TO 4,000 HOMES
Cuellar, FOX News feud Congressman questions border security report; reporter fires back By ANDREW KREIGHBAUM THE ZAPATA TIMES
One of the most conservative Democrats in Congress has come under repeated fire from a FOX News personality for his criticism of two retired generals’ assessment of border security. The tough questioning Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, direct-
ed at Gen. Barry McCaffrey and Major Gen. Bob Scales led to an angry denunciation by “On the Record” host Greta Van Susteren of what she said were personal attacks. Days later, a Cuellar campaign staffer sent an email to supporters highlighting the criticism in a fundraising email. That prompted a post on Van Susteren’s blog late last week ac-
cusing Cuellar, an outspoken Blue Dog Democrat, of trying to “leverage his bad behavior into getting money.” McCaffrey and Scales released an assessment of Texas border security in late September, sparking a round of media coverage and protests from elected officials on the border, including Laredo Mayor Raul Salinas. Among
the report’s conclusions, the generals found conditions in many border communities were “tantamount to living in a war zone.” The report got new legs after the generals were called to testify before a House Homeland Security Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee. That was where Cuellar questioned the fundamental conclu-
sions of the report, pointing to lower murder rates in border cities such as Laredo, El Paso and McAllen than in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. He also asked who was interviewed for the report and what data was used. Scales said “maybe 30” people
Center to open in 2012 By MIKE HERRERA IV THE ZAPATA TIMES
Photo by Ulysses S. Romero | The Zapata Times
Big Buck Country (KRRG FM-98.1) announcer Gill Ray interviews Daniel, a Make-A-Wish Foundation participant, during the Make-A-Wish Radiothon held at Mall del Norte on Friday.
Feds arrest 2 alleged Gulf Cartel chiefs By JASON BUCH SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS
Two alleged Gulf Cartel leaders arrested last week in South Texas were most likely hiding out north of the border to avoid the extreme violence caused by warring cartels in Mexico, analysts said. These cartel capos are potential gold mines of information for law enforcement, but the schisms they’re fleeing may have spilled into the U.S. in two recent incidents, they said. And the demise of these bosses works to the benefit of their opponents across the river.
Border Patrol agents on Thursday arrested Eudoxio Ramos Garcia, 34, at a house in Rio Grande City. Ramos is the Gulf Cartel’s former plaza boss, or regional commander, for the Mexican border city of Miguel Alemán, according to court documents. He’d been living in the U.S. only for a few days, paying $500 to cross the border illegally because his visa expired, according to court documents. The day before, agents near the river in Santa Maria arrested Juse Luis Zuñiga Hernandez on a weapons charge. Court documents don’t indicate his position within the cartel, but a for-
mer top official at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said agents think Zuñiga was at one point the plaza boss for Matamoros, across the Rio Grande from Brownsville. “He’s a major player,” said Alonzo Peña, ICE’s former deputy director. “I think he would come across whenever things got hot over there. … He had several locations where he’d get refuge, safe houses, but nothing permanent here in the U.S.” All this comes on the heels of the Oct. 21 arrest of Rafael Cardenas Vela, the 38-year-old nephew of jailed Gulf leader Osiel Cardenas Guillen and allegedly
an important player in the cartel. It’s common for people from all walks of life in the border region to move back and forth across the river, and drug traffickers are no exception, said Scott Stewart, vice president of tactical intelligence for Austinbased global intelligence firm Stratfor. Narcos often flee to the U.S. when things get hot in Mexico, Stewart said, and right now the Gulf Cartel is engaged in a war with its former enforcers, the Zetas, as well as dealing with internal strife pitting two powerful factions against each other.
Five years of work finally come to fruition this January. The Zapata County Technical and Advanced Education Center opens its physical and technological doors to area students for Spring 2012, its inaugural semester. Development of this multimillion dollar facility, located at the corner of Highway 83 and 7th Street, hasn’t always been easy, but to County Judge Joseph Rathmell, it was worth it. “Looks like after all the work we’ve done, it’s really coming around,” he said. “We’re really excited for the residents to have higher educational opportunities in Zapata.” At one point a project of Zapata County Independent School District, the proposal that was to become ZTAC almost got nixed in 2006. In 2007, the Zapata County Commissioners’ Court picked it up and ran with it, said Precinct 1 Commissioner Jose Vela. “We decided it was something well suited to the community. Students would be able to take classes without traveling,” said Vela. The project then attracted $2.5 million in grants: $1.5 million from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, and another $1 million from a Texas rural development initiative. Still, even after the facility was completed, one issue remained. “We still needed to secure the infrastructure to supply distance learning,” Vela said. He credited ZTAC dean Dr. David Brown with arranging a three-year financing arrangement with Cisco Systems. To come up with the
Zin brief CALENDAR
Saturday, Nov. 5
A book sale will be held in the Widener Room of the First United Methodist Church, 1220 McClelland Ave., from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The public is invited, and admission is free. Donated books and magazines are accepted. Call 722-1674 for more information. The first-ever Laredo UFO Conference will take place in Texas A&M International University’s Recital Hall from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. today. Registration is $20 general admission advanced purchase and $25 on the day of the event. This conference is not recommended for children younger than 13. For more information, contact Margarita Araiza at 727-0977 or or visit http:// The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 2011 Hope Gala presents Craig A. Meyer and the Rocket Band, an Elton John tribute band, from 6:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. today at the Laredo Country Club, 1415 Country Club Drive. Proceeds will benefit research to find a cure for juvenile diabetes research. For ticket information, call Letty Garcia at 712-2900. The Texas A&M International University Teachers’ Club will host “Saturday Story Hour” today at the Laredo Public Library main branch, 1120 East Calton Road, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Today’s story is “Reading.” “Saturday Story Hour” is for children ages 3-8. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, contact Sandra Garrett at 326-2678. The fifth annual Veteran Services Awareness Fair is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in the Billy Hall Student Center. More than 15 agencies will provide information and assistance on programs available for veterans from Webb, Zapata, and Jim Hogg counties. Admission is free and open to the public. The Girl Scouts will have “A day of Girl Scouting” from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at the Laredo Girl Scout Service Center, 701 N. Stone Ave. Learn what the Girl Scouts are all about. For more information, call 7237251 or 723-2430.
Today is Saturday, Nov. 5, the 309th day of 2011. There are 56 days left in the year. A reminder: Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday local time. Clocks move back one hour. Today’s Highlight in History: On Nov. 5, 1911, aviator Calbraith P. Rodgers arrived in Pasadena, Calif., completing the first transcontinental airplane trip in 49 days. On this date: In 1605, the “Gunpowder Plot” failed as Guy Fawkes was seized before he could blow up the English Parliament. In 1811, El Salvador gave its “First Shout of Independence” against Spanish rule. In 1911, singing cowboy star Roy Rogers was born Leonard Slye in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term in office as he defeated Republican challenger Wendell L. Willkie. In 1968, Richard M. Nixon won the presidency, defeating Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and American Independent candidate George C. Wallace. In 1974, Ella T. Grasso was elected governor of Connecticut, becoming the first woman to win a gubernatorial office without succeeding her husband. In 1985, Spencer W. Kimball, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, died at age 90; he was succeeded by Ezra Taft Benson. In 1990, Rabbi Meir Kahane (meh-EER’ kah-HAH’-nuh), the Brooklyn-born Israeli extremist, was shot to death at a New York hotel. (Egyptian native El Sayyed Nosair was convicted of the slaying in federal court.) In 1991, death claimed publishing magnate Robert Maxwell at age 68 and actor Fred MacMurray at age 83. In 2009, a shooting rampage at the Fort Hood Army post in Texas left 13 people dead; Maj. Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, was charged with premeditated murder and attempted murder. Ten years ago: Hurricane Michelle swept past the Bahamas with 85 mile-an-hour winds, flooding houses and cutting power. Roy Boulting, who with his late twin brother, John, produced some of postwar Britain’s most enduring films, died in Eynsham, England, at age 87. Five years ago: Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced by the Iraqi High Tribunal to hang for crimes against humanity. Former Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit died in Ankara at age 81. Today’s Birthdays: Actress Elke Sommer is 71. Singer Art Garfunkel is 70. Actorplaywright Sam Shepard is 68. Singer Peter Noone is 64. Singer Bryan Adams is 52. Actress Tatum O’Neal is 48. Actor Sam Rockwell is 43. Actor Sam Page is 35. Actor Jeremy Lelliott is 29. Rock musician Kevin Jonas (The Jonas Brothers) is 24. Thought for Today: “Imagination is the only key to the future. Without it none exists — with it all things are possible.” — Ida M. Tarbell, American journalist (18571944).
Monday, Nov. 7 Paralympic athletes from Brooks Army Medical Center will demonstrate and discuss the benefits of adapted sports at the Adaptive Sports Experience from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. today in the Texas A&M International University Kinesiology Convocation Building. The event is presented by Jennifer Cooper, United States Olympic Committee, Paralympic Division; Jen Yung Lee, retired U.S. Army, National Sled Hockey goalkeeper; and Kate Callahan, retired U.S. Air Force, National Field thrower. For more information, contact Dan Lathey at 326-2892 or The Texas A&M International University Rec Center will have free Fitness Nutrition Sessions on Mondays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Room 128. Sessions are open to the public. The nutritionist will provide presentations, handouts and cooking demonstrations. Each class will offer optional body fat and body water percentage measurements. For more information, contact Denise Schuster at 326-3017 or
Tuesday, Nov. 8 The TAMIU Small Business Development Center will host the Anatomy of a Business Plan workshop in Zapata from 2-4 p.m. at the Zapata County Courthouse, suite 248. Fee for the seminar is $20. To register, call 956-326-2827 or email Michael Shermer, the second speaker in Laredo Community College’s Distinguished Speaker Series, will explore the weird and unexplained at 6:30 p.m. today in the Guadalupe and Lilia Martinez Fine Arts Center theater, at LCC’s Fort McIntosh campus. The presentation is free and open to the public, but tickets is required because seating is limited. Tickets are available now on a first-come, first-served basis at the Office of Student Life at the Fort McIntosh and South campuses. For more information on the series, contact the Office of Student Life at 721-5179.
Wednesday, Nov. 9 The United States section of the International Boundary and Water Commission will hold an informational meeting from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Roma Community Center, 502 6th St. Falcon Dam will be discussed. The meeting is free and open to the public.
Photo by Chris Sherman | AP
Hillary Adams, daughter of Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams, walks outside her mother’s home in Portland on Wednesday. Adams says she feels some regret about posting online video of her father lashing her with a belt several years ago, but that she hopes it forces him to get help.
McALLEN — Federal prosecutors agreed Friday to look into a video that shows a judge lashing his teenage daughter with a belt, a police chief said a day after authorities said too much time had passed to consider state charges. Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe said he discussed the 2004 video of Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams beating his then 16-year-old daughter with a prosecutor from the U.S. attorney’s Corpus Christi office. “There was nothing that we discussed briefly this morning that to him would indicate there could be any federal involvement, but that he had seen the video and they would look into it,” Jayroe said. Hillary Adams, now 23, posted the clip on
Charges dropped against fugitive in 4-decade case HOUSTON — A Texas judge has dismissed a murder charge against an ailing elderly woman who had been arrested by authorities last month after spending four decades as a fugitive accused of killing her husband by dousing him with hot grease. The murder charge against 76year-old Mary Ann Rivera was dismissed on Friday by state District Judge Mary Lou Keel.
Texas delays action on stem cell therapy rules AUSTIN — The Texas state medical board is delaying until at least April a final vote on new stem cell therapy rules that could restrict or even block procedures like the one Gov. Rick Perry recently had on his aching back. Its members voiced support for the changes Friday before voting to return next year to tweak the proposed regulations.
YouTube last week that shows her father lashing her with a belt and trying to force her to bend over her bed to be beaten despite her pleas to stop. The clip had received more than 4 million views by Friday. U.S. attorney’s office spokeswoman Angela Dodge said no federal charges had been filed Friday. Aransas County District Attorney Patrick Flanigan said Thursday he would not pursue charges against William Adams because the statute of limitations on charges such as injury to a child expired after five years. “I would expect that yeah, charges would have been pursued but for the inability to proceed due to the statute of limitations,” Flanigan said Friday. “You know, whether that would have been a felony or a misdemeanor charge I can’t say, but I think there would’ve been some action pursued.”
The proposed rules require an accredited body to review stemcell procedures to ensure patient safety. Such therapies would also have to be done by physicians while adhering to Texas and federal laws. Procedures without the review would be prohibited. The Republican presidential candidate had stem cells taken from his fat and then grown in a lab injected into his back and bloodstream during a July operation fusing part of his spine.
Homeless baby taken from Occupy Dallas camp DALLAS — State child welfare officials say they have taken a 9month-old boy from his homeless parents at an Occupy Dallas camp. Child Protective Services spokeswoman Marissa Gonzales says the baby was taken into state custody Thursday and his parents, a homeless couple, were being interviewed.
