505 ST. JAMES LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 722-9844 hrodriguez6@stx.rr.com www.kcsouthern.com

KILLAM INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT MR. ROLANDO ORTIZ P.O. BOX 499 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 724-7141 Ext 212 (956) 724-2546 - Fax rolando@killamcompanies.com www.killamcompanies.com

KILLAM INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT MR. DAVID KILLAM P. O. BOX 499 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 724-7141 (956) 717-1548- Fax david@killamcompanies.com www.killamcompanies.com

LMS INTERNATIONAL, INC. MR. JOE GUEVARA 6019 RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 722-7790 • (956) 286-6567 - Cell (956) 727-8675 - Fax joeguevara@lmsinternational.com www.lmsinternational.com

LMS INTERNATIONAL, INC. MS. CANDY VELA 6019 RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 722-7790 • (956) 763-1875 (956) 727-8675 - Fax candevela@lmsinternational.com www.lmsinternational.com

LA POSADA HOTEL / SUITES MR. LUIS ESTRADA CORPORATE MANAGER 1000 ZARAGOZA LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 722-701 • (956) 753-4409 - Direct (956) 722-4758 - Fax luise@laposadahotel.com www.laposadahotel.com

LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE - EDC LIGHT MANUFACTURING INSTITUTE MR. SAUL GONZALEZ, JR. WEST END WASHINGTON STREET MOORE VOCATIONAL BLDG 209 LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 764-5793 (956) 324-9030 - Cell (956) 721-5829 - Fax saul.gonzalez@laredo.edu www.laredo.edu

LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE MS. BELINDA MEDINA WEST END WASHINGTON STREET LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 721-5373 (956) 721-5837 - Fax Belinda.medina@laredo.edu www.laredo.edu

LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DR. JUAN MALDONADO PRESIDENT LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE WEST END WASHINGTON STREET LAREDO, TEXAS 78040-4395 (956) 722-0521 - Switchboard (956) 721-5101 - Office (956) 721-5381 - Fax president@laredo.edu www.laredo.edu

LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE MR. JOSE REYES WEST END WASHINGTON STREET LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 721-5110 (956) 721-5478 - Fax jreyes@laredo.edu www.laredo.edu LMA Membership Directory 2009




MR. MIKE MCBAIN P.O. BOX 450690 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 726-2510 (956) 753-3290 - Fax (956) 286-5943 - Cell 145*3*8779 - Radio larcottrn@sbcglobal.net

MR. GILBERT SERNA 5901 MCPHERSON, SUITE 2B LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 790-8008 (956) 723-8246 - Fax gilbert.Serna@Mercy.Net

LAREDO DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION MR. ROGER CREERY P.O. BOX 2682 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-2682 (956) 722-0563 (956) 722-6247 - Fax creery@laredo-ldf.com www.ldfonline.org

LAREDO MORNING TIMES MR. BILL GREEN P.O. BOX 2129 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-2129 (956) 728-2501 (956) 728-2590 - Fax bill@lmtonline.com lmtonline.com

MAQUILOGISTICS MR. ESTEBAN ZAVALA 514 NAFTA BLVD LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 753-3389 (956) 753-3204 - Fax ezavala@maquilogistics.com www.maquilogistics.com

MERCY HEALTH PLANS MR. ERNESTO SEGURA 5901 MCPHERSON, SUITE 2B LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 790-8000 (956) 723-8246 - Fax ernesto.Segura@Mercy.Net 38 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

MERCY HEALTH PLANS MS. HERLINDA GARZA 5901 MCPHERSON, SUITE 2B LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 790-8038 (512) 366-9804 – Fax (956) 206-7277 – Cell herlinda.Garza@Mercy.Net

MODINE TRANSFERENCIA DE CALOR MR. ED A. WAWRZYNSKI 11018 DELTA DR. LAREDO, TEXAS 78045-6333 (956) 791-0475 (956) 791-0393 - Fax e.a.wawrzynski@na.modine.com

ORADEL INDUSTRIAL PARK MR. CARLOS MONTOYA BLVD. WORLD TRADE CENTER P. I. ORADEL 101 PTE. NUEVO LAREDO, TAMPS, MX 88000 (888) 337-6200 Toll free 52 867 711 4555 • 52*29953*6 cmontoya@oradel.com.mx www.oradel.com

PACER STACKTRAIN MR. CARLOS S. GARCIA MEXICO PRODUCT SALES 416 SHILOH DR SUITE 2B LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 724-9716 • (956) 285-1703 - Cell Carlos.Garcia@pacer.com www.pacer.com


PARKER & COMPANY MR. JORGE GARCIA P.O. BOX 271 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78521 (956) 831-2000 • (956) 728-0394 jgarcia@parker-logistics.com www.parkerandcompany.com


