6 People KevinStairiker
If rock ‘n’ roll fan, want to check out Tom’s Music Trade in Red Lion - it’s a store with
If you’re a rock‘n’ rollfan, you’ll wanttocheckout Tom’sMusic Tr inRedLion-it’s a record storewith amuseumof rockinthe ba ck.
12Living —SallyReynolds
Tattoos are no longer just for the young. We talked to several people who got their first ink after they turned 50 about what their tattoos cooking spa to your back You can hire someone to handle the
Tattoosarenolongerjustforthe young. We talkedto severalpeople who gottheirfirstinkafterthey turned50aboutwhattheirtattoos meantothem.
16Home Katina Kauffman Interestedin addinganoutdoor cookingspa ce to your ba ck yard? Youcanhire someonetohandlethe project,or youcan go fullDIY.
26 Travel —MaryEllen Wright
Frederick,Maryland,offersagreat mixofhistor y, foodanddrinkand thearts,allwithin easy day-trip distanceofLancaster.
ConsideringaRoth Conversion?
Opening a retirement savingsaccount typicallymeans choosingbetween a traditionalorRothIRA.While you may have chosen a traditionalIRA fortheinitial taxsavings, you might considerswitchingto a Roth IRAfor taxfree retirement income.Changing a traditionalIRA to a RothIRAisknownas a Roth conversion.
What isthedifferencebetween a traditional andRothIRA?
With a traditionalIRA, you make contributions using pre-taxdollars, meaning you’llpay taxes onthe distributions you take in retirement.With a Roth IRA, you paytaxes on yourcontributions now and make tax-freewithdrawals in retirement.
Additionally,a RothIRAdoesnothave a required minimumdistributionage,so you can save and grow tax-free dollars forthe remainderof yourlife.
Should you do a Rothconversion?
A Rothconversionisnotright for everyone Here’s whattoconsider:
Tax obligations: If you choosetoconvert to a Roth IRA you willneedtopay taxes ontheadditional income,whichcouldpush you into a highertax bracket.
Yourtimeline: If you’reretiringwithinthenext few years, you may want toforegoa Rothconversion.The money you convertinto a Roth IRAmuststaythere for afive-yearholdingperiod.Withdrawingsooner could resultin a 10% penaltyand/oradditional incometaxes
Yourfuture tax bracket: Considerwhether you will bein a higherorlower tax bracketwhen you begin withdrawing funds If you believe you’ll bein a lower taxbracketwhen you retire, you may want to wait towithdraw funds, so you pay lessintaxes If you’re currentlyin a jobslump that puts you in a lower tax bracket,itmaymake sensetoconvertto a Rothnow.
How muchtoconvertand when: If you’re on the cusp of a higher taxbracket,but still want todo a Rothconversion, you have the optiontoconvert a portionat a time, ratherthan onelumpsum, to spreadout yourtaxobligation.
Consult your financial advisorbefore making changesto your retirement account. Together you can review theseconsiderationsandmake thechoice that’s right for yourunique financialsituation.
There’ssomethingaboutdinner onthegrillthatalways feelslike ‘themore,themerrier.’ Maybeit’s theurge to filltheentiregrillfromend to endwith food,orthe extraspaceoutside that bringsus together.It’s oneofthe topthings to look forward to as we get throughtheseAprilshowersand we can feelspringintheair.Inthisissue, we’llget apeek at twodifferentoutdoorkitchen spaces, explorea familytattootrendand discovera fewtravelspots to add to your list. We hope youenjoythewide rangein topicsthisspring. Thank yousomuch for readingBalance!
LindseyMcCallum | Editor-in-Chief |
Editor-in-Chief: LindseyMcCallum
ArtDirection: Andrew Albright
ContentEditor: Jed Reinert
Design: JennyAlthouse,KrystalHummer, AllieMiller, Amy Rodriguez,Christine Vernon,Bailey Watro
Photography: Andrew Albright,Quinn Staley, Vinny Tennis
Writers: Margaret Gates, Katina Kauffman, Sally Reynolds, Kevin Stairiker, MaryEllen Wright
Production: KimBuckwalter,Erica Feltenberger, Joelle Pacheco
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SteveandDawnGroff(and theirdog,Tucker)have addedanoutdoorcooking spacetotheirdeck.
Half record store and halfmuseum, Tom’s Music Trade lets you check out a little slice of rockhistory for freeBY KEVIN STAIRIKER
Apaperplate signed by Joe Strummer. NumerousBeatles“Butcher” covers More concertticketsthan you couldfit in a shoebox.