Broker gets 17-year sentence in fraud scheme Dallas man freed after 14 years for sexual assault AUSTIN — The former CEO of a Texas-based investment firm was sentenced to 17 years in prison Friday for a scheme that used former NFL players to bilk hundreds of investors out of more than $50 million. Kurt Branham Barton, the former head of Triton Financial, was convicted in August on 39 counts, including wire fraud and money laundering. The charges could have carried up to life in prison.
DALLAS — A man who spent 14 years in prison for refusing to admit he sexually assaulted his stepdaughter was set free Friday. The case had been unraveling since the victim recanted and former prosecutors were accused of withholding evidence. State District Judge Susan Hawk told Dale Lincoln Duke, 60, it was a “privilege” to release him. — Compiled from AP reports
AROUND THE NATION Tempers flare over 6 days of Conn. power outages
HARTFORD, Conn. — Tempers are flaring six days into an epic power outage that has roughly 300,000 Connecticut customers in the dark after a Northeast snowstorm. Residents have been lashing out at the state’s largest utility for taking so long to restore electricity after snow-laden branches brought down wires across the region last weekend. Connecticut Light & Power urges angry customers to stop threatening and harassing repair crews.
Publisher, William B. Green........................728-2501 Business Manager, Dora Martinez ...... (956) 324-1226 General Manager, Adriana Devally ...............728-2510 Retail Adv. Manager, Raul Cruz................... 728-2511 Classified Manager, Jesse Vicharreli ........... 728-2525 Adv. Billing Inquiries ................................. 728-2531 Circulation Director ................................. 728-2559 MIS Director, Michael Castillo.................... 728-2505 Managing Editor, Julie Silva ...................... 728-2565 City Editor, Mary Nell Sanchez .................. 728-2543 Sports Editor, Dennis Silva II......................728-2579 Entertainment Editor, Emilio Rábago III ....... 728-2564 Spanish Editor, Melva Lavín-Castillo............ 728-2569 Photo by Steven Senne | AP
Stocks slide ahead of confidence vote in Greece
Protesters participating in an Occupy Boston march display banners and a mask in front of the Statehouse in Boston on Wednesday. The march was held to protest the nation’s growing student debt burden.
NEW YORK — Investors were taking few chances Friday while waiting for a confidence vote in Greece on the country’s embattled prime minister. Stocks fell on concerns the country might not go through with an austerity
program needed to prevent a default on its debt. The Dow Jones closed down 61 points Friday and fell 2 percent for the week. Europe’s debt problems were the main focus for investors this week. Stocks plunged Monday
and Tuesday after Prime Minister George Papandreou shocked investors with an announcement he would put the country’s austerity plan to a public vote. He backed away from the plan, but investors are still unnerved. — Compiled from AP reports
SUBSCRIPTIONS/DELIVERY (956) 728-2555 The Zapata Times is distributed on Saturdays to 4,000 households in Zapata County. For subscribers of the Laredo Morning Times and for those who buy the Laredo Morning Times at newsstands, the Zapata Times is inserted. The Zapata Times is free. The Zapata Times is published by the Laredo Morning Times, a division of The Hearst Corporation, P.O. Box 2129, Laredo, Texas 78044. Phone (956) 728-2500. The Zapata office is at 1309 N. U.S. Hwy. 83 at 14th Avenue, Suite 2, Zapata, TX 78076. Call (956) 765-5113 or e-mail
3 seizures yield 1.6 tons of pot By CÉSAR G. RODRIGUEZ THE ZAPATA TIMES
Courtesy photo
Jennifer Olson, left, and Michael Harkins, right, representatives for Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc., presented information about programs the coop sponsors to the Zapata County Retired School Employees at the October meeting. At center is Dahlia Lopez, president of the retired school employees.
Beginning this spring, higher education is coming to the city of Zapata as Laredo Community College offers by teleconference several college-level academic courses at the Zapata County Technical and Advanced Education Center. These courses, which are part of the core curriculum for students who want to earn certificates or associate’s degrees at LCC, or a bachelor’s degree at a university, will be transmitted from LCC’s Fort McIntosh and South campuses to the ZTAC using teleconferencing technology. All of LCC’s core courses can transfer to any Texas college or university and most other schools. Among the courses to be offered are history, English, government and math. “For years, Laredo Community College has provided adult education, English as a second language and GED courses in Zapata. We are pleased to extend the benefits of a higher education to the citizens of Zapata through this new and dynamic partnership with
For years, Laredo Community College has provided adult education, English as a second language and GED courses in Zapata. We are pleased to extend the benefits of a higher education to the citizens of Zapata through this new and dynamic partnership with the Zapata County Technical and Advanced Education Center.” LCC VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTRUCTION DIANNA MILLER
the Zapata County Technical and Advanced Education Center,” said Dianna Miller, LCC’s vice president for instruction. The spring semester will be Jan. 17 through May 4. Prospective students must go through LCC’s admissions process to be able to register for the courses. Advising is now available year-round, and online registration through LCC’s PASPort system began Wednesday. For more information about advising, call the Student Success Center at 721-5135. For information about admissions and registration, call the Enrollment and Registration Ser-
vices Center at 721-5109. In addition to the teleconference courses, LCC’s Continuing Education Department plans to offer some courses to the residents of Zapata through face-to-face courses at the ZTAC in the spring. Courses in computers and certification for food management, occupational safety and hazardous materials will be some of the topics to be covered. For more information, call the Continuing Education Department at the LCC South Campus at 7944520. (Monica McGettrick is the public relations specialist for LCC)
Clinics for the indigent scheduled for next week THE ZAPATA TIMES
Free medical clinics for the indigent will be held this week in Zapata and El Cenizo. Registration for the clinics begins at 8 a.m. Monday and runs through Friday at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall in Zapata. Registration for the El Ce-
nizo clinics, to be held Thursday and Friday, also begins at 8 a.m. at Santa Monica Mission.
Open to all The clinics are open to those who wish to receive medical checkups, and dental, vision and spiritual
care, according to the Diocese of Laredo, which is sponsoring the clinics along with Catholic Social Services. The clinics will be run by volunteers, including doctors and nurses, of the Medical Missionaries of Divine Mercy from Houston-Galveston. For more information, contact 956-722-2443.
Events honoring vets scheduled SPECIAL TO THE TIMES
In honor of Veterans Day, an effort to raise awareness about the accomplishments of wounded warrior athletes and the overall benefits of adapted sports programs, Texas A&M International University will host a variety of events on campus Monday and Tuesday. On Monday, TAMIU welcomes guests from Brooks Army Medical Center to demonstrate and discuss the benefits of adapted sports programs at the “Adaptive Sports Experi-
ence” from 1:30 – 3 p.m. at the Kinesiology Convocation Building. Physical education teachers, school administrators, fitness and sports students, city officials and anyone interested in developing an adapted sports program are invited to watch accomplished Paralympic athletes discuss the benefits of developing adapted sports programs. On Tuesday, TAMIU will host a Veterans Appreciation Breakfast, from 8:30 – 10 a.m. in the University Success Center, room 101. The breakfast is held to honor TAMIU student vet-
erans along with faculty, staff and community veterans for their sacrifice to our nation. Monday’s guests from the Brooks Army Medical Center will remain in Laredo to present a screening of the award-winning documentary “Warrior Champions” at 7 p.m. in the Student Center Theater, room 236. The award-winning documentary is a powerful film that “tells the emotional and inspiring story of a group of severely wounded American soldiers as they fight to turn nightmares of war into Paralympic dreams.” The event is free.
Federal forces seized approximately 1.6 tons of marijuana in three different seizures in a couple of border towns over last weekend, according to representatives of the Procuraduría General de la República or PGR, Mexico’s attorney general, assigned to the Tamaulipas state in Mexico, on Tuesday. The first seizure occurred when Mexican troops patrolled the vicinity of Calle Cuarta near Eulalio González and Álvaro Obregón in the Miguel Alemán downtown area, across from Roma. Soldiers found a building without an address number and proceeded to check on it. A PGR report states soldiers found one bundle of marijuana in a trash can in that area. A further inspection of the location yielded 73 bundles with a green leafy substance. The contraband weighed approximately 1,161.84 pounds. Soldiers made a second seizure while patrolling during the day at a ranch south of Ciudad Camargo, the Tamaulipas town that borders Rio Grande City. Troops found an additional 253.53 pounds of marijuana packaged in eight bundles spread in the brush area of Rancho Buenavista in Comales. Finally, troops seized 2,105.41 pounds of mari-
juana hidden in an underground cave located near a baseball field in Los Guerra, a municipality of Miguel Alemán. A PGR report states an anonymous tip alerted soldiers to the field. Federal forces received reports of unknown men loading vehicles with marijuana. In total, authorities seized approximately 3520.78 pounds of marijuana. All contraband seized was turned over to federal officials for an investigation. Also on Tuesday, army personnel announced they rescued 15 kidnapped people in Nuevo Laredo as part of Operation Northeast, enforcement actions to deter organized criminal activity in northern Tamaulipas. On Oct. 31, troops patrolling near Privada Esmeralda arrested a man, alleged to be the stash house operator where 15 Honduran nationals were held against their wills. Authorities did not identify the alleged offender on the report. They say he was turned over to federal authorities for prosecution. (César G. Rodriguez may be reached at 7282568 or
Mission to help those with medical needs C
ollaboration is a word that resonates strongly in the success of any organization whether in the church or in the secular world. In two days, I will witness feats accomplished by individuals collaborating with the Diocese of Laredo by choosing to do small things with great love. By making the common good a priority, hundreds of people from Laredo and beyond will succeed in accomplishing a specific achievement. Beginning Monday a group of individuals, churches and businesses will combine their efforts to help those in need through the second Diocese of Laredo Catholic Social Services Medical Mission in collaboration with the Divine Mercy Medical Missionaries from Sugarland to provide free medical, dental and vision care. This year the mission will be held at the San Luis Rey Parish Hall in Laredo, at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Zapata and at Santa Monica Mission in El Cenizo. Undoubtedly, a lasting impression will be left in the hearts of those served by the genuine offerings of these amazing doctors, dentists, nurses and caregivers. During this challenging economic climate, individuals and families of meager means find it difficult to access quality healthcare. The third annual Medical Mission spans five days and helps those most in need with health checkups, oral hygiene care and countless additional services — all free of charge. In the spirit of generosity and collaboration, a group of doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, assistants and volunteers from Laredo and Houston will dedicate their time, talents and treasure for this weeklong free health clinic. The Medical Missionaries of Divine Mercy from Sugarland travel to Laredo and collaborate with Catholic Social Services in order to attend to the medical needs of people in our community. This group of medical practitioners gives willingly and unselfishly. Each of these healthcare professionals funds their trip by underwriting every cost imaginable for an endeavor such as this. One doctor will go as far as to close his Sugarland practice for the week and to pay for his entire staff to accompany him on this journey of goodwill and care. This special project
helps realize a dream that began last year for the staff of the Diocese of Laredo Catholic Social Services. This is something more than just a medical mission. Beginning Monday, the Medical Mission will start with a Mass, followed by the doctors attending to the visual, dental and medical needs of our people. In addition to the daily Mass, every day will begin and end with a prayer session in which the healthcare professionals thank God for the gifts and abilities bestowed upon them, which can be of benefit to the physical well-being of the patient. The concern for the individual’s physical health is also matched with a genuine concern for the individual’s spiritual well being. Every evening of the week, a spiritual mission will also be held to include Holy Mass and an opportunity for confession as well as reception of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Every night will be spent praying for loved ones troubled in mind, body and spirit. This, too, is a reflection of the spiritual focus the Medical Missionaries of Divine Mercy and the Diocese of Laredo Catholic Social Services maintain. What these people do flows from their love of God and their love of neighbor. The spiritual mission reminds everyone that it’s just as important to have a healthy soul as it is to have a healthy mind and body. This endeavor once more elevates the spirit of hope that all things are possible through God and when we collaborate together. This, too, reminds me of the words our Lord Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). And He is among us when we witness His compassion, mercy and love in all those who will give of their time, talents and treasure. May the Divine Physician’s healing touch be felt. Todo Con Amor.
