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NEWS Business

Professional Beauty Brands Rise to Relief Challenge

Sponsors of the 8th Annual Beauty Changes Lives Experience are showing up with big hearts and generous relief grants for licensed beauty professionals affected by the pandemic. Professionals can apply for a $1,000 grant on the Beauty Changes Lives website. beautychangeslives.org

DermYoung and Medical Spas Partner to Donate PPE to Hospitals and Clinics

The HydraFacial Company Shifts its Focus in Fighting COVID-19

“Face Life Face First” is the motto and helping small businesses who are on the front lines of COVID-19 is the mission. HydraFacial is now offering its infrastructure and workforce to distribute reusable medical masks, build ventilators, and answer tele-medicine calls. hydrafacial.com

CEO Dr. Yang Brooks and the DermYoung reached out to their medical spa clients across the country to ask for PPE donations. Within 24 hours, DermYoung collected more than 500 surgical and N95 respiratory masks. Now the team is encouraging donations outside of their network. To join the effort, please contact Dr. Brooks at ysbrooks@dermyoung.com or visit GetUsPPE.org. dermyoung.com

Infinity Sun’s Glow Box Project

In efforts to help spray tan salons and spas who are currently struggling, Infinity Sun has devised a product, Glow Boxes, containing tanning and skincare products for businesses to sell to their clients at retail prices. infinitysun.com

NEWS Business

Eminence Organics Provides Products to First Responders Around the World

From the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to Canada and the United States, Eminence has provided a pampering gift to health care heroes so that they can wash, treat and hydrate their skin after a long shift. eminenceorganics.com

Celluma Light Therapy COVID-19 Initiatives

BABOR has amplified production at their Aachen, Germany facility to also produce hand sanitizer disinfectant. The professional brand is also offering special training webinars to beauty experts around the globe on how to use social media to connect with clients and perform virtual consultations. Qualifying spa partners can also receive financial assistance! us.babor.com

BABOR Amps Up Production and Offerings

The LED light therapy company manufactures medical face shields, donates $2,500 to the Esthetics Council, and offers practitioners FREE disposable Hygiene Barriers. CEO Patrick Johnson encourages other companies to do the same. “The estheticians are the life blood of our business and we challenge all the other companies in the industry to match or better our $2,500 donation. It a tough time for everyone right now, but now is when we need to give the most.” - CEO Patrick Johnson celluma.com

Horst Rechelbacher Foundation Mixes Art and Beauty with a Challenge to Support COVID Relief Efforts

Nichole Rechelbacher, daughter of the late Horst Rechelbacher, is donating an additional $80,000 in COVID Relief Grants, bringing the Foundation’s COVID Relief donations to $104,000. Nicole has challenged the nation’s beauty brands and professionals to match the grant and said the first brand or individual to do so will be awarded an original piece of artwork created by Horst Rechlebacher. beautychangeslives.org

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