These are just a few ofthe pieces of music historycurrentlyenshrinedin Tom’s Music Trade,28 MainSt., Red Lion.While the record store itselfhasbeenopensince2006, themuseumthat isnow housedintheback oftheshop – dubbed“Tom’s Homegrown Rock‘n’ RollMuseum” - openedofficiallyin Octoberof2023. There isnocost to enter the museumportionoftheshop, whichtakes over a former secondaryspaceinthestore. Tom Anderton,51,hasbeencollecting records sincehe wasa 12-year-oldinEngland(“I only everdidit to makea coupleofpounds to buy sweets, you know?” he says withasmirk)and memorabilia for thelast few years. “Itnever ends, I’ve got stuff everywhere,” Anderton says while scanningaroundthe museum
Anderton reckonsthat hehasthemost complete collectionofmemorabiliafrom Yorkmetal favorites Halestorminthe world, a statement cosigned by Roger Hale, father of bandmembers LizzyandArejay Hale.
“He saidthatI have a better archive thanhe does,” Anderton says “He was flooredthatI hadallthisstuff.”
Andertonhasposters and self-produced releasesfromthebands’early days inthe‘90s, longbefore they signedwith Atlantic Records in2005and releasedtheirofficial self-titled debutin2009 Anderton got familiar withthe band initiallywhenthat album was released, andhe solditinhisstore.Overtime,he’s now amassed justabout every itemtheband has ever released, except for oneitem –a self-released1997 cassette titled“Forecast the Future.” Ontheonlinemusic selling site Discogs, whichhas data onmillions
of releasessincetheadven musicmedia meaningtha currentlybeassigned Anderton similarlyha thoughhe says dollars for each.Andertonhimselfis inthe Halestorm at theshopin2021withLizzy noneofthemember back to visitinthe
museum officially
“I’m hopingtha a signingoranacoustic theshop; I thinktha Anderton says
HalestormisnottheonlyLi memorabili
rockingIrishbandThinLizzyhas ofits own and favorite piecesintheentir greentie wo ThinLizzyfrontma ofthemember sametime,though).WhenAndertonboug thetieand a BrianDown authenticit thebandmember
“Inever wa washediteither that’s Guinnes motioning to themiddle.“I high-top go two Gary Mo allthisotherstu didn’t have time.”
Additionally has a bandjacket, anoriginal tour scarfand
Inthat respect, Anderton’s museumcontainsmany pieces that feellike curiosfromout oftime.
For example,when was the lasttime you sawa 36-page press kitthat comes complete with a cassette? Andhow aboutif saidpress kitbelonged to a band calledPublicAffection,later to beknownas oneof Central Pennsylvania’s biggestbands, Live?
Onepage ofthepress release features a handscrawled message: “Hangon to this.”
Another nearby blastfromthe pastis a simple, mostlywhite concertposterdetailing a Los Angeles concertfromthe‘80s featuringLancaster County bandTheSharks, featuringthenlittle-knownopening band Motley Crue.
“Flyers today are eventson Facebookandthenthey disappear Thisisthetail-endofthis - whenthe‘90s becamethe2000s, everythingbecame digital,digitalpress kits, you got less andless promo stuffwith releases.”
There isn’t necessarily a rhyme or reason to how the memorabiliaisarrangedotherthanmodest attempts to keep artistsfromcertain genres together Anderton says that heis mindful to hangupnotjustthings he’s interestedin,suchashiphopandundergroundindie,but everythingthat might appeal to anyone.Between the record store andfindingmemorabilia, Anderton says that hehad roughlyfive days offfrom workthispast year, andhe’s hoping to doublethat to 10 inthenext year.
Evenwhen he’s called directlyabout a collection,there’s noguarantee that what isinsidewillbe worthbuying.
“Less than a monthago, it was threedays in a row- firstday, two hours one way, two hours back, didn’t buyit Next day, anhourone way, didn’t buy anything.Third day, I thought for sure thistime,but samething - hourand twenty minutesone way. Couldn’t believe it, putlike eight hours in the car.”
Regardless, withtheamount currentlyonthe walls at theshop andinstorage at his house,Anderton says that he can seea day, years fromnow, whenheopens a separate spacededicatedentirely to themuseum.
“Ithinkthat wouldbepretty epic,” Anderton says, beaming.“Icould probablydoitright now, to behonestwith you.Itnever ends, I’ve got stuff everywhere.”