Friday is Nov. 11 — Veterans Day. This year, it is also a once-a-century numerical curiosity — 11-1111. As fans of the film “This Is Spinal Tap” know, that makes it Nigel Tufnel Day. The movie is a spoof documentary — a “rockumentary” — about a fictitious heavy metal band whose claim to fame is its loudness. In one memorable scene, Nigel, its slightly-addled lead guitarist, explains the secret of the band’s legendary sound. “The numbers all go to 11,” Tufnel says, pointing to the knobs on an amplifier. “Right across the board — 11, 11, 11.” Most amplifiers only go up to 10. So does that mean the amplifiers Spinal Tap uses are louder than those of other bands? “Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it?” “This Is Spinal Tap” is a fictional comedy. But President Obama and Democrats in Congress have for three years pursued a realworld 11-11-11 plan that pays homage to Nigel’s
confused understanding of acoustics, one that presumes that if they can only crank the federal government up one louder, all the nation’s problems will be solved. It began with the socalled economic stimulus of 2009, a $61 billion proposal that ballooned into an $800 billion monstrosity — the largest spending bill in history. Stimulus fans claimed this unprecedented volume of federal spending was critical to keeping the unemployment rate under 8 percent. That was at a time when the unemployment rate was 7.8 percent. It went as high as 10.1 percent, and remains fixed at or above 9 percent. The stimulus never delivered the jobs its supporters promised. It did give a small group of people Internet access, at a cost of $349,234 per household. It did pay to give iPods to every student and iPads to every teacher at a Utah high school. And it did provide loan guarantees to a politically connected solar panel manufacturer, Solyndra, which
recently went belly-up with $535 million in taxpayer money. Next came Obamacare in 2010, a massive federal intervention in the health care industry that accounts for about one-sixth of the nation’s gross domestic product. Again, government groupies said the $2.6 trillion health care bill was essential to reduce costs and, as the president promised, would “lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year.” No surprise — exactly the opposite is true. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a forecast in July showing health care spending over the next decade will actually grow at a slightly higher rate than if the “reform” plan had not passed, while the Kaiser Family Foundation’s annual survey of insurance premiums found the cost for family plans had gone up by 9 percent from 2010, when Obamacare was enacted, to 2011. These two signature accomplishments of Democratic-controlled govern-
ment contributed to record-setting outlays and record-setting deficits. Federal spending has grown from 20.7 percent of gross domestic product in 2008 to 25.3 percent last year, its largest share since the end of World War II. During this time of economic austerity when everyone — including government — supposedly has to tighten their belts, Nigel Tufnel Democrats continue trying to turn the knobs up to 11. Federal spending for fiscal year 2011, at $3.6 trillion, is still up 4 percent over 2010. And the president is seriously trying to force through a $447 billion stimulus 2.0. Where does it all end? In the real world, when you push spending, deficits and debt to record levels — 11, 11, 11, right across the board — the national fuses blow and the music of prosperity ends. When it does, you’re left with a country in fiscal crisis that looks a lot like Greece does today. But, as Nigel might say, ”That’s just nitpicking, isn’t it?” (Email:
Election agency needs reform NEW YORK TIMES
Congress rarely remembers that it is responsible for overseeing the Federal Election Commission — the party-hack-ridden agency that enables campaign abuses. The House elec-
tions subcommittee has now summoned commission members to a rare hearing about its work. Rather than a grilling, it’s more likely to be a meetand-greet smile among professional backslappers. The need for a vigilant FEC has never been great-
er as the nation enters the most money-drenched campaign in history, thanks to the new “super PAC” bundlers and the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision blessing unlimited corporate donations. Congress should be reforming the agency and
President Barack Obama should be challenging Congress to do it. The FEC needs commissioners who don’t owe their positions to either party. The president can drive the issue by proposing independent appointees to the Senate to replace lame-duck members.
Michael Morton was set free last month after spending 25 years in a Texas prison for a murder he did not commit. Morton would still be languishing behind bars had his lawyers not discovered new DNA evidence that incriminates a man with criminal convictions in several states. The extraordinary outcome of the Morton case and the pivotal role played by DNA evidence appear to have gone unnoticed by a different set of Texas prosecutors — those handling the case of
Henry W. Skinner, who is scheduled to be executed Nov. 9. Skinner was convicted in 1995 of murdering his girlfriend and her two grown children. But key pieces of evidence were not tested. Skinner argued that testing this evidence could prove another man committed the crimes. The state court judge overseeing the case should put the execution on hold and order the testing. We oppose capital punishment, but for all anyone knows, the results could prove that Skinner is guilty. The state should want this proof before it puts a man to death.
The Zapata Times does not publish anonymous letters. To be published, letters must include the writer’s first and last names as well as a phone number to verify identity. The
phone number IS NOT published; it is used solely to verify identity and to clarify content, if necessary. Identity of the letter writer must be verified before publication. We want to assure our
readers that a letter is written by the person who signs the letter. The Zapata Times does not allow the use of pseudonyms. Letters are edited for style, grammar, length and civility. No name-call-
ing or gratuitous abuse is allowed. Via e-mail, send letters to or mail them to Letters to the Editor, 111 Esperanza Drive, Laredo, TX 78041.
Courtesy photo
This bag found on a ranch Tuesday contained about 13 pounds of marijuana, authorities said.
Rancher finds bag of pot A ranch owner was in for a scary surprise on All Hallows’ Eve when he found a black bag full of marijuana. Deputies responded to a call at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at a ranch located in the outskirts of the town of Zapa-
ta, south of Texas 16. According to Sgt. Mario Elizondo, an anonymous tipster led deputies to a black bag that was apparently abandoned. Elizondo said the bag contained small cellophanewrapped packages contain-
ing the contraband. The approximate weight of the pot was 13 pounds. The marijuana had a street value of $6,500. An investigation is ongoing. (César G. Rodriguez may be reached at 728-2568 or
THE BLOTTER ASSAULT Deputies went out to a fight in progress at 1:20 a.m. Oct. 30 at the Aqua Restaurant & Bar, 178 S. U.S. 83. On arrival, a 21year-old woman said Yesenia Esquivel had assaulted her. Esquivel, 27, was cited for assault. An assault family violence incident was reported at 11:23 p.m. Monday in the 1600 block of Third Street.
equipment was stolen from the oil field yard. A man reported at 5:15 p.m. Monday in the 2200 block of Carla Street that someone stole some tires.
my at approximately 2:20 p.m. Oct. 29 near Third Street and Bravo Avenue. The woman was taken to the Zapata County Jail, where she was held on a $5,000 bond.
UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE Clarissa Anne Garcia, 23, was arrested and charged with unauthorized use of a red 2000 GMC Jim-
BURGLARY A woman called deputies at 8:24 a.m. Oct. 28 in the 1400 block of Third Street in the Medina Addition. An incident report states the offender stole a car radio. A burglary of a habitation was reported at 2:53 a.m. Oct. 30 in the 200 block of Irene Drive.
CELL PHONE INCIDENT A lost/stolen cell phone report was filed at 9:22 p.m. Monday at the Paradise Amusement Center on U.S. 83.
EGGED VEHICLE A woman called deputies at 2:43 p.m. Monday from the 100 block of Santa Maria Avenue to report that her vehicle was egged by a person she knows.
EVADING ARREST Alberto Javier Garcia, 18, was arrested and charged with evading arrest with a motor vehicle in the vicinity of Morales Road at about 6 a.m. Oct. 30. In addition, Garcia was served with a warrant charging him with possession of a controlled substance. The man was held on a $30,000 combined bond at the Zapata Regional Jail.
POSSESSION A juvenile was found in possession of marijuana at about 7:45 p.m. Monday in the 200 block of Mango Drive. The alleged offender was turned over to the juvenile probation office.
RECKLESS DRIVER Clarissa Marlen Muñoz, 26, was arrested and charged with reckless driving at about 3:45 p.m. Oct. 31 in the 2000 block of Kennedy Street. The woman was taken to the Zapata County Jail and held on a $5,000 bond.
THEFT A representative of South Texas Wellhead Services, 3042 U.S. 83, reported at 7:42 p.m. Oct. 29 that
ZAPATA COUNTY RECYCLING DEPARTMENT is NOW Accepting Plastic, Aluminum Cans & Tin Cans. NO Glass Containers Drop Off at 2505 North U.S. Highway 83 Between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday NO DUMPING AFTER HOURS! For more information, call 765-5679 This is A Volunteer Basis Let’s Save Our Landfill! The Recycling Department Has Collected $21,454.55 and 262,248 Pounds of Cardboard For This Last Year!
Kayak races start at noon By MIKE HERRERA IV THE ZAPATA TIMES
Gym rats are invited to drop the dumbbells and try some outdoor exercise today as the Big River Foundation hosts the Rey Del Rio Race. “The idea is to get people already active in Laredo out to try something new,” said Carla Echavarria, event coordinator and tour guide for Big River. She’s quick to point out that this event is not just for hard bodies. “It’s aimed at them, but it’s not just for them. Anyone can join. It won’t be that competitive.” The race will follow the same course as the community race put on as part of last month’s Rio Fest. Kayakers, who can race alone or with a partner, will start at Father McNaboe Park and end eight miles later at the riverbank near downtown. “It could take an hour and a half to finish if you don’t stop paddling,” Echavarria said. Events of this type represent just a small portion of what Big River does. The organization also provides educational excursions and research opportunities for local schools, all part of treating this generation’s “nature deficit disorder,” as Chairman Stephen Kaczor calls it in an article from Latin American Investor. The article highlights Big River’s multidisciplinary watershed ecology efforts, which go well beyond Laredo. The organization currently works to raise awareness of Central America’s last remaining kingdom, the Tjër Di Naso. This indigenous Panamanian tribe depends on the Rio Teribe, but a three-dam proposal by a Columbian energy company threatens the Naso’s way of life. Big River is helping produce a documentary on the tribe and its current predicament. Though many might take it for granted, Laredo still has a river to enjoy, and Echavarria encourages the fitness-minded to do just that. “Go outside the gym walls. It’s good exercise. It’s fun and relaxing at the same time.” Registration for the Rey Del Rio race is $30 per person, which includes the kayak rental. Anyone interested can call Eric Ellman at 236-4985. The race starts at noon, but participants are encouraged to meet at Father McNaboe Park as early as 10:30 a.m. for warm ups and preliminary instruction. A free barbecue will follow the race. (Mike Herrera IV can be reached at 728-2567 or
LAS VEGAS — A San Diego woman who claims pop star Justin Bieber fathered her son has a court date in Las Vegas on allegations she slapped an exboyfriend. Records show 20-year-old Mariah Yeater faces a bench trial Dec. 12 on a misdemeanor charge that could get her six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. A police report says Yeater slapped her 18-year-old ex-boyfriend Dec. 21. The two were arguing about a broken window.
UFOs topic of today’s conference By MIKE HERRERA IV THE ZAPATA TIMES
Believers and skeptics alike are invited to the inaugural Laredo UFO Conference taking place today at Texas A&M International University’s Fine and Performing Arts Center. Presenters at the allday conference include Ismael Cuellar, founder of the Laredo Paranormal Research Society. Perhaps best known for its investigations into reputedly “haunted” locales, the society also uses its military-grade equipment and scientific methodology on the South Texas night skies. Even though they’ve seen and photographed objects with their night vision cameras, Cuellar remains a skeptic. “I don’t think I’ve seen aliens,” he said. “That’s not the point. We’ve seen and recorded something. What is it? We don’t jump to any conclusions.” Adding that the group defers to this empirical skepticism in its “haunts” as well, Cuellar said he wants his findings to be scrutinized. “I’ve always said, ‘Don’t take my word for it.’ That’s why (on ghost expeditions) we invite people to use our equipment, see our process.” He maintains, however, that he and his partners have seen something. They’ve got the pictures to prove it. “We have a Power-
I don’t think I’ve seen aliens. … That’s not the point. We’ve seen and recorded something.” LAREDO PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY FOUNDER ISMAEL CUELLAR
Point,” he said of his conference-opening presentation. “We’re going to talk about some of the findings and experiences. We’d like to show the instruments we use.” With their night vision binoculars, the group has seen what Cuellar calls “mystery lights” — spheres hovering in the night sky. He said they’re only visible with the night vision equipment and undetectable to unaided eyes. “They stay for sometimes three minutes, sometimes five. Then they’re gone,” he said. Such phenomena are the bread and butter of Noe Torres, director of the Mutual UFO Network for South Texas. Torres is an author of seven books and has appeared on The History Channel’s “UFO Hunters.” Most of this exposure has centered on a case he says has unduly been overshadowed by the famous Roswell incident. “There was a reported crash retrieval in 1948, about 30-40 miles south, southwest of downtown Laredo,” Torres said. “This was in July, almost one year after the Roswell
case. Roswell has always been better known because of all the media attention. But there were a lot more witnesses (to the crash near Laredo).” Torres will deliver three different presentations Saturday, each one dealing with one of his books. The first one he’ll present, “Fallen Angel: UFO Crash near Laredo, Texas,” began germinating as he wrote a prior book dealing with a crash near Del Rio. “We were going to include a section on Laredo, but due to space constraints, it had to be taken out,” he said. Torres’ 2008 book “The Other Roswell” presents the eyewitness testimony of retired Colonel Robert B. Willingham of the U.S. Air Force Reserve. Acknowledging how Cold War tensions set the backdrop for the UFO sightings of the 1950s, the book contains images of sections from the Eisenhower Briefings of November 1952. According to UFO lore, these documents were originally designated only for the “Majestic 12” organization. Only this
legendary cabal was supposed to know about the downed ET vessels on the Texas-Mexico border. Whether the Majestic 12 or the crashes were real or not, Torres explains why Northern Mexico has long been a hotbed of alleged UFO activity. “It makes sense. You’ve got clear skies. The crafts could move undetected because the Mexican air force doesn’t have blanket surveillance over the skies there.” As he communicates regularly with Mexican ufologists, Torres, much like Laredo’s Cuellar, keeps a level head. “Our motto is scientific investigation of empirical phenomena,” he said. “We want to explore all possible real-world explanations first.” Perhaps ironically, this conference of the paranormal and, to some, the pseudoscientific comes to Laredo thanks to an organization dedicated to preserving very real history. The Webb County Heritage Foundation cosponsors the conference with the Paranormal Society.