RUSH TRUCK CENTER OF LAREDO MR. LEWIS WOODUL 10216 UNION PACIFIC BLVD. LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 956-724-7383 woodull@rush-enterprises.com www.rushtruckcenters.com



MS. DIANA T. GARCIA P. O. BOX 333 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 727-4199 (956) 723-7775 - FAX dtg@grandecom.net

MR. FRANCISCO JAVIER SOLIS 5819 RIVERSIDE DRIVE SUITE 100 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 795-4506 (956) 795-4534 - Fax franciscojavier.solis@am.sony.com



MR. MIKE MCBAIN P.O. BOX 450690 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 726-2510 • (956) 286-5943 - Cell (956) 753-3290 - Fax 145*3*8779 - Radio larcottrn@sbcglobal.net

MR. DREW CLAES P.O. BOX 333 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 723-3333 (956) 723-7775 - Fax drew@southernLaredo.com


MR. TONY REYES 5922 SPRINGFIELD AVE. LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 727-1542 treyes@swiftintervention.com www.swiftintervention.com

MS. ANA ANDERSON 5803 EAST DRIVE LAREDO TX 78041 (956) 717-5511 (956) 717-2722 - Fax ana.Andersen@rheem.com www.rheem.com

RHEEM MANUFACTURING CO. MR. JAIME LOERA 5803 EAST DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 717-5511 (956) 717-2722 - Fax maricarmen.conde@rheem.com www.rheem.com


SWIFT TRANSPORTATION MR. BEN ESCARCEGA 1101 CARRIERS DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 Office: 956-794-1112 Cell: 972-880-3301 Nextel: 142*18678*27 ben_escarcega@swifttrans.com LMA Membership Directory 2009


TEXAS A & M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY DR. RAY KECK, III, PRESIDENT 5201 UNIVERSITY BLVD LAREDO, TEXAS 78041-1900 (956) 326-2320 (956) 326-2319 - Fax rkeck@tamiu.edu www.tamiu.edu

TEXAS A & M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT MS. BARBARA J. MATHIEU 5201 UNIVERSITY BLVD. LAREDO, TEXAS 78041-1900 (956) 326-GIVE (4483) (956) 326-2174 - Fax bmathieu@tamiu.edu www.tamiu.edu



TEXAS COMMUNITY BANK MR. JAVIER GARZA, CONSULTANT P. O. BOX 3169 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (956) 712-1119 • (956) 744-8080 - Cell (956) 712-1949 - Fax javierg09@att.net 40 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

THE ALVAREZ LAW FIRM MS. PATRICIA O. ALVAREZ 415 SHILOH DR LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 722-6601 (956) 722-1527 - Fax palvarez@thealvarezlawfirm.com www.thealvarezlawfirm.com

TRANSMARITIME, INC. MR. JORGE MORALES 14213 TRANSPORTATION AVE. LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0731 (956) 724-8417 (956) 242-4687 - Direct jorge@transmaritime.com www.transmaritime.com

UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD MR. IVAN RODRIGUEZ 2115 FARRAGUT ST LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 721-3254 (956) 721-3281 - Fax ivanrodriguez@up.com

VOLZ LOGISTICS LTD. MR. JAMES R. VOLZ 1510 HOUSTON STREET LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 YARD: 1701 MARKLEY LANE (956) 753-2224 (956) 753-2225 - Fax info@volzlogistics.com

WARREN TRANSPORTATION INC. MR. ARNE JACOBSON 6209 MCPHERSON LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 724-9046 (956) 725-8176 - Fax arne@warrentransport.com www.warrentransport.com



MR. VICTOR FLORES P.O. BOX 6057 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 1-877-454-4356 011-52(867) 710-8935 - Fax victor.flores@emersonappliance.com

MR. EDUARDO RUBIO P. O. BOX 6057 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 1-877-454-4356 011-52(867) 710-8935- Fax eduardo.rubio@emersonappliance.com



MS. ROSE RAMIREZ P.O. BOX 6057 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 1-877-454-4356 011-52(867) 710-8935 - Fax rose.ramirez@emersonappliance.com

MR. SCOTT WILKINSON 2300 SCOTT STREET LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 724-7183 (956) 723-3571 - Fax larissa@netscorp.com

LMA Membership Directory 2009


Logistics & Manufacturers Association Port Laredo Membership Directory (Alphabetical by Name) MR. EDDIE ALVAREZ


J.O. ALVAREZ, INC. P.O. Box 1434 Laredo, Texas 78042 (956) 723-5521 (956) 723-5274 - Fax eddiea@joalvarez.com www.joalvarez.com