Initsefforts to promote safe and secure housing for all, Tenfold can point tosomebigsuccesses, fromitsTLCshelter onEastKingStreet to its workinthecity’s southwest neighborhood to itssupportofthe affordablehousingcomplex on College Avenue.
However, many ofthe Lancaster-based nonprofit’s successes are smallerandless visible, butjustasimportant initsmission to helppeopleachieve equitablehousingand financial security.
Like offeringmediationbetween a tenant and landlord that allows the tenant to keeptheir emotionalsupportanimal.
Orensuring thata landlord givespropernotice of a lease termination, so a familyhassufficient time to findnew housing Or workingwith a SocialSecurity recipient to helpthembudget for housing expenses
Those individualsuccesses are the foundation for so muchmore.“Housingis really a
desperatelyneeded factor for success in every otherareaoflife,” says Jeremy Hayes, director ofthe HousingRightsand Resources Center for Tenfold.
Fair Housing Month isheldinAprileach year to commemorate thesigningofthe Fair Housing Act inApril1968 Italso shines a spotlight onanissue that requires year-round attention,especially for those whostruggle to secure oneoflife’s mostbasic necessities
The Fair Housing Act, partofthe CivilRights Act of1968, prohibitsdiscriminationinthe sales, rentaland financingofhousingbecause of race,color, religion,nationalorigin, familial statusordisability State, county andlocal municipalitiesmay put additional safeguards
inplace. Pennsylvania law, for example, also prohibitshousing discriminationagainst adults over 40
Buthousingdiscriminationstill existsandit can take many forms, fromdenying rentalorpurchase of a home to charging extra for rent or a security deposit It can also beunintentional.
That’s why Tenfoldoffers services year-round to educate landlordsabout discrimination, to advisetenantsoftheirrightsandassistthem in filing fairhousingcomplaints, and to mediate informallybetweenbothparties.
“We strive to educate tenants andlandlordsontheirrightsand responsibilities, so that if someonedoes have housingthey are less likely to lose that housingifthey know what their rightsand responsibilitiesare,” Hayes says “Andonthelandlord sideofthings, a landlord knows what theirrightsand responsibilitiesare for that house so they can holdon togood tenants.”
Tenfold’s services extendbeyondthose in
theprotectedclasses outlined intheCivil Rights Act to includeothervulnerable populationsthat often facehousing discriminationanditsconsequences, suchasthose whohave a criminal record, peoplelivingonlimitedSocialSecurity or disability incomes, andthose whoqualify for housing vouchers orother government subsidies.
Hayes estimates that Tenfoldhas filed about a dozen fairhousingcomplaints sincethestartofitscurrentfiscal year in June2023, whichiscomparable to previous years, he says Ontheother hand,he’s also hadlandlords reaching out to request workshopson fairhousing laws Hayes seesbothaspositive signsof Tenfold’s outreachefforts.
Aspartofthat outreach, Tenfoldisoffering several special events to coincidewith Fair Housing Month.
AuthorLeah Rothsteinwilldiscuss her book, “Just Action: How to Challenge SegregationEnacted Under The ColorofLaw,” in a virtual event at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 23
Co-written withher
father, Richard Rothstein, “Just Action” is a sequel to theelder Rothstein’s bestsellingbook,“The ColorofLaw,” which documentedhow laws andpolicies at all levelsof government promoted segregation inmetropolitanareasofthe United States.
“Lancasterisnodifferent fromany other municipality,” Hayes says “We experienced redliningandblockbusting justlike anywhere else.”
In “Just Action,” the Rothsteinsoutline steps people can take intheir own communities to remedy residential segregation.
Tenfoldwillcontinuetackling fairhousing issueswithanin-person event from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Saturday, May 4, at LancasterPublicLibrary, 151 N. QueenSt
“Fair Housing Month at theLibrary ” willinclude a resourcetablemanned by certified fairhousingspecialists, where both tenants andlandlords can ask questionsandpickupmaterialsoutlining theirrightsand responsibilities.
“Housingis reallya desperately needed factorfor successin every otherareaoflife.”
–JeremyHayes,director of theHousing Rights and Resources Center for Tenfold.
A seriesof workshopsfrom12:30 to 4:30 p.m.willcover rentingrightsand responsibilities, LGBTQ+ protectionsand housinglocation.
Additionally, LancasterCity Council memberAhmedAhmedandstateRep.
IzzySmith-Wade-Elwillspeakonhousing issuesandtake questions at