It’s just the latest in the growing partnership between the two. “It grew out of our Haunted Heritage exhibits,” Margarita Araiza said of the foundation’s attention to UFOs. The foundation went so far as to add a replica of the reported 1948 crash site near Laredo to its Haunted Heritage exhibit in the Border Heritage Museum downtown. To Araiza, the foundation’s executive director, ghost and UFO stories are as legitimately a part of this region’s heritage as its mainstream history. “Obviously this touches a nerve,” she said. “There’s so much interest.” Also scheduled to appear is Travis Walton, whose alien abductions story formed the basis of the movie “Fire in the Sky.” A screening of the movie is scheduled for 4:30 p.m., and Walton will discuss his experiences at 7:30 p.m. Tickets to the conference are $25 ($30 for preferred seating). For more information, contact the Webb County Heritage Foundation at 727-0977 or The conference begins at 10:30 a.m. today and has sessions all day. It concludes with a book signing featuring Torres and Walton at 9 p.m. Lunch and dinner will be served. (Mike Herrera IV can be reached at 728-2567 or
Agenda en Breve
Migrantes oran por sus muertos
11/07— Del 7 al 11 de noviembre se ofrecerán Servicios Médicos gratuitos para personas de bajos recursos económicos por parte de la Brigada de Médicos Misioneros de la Divina Misericordia, auspiciados por la Diócesis de Laredo y Servicios Sociales Católicos en instalaciones de la Iglesia San Luis Rey, 3502 Sanders. Registro de 8 a.m. a 11 a.m. y de 4 p.m. a 6 p.m. Los servicios serán continuos de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. Se darán servicios similares en El Cenizo, Río Bravo y Zapata. Más información llamando al 722-2443.
SAN FERNANDO, México — Una caravana de familiares de migrantes que han desaparecido en México rumbo a Estados Unidos llegaron a mediados de semana conmemoraron el Día de los Muertos en este municipio. El grupo de 30 familiares de migrantes centroamericanos elevaron una oración por las 193 personas que fueron exhumadas de fosas
Los invité a reflexionar y a elevar una oración” SACERDOTE EIMAN VÁZQUEZ MÉDINA
clandestinas en abril. Se cree había migrantes entre ellos. Aunque la mayor parte consideran que sus parientes no quedaron ahí en esas fosas, piden por las demás familias que si perdieron a hijos, padres, esposos
en esos ataques. Además de las víctimas halladas en las fosas, 72 indocumentados fueron asesinados en un rancho de San Fernando, en Tamaulipas, en agosto de 2010. El 2 de noviembre, patrullas de la policía estatal
recibieron a la caravana y los escoltaron hasta el ejido. Eiman Vázquez Médina, un sacerdote que acompaña a la caravana desde que ingresaron a territorio mexicano por Tapachula, Chiapas, leyó textos de la
Biblia e hizo una oración en la bodega donde fueron acumulados los cuerpos localizados el abril pasado. “Los invité a reflexionar y a elevar una oración”, dijo Vázquez Medina. La caravana comenzó en la frontera con Guatemala y planea recorrer nueve de los 32 estados del país antes del 13 de noviembre. El INM señaló que el flujo declinó en un 70%, al pasar de 433.000 retenidos en el año 2005 a 140.000 en 2010.
NUEVO LAREDO 11/05 — Maratón de Inscripciones en Universidad TECMilenio (boulevard Fundación Longoria Wright # 9) de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m., con exposición de talleres extraacadémicos, final del Torneo Copa Coca-Cola y bonificaciones disponibles. 11/06 — Grupo de Teatro Expresión invita a “Para Morir Nacimos” a las 7 p.m. en el Teatro Lucio Blanco de la Casa de la Cultura. Guión de Luis Martín con textos de Sabines, Villaurrutia y Corostiza. Invitado especial “Grupo de Danza Cuicoyán”. Entrada libre. 11/08 — Primer Aniversario de las “Mina de palabras” de 5 p.m. a 8 p.m. en Estación Palabra. El Colectivo Poético Cien Años de Soledad y colaboradores presentarán sus números de aniversario. 11/09 — Cine Club “Elena Garro” presenta “El Jinete Eléctrico” a las 6 p.m. en el Auditorio de Estación Palabra. Entrada gratuita. Función dedicada a la Asociacion Protectora de Animales por lo que se solicita acopio de alimento, periodico y artículos de limpieza.
Foto de cortesía | Everardo Castro Medellín
Imagenes de Guerrero Viejo que pueden admirarse en el libro “Guerrero Viejo: Viejo Guerrero”, en recopilación hecha por Everardo Castro Medellín.
SÁBADO 5 DE NOVIEMBRE 11/05 — Primera Conferencia OVNI de Laredo en TAMIU, patrocinada por la Fundación de Tradiciones del Condado de Webb, presentando una conferencia con la Sociedad de Investigación Paranormal de Laredo y la película “Fire in the Sky” acerca del supuesto secuestro (por OVNIS) de Travis Walton. El mismo Walton estará presente para relatar su experiencia. Costo: 25 dólares y 30 dólares para asiento preferencial. No se recomienda a niños menores de 13 años. Eventos inician desde las 9:30 a.m. y concluyen hasta aproximadamente las 10 p.m. Informes en 11/05 — Hoy es la Quinta Feria Annual de Servicios a Veteranos de EU en Laredo Community College, de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m. en el Billy Hall Student Center, en el Campus del Sur. Se solicita a veteranos llevar su Forma DD-214. Entrada gratuita y abierta a todos los veteranos, incluyendo miembros activos de los condados de Webb, Zapata, y Jim Hogg. 11/05 — Desfile de ex Atletas de LISD, antes del inicio del partido anual Martin HS-vs-Nixon HS, en el Complejo Deportivo Shirley, 2002 avenida San Bernardo. El desfile será a las 6:15 p.m. El partido a las 7 p.m. Durante el medio tiempo será la ceremonia de dedicación del complejo deportivo. Más información en el 2731220. 11/05 — La Fundación para la Investigación de la Diabetes Juvenil presenta Gala de Esperanza 2011 con la música de Craig A. Meyer and the Rocket Band, un tributo a la banda de Elton John, de 6:30 p.m. a 12:30 a.m. en Laredo Country Club, 1415 Country Club Drive.
uerrero Viejo: Viejo Guerrero” es el nombre que lleva un libro de la autoría de Everardo Castro Medellín donde a través de imágenes y textos se brinda, como él mismo dice, un “tributo a un pueblo que se sacrificó a sí mismo para diseminar vidas a su alrededor”. El 29 de octubre el libro, escrito en 2010, fue presentado en el Centro de las Aves en Roma, Texas. “Guerrero Viejo: Viejo Guerrero” muestra el trabajo y esfuerzo de Castro Medellín, quien dedicó más de 5 años de su vida y de su patrimonio, para ver concretados los esfuerzos en este libro que estoy seguro ocupara un lugar muy significativo en la bibliografía del noreste mexicano. Escrito con un lenguaje sencillo, claro y literario rescata los valores y costumbres de su gente, nos lleva de la mano en un recorrido por calles empe-
dradas y ruinas que se resisten a caer, recopila anécdotas leyendas y mitos que han pasado de generación en generación, que nos hablan de los avatares de sus habitantes para defender su tierra y su integridad, batallas contra la adversidad de la naturaleza: huracanes, heladas, inundaciones, altas temperaturas, o bien por la intervención de la mano del hombre, como ataques de los indios, robos incendios y la construcción de una Presa en harás de un progreso que nunca llegó. El libro nos da un panorama de los dos Guerreros el Nuevo y el Viejo, de sus tres asentamientos, par-
tiendo del Rancho los Moros hasta el lugar que hoy ocupa a la vera de la Presa Falcón, recordándonos el valor de sus héroes como Antonio Zapata, los Hermanos Gutiérrez de Lara, o filántropos como José María González Benavides quien heredo su fortuna para la educación y ayuda a los mas necesitados. Desenvuelve a manera de pergaminos imágenes panorámicas de la Nueva Ciudad, paisajes inolvidables que se rematan con el azul turquesa del Lago de la presa Falcón. Así como los trabajos mas recientes de restauración del Antiguo Parián. A través de mis casi 20
años de haber visitado por primera ocasión Guerrero Viejo y quedar cautivado por sus ruinas, he conocido gente, ya sea originarios de Guerrero o bien emigrantes. Actualmente Guerrero Viejo vive gracias a sus muertos, a toda esa gente que como una diáspora regresan de lugares muy lejanos a sus dos camposantos que los arraiga a la tierra. Amaneceres y puestas de sol sirven de escenario al gran milagro de la vida, al capturar con su cámara imágenes de la flora y fauna formando un escenario natural que hacen de este sitio un lugar mágico, mirar los pelícanos levantar el vuelo
sobre la ruinas de la ciudad, es algo que nunca olvidaras. “Guerrero Viejo: Viejo Guerrero” no solo es un aporte a la historiografía de la región, también es un invaluable rescate y restauración de imágenes fotográficas del pasado, que se sumarán a la fototeca del Archivo Histórico del Municipio y al Archivo General e Histórico de Tamaulipas. “Guerrero Viejo: Viejo Guerrero” es uno de los libros más cuidados y bellos en su impresión y contenido, que se hayan escrito sobre el pueblo. Su contenido a través de más de 291 hojas aportan nuevas luces sobre el quehacer cotidiano, de esa generación que le tocó nacer y vivir y pasar por el trago amargo del traslado a una nueva ciudad. Solo me resta invitarlos a que lean el libro y se conviertan en unos protectores y seguidores del Pueblo que se negó a morir. (Carlos Rugerio Cázares es Jefe del Archivo General e Histórico de Tamaulipas)
A partir de esta primavera, la educación superior llega a Zapata cuando Laredo Community College ofrezca por medio de teleconferencia varios cursos académicos de nivel colegio en el Zapata County Technical and Advanced Education Center (Centro de Educación Técnica y Avanzada del Condado de Zapata — ZTAC). Estos cursos, que son
parte de un currículo para estudiantes que desean obtener un certificado o grado asociado en LCC, y/o un grado de bachiller en una universidad, será transmitido desde los campuses Fort McIntosh y Sur de LCC al ZTAC utilizando la tecnología de teleconferencia. Todos los cursos en LCC pueden ser transferidos a cualquier colegio o universidad de Texas y a la mayoría de las otras escuelas. Entre los cursos a
ser ofrecidos se encuentran historia, inglés, gobierno y matemáticas. “Durante años, Laredo Community College ha otorgado educación para adultos, inglés como segundo idioma y cursos de GED en Zapata. Nos sentimos orgullosos de extender los beneficios de una educación superior a los ciudadanos de Zapata a través de esta nueva y dinámica sociedad con el Zapata County Technical and Advanced Education
Center”, dijo Dianna Miller, vice presidenta para instrucciones en LCC. Además de los cursos por teleconferencia, el Departamento de Educación Continua de LCC pretende ofrecer algunos cursos directos a residentes de Zapata en el ZTAC durante la primavera. Cursos en computación y certificación para manejo de alimentos, seguridad ocupacional (OSHA) y HazMat son algunos de los temas que serán cubier-
tos. El semestre de primavera 2012 será del 17 de enero al 4 de mayo. Estudiantes que deseen participar deben utilizar el proceso de admisiones de LCC para poder inscribirse a los cursos. Las asesorías ya están disponibles para todo el año, y se pueden inscribir en línea utilizando el sistema PASPort. Más información llamando al 721-5135, 721-5109 o al 794-4520.
Photo by Scribner | AP
This image provided by Scribner shows the cover of the joint memoir of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, titled “Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope.” The book, written with "The Last Lecture" co-author Jeffrey Zaslow, is coming out on Nov. 15.