INTERNATIONALBANK OF COMMERCE P.O. BOX 1359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 722-7611 (956) 796-6589 - Fax ccampbell@ibc.com www.ibc.com



THE ALVAREZ LAW FIRM 415 SHILOH DR LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 722-6601 (956) 722-1527 - Fax palvarez@thealvarezlawfirm.com www.thealvarezlawfirm.com


CANALES, GARZA & BAUM. PLLC 707 E CALTON ROAD SUITE 201 P. O. BOX 3627 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-3627 (956) 724-1111 (956) 724-1350- Fax aaroncanales@bizlaredo.rr.com


RHEEM MANUFACTURING COMPANY 5803 EAST DRIVE LAREDO TX 78041 (956) 717-5511 (956) 717-2722 - Fax ana.andersen@rheem.com www.rheem.com

A.R. CANALES INTERNATIONAL BROKERS, INC. 125 FLECHA LANE LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 722-4200 (956) 723-2223 - Fax lupita@arcanales.com www.arcanales.com



CANALES, GARZA & BAUM, PLLC 707 E CALTON ROAD, SUITE 201 P.O. BOX 3627 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-3627 (956) 724-1111 (956) 724-1350 - Fax baumcpa@bizlaredo.rr.com

42 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

DISPATCH BORDER SERVICES, LLC 5952 HWY 359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 725-2201 • (956) 725-5861 145*3*49481 - Radio tabi@dbstransport.com www.dbstransport.com



SOUTHERN ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 333 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 723-3333 (956) 723-7775 - Fax drew@southernLaredo.com

WEIGAND, DIV OF EMERSON ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 6057 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 1-877-454-4356 011-52(867)710-8935- Fax victor.flores@emersonappliance.com www.emersonheating.com

MR. ROGER CREERY LAREDO DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION P. O. BOX 2682 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-2682 (956) 722-0563 (956) 722-6247 - Fax creery@laredo-ldf.com www.ldfonline.org

MR. GREGORIO GARZA CATERPILLAR REMAN P.O. BOX 3599 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-3599 (877) 398-3891 Garza_Gregorio_G@cat.com www.cat.com



TERMINAL MANAGER SWIFT TRANSPORTATION 1101 CARRIERS DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 Office: 956-794-1112 Cell: 972-880-3301 Nextel: 142*18678*27 ben_escarcega@swifttrans.com

MERCY HEALTH PLANS 5901 MCPHERSON, SUITE 2B LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 790-8038 (512) 366-9804 – Fax (956) 206-7277 – Cell Herlinda.Garza@Mercy.Net

MR. CARLOS S. GARCIA MR. LUIS ESTRADA LA POSADA HOTEL 1000 ZARAGOZA LAREDO, TEXAS 78040-0059 (956) 722-1701 • (956) 753-4409 - Direct (956) 722-4758 - Fax luise@laposadahotel.com www.laposadahotel.com

PACER STACKTRAIN 416 SHILOH DR, SUITE 2B LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 724-9716 (956) 285-1703 - Cell Carlos.Garcia@pacer.com www.pacer.com

MS. DIANA T. GARCIA MR. JOSE LUIS FLORES CITY OF LAREDO – AIRPORT 5210 BOB BULLOCK LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0210 (956) 795-2000 (956) 795-2572 - Fax jlflores@ci.laredo.TX.us www.cityoflaredo.com/airport 44 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

PHOENIX ASSEMBLY CORP. P. O. BOX 333 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 727-4199 (956) 723-7775 - FAX dtg@grandecom.net



PARKER & COMPANY P.O. BOX 271 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78521 (956) 831-2000 • (956) 728-0394 jgarcia@parker-logistics.com www.parkerandcompany.com

GENERAL MANAGER EXEL LOGISTICS 834 UNION PACIFIC BLVD LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 794-2828 luis.gonzalez@us.exel.com www.exel.com

MR. JAVIER GARZA CONSULTANT, TEXAS COMMUNITY BANK LAREDO, TEXAS P.O. BOX 3169 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (956) 712-1119 - Office (956) 744-8080 - Cell (956) 712-1949 - Fax javierg09@att.net

MR. SAUL GONZALEZ, JR. LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE - EDC LIGHT MANUFACTURING INSTITUTE WEST END WASHINGTON ST. MOORE VOCATIONAL BLDG 209 LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 764-5793 • (956) 324-9030 - Cell (956) 721-5829 - Fax saul.gonzalez@laredo.edu www.laredo.edu

MR. HUMBERTO GARZA CITY OF LAREDO AIRPORT 5210 BOB BULLOCK LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 795-2000 (956) 795-2572 - Fax hgarza@ci.laredo.TX.us www.cityoflaredo.com/airport

