Home of the Rams
Pursue Your Passion… Leave a Legacy!
Sunday, October 14, 12
R A M P urpose R esponsibility I ntegrity D uty E xcellence Sunday, October 14, 12
Inaugural Year Theme: Coming together is a beginning; staying together is progress; and working together is success.
Henry Ford Sunday, October 14, 12
MMHS Vision: To Prepare Students for the 21st Century The ultimate goal of 21st century skills and learning is to prepare students to succeed and prosper in life, in school and on the job and keep America competitive internationally. Partnership for 21st Century Skills Sunday, October 14, 12
Murrieta Mesa High School Graduation Requirements •
Class of 2013 and beyond are to complete 230 credits.
40 Hours of Community Service
Pass CAHSEE in the areas of English and Math.
Senior Exit Interview for the Class of 2013 and beyond.
Sunday, October 14, 12
Credit Requirements
4 years
3 years (Alg. 1 req)
Social Science/History
World Language
1 year
Visual/Perf. Art
1 year
Physical Education
2 years
Health/ICT Careers
Sunday, October 14, 12
3 years (1 yr. life, 1 yr. physical, 1 yr. additional) 3 years (World History, U.S. History and Gov/ Econ)
Health 1 sem. ICT Careers 1 sem. 50 credits
Senior Exit Interview
Sunday, October 14, 12
Required for the Class of 2013 and beyond. Newly adopted BP: “Completion of an exit interview presentation on personal career and life goals that exhibits the student’s creative ability, critical thinking and communication skills and demonstrates a clear understanding of the essential activities needed to achieve the career and life goals”. The components of the interview are currently under development via a district-wide committee. At each grade level there will be components that will be developed and completed by students with staff supervision. During the senior year, the interview will be conducted.
UC/CSU A-G Requirements (Minimum eligibility requirements) Universities do not accept D grades either semester.
Sunday, October 14, 12
(A) Social Sciences – 2 years (World History, U.S. History, Gov’t.) (B) English – 4 years (C) Mathematics – 3 years (Alg. 1, Geo., Alg2/ Trig) UC recommends 4 years (D) Lab Sciences – 2 years (CP Bio., Chemistry) UC recommends 3 years (E) World Languages – 2 years of the same world language UC recommends 3 years (F) Visual/Performing Arts – 1 year *refer to the UC/CSU a-g course list (G) Electives – 1 year *refer to the UC/CSU a-g course list
University of California (UC)
10 UC Campuses (UCLA, UCI, UCSD etc).
Selection based on top 9% of graduating class beginning with the class of 2012 using a comprehensive review process (up to 15 factors used for admittance).
Estimated cost of a UC Education 2010-2011 $30,000 (living on campus).
Cost of attendance is based on: Fees $9,285 Books and Supplies $1,500 Health Insurance Allowance/Fee $1,000 Room and Board $12,600 Personal/Transportation $2,600 TOTAL $26,985.
Fall 2009 Profile: CP Courses 23.1, GPA 3.82, SAT 1776, ACT 25.5.
Fall 2008 Profile: CP Courses 23.2, GPA 3.78, SAT 1762, ACT 25.1.
Beginning with the class of 2012 no SAT II Subject Tests are required.
All campuses are impacted and decreasing numbers of freshman admits due to economic constraints.
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California State University (CSU)
23 CSU Campuses (SDSU, CSUSB, CSUSM etc.). Selection based on top 30% of graduating class using an “Eligibility Index Formula” GPA x 800 + Your SAT Total GPA x 200 + (10 x ACT Composite) Eligibility Score varies by campus based on number of applicants. Cost of attendance is based on: Fees 4,902 Books and Supplies 1,638 Food and Housing 11,485 Transportation 1,320 Misc, Personal 2,657 TOTAL $22,002. Freshman Profile is dependent on the campus. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and SAT Score of 1300 or ACT Composite Score of 30 in order to qualify for admission. Students with a GPA of 3.0 qualify with any SAT/ACT score. CSU is decreasing enrollment due to economic constraints and impaction of campuses. High school juniors will take the ELM and EAP tests that are imbedded in the CST Exam.
Sunday, October 14, 12
California Independent Colleges and Universities
Sunday, October 14, 12
There are 76 California independent colleges. Admission varies based on campus, selectivity, number of applicants. If students meet general CSU requirements they will most likely be admitted to an independent college/ university (excluding Stanford, USC, Pepperdine). Annual average cost of attendance is $46,000. 90% of students get financial aid and most colleges guarantee a 4-year graduation plan.
Out-of-State Public/Private Colleges/Universities
Sunday, October 14, 12
Eligibility requirements vary based on school and state. If students meet CSU/UC entrance requirements, they will generally fulfill out-of-state entrance requirements. Students need to verify eligibility. Most colleges guarantee a 4-year graduation plan. Due to the economic situation, many colleges are flexible and generous with waiving fees and financial aid. We encourage students to look outside of California and keep all options open.
California Community Colleges
110 2yr. Colleges (MSJC, RCC, Palomar etc.).
Programs include: 2-year associate degree, vocational, certificate and transfer opportunities to a 4-year college/university.
Entrance requirements are open to all California residents, 18-years or older including those without a high school diploma
Fees are $20 per unit.
High school students with a 3.0 GPA may coenroll at MSJC depending on course availability and placement tests.
Sunday, October 14, 12
The Legacy
Continues with‌ Sunday, October 14, 12