PHOENIX — When President George H.W. Bush came to visit her in the hospital, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords could say only “Wow!” and another word she had been uttering frequently at the time, “chicken.” Months later, when she was shown photos of famous people to see if she recognized faces, Giffords looked at Arnold Schwarzenegger and replied, more or less accurately: “Messin’ around. Babies.” These and other details emerge in a new book written by Giffords and her husband that offers the most personal look yet at her slow, agonizing recovery after being shot in the head at point-blank range. The memoir, titled “Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope,” describes Giffords’ efforts over the past 10 months to relearn how to walk and talk, and her painful discovery that six people were killed in the Jan. 8 attack outside a Tucson grocery store. The Associated Press purchased an advance copy of the book, which is set for release Nov. 15. The book is written from the perspective of her husband, former astronaut
Mark Kelly. But Giffords herself delivers the last chapter — a single page of short sentences and phrases called “Gabby’s Voice” in which she says her goal is to get back to Congress. “I will get stronger. I will return,” she wrote. The book also reveals that the couple, who got married in 2007, was trying to have a baby. Giffords, 41, had undergone several rounds of fertility treatments in the last few years and had hoped to get pregnant early in 2011. The book does not say whether Giffords will seek re-election next year. Kelly said the couple did not want to rush a decision. The deadline to formally declare her intentions is in May. Aides have repeatedly emphasized that her focus is on recovery and that there is no timetable for making a decision about her political future. The Arizona Democrat was shot just days after being sworn in for her third term. Giffords stunned colleagues by appearing on the House floor Aug. 1 to vote for the debt ceiling deal, but she has largely avoided the public eye, spending most of her time at TIRR Memorial Hermann, a rehabilitation center in Houston.
Some Democrats had hoped that Giffords would use her newfound fame to run for the Senate seat being vacated by Republican Jon Kyl. But a Democratic strategist said Giffords has told Democrats in Arizona that she will not seek a Senate seat. The strategist spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss her plans. In the memoir, Kelly recounts trying to tell his wife several times that she had been shot while meeting with constituents. But she didn’t fully understand until March 12. Kelly asked Giffords if she remembered being shot, and she replied that she did, although he said it was hard to know if she really did. She described what she recalled with three words: “Shot. Shocked. Scary.” Later that day, Kelly told her that six other people had been killed. Giffords was overcome with emotion and had trouble getting through her therapy. It wasn’t until July, weeks after being released from the Houston hospital to Kelly’s home 25 miles away, that she learned who had been killed: a staff member, a federal judge, a 9-year-old girl and three other people Giffords did not know.
Cain accuser: ‘Several’ harrassment incidents By KASIE HUNT AND LAURIE KELLMAN ASSOCIATED PRESS
WASHINGTON — One of Herman Cain’s accusers alleged “several incidents of sexual harassment” in a formal complaint more than a decade ago, her lawyer disclosed Friday, a fresh allegation that could complicate the Republican presidential hopeful’s determined bid to lay the politically explosive controversy to rest. The lawyer, Joel Bennett, said his client — married then and now — accepted a financial settlement in leaving her job at the National Restaurant Association shortly after lodging the complaint against Cain, who was then the trade group’s head. Bennett did not name the woman, who he said stands by her allegations and has decided not “to relive the specifics” of the incidents in a public forum. Cain, who tried to return to normal campaigning Friday, has repeatedly denied ever sexually harassing anyone. His spokesman, J.D. Gordon, said in response to Bennett’s comments, “”We’re looking to put this issue behind us and focus on the real issues, which are fixing this broken economy, putting Americans back to work and strengthening national security.” Apart from disclosing that his client alleged more than one incident, Bennett’s remarks added little of substance to a controversy that erupted nearly a week ago. “She made a complaint in good faith about a series of inappropriate behaviors and unwanted advances from the CEO” of the restaurant organization, he said. In a statement late in the day, Dawn Sweeney, the trade group’s current CEO, said Cain had disputed the allegations at the time they were made. She also said
Photo by Thanassis Stavrakis | AP
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, center, is congratulated by his Socialist party’s ministers and lawmakers after a confidence vote at the parliament in Athens on Saturday.
Joel Bennett, an attorney for a woman who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment, said she complained about a “series of inappropriate behaviors” in good faith and accepted a financial agreement. the organization was willing to waive a confidentiality agreement the woman signed when she left her job, a concession that a spokeswoman later said would not necessarily apply to any other former employee. Cain has contended an internal investigation at the time of the complaint showed no evidence of improper conduct by him, but Sweeney did not address that issue. Bennett’s comments to reporters outside his law office came as Cain was making a concerted effort to show he would no longer allow the controversy to dominate his unlikely challenge for the GOP presidential nomination. The candidate drew cheers of support Friday from conservative activists as he delivered a speech focused on the U.S. economy. He is trying to convert his
meteoric rise in opinion polls into a campaign organization robust enough to compete with Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and other rivals in early primary and caucus states. In an appearance before the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, the career businessman pitched his trademark 9-9-9 economic program and referred only elliptically to the controversy that has overshadowed his campaign in recent days. “I’ve been in Washington all week, and I’ve attracted a little bit of attention,” he said to knowing laughter from his audience. Not everyone sounded ready to let it fade. In Georgia, the state party chairwoman, Sue Everhart, said, “I think he has to completely put it behind him or it will continue to be a problem. He’s got to do the housekeeping duties and clean this up.”
ATHENS, Greece — Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou survived a confidence vote early today, calming a revolt in his Socialist party with a to step aside if necessary and seek a crossparty government lasting four months to safeguard a new European debt agreement. Papandreou won the parliamentary confidence motion 153-145 after a week of drama in Athens that horrified Greece’s European partners, spooked global markets and overshadowed the Group of 20 summit in Cannes. The threat of a Greek default or exit from the common euro currency has worsened the continent’s debt crisis, which is already struggling under bailouts for Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, who warned that the debt-ridden country still faced “mortal danger,” said the new government would
last until the end of February. But conservative opposition leader Antonis Samaras demanded immediate elections. He did not say whether he would join coalition talks, due to be formally launched later today when Papandreou meets the country’s president. “The masks have fallen,” Samaras said. “Mr. Papandreou has rejected our proposals in their entirety. … The only solution is elections.” Midway through its four-year term, Papandreou’s government came under threat after his disastrous bid this week to hold a referendum on a major new European debt agreement. The idea was swiftly scrapped Thursday after an angry response from markets and European leaders who said any popular vote in Greece would determine whether the country would keep its cherished euro membership. They also vowed to withhold a critical 8 billion euro installment of loans from an existing bailout deal that Greece
needs urgently to stave off an imminent and catastrophic default. Papandreou’s shock referendum gamble, and the hostile international response, horrified many of his own party stalwarts. It prompted an open rebellion with senior Socialists saying they would only back the confidence vote if he pledged to seek a crossparty coalition with a mandate to secure the new debt deal and the disbursement of the next bailout loan installment. Struggling to face down the revolt, Papandreou insisted his only priority was to save the country. He insisted he was not concerned with retaining the premiership, but warned that elections now would have been “catastrophic,” jeopardizing Greece’s continued bailout funding, the new debt deal and the country’s euro membership. He sought the vote of confidence “to safeguard a steady course for the country — with no power vacuum, without being dragged to election,” he said.
FEUD Continued from Page 1A were interviewed over four months. During one exchange, Cuellar asked whether or not the generals were paid an $80,000 fee to produce the report. McCaffrey asked whether Cuellar was suggesting political or monetary motivations were behind the report. “If you are, sir, that is a shameful comment,” he said during the hearing. The report was commissioned by Texas State Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples, who has recently signaled interest in higher office. Staples announced this spring he planned to run for lieutenant governor, a race still more than two years away. Cuellar declined in an interview to say whether he believed the report or its conclusions were politically motivated. But he said it was his job as an elected official to stand up
for the area. “If anybody is going to make a harsh conclusion about the border, calling it a ‘war zone,’ then they should back it up,” he said. During an Oct. 17 broadcast in which Scales appeared as a guest, Van Susteren called out Cuellar and Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso, for “unbelievably rude” treatment of the officers. “There is something there,” she said in the broadcast. “I don’t know the magnitude, but to show the disrespect of two people who had gone down there and studied with others is just extraordinary.” Scales, a regular FOX contributor, said the congressman may have been motivated in part by “chamber of commerce speech.” Days later, Jessica Hernandez, a finance assistant
for Texans for Henry Cuellar, emailed supporters that Van Susteren and the generals had launched an attack on the congressman’s integrity. She asked readers to help Cuellar end the “lies and distortions” of border violence by donating. Hernandez said the criticism from FOX has not affected the campaign. However, she said the email has generated some contributions for the campaign. “It did, it did help somewhat,” she said. The email prompted Van Susteren last week to write that the generals would take the congressman “to the woodshed” on leadership. Cuellar is no dove on border security spending. He has worked with Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, to secure two unmanned aircraft to patrol the Texas border. The second drone was announced last week.
MANUEL DAVID JASSO Yet he drew a clear line between himself and Republican colleagues on border safety issues. Bill Miller, an Austinbased political consultant and lobbyist, said the highprofile spat was a positive move for Cuellar. “Not every campaign goes out to pick a beef with a national news organization to raise money,” he said. “He jazzed up his support base is what he did.” Cuellar holds what looks to be one of the safest seats in Congress. But besides providing a short-term fundraising boost, Miller said attacking the idea of a war-torn border enhances Cuellar’s national image. “What this exchange has done is promoted him, and his career, and his visibility,” Miller said. (Andrew Kreighbaum may be reached at 728-2538 or
EDUCATION Continued from Page 1A down payment, the county decided to raise revenue from what some consider a controversial segment of the local economy: gameof-chance amusement centers. According to Vela, these amusement centers, colloquially known as maquinitas, operated under little regulation and few taxes in Zapata County. The court passed an ordinance requiring the maquinitas to register with the tax office and taxing them $500 per machine per year. The first year after the ordinance passed, the county collected $600,000 in new tax revenue, most of which it set aside for ZTAC’s distance learning infrastructure. “We thought it was an appropriate way to raise money for educational purposes,” said Vela. Workers begin unloading the new equipment Monday.
This increased technological capacity arrives just as four educational institutions released their near-finalized Spring 2012 ZTAC course offerings. Texas A&M International University, for example, plans to offer continuing education workforce preparedness courses starting in January. By Fall 2012, it hopes to offer a bachelor of arts in applied sciences, 85 percent of which a student can complete in Zapata. A tentative schedule for the degree includes freshman-level math, history and English courses. Students with sophomore standing might be able to take a behavioral science or a government course, both of which were already taught at ZTAC during the summer. Since the technology wasn’t ready, faculty in the flesh taught these courses in Zapata, including Brown.
“The discussions we had with that group during the summer, I’ll tell you, were on par with discussion you’ll see at (the University of Texas,” said Brown, “but the ones I really want to reach out to are the ones in remediation.” Brown said careful remediation for at-risk students is a priority for ZTAC, as is career retooling. One of its academic partners, Texas State Technical College, is offering courses related to the energy industry. The Laredo extension of the University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio plans to offer courses for the medical industry. Plans are in the works for ZTAC to supplement two other industries important to Zapata, including law enforcement and hospitality. The fourth original academic partner, Laredo Community College, is set
to offer core curriculum academic courses this spring. “We are pleased to extend the benefits of higher education to the citizens of Zapata,” said Vice President for Instruction Dr. Dianna Miller in a press release. As usual, the LCC core courses offered at ZTAC will be transferable to TAMIU, added Brown. To register for ZTAC classes, prospective students need to first go through the institution from which they want to take the course. “While the classes will be in Zapata, the students might have to travel to LCC or TAMIU for admissions and registration procedures at this point,” Brown said. Anyone interested in course information is encouraged to call the school from which they want to take a course.
MARIA TERESA MEDINA Maria Teresa Medina passed away Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011, at Laredo Medical Center in Laredo, Texas. Ms. Medina is preceded in death by her mother, Hortencia Medina; and brothers Jose Luis Bello and Carlos Daniel Mercado. Ms. Medina is survived by her brothers Jesus (Maria) Bello, Juan A. (Wendi) Mercado, Lauro S. Mercado, Jose Daniel Mercado and Romeo (Claudia) Mercado; sisters: Rosalva M.
(Roberto) Gonzalez and Rosalinda M. Saenz; nieces: Sandra L. Medina and Tannia L. Medina; nephew, Jose Luis Bello Jr.; lifelong friend, Rocio Ochoa; and by numerous other relatives and friends. Visitation hours were Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a rosary at 7 p.m. at Rose Garden Funeral Home. The funeral procession departed Saturday, Oct. 29, at 8:45 a.m. for a 9 a.m. funeral Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.
Committal services followed at Zapata County Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Rose Garden Funeral Home, Daniel A. Gonzalez,
funeral director, 2102 Highway 83, Zapata, TX.