MR. BILL GREEN LAREDO MORNING TIMES 111 ESPERANZA DR. LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 728-2501 (956) 728-2590 - Fax bill@lmtonline.com www.lmtonline.com

MR. EDWARD GLASSFORD GEO MORTGAGE SERVICES 9901 MCPHERSON SUITE 101 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 728-8700 (956) 728-8740 - Fax ed@geomtg.com

MR. JOSE D. GONZALEZ JOSE DAVID GONZALEZ, U.S. LICENSED BROKER 4506 MODERN LANE LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 728-7636 (956) 728-7638 - Fax jose@jdgonzalez.com www.JDGONZALEZ.COM 46 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

MR. JOE GUEVARA LMS INTERNATIONAL P.O. BOX 1706 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (956) 722-7790 • (956) 286-6567 - Cell (956) 727-8675 - Fax joeguevara@lmsinternational.com lmsinternational.com

MR. DANIEL B. HASTINGS, JR. DANIEL B. HASTINGS, INC. P.O. BOX 673 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0673 (956) 712-6283 - Dir (956) 723-3951 - Fax dbhjr@hastings.com www.dhastings.com



FERMAG, LLC P. O. BOX 1718 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-1718 (956) 717-3593 ext 1010 52 867 711-1010 (956) 711-1042 - Fax 52 867 711 1042 - Fax marcel.hays@ugimag.com.mx

RHEEM MANUFACTURING 5803 EAST DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 717-5511 maricarmen.conde@rheem.com www.rheem.com

MR. ARNE JACOBSON WARREN TRANSPORTATION INC. 6209 MCPHERSON LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 724-9046 (956) 725-8176 - Fax arne@warrentransport.com www.warrentransport.com

MR. ALASTER LOVE EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL OF WASHINGTON, INC. - LRD 8510 WEST BOB BULLOCK LOOP LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 Direct: 956-721-7008 Cell: 956-744-0453 Nextel ID: 145*4*2832 alaster.love@expeditors.com www.expeditors.com

MR. NATIVIDO LOZANO DR. RAY KECK III PRESIDENT TEXAS A & M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 5201 UNIVERSITY BLVD LAREDO, TEXAS 78041-1900 (956) 326-2320 (956) 326-2319 - Fax rkeck@tamiu.edu www.tamiu.edu

MR. DAVID KILLAM KILLAM INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT P. O. BOX 499 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0499 (956) 724-7141 (956) 717-1548- Fax david@killamcompanies.co www.killamcompanies.com

MR. ROBERTO LEYVA FROMEX, S.A. DE C.V. P.O. BOX 430488 LAREDO, TEXAS 78043-0488 Roberto.leyva@emersonprocess.com

INTERNATIONALBANK OF COMMERCE P.O. BOX 1359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 722-7611 (956) 726-6637 - Fax nlozano@ibc.com www.ibc.com

DR. JUAN L. MALDONADO PRESIDENT LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE WEST END WASHINGTON ST. LAREDO, TEXAS 78040-4395 (956) 722-0521 - Switchboard (956) 721-5101 - Office (956) 721-5381 - Fax president@laredo.edu www.laredo.edu

MR. MARIO I. MALDONADO JR. CITY OF LAREDO - BRIDGE SYSTEM PO BOX 579 LAREDO TEXAS 78042 11601 FM 1472 Laredo, TX 78045 (956) 791-2200 mmaldonado@ci.laredo.tx.us www.cityoflaredo.com LMA Membership Directory 2009




INTEREX CORP 222 WEST LAS COLINAS BLVD. SUITE 1730 IRVING, TEXAS 75039 (956) 728-8883 manuel.marono@interexcorpusa.com

ORADEL INDUSTRIAL PARK BLVD. WORLD TRADE CENTER P.I. ORADEL 101 PTE. NUEVO, LAREDO, TAMPS, MX 88000 (888) 337-6200 Toll free 52 867 711 4555 52*29953*6 cmontoya@oradel.com.mx www.oradel.com

MS. BARBARA J. MATHIEU TEXAS A&M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 5201 UNIVERSITY BLVD. LAREDO, TEXAS 78041-1900 (956) 326-GIVE (4483) (956) 326-2174 - Fax bmathieu@tamiu.edu www.tamiu.edu


MR. WILFREDO MARTINEZ JR. INTERNATIONALBANK OF COMMERCE P.O. BOX 1359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 (956) 722-7611 (956) 726-6637 - Fax wmartinez@ibc.com www.ibc.com

MR. JORGE MORALES TRANSMARITIME, INC. 14213 TRANSPORTATION AVE. Laredo TX 78045 (956) 724-8417 (956) 242-4687 - Direct jorge@transmaritime.com www.transmaritime.com