Manuel David Jasso, 74, passed away Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011, at Doctor’s Hospital in Laredo, Texas. Mr. Jasso is preceded in death by his father, Cecilio Jasso; daughter Mirta A. Jasso-Solis; son Joaquin Jasso; sister Sylvia Rosario Jasso; and a brother-in-law, Calixto Rodriguez Jr. Mr. Jasso is survived by his wife, Gilda Elena Jasso; sons Cecilio (Tomasa) Jasso, Manuel D. Jr.(Belen) Jasso and Martin (Enedina) Jasso; daughters Rosa (Homar) Solis, Rosario (Fabian) Solis, Monica (Cesar) Solis, Ninfa Jasso and Gilda (Jose) Prieto; mother, Ninfa G. Jasso; sisters Lucia Rodrigeuz, Guillermina (Lauro) Coronado, San Juana (Jose L.) Guzman, Maria D. Valadez and Coly (J.D.) Beeson; grandchildren: Erica (Salvador A.) Elizondo, Arminda (Kenneth) Grant, Michelle (Gerald) Nieto, Joni Solis, Enrique “Buddy” Solis Jr., Cecilio Jasso Jr., Joaquin (Tracy) Jasso, Erik Jasso, Alva Jasso, Cindy (Allen) Nuñez, Homar Jr. (Araceli) Solis, Joey Solis, Jessica Solis, Hector Solis, Virginia Solis, Manuel D. III (Lisette) Jasso, Amy Jasso, Osvaldo Jasso, Paola M. Jasso, Jorge J. (Johida) Jasso, Selina (Tony) Acevedo, Crystal (Richard) Fantini, Martin (Madellein) Jasso, Nancy Jasso, Eva Jasso, Marimar Jasso, Myrna Elena Solis, Ce-
sar Solis Jr., Jose F. (Selina) Cruz, Araceli Benavides, Javier Jasso and Larissa Jasso; and greatgrandchildren; as well as other family members and friends. Visitation hours were held Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2011, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a rosary at 7 p.m. at Rose Garden Funeral Home. The funeral procession departed Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011, at 2:30 p.m. for a 3 p.m. funeral Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Committal services followed at Zapata County Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Rose Garden Funeral Home, Daniel A. Gonzalez, funeral director, 2102 Highway 83, Zapata, TX.
RAUL NAVARRO Raul Navarro, 68, passed away Oct. 24, 2011, at Rio Grande Regional Hospital in McAllen, Texas. Mr. Navarro is preceded in death by his daughter Rossy Mendoza; brothers Fernando (Beatriz) Navarro, Santiago Navarro, Baldomero Navarro and Pedro Navarro; and sisters: Adelina N. Cacique and Sylvia N. Ramirez. Mr. Navarro is survived by his sons: Jose Antonio Navarro, Gregorio Raul (Myrna) Navarro, Jorge Luis (Elena) Navarro, Juan Manuel (Griselda) Navarro, Dagoberto (Antonia) Navarro, Jesus Guadalupe Navarro and Noe Navarro; daughter Dora Alicia (Miguel) Torres; and a brother Zaragoza Navarro; and by numerous other relatives and friends. Visitation hours were held Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a wake at 7 p.m. at Rose Garden Funeral Home. The funeral procession was on Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, at 9:45 a.m. for a 10 a.m. funeral Mass at Our
Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Committal services followed at Zapata County Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Rose Garden Funeral Home, Daniel A. Gonzalez, funeral director, 2102 Highway 83, Zapata, TX.
Aging boomers showing geriatrics shortage By MATT SEDENSKY ASSOCIATED PRESS
PALATKA, Fla. — In this sleepy, riverside town in northeast Florida, 86-year-old Betty Wills sees the advertisements of obstetricians and gynecologists on the main road’s billboards and has found specialists ranging from cardiologists to surgeons in the phone book. But there’s not a single geriatrician — a doctor who specializes in treating the elderly — in all of Putnam County, where a fifth of the county’s 74,000 people are seniors. “I looked,” Wills said. “I didn’t find one.” It’s a nationwide shortage and it’s going to get worse as the 70 million members of the babyboom generation — those now 46 to 65 — reach their senior years over the next few decades. The American Geriatrics Society says today there’s roughly one geriatrician for every 2,600 people 75 and older. Without a drastic change in the number of doctors choosing the specialty, the ratio is projected to fall to one geriatrician for every 3,800 older Americans by 2030. Compare that to pediatricians: there is about 1 for every 1,300 Americans under 18. Geriatricians, at their best, are medicine’s unsung heroes. They understand how an older person’s body and mind work differ-
Photo by Alan Diaz | AP
In this Oct. 7 photo, Dr. Brian Kiedrowski, right, walks with patient Victoria Cohen, 100, in Miami. The baby boomers’ entrance into old age is casting light on the drastic shortage of medical professionals trained to treat the elderly. ently. They listen more but are paid less than their peers. They have the skills to alleviate their patients’ ailments and help them live fuller, more satisfied lives. Though not every senior needs a geriatrician, their training of-
ten makes them the best equipped to respond when an older patient has multiple medical problems. Geriatricians have expertise in areas that general internists don’t, including the changes in cognitive ability,
mood, gait, balance and continence, as well as the effects of drugs on older individuals. But with few doctors drawn to the field and some fleeing it, the disparity between the number of geriatricians and the population
it serves is destined to grow even starker. “We’re an endangered species,” said Dr. Rosanne Leipzig, a renowned geriatrician at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. Geriatricians rank among the lowest-paid medical specialties, with a median salary of $183,523 last year, according to the Medical Group Management Association, which tracks physician pay. That sounds like a lot, but many other specialties pay two or three times more, while the average doctor graduates with $160,000 in student loan debt. Just 56 percent of first-year fellowship slots in geriatrics were filled last academic year, according to a University of Cincinnati study, while the number of physicians on staff at U.S. medical schools’ geriatric programs has generally been decreasing. Many young doctors aren’t receiving even basic training in caring for older patients. Only 56 percent of medical students had clinical rotations in geriatrics in 2008, according to the study. Various efforts around the country have aimed to increase both those choosing the geriatrics specialty and the level of training all doctors get in treating older patients. The federal health overhaul law also includes a number of provisions aimed at increasing geriatric care.
Military Road Museum tells history with artifacts By AMY SHERRILL SOUTHWEST TIMES RECORD
LAVACA, Ark. — Walking into the Military Road Museum in Lavaca is like passing through a time portal of the early days of the eastern Sebastian County town. A 115-year-old pea sheller, about the size of an air conditioner, is on display. A local family built it all those years ago after seeing a photo of one in a magazine. It was too expensive to buy, so after studying the photo,
a Lavaca resident built it. It still works, said Jack James, the museum’s curator. Information about Lavaca businesses from the 1800s is stored at the museum as well as bricks from some of those old buildings. Photographs, artifacts and antique tools are some of the business-related items. A powder horn, which looks like a hollowed-out gourd, that carried gunpowder most commonly in 18thcentury muskets, is another arrangement museum vis-
itors may explore. Historical information about most of the local churches is on hand, too. One section of the museum is dedicated to the Trail of Tears history. All five civilized tribes marched down Military Road during that era, according to James. Tribal shirts, arrowheads, pottery and beadwork are other American Indian artifacts housed at the museum. Some items are donated to the museum while others are on loan from families
who are not sure whether they want to permanently part with their historical items. One complete side of the museum is dedicated to local school sports history. Information from 1915 to present is on display, James said. An Edison victrola and a pump organ from the 1840s, which still works, are other items with Lavaca ties. A coverlet hand stitched by a local slave is one of the only items related to the black history in Lavaca.
James has been trying to find someone who will provide information about the black school — Red Oak — from Lavaca’s history. He’s had no luck so far. James, the museum curator, is a social studies teacher in the Lavaca School District, a member of the Lavaca City Council, and also is the president of the Lavaca Chamber of Commerce. The museum was founded by Woody Green in the 1990s to protect and preserve the history of his hometown of Lavaca. Start-
ing out in a borrowed room in the Lavaca School District, the collections soon outgrew the one room where it was housed. The city of Lavaca agreed to allow the museum to be housed at 303 Main St., in the former Dayton Brewer Drug Store building, said James. Each year, the city also provides a small amount of funding for the building’s utility bills. Any other funding for the purchase of frames and displays comes from donations.
Sports&Outdoors COMMENTARY
Growing from the middle
Lady Hawks liftoff Zapata girls line up at regional race in San Antonio By CLARA SANDOVAL THE ZAPATA TIMES
There is purity about middle school sports and the expectations that come with coaching at that level. Zapata has seen success at high school level thanks to its great middle school programs instilling the winning mind set and giving its athletes a little taste of success before they head to Zapata High. For proof, look no further than the football program, the volleyball program, and the cross country program — all of which have become a force in District 32-3A. Their accolades include two district titles, a runner-up title, playoffs and a trip to regional and state. The coaching staff at Zapata Middle does a fantastic job in preparing its athletes to take the next step to the next level without skipping a beat when they come in as freshman to Zapata High. Recently, the 8th grade volleyball team, coached by Ana Villarreal, was crowned district champion. An honor sure to breed more success for the Lady Hawks volleyball team for years to come. Villarreal is one of the most intense coaches, bringing out the best out of her team by demanding perfection every time they hit the court. Athletes like Brandi King, Kristina De Leon, Shelby Bigler and others on the list that could go on forever all went through teams that Villarreal coached and have gone on to star at Zapata High. King was named MVP, and this year De Leon and Bigler have put up MVP seasons of their own. How about the cross country teams? The 7th and 8th grade boys and girls came home with first and second place at the district meet thanks to the efforts of coaches Amanda Perez and Laura Villarreal. Perez and Villarreal are constantly making sure the teams are ready to put their best performance forward, laying the foundation for a great cross country program at the high school, including a few state runners. The cross country teams seemed to always come out on top as a force to be reckoned. These coaches work hard just like their high school counterparts, but they often don’t the publicity or even an acknowledgment of their role as developers of athletes. The glory isn’t the same, but neither are the pressures. I started out as a middle school coach and worked my way up to the varsity level during my coaching days, understanding that by moving up the ladder, responsibility and the pressures also increased. The same expectations I had for my 7th grade team, I had for my varsity team a few years later. While coaching at the 7th grade level right out of college, I had a parent tell me that all I thought about was winning. “If winning was not important then why do they keep score, even in a middle school basketball game?” I responded. “If wining was not important then they should play for 30 minutes, no score and then just go home.” Don’t get me wrong this is the time to instill the fundamentals — the reasoning why you preach and teach the game — but if you
The Zapata Lady Hawks know the stakes when they take the course this afternoon at the regional cross country meet in San Antonio. After making several trips to the state meet — four in a row — the Lady Hawks are vying to return to a place they’ve called home for many years: the Texas state meet. All that stands in their way is one of the toughest cross country regions in the state; one that has produced outstanding runners that have advanced and starred at the college level. After losing most of the team to graduation, the Lady Hawks have been led by current state qualifier, Jazmine Garcia. Gar-
Photo by Clara Sandoval | The Zapata Times
The Zapata Lady Hawks cross country team looks for success at the regional meet today in San Antonio before the Texas state meet in Round Rock. cia was the first runner in Zapata’s history to earn a medal at state last year after finishing in ninth place. With that experience in hand, Garcia has been steady on the
course and stands poised to build her accomplishments. The Lady Hawks took second place in District 32-3A on Oct. 24, punching a ticket to the regional meet for the 11th time in
school history. With a runner-up title in their pocket and unbridled determination, the Lady Hawks take the
Photos by Clara Sandoval | The Zapata Times
The Zapata Hawks boys’ cross country team takes on the regional meet today on its way to hopefully achieving a Texas state meet appearance.
he time has come for the Zapata Hawks to put all their hard work to the test, with their biggest hurdle to date — the regional meet — standing in the way of a trip to state. The Hawks have been ranked in the top 10 all season and will battle Liberty Hill for the regional title and a trip to Old Settlers Park in Round Rock, the site of the state meet on Nov. 12. Zapata must get through a tough region, running this afternoon at the Regional IV meet in San Antonio, hosted by UTSA. The Hawks run at 1:40 p.m. Zapata has one goal in mind: pick up a regional title on their way to state. “We are running for a regional title,” Zapata coach Luis Escamilla said. “If all goes well, we know what it takes to beat Liberty Hill. If we fall short we will know where to fix our hiccup to run well at state.” The Hawks have been focused in practice, knowing the real challenges have begun. “Practice has been going great,” Escamilla said. “Rest was more of our focus and we just started to taper to run our best at state.” The Hawks, along with everyone in the region, were thrown for a loop when it was announced that the course for the race had been changed to a shooting range by San Antonio Taft High School instead of UTSA.
Rest was more of our focus. … The entire team is synergizing and are ready to rumble the region” ZAPATA COACH LUIS ESCAMILLA
“It was supposed to be at UTSA, this was a shocker to everyone in the region,” Escamilla said. “No one has run this course, not even a jog.” The first time that the Hawks got an opportunity to see the course was Friday evening when all the teams were allowed to practice the course. Escamilla feels that the hard work the team had endured have prepared the Hawks for any course in the state. “It is a new course and a new site,” Escamilla said. “I hear it’s hilly but we did our homework all season and we are ready for any course.” With the season coming to its breaking point and all eyes on obtaining the ultimate goal of a state title, the Hawks are focused with great energy levels. “The entire team is synergizing and are ready to rumble the region,” Escamilla said. (Clara Sandoval can be reached at
Lady Hawks see season halted By CLARA SANDOVAL THE ZAPATA TIMES
After accomplishing their first few goals of the season — winning a district title and going undefeated — the Zapata Lady Hawks fell short of their second goal: running deep in the playoffs. Zapata (17-8) fell behind 2-1 and could not find an offensive rhythm, one that was so prevalent throughout its banner year, losing to Ingleside 13-25, 25-18, 21-25, 14-25 in the Class 3A area playoffs.
“This season went well for us. Actually it was a great season,” Zapata coach Rosie Villarreal said. “It took us most of the preseason for me to put the team together. “Some people thought that we would not do as well as we did because of the loss of last year’s seniors. The fact that the girls finally got it going is a big plus especially from the seniors. “They knew what they wanted to accomplish and what they needed to do to reach their goals. It was a big team effort. I am so proud of this group be-
cause they made sure that the district title stayed at Zapata and made history winning backto-back district titles.” The usual suspects filled out the stat sheet for the Lady Hawks. Kristina De Leon and Shelby Bigler, who have been steady for Zapata all season, came out swinging on offense. De Leon led the team with 16 kills while Bigler added 12 versus Ingleside. The Lady Hawks were overwhelmed in their opening set after scoring the first three points of the match. Ingleside rolled off
five straight points and Zapata couldn’t find its footing the rest of the opening set. “(We) started being very careful with (our) skills and we started to make mental mistakes,” Villarreal said. “(We) were able to regroup but we were too far behind to catch up.” The second set was a backand-forth affair after Zapata pulled Ingleside back after a 5-0 lead. Behind at 9-10, Bigler served
Overseas NCAA tours offer advantages By JOHN MARSHALL ASSOCIATED PRESS
DePaul’s basketball team spent 10 days touring France, playing a few games, taking in the sights, even finishing a school course on university namesake Saint Vincent de Paul by retracing his footsteps. Fun, hoops and a little learning — summer trips don’t get much better than that. “It was a great way to learn and the basketball, they love to play basketball, so that was a nice diversion,” DePaul coach Oliver Purnell said. “At the same time, they had enough time off that they could hang out at the city and play at the beach. In terms of bonding and relationship building, I thought it was a real nice trip.” The memorable trip also served another purpose. It gave the Blue Demons, like more a dozen other teams that played overseas during the summer, a big head start on the upcoming season. The NCAA allows teams to take overseas trips once every four year. They are allowed to practice up to 10 days before leaving and can play as many as 10 games, though most teams play about half that. The trips have to take place at least 30 days after the championship game of the previous season and 30 days before the start of practice for the next season. Most teams raise money for the trips through fundraisers. By taking their teams overseas, coaches get an early look at how their team will react in game situa-
Photo by Gerry Broome | AP
NCAA basketball programs, like Duke, take advantage of the opportunity to tour Europe and Asia. The trips lead to bonding, chemistry, experience and many other attributes that may not be available without the overseas trips. tions, usually against professional teams from other counties. They also get a chance to experiment with lineups and schemes they might not have time to tinker with once the season starts. Chemistry could be the biggest advantage, particularly since the NCAA recently started allowing incoming players to go on the trips. Some teams, as Georgetown found out, even encounter adversity. While on a trip to China, the Hoyas were involved in an ugly incident, with fists, chairs and water bottles fly-
ing during an all-out brawl with a Chinese team at a game in Beijing. Footage of the “global incident,” as coach John Thompson III called it, played everywhere from YouTube to national TV news, but it may have actually had a side benefit. The road trips also can be a good early evaluation tool. Purnell has seven new players on his team, so the tour through France was a chance to get to know his younger players and for them to get a hands-on experience in his system. Duke will have to rely on several younger players
with Kyrie Irving, Nolan Smith and Kyle Singler gone, and a trip to China gave coach Mike Krzyzewski an early look at what they can do under pressure. Creighton returns just five players from last season and will have four freshmen in the rotation, so the run through the Bahamas was a huge jump start. Iowa State will have four Division I transfers on the roster this season and even though the Cyclones didn’t exactly face the toughest of competition in a four-game stop in Italy, it gave coach Fred Hoiberg an early chance to integrate his new
Newton documents released By JOHN ZENOR ASSOCIATED PRESS
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Auburn kept quarterback Cam Newton eligible by successfully arguing to the NCAA that a former Mississippi State player did not act as an agent during his recruitment by that school. Auburn released documents related to the NCAA’s investigation into the recruiting allegations surrounding Newton, the Heisman Trophy winner and No. 1 NFL draft pick, on Friday in response to an open records request by The Associated Press. The documents indicate Newton’s father, Cecil Newton, and ex-Mississippi State player Kenny Rogers sought from $120,000 to $180,000 for the quarterback to sign with the Bulldogs out of junior college but didn’t ask any other school for money. The NCAA informed Auburn in October that it found no major violations in its investigation of Newton’s recruitment or other unrelated pay-for-play allegations and was ending a 13-month probe. Newton led the Tigers to their first national title since 1957 in his lone season at the Southeastern Conference school. He’s now starting for the NFL’s Carolina Panthers. The documents shed light on the process, Auburn’s arguments and Rogers’ apparent motivations. The NCAA’s Academic and Membership Affairs staff declared Newton ineligible on Nov. 30, 2010, after determining Rogers acted as Newton’s athletic scholarship agent, violating Bylaw 12.3.3. He was reinstated the next day, the Wednesday before the SEC championship game. Auburn successfully argued that Newton never had a verbal or written agreement with Rogers or Cecil Newton to act as his agent, wasn’t aware of the pay-for-play scheme and received no benefit from Rogers. Nor did Newton hire or compensate Rogers to serve as an agent or athletics scholarship agent, Auburn
players into the system. These foreign tours aren’t all about hoops. Stanford’s players, in addition to playing six games in 11 days in Spain, spent time together visiting the Royal Palace in Madrid, famous Las Ramblas Street in Barcelona and eating traditional Spanish food such as Paella for dinner. DePaul’s players started a course on Saint Vincent de Paul back in Illinois and continued it in France with a professor from the university who took them to places of significance in the 17th century Catholic priest’s life, including the church
where he was buried. Iowa State’s players got to visit the Coliseum in Rome and the Vatican, among other sites. Villanova’s players got to see the Eiffel Tower, the Anne Frank museum home and the Mona Lisa during a trip through France, Luxembourg and The Netherlands. The Wildcats even went on a boat tour through the canals of Amsterdam and had an upscale dinner together with the whole place to themselves. Villanova played against professional teams from Israel, Georgia and The Netherlands, while the Hoyas literally had to defend themselves in a hostile environment halfway around the world. Stanford didn’t win a single game during its 11-day trip through Spain while playing against six top professional teams from the ACB League — Real Madrid and FC Barcelona Regal among them — but took a lot away from the tests. These before-the-preseason trips certainly give teams an advantage heading into the season. Many of the teams that go overseas together get off to quick starts, and for some it carries the entire way through. Last season, a Kentucky team that lost five firstround NBA picks made it to the Final Four after taking a tour of Canada during the summer. Michigan, coming off a lackluster 2009-10 season, used a summer trip to Belgium to make a deep run in the NCAA Tournament last season. These trips don’t always turn into more wins, but they certainly don’t hurt.
GIRLS Continued from Page 1B course this afternoon at 1:20 p.m. This year the stakes are higher and carry the hopes of a perfect day at the regional meet. “They will have to run their hearts out and not hold anything back,” Zapata coach Mike Villarreal said. “We need to run smart and leave it all on the course.” The team has been reviewing and focusing on the race, and resting in preparation.
“It has been very productive,” Villarreal said. “There is not much that we can do at this point. We are just resting, trying to stay healthy and in a great positive frame of mind.” The Lady Hawks will also have to deal with a new course this afternoon as UIL decided late in the week to change the course after originally setting it on the grounds of UTSA. (Clara Sandoval can be reached at
SANDOVAL Continued from Page 1B
Photo by Chuck Burton | AP
Auburn released documents related to the NCAA’s investigation into the recruiting allegations surrounding former QB and current Carolina Panther Cam Newton, the Heisman Trophy winner and No. 1 NFL draft pick. argued. “Cam had no knowledge or involvement in this misconduct, and Auburn respectfully submits that he should not be punished for the conduct of others,” the university’s request for reinstatement said. The documents offered some insight into Rogers’ dealings with Mississippi State representatives John Bond and Bill Bell. Bond indicated that Rogers, who operated Elite Football Preparation for prospective college athletics, told him he was just trying to get Newton to play for his former school and they “just had to make it happen.” Bell also told the NCAA Rogers didn’t give him any indication that Newton knew about the efforts to collect money. “There is no information suggesting that Rogers had similar discussions about a cash inducement with any other institution, either directly or indirectly,” one joint Auburn and NCAA
document stated. Auburn said it had no contact with Rogers while recruiting Newton and “was in no way involved with offering or considering an offer of any recruiting inducement.” “Despite numerous media reports suggesting Newton himself has engaged in wrongdoing, the facts clearly demonstrate Newton has done nothing wrong,” Auburn told the NCAA. Rogers also spoke to coaches at Oklahoma and Kansas State about Newton, the NCAA said. The NCAA and Auburn found Cecil Newton and Rogers first discussed asking representatives of Mississippi State for “a substantial cash payment” around the time of his official visit from Nov. 27-29, 2009. Rogers was also on campus during the visit and, NCAA documents say, he and Cecil Newton met with two Bulldogs assistants in a hotel lobby and
discussed payment. The two coaches denied to the NCAA that such inducements were discussed. The NCAA notified Auburn of its investigation on Oct. 5, 2009, and requested documents including texts, emails and bank records for Cam Newton and his parents and for Cecil Newton’s suburban Atlanta church from Dec. 1, 2008 to Sept. 1, 2010. The governing body also sought texts and cell phone records for Auburn coach Gene Chizik and assistants Curtis Luper and Gus Malzahn — Newton’s primary recruiters — from the same period. The documents said Cecil Newton’s phone records indicate that he and Rogers exchanged some 275 calls or text messages between March 2009 and January 2010, with “the vast majority of these related to MSU’s recruitment of Newton.” Only about 15 came after Newton signed with Auburn on Dec. 31, 2009.
don’t expect success, get a taste of it, and instill that in their DNA, then how could you expect it at the high school level. To say that I was strict is an understatement. No practice, no play. That was my rule and I didn’t care if you were the star of the team. If we didn’t need you at practice, then we didn’t need you on the court during a game. Everyone that practiced played, and I didn’t hold tryouts. So I had a team of 25 girls that all wanted to play. To make sure that they
were really committed to the basketball program I held practice at 6 a.m., and we practiced at that time during the holidays too. It took dedication. Slowly the team dwindled down to 15, and they all played inside a system that I devised. They all knew when to go in and had to pay attention to the clock. Everyone played and we had a great season. Middle School programs are the heart of high school sports, and Zapata has benefited immensely throughout the successful years of its own.
ZAPATA Continued from Page 1B five points to give Zapata a 14-10 lead. Zapata found its footing as De Leon and Bigler came alive, picking the Ingleside defense apart. The Lady Hawks took game two to put them back in the race for the area title, but errors in the third set led to the demise of the Lady Hawks. Ingleside went on a rally to knot it up at 21 points before securing the set off four points to take a 2-1 lead. Zapata never recaptured any momentum. The Lady Hawks sat in an eight-point hole with errors mounting. “We started to be too careful with our passes and hits, so much so that we made several errors,” Vil-
larreal said. “The girls played well. I think the difference was the mistakes. Both teams had their share of errors, we just happened to make a few more. “They were very overpowering and we were off on our blocking. “On behalf of the volleyball program and the coaching staff, we would like to thank parents, our high school staff and everyone who supported us during our season.” ZAPATA STATS: De Leon (16 kills, four digs), Bigler (12 kills, one block, two aces), Jackie Salinas (six kills, three aces, four digs), Abby Aguilar (20 digs, two aces), Estella Molina (two aces, 30 assists), Liana Flores (one block).