MR. MIKE MCBAIN LAREDO COTTON TRANSFER R & T TRUCK INC. P.O. BOX 450690 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 726-2510 • (956) 286-5943 - Cell (956) 753-3290 - Fax 145*3*8779 - Radio larcottrn@sbcglobal.net




LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION WEST END WASHINGTON STREET LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 721-5373 (956) 721-5837 - Fax Belinda.medina@laredo.edu www.laredo.edu

DANIEL B. HASTINGS, INC. P.O. BOX 673 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0673 (956) 723-7431 (956) 723-0576 - Fax v.orduna@dhastings.com www.dhastings.com

48 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

CATERPILLAR REMAN P.O.BOX 3599 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-3599 (956) 236-2864 (877) 398-3891 Odonnell_Michael_L@cat.com http:www.cat.com



KILLAM INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 499 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0499 (956) 724-7141 (956) 724-2546 - Fax Rolando@killamcompanies.com www.killamcompanies.com

WIEGAND, DIV. OF EMERSON ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 6057 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 1-877-454-4356 011-52(867)710-8935 - Fax rose.ramirez@emersonappliance.com



EMBASSY SUITES & HOTEL 110 CALLE DEL NORTE LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 723-9100 (956) 723-9105 - Fax clema_owen@hilton.com www.laredo.embassysuites.com


MR. RAUL PERALES FASKEN LIMITED 8333 MILO RD. LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 791-5000 (956) 791-5055 - Fax raul@embarcadero-laredo.com


MR. ROBERT RAMIREZ EMPIRE TRUCK LINES, INC. 5615 EAST SAUNDERS LAREDO TEXAS 78041 (800) 935-0866 - Toll free (956) 726-0866 • (956) 251-0538 - Cell (956) 726-9304 - Fax 142*55366*2 - Radio robert_ramirez@emtl.com www.empiretrucklines.com

LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE WEST END WASHINGTON ST. LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 721-5110 (956) 721-5478 - Fax jreyes@laredo.edu www.Laredo.edu

MR. HECTOR RODRIGUEZ KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN RAILWAY 505 ST. JAMES LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 722-9844 hrodriguez6@stx.rr.com www.kcsouthern.com

MR. IVAN RODRIGUEZ UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 2115 FARRAGUT ST LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 721-3254 (956) 721-3281 - Fax ivanrodriguez@up.com

MR. JOAQUIN ROMERO, JR. COMPASS BANK P.O. BOX 59 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-0059 (956) 723-1151 (956) 764-1592 - Fax joaquin.romero@compassbank.com www.bbvacompass.com

LMA Membership Directory 2009




WIEGAND, DIV. OF EMERSON ELECTRIC P. O. BOX 6057 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042 1-877-454-4356 011-52(867)710-8935 duardo.rubio@emersonappliance.com

MERCY HEALTH PLANS 5901 MCPHERSON, SUITE 2B LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 790-8008 (956) 723-8246 - Fax Gilbert.Serna@Mercy.Net



AT WORK HUMAN RESOURCES 1705 DEL MAR BLVD. #116 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 723-4980 (956) 729-7768- Fax cynthia@atwork.com


MR. ERNESTO SEGURA MERCY HEALTH PLANS 5901 MCPHERSON, SUITE 2B LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 790-8000 (956) 723-8246 - Fax ernesto.Segura@Mercy.Net

MR. LARRY SHAW 8510 CROWN WOODS DR. LAREDO, TEXAS 78045-2084 (956) 726-4110 shaw2686@sbcglobal.net.

MR. EDWARD SHERWOOD FALCON INTERNATIONAL BANK 5219 MCPHERSON SUITE 200 A LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 794-9784 (956) 723-3373- Fax edwardsherwood@usa.net 50 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9


MS. CELINA SOLIS BEST WESTERN, SAN ISIDRO INN 1410 HOSPITALITY DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 723-1600 (956) 723-1610 - Fax 1-866-723-9777 csolis@sanisifroinn.com

MR. FRANCISCO JAVIER SOLIS SONY ELECTRONICS INC. 5819 RIVERSIDE DR. SUITE 100 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 795-4506 (956) 795-4534- Fax franciscojavier.solis@am.sony.com

MR. MARK STRATTON CATERPILLAR REMAN P.O. BOX 3599 LAREDO, TEXAS 78044-3599 (877) 398-3891 Stratton_mark_r@cat.com www.cat.com

INTEREX CORP USA 222 WEST LAS COLINAS BLVD SUITE 1730 IRVING, TEXAS 75039 (956) 728-8883 martin.tolentino@interexcorpusa.com

MR. TOM WADE EMERSON CORPORATE LOGISTICS 12013 SARA LANE LAREDO, TEXAS 78046 (956) 286-4684 tom.wade@emerson.com



BATES CONTAINER 10600 FISCHER ROAD P.O. BOX 1359 VON ORMY, TEXAS 78073-1359 (210) 436-7777 • (800) 460-0777 (210) 825-7030 - Cell (210) 436-7779 - Fax www.batescontainer.com

108 DEVONSHIRE CT. LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 726-2473 • (956) 237-6735 - Cell uriwalters@yahoo.com


MS. CANDE VELA LMS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 6019 RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAREDO, TEXAS 78044 (956) 722-7790 • (956) 763-1875 - Cell (956) 727-8675 - Fax candevela@lmsinternational.com lmsinternational.com

MR. JAMES R. VOLZ VOLZ LOGISTICS LTD. 1510 HOUSTON STREET LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 YARD: 1701 MARKLEY LANE (956) 753-2224 (956) 753-2225 - Fax info@volzlogistics.com

MR. EDWARD (LALO) VILLAREAL BEST WHITE LLC 6909 SPRINGFIELD AVE, SUITE 201 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 585-2020 • (956) 337-6800 - Cell MAILING ADDRESS 306 PLANTATION GROVE BLVD, SUITE 104 MISSION, TEXAS 78572 Edward@bestwhite.com www.bestwhite.com

MR. EDWARD A. WAWRZYNSKI MODINE TRANSFERENCIADE CALOR 11018 DELTA DR. SUITE B LAREDO, TEXAS 78045-6333 (956) 791-0475 (956) 791-0393- Fax e.a.wawrzynski@na.modine.com

MR. SCOTT WILKINSON WILKINSON IRON & METAL INC. 2300 SCOTT ST. LAREDO, TEXAS 78040 (956) 724-7183 (956) 723-3571 - Fax larissa@netscorp.com

MR. LEWIS WOODUL RUSH TRUCK CENTER OF LAREDO 10216 UNION PACIFIC BLVD. LAREDO, TEXAS 78046 956-724-7383 woodull@rush-enterprises.com www.rushtruckcenters.com

MR. LOYE YOUNG ISAAC & YOUNG COMPUTER COMPANY P.O. BOX 451088 LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 242-4402 • (956) 857-1172 - Cell loye.young@iycc.net www.iycc.net

LMA Membership Directory 2009




MAQUILOGISTICS 514 NAFTA BLVD LAREDO, TEXAS 78045 (956) 753-3389 (956) 753-3204 - Fax ezavala@maquilogistics.com www.maquilogistics.com

AT&T 5711 MCPHERSON SUITE 204 LAREDO, TEXAS 78041 (956) 727-6703 (956) 727-6813- Fax gz0010@att.com www.att.com

52 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

LMA Membership Directory 2009


“Los Dos Laredos" Local Organizations & Associations Association of Laredo Forwarding Agents, Inc. A.A. Ignacio Perez Keith - President 107 Calle del Norte Ste. 114 Laredo, Tx 78041 956-791-7690 956-724-3026 Fax www.alfaforwarders.org jenriquez@aduanet.net

Laredo Chamber of Commerce Miguel Conchas 2310 San Bernardo Ave Laredo, TX 78040 P.O. Box 790 Laredo, Texas 78042 (956) 722-9895 www.laredochamber.com

Laredo Development Foundation AMENLAC Asociación de Maquiladoras De Exportación de Nuevo Laredo A.C. Pedro Diaz Puerto, Presidente Tamaulipas. CP. 88270 (867) 719-1562 (867) 719-3552 Fax www.amenlac.org.mx/

Asociación de Agentes Aduanales de Nuevo Laredo, A.C. Santiago C. Arechiga, Presidente (867) 711-5803 presidente@aaanld.org www.aaanld.org

CANACINTRA Jaime Loera, Presidente González 2609 Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, 88000 Fuerza Aerea Mexicana No. 446 (867) 712-7244

CODEIN Nuevo Laredo Industrial Development Committee Idolina Hernández , Directora Reynosa #1413 3rd floor Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México 88000 52 (867) 712.3437 52 (867) 712.3470 Fax codein@prodigy.net.mx www.codein.org/ingles/default.asp

Roger Creery P.O. Box 2682 Laredo, Texas 78044-2682 (956) 722-0563 (956) 722-6247 Fax creey@Laredo-ldf.com

Laredo Licensed U.S. Customs Brokers Association Rafael Orduña, President 2310 San Bernardo Laredo, TX 78040 Mailing Address 1211 San Dario Ave PMB 720 (956) 725-2404 rorduna@americaslink.net

Logistics & Manufacturing Association Port Laredo Javier Garza, President P.O. Box 451391 Laredo, Texas 78045 (956) 712-1119 (956) 723-9922 Cell JavierG09@att.net