HINTS BY | HELOISE Dear Heloise: I began reading Heloise in 1962 as a newlywed. Reading the recent hints from “Original Heloise” readers, I just had to share a few of my FAVORITES, too: Fold down the edges of a paper sack and punch a hole near the top to hang the bag from your vacuum cleaner. As you clean each room, place trash inside the bag. Saves you steps, and the bag can be thrown away. I also have used empty bread bags or whatever. I even have used a second bag for smaller items that belonged in other rooms. If leftover veggies are only enough for one serving, place them in a freezer container and freeze. Eventually, you’ll have a nice container of layers of veggies to use when making homemade
soups. A spot of fat or grease on your dress or blouse? Gently rub in baby powder and let sit until you do your laundry. This has never failed me when grease splatters and I am not wearing an apron. Place breakfast dishes in the sink, then fill with dish detergent and the hottest water possible. Let them sit for 20 or 30 minutes while making beds and tidying up. The dishes are then very easy to clean. — Katrina P., Live Oak, Texas
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Request For Proposal FOR E-Rate Eligible Services (Priority Two) Funding Year 15 by
E-Rate Eligible Services (Priority One) Funding Year 15by
Zapata County Independent School District
Zapata County Independent School District
17th Street and Carla
17thStreet and Carla
Zapata, Texas 78076
Zapata, Texas 78076
BID No. ZCISD15112011IC E-Rate Funding Year 15 (7/1/12-6/30/2013)
BID No. ZCISD15112011T E-Rate Funding Year 15 (7/1/12-6/30/2013) Zapata County Independent School District is soliciting proposals forTelecommunications through the E-Rate Program funding round 15. Zapata County I.S.D. will accept proposals marked Attn: Tech Bid Desk for ZAPATA COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, entity number 141503. All bidders must read and abide by the Eligible Services List on the Schools and Libraries Web site. Please go to and click on ‘RFP for E-Rate FY15’ to view RFP in its entirety. Proposals must be comprehensive, itemized and have a valid SPIN issued by USAC, refer to full RFP posting for details. Proposal must be received on or before December 5, 2012 by 4:30 p.m. Zapata County I.S.D., 702 E. 17th Street, P.O. Box 158, Zapata, Texas 78076. Bids that are received after the deadline will be returned unopened to the bidder. Please see full RFP for details. The Zapata County Independent School District Form 470 can be view on the Universal Service Administrative Company website, As per USAC rules and regulations, Form 470 and RFP must be posted for 28 days. After the 28th day, Z.C.I.S.D. will meet and decide based on an evaluation matrix on a vendor that is most advantageous to the district. ONLY DIR Contracts will be entertained for this RFP. If there are any questions concerning this RFP, refer to and click on ‘RFP for ERate FY15’. L-79
Zapata County Independent School District is soliciting proposals for Data Communication Equipment, Data Protection Equipment and Data Wireless Communication Equipment (Internal Connections) through the E-Rate Program funding round 15. Zapata County I.S.D. will accept proposals marked Attn: Tech Bid Desk for ZAPATA COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, entity number 141503. All bidders must read and abide by the Eligible Services List on the Schools and Libraries Web site. Please go to and click on ‘RFP for E-Rate FY15’ to view RFP in its entirety. Proposals must be comprehensive, itemized and have a valid SPIN issued by USAC, refer to full RFP posting for details. We urge but do not required potential bidders to perform an informal walkthrough to gather a better understanding of district’s needs, refer to full RFP for details. Proposal must be received on or before December 5, 2012 by 4:30 p.m. Zapata County I.S.D., 702 E. 17th Street, P.O. Box 158, Zapata, Texas 78076. Bids that are received after the deadline will be returned unopened to the bidder. Please see full RFP for details. The Zapata County Independent School District Form 470 can be view on the Universal Service Administrative Company website, As per USAC rules and regulations, Form 470 and RFP must be posted for 28 days. After the 28th day, Z.C.I.S.D. will meet and decide based on an evaluation matrix on a vendor that is most advantageous to the district. If there are any questions concerning this RFP, refer to and click on ‘RFP for ERate FY15’. L-80
Dallas hosts Seattle for first time since 2002 By JAIME ARON ASSOCIATED PRESS
ARLINGTON — The Dallas Cowboys will celebrate their past Sunday, devoting halftime of their game against Seattle to the induction of 1970s star Drew Pearson, and 1990s greats Charles Haley and Larry Allen into their Ring of Honor. Even their foe conjures memories of Cowboys lore, as the Seahawks will be visiting for the first time since the day in 2002 when Emmitt Smith became the NFL’s career rushing leader. Really digging deep, it was a draft-day trade with Seattle in 1977 that brought Dallas the rights to another Hall of Fame running back, Tony Dorsett. Why the emphasis on the past? For Cowboys fans, it’s easier and more enjoyable than scrutinizing the present. Dallas comes into this game still trying to get a handle on the 2011 club, which sits at 3-4 and part of a three-way tie for second place in the NFC East. At home two weeks ago, against a winless team, the Cowboys looked darn good. On the road last Sunday against a struggling but talented team, the Cowboys looked horrible. Their five games before that were all decided in the final minutes — every win a play away from being a
Photo by Michael Perez | AP
Dallas Cowboys’ Tony Romo will line up against the Seattle Seahawks in Dallas on Sunday for the first time since Seattle visited in 2002. loss, every loss a play away from being a win. Now it’s November, the part of the NFL season where the standings start to bear watching. With nine games left, Dallas still has plenty of time to make a run at the division title or a wildcard spot. But a roll better start
The NBA’s owners and players are preparing to climb into the ring once again in their ongoing labor fight, and the latest round is shaping up as the most divisive yet. The two sides are scheduled to meet Saturday in New York with talks at a standstill, a group of players threatening to disband the union and a section of owners digging in their heels on what they’re willing to offer to get a deal done. Only one thing appears certain — the threat of losing the 2011-12 season has never been greater. About 50 players held two conference calls this week to discuss decertification because they are unhappy with negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. According to some labor law and antitrust experts, a vote to dissolve the union could destroy hopes for even a shortened season. The move could swing some negotiating leverage to the players, antitrust attorney David Scupp said Friday. But he added that taking the fight to court through an antitrust lawsuit also would make it difficult to resolve the matter in time to have a season. “Once you get the courts involved and you end the collective bargaining process, it does slow things down and it does make it a little bit more complicated,” said Scupp, who works at
New York-based law firm Constantine Cannon. The first month of the NBA season, originally scheduled to tipoff Tuesday, already has been canceled, with more games on the chopping block if an agreement is not reached soon. Decertification talk bubbled to the surface this week amid reports that union president Derek Fisher and executive director Billy Hunter are not seeing eye to eye. The union spent most of Thursday trying to project a united front even as that group of players worked behind the scenes to build momentum to eliminate the union. The owners also show signs of not being on the same page. Miami Heat owner Mickey Arison was fined last week for hinting on Twitter that he was ready to get a deal done while several smaller-market owners are said to be holding out for more concessions from the players. The owners are scheduled to meet Saturday before resuming negotiations to affirm their bargaining position, a person with knowledge of the meeting told The Associated Press. The person requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the meeting. At issue from the beginning has been the division of about $4 billion in basketball-related income, along with a system makeover that Commissioner David Stern insists must happen to fix what he considers a broken economic model.
soon, especially with the way the Cowboys’ schedule sets up. Four of the next five opponents have a losing record, with Seattle (2-5) actually among the better teams in that group. The bestcase scenario for Dallas is using that stretch to build some momentum for a final month that
includes a pair of games against division-leading New York. This is probably what owner Jerry Jones was referring to earlier this week when he said a lopsided loss to Philadelphia was no reason to panic. “We got to start getting some wins together and we can do that
by getting a win this week against Seattle,” quarterback Tony Romo said. “There is a sense of urgency. It’s time for us to get started.” Seahawks coach Pete Carroll called Dallas’ 34-7 loss to Philadelphia the outlier among the Cowboys’ performances this season. He also pointed out there wasn’t much his team could borrow from the Eagles’ game plan. Much of the Eagles’ success stemmed from the running of their quarterback, and Seattle’s Tarvaris Jackson is no Michael Vick. The Cowboys had been the NFL’s top run defense until allowing the Eagles to stomp them for 239 yards. Rob Ryan’s unit remains tops in the NFC, though, at 328.3 yards per game of total defense. One wrinkle this week is that Sean Lee, the linebacker who leads the club in tackles and interceptions, probably won’t play because of a wrist injury. That should open more time for veterans Bradie James and Keith Brooking, and perhaps rookie Bruce Carter, a second-round pick who debuted last week only on special teams. Defense is Seattle’s strength, too. The Seahawks have allowed three teams to scored 13 points or less; problem is their offense has scored 13 points or less four times.
HOUSTON — Just about everything went Colt McCoy’s way at Texas. As a junior in 2008, he completed an NCAA-record 76.7 percent of his passes, was the runner-up for the Heisman Trophy and led the Longhorns to a 12-1 record. In 2009, he became the winningest quarterback in NCAA history, guided Texas to the national championship game and departed Austin holding 47 school records and legendary status. Hardly anything is coming easily for McCoy in the pros. Drafted by Cleveland in the third round in 2010, McCoy has already lost more games as an NFL starter (10) than he did in college (8). This year, he’s completed 57 percent of his passes and committed nearly as many turnovers (7) as he’s thrown touchdown passes (9). So pardon McCoy if he’s not feeling too sentimental about returning to Texas to lead the Browns (3-4) against the first-place Texans (5-3) at Reliant Stadium on Sunday. “We won’t get there until Saturday evening, play on Sunday and then come home,” he said. “I don’t have a lot of time to schedule anything, but hopefully I’ll get to see some friends and family that I wouldn’t get to see normally in a year. That’ll be pretty neat.” Fittingly, McCoy could end up having former Texas teammate Chris Ogbonnaya in the backfield. Ogbonnaya, waived by
Photo by Ben Margot | AP
Cleveland Browns quarterback Colt McCoy (12) returns to Texas to face the Houston Texans on Sunday.
the Texans less than a month ago, may start with the status of Peyton Hillis up in the air and backup Montario Hardesty out indefinitely with a torn calf muscle. Hillis has missed the last two games with a strained hamstring, the latest setback in a stormy few months that began with his public contract dispute. Hillis sat out practice again Wednesday. “We’ve just got to see how much he can do and if he can get himself back into a position to play,” Cleveland coach Pat Shurmur said.
The Texans, meanwhile, were waiting out the status of star receiver Andre Johnson, who’s missed four games with a right hamstring injury. Johnson had soreness after a hard workout on Monday, and sat out Wednesday’s practice. “The thing here is, we got to do what’s best for him as a player,” Houston coach Gary Kubiak said. “He’s going to play a lot more football in this league, and he’s going to play a lot more this year. But we just got to be smart when that is.” While Matt Schaub’s completion percentage has
dipped without Johnson in recent weeks, more players have become involved in the offense. Schaub has completed passes to 12 different receivers since Johnson was hurt. “We just know what we have to do as an offense. We know how to execute our stuff,” Schaub said. “We have guys that have been in this position and had to step up.” Houston can also fall back on Arian Foster and the league’s fourth-ranked rushing attack (142 yards per game). Foster has topped 100 yards rushing in the Texans’ last two games.
A&M hopes to visit Sooners with huge win By JEFF LATZKE ASSOCIATED PRESS
NORMAN, Okla. — For more than six years, Oklahoma won every single time it played at home and usually won big. That air of invincibility is gone. For the first time in their careers, this group of Sooners will play on Owen Field knowing what it feels like to lose at home. A 39-game home winning streak that was the longest in the nation was snapped by Texas Tech during their last game in Norman, and Texas A&M (5-3, 3-2 Big 12) comes to town with a task that may not seem as ominous anymore. “On Saturday, we’re going to go out there and we’re going to play ball. We’ll see what it turns out — if the mystique’s still there or if it’s not,” said
Sooners quarterback Landry Jones, the nation’s second-most prolific passer. “We’re going to see on Saturday.” Texas Tech, which was unranked and coming off consecutive home losses at the time, completely controlled Oklahoma while opening a 31-7 third-quarter lead two weeks ago. It was easily the worst home performance by the Sooners in Bob Stoops’ 13 seasons as head coach with failures on offense, defense and special teams. “You can’t just roll your helmet out there and expect to win,” receiver Jaz Reynolds said. “Doing that got us beat pretty good.” Still, the seventhranked Sooners (7-1, 4-1) have never lost back-toback home games under Stoops, who is 75-3 on Owen Field. Before Tech’s 41-38 victory, he hadn’t lost a home games since
the 2005 season opener against TCU. And none of his current players had ever experienced defeat at home. Some had never trailed until earlier this year, when the Sooners fell behind for the first time in 21 home games. Texas A&M will be trying for back-to-back wins against the Sooners, after claiming a 33-19 triumph last season in College Station. But for the third time this season, the Aggies are also trying to do away with the bad memories of a second-half collapse. All three of the team’s losses this season have come after double-digit leads slipped away in the second half. “We have a phenomenal challenge this week up in Norman,” coach Mike Sherman said. “It’s easy to lay down on that mat. I
tell them all the time it’s not easy to play football. Football is a game of 1on-1 matchups, and 11 guys winning their matchups. Our ability to win our matchups in the upcoming game is going to be huge. “Oklahoma bounced back (from the Texas Tech loss) against a very good Kansas State team, and our ability to bounce back is a true measure of who we are.” A&M followed a midseason swoon last year — losing to the same three teams — by reeling off six straight victories to earn a trip to the Cotton Bowl. With four games left, there’s still time for another strong finish. Considering its performance the last time on Owen Field, Oklahoma is in no position to throw stones at A&M for its second-half struggles.
Photo by Pat Sullivan | AP
Texas A&M quarterback Ryan Tannehill looks to lead his Aggies into Norman, Okla., and leave with a win against the Oklahoma Sooners today.