LMA Membership Directory 2009


Federal, State and Local Legislative Directory City Council

District IV

P.O. Box 579

Juan Narvaez Office: (956) 791-7389 Cellular: 286-7201 Fax: (956) 791-7314

1100 Houston Street Laredo, TX 78040 (956) 791-7389

District V District I Mike Garza Office: (956) 791-7389 Cell: (956) 473-9200

Johnny Rendon Office: (956) 791-7389 Cellular: 763-1953 Fax: 728-9545 district5@stx.rr.com

Fax: (956) 791-7314 mgarza@mikegarza.net

District II Hector "Tito" Garcia Office: (956) 791-7389 Cellular: (956) 337-8255 Fax: 791-7314

District III Dr. Michael Landeck Office: (956) 791-7389 Home: (956) 722-4728 Cellular: (956) 337-0667 Fax: (956) 722-6742 mlandeck@stx.rr.com

56 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

District VI Gene Belmares Office: (956) 791-7389 Cellular: (956) 285-2654 Fax: (956) 796-9633 council6@stx.rr.com

District VII Jose A. Valdez Jr. Cell # 236-3405 Fax # 791-7314 jvaldezj@stx.rr.com

District VIII Cindy Liendo Espinoza Office: (956) 791-7389 Cell: (956) 744-4439 Fax: (956) 791-7314 district8@stx.rr.com

City of Laredo, Mayor Raul G. Salinas, Mayor City Hall 1110 Houston Street Laredo, TX. 78040 Telephone: (956) 791-7389 Fax: (956) 791-7314 rgsalinas@ci.laredo.tx.us

City Manager Carlos R. Villarreal 1110 Houston St; Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 791-7302

Cónsul General de México en Laredo, Texas Miguel Angel Isidro Rodríguez 1612 Farragut St Laredo, TX 78040 (956) 723-6369 (956) 723-1741 consul@srelaredo.org

County Court At Law #1 Judge Alvino “Ben” Morales 1110 Victoria St. # 303 Laredo, TX 78040 (956) 523-4340 (956) 523-5058 Fax


County Court At Law #2 City Manager, Deputy Cynthia Collazo 1110 Houston St; Laredo, Texas 78040 (956)791-7302 ccollazo@ci.Laredo.tx.us

Judge Jesus “Chuy” Garza 1110 Victoria St. # 404 (956) 523-4332 (956) 523-5075 Fax

Commissioner's Court 1000 Houston St Laredo Texas 78040

City Secretary Gustavo Guevara Jr.

Precinct 1

1110 Houston St;

Honorable Frank Sciaraffa 1000 Houston St. 1st Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4660 (956) 523-5116 Fax

Laredo, Texas 78040 (956)791-7302 rsilva@ci.Laredo.tx.us

LMA Membership Directory 2009


Precinct 2

County Judge

Honorable Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina 1000 Houston St. 2nd Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4624 (956) 523-5080 Fax

Honorable Danny Valdez 1000 Houston St. 3rd Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4600 (956) 523-5065 Fax

Precinct 3

County Treasurer

Honorable Jerry Garza 1000 Houston St. 1st Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4625 (956) 523-4662 Fax

Delia Perales 110 Washington St. Suite 202 (956) 523-4150 (956) 523-5014 Fax

Precinct 4

Department of Homeland Security U.S. Customs & Border Protection Port Laredo

Honorable Sergio "Keko" Martinez 1000 Houston St. 1st Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4652 (956) 523-5064 Fax

County Attorney Ana Laura Ramirez 1110 Victoria St. Suite 404 Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4900 (956) 523-5054 Fax

Eugenio "Gene" Garza Jr. Port Director P.O. Box 3130 109 Shiloh Dr Laredo, TX 78045 (956) 523-7311 (956) 523-7313 Fax 1-800-Be-Alert eugenio.garza@dhs.gov

District Attorney County Clerk Honorable Margie Ramirez Ibarra 1110 Victoria St. Suite 201 Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4266 (956) 523-5035 Fax

58 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

Honorable Isidro R. Alaniz 1110 Victoria St. Suite 404 Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4900 (956) 523-5054 Fax

District Clerk

District Judge - 406 th

Honorable Manuel "Meme" Gutierrez

Honorable Oscar J. Hale Jr.

1110 Victoria St. Suite 203

1110 Victoria St. Suite 402

Laredo, Texas 78040

Laredo, Texas 78040

(956) 523-4268

(956) 523-4954

(956) 523-5063 Fax

(956) 523-5074 Fax

District Judge - 49 th Honorable Joe Lopez

Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 Place 1


Honorable Hector J. Liendo

1110 Victoria St. Suite 304

1110 Victoria St. Suite 106

Laredo, Texas 78040

Laredo, Texas 78040

(956) 523-4237

(956) 523-4295

(956) 523-5051 Fax

(956) 523-5056 Fax

District Judge - 111th Honorable Raul Vasquez

Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 Place 2

1110 Victoria St. Suite 301

Honorable Oscar Liendo

Laredo, Texas 78040

1110 Victoria St. Suite 103

(956) 523-4230

Laredo, Texas 78040

(956) 523-5088 Fax

(956) 523-4303 (956) 523-5057 Fax

District Judge - 341St Honorable Elma Teresa Salinas Ender 1110 Victoria St. Suite 302 Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 523-4325 (956) 523-5055 Fax

Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 Place 1 Honorable Ramiro Veliz 901 S. Milmo Laredo, Texas 78043 (956) 721-2502 (956) 718-8567 Fax

LMA Membership Directory 2009


Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 Place 2 Honorable Ricardo Rangel 901 S. Milmo Laredo, Texas 78043 (956) 791-6263 (956) 791-6462 Fax

State Governor Rick Perry P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711 (512) 463-2000 (512) 463-1849 http://governor.state.tx.us

State Lt. Governor Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 Honorable Alfredo Garcia P.O. Box 55 Oilton, Texas 78371 (361) 747-5481 (361) 747-5486 Fax

Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 Honorable Oscar Martinez 8501 San Dario Laredo, Texas 78045 (956) 721-2510 (956) 718-8561 Fax

Municipal Court Thomas L. Ochoa Administrator 4610 Maher Ave. Laredo, TX 78042 (956) 794-1680 (956) 717-3407 Fax tochoa@ci.laredo.tx.us

62 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

David Dewhurst 1200 Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701 (512) 463-0001 http://governor.state.tx.us

State Senator-District 21 Judith Zaffirini P.O. Box 627 Laredo, Texas 78042-0627 (956) 724-8379 • (956) 727-4448 www.judithzaffirini.com

State Representative - District 42 Richard Raymond 1110 Houston St., Third Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 753-7722 P.O. Box 290 Austin, Texas 78768 (512) 463-0558 Rraymond@aol.com www.richardraymond.com

Texas Department of Transportation Raul Leal Public Information Officer Laredo District Office 1817 Bob Bullock Loop Laredo, Texas 78043 (956) 712-7416 • (956) 229-9049 Cell (956) 712-7768 Fax rleal5@dot.state.tx.us www.txdot.gov

U.S. Congressman - District 28 Henry Cuellar, PhD 602 E. Calton Road, Suite 2 Laredo, Texas 78041 (956) 725-0639 (956) 725-2647 Fax henry.cuellar@mail.house.gov

U.S. District Judge Federal Court Micaela Alvarez 904 Juarez Laredo, Texas 78040 (956) 726-2242

U.S. District Judge Federal Court George P. Kazen P.O. Box 1060 Laredo, Texas 78042-1060 (956) 726-2237 (956) 726-2349 Fax

U.S. Magistrate Judge J. Scott Hacker 1300 Victoria Street Suite 2276, Courtroom 2B (956) 790-1750 (956) 794-1756 Fax

U. S. Consulate Consul General David Stone P.O. Box 3089 Laredo, Texas 78044 3330 Allende St, Colonia Jardin Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., México 88000 (867) 714-3954 StoneDL@state.gov nuevolaredo.usconsulate.gov

U.S. Magistrate Judge Diana Saldaña 1300 Victoria Street Suite 2317, Courtroom 2C (956) 790-1381 • (956) 794-1027

LMA Membership Directory 2009


U.S. Senator

U.S. Senator

John Cornyn

Kay Bailey Hutchinson

517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.

284 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Washington, DC 20510-4304

Main: 202-224-2934


Fax: 202-228-2856

202-224-0776 (FAX)


202-224-5903 (TDD) http://hutchison.senate.gov/

México Government Governor of Nuevo León José Natividad González Parás

Presidente Municipal de Nuevo Laredo

Palacio de Gobierno, Planta Alta

Ramón Garza Barrios

Calle Zaragoza esq. 5 de Mayo, Zona centro.

Guerrero 1500 Sector Ctr

64000 Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. 88000 México


Contact: Maribel Garza Gonzalez

011-52-81-83-44-98-77 Fax

Asuntos Binaciones


Office in Laredo Texas


City Hall 2nd Floor 1110 Houston St.

Governor of Tamaulipas

Laredo, TX 78041

Eugenio Hernández Flores

(956) 791-7464

Palacio de Gobierno, 3er piso


15 y 16 Juarez


Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas CP 87000 011-52-834-31-8-87-00 011-52-834-31-8-87-01 Fax gobernador@tamaulipas.gob.mx www.tamaulipas.gob.mx 66 L M A M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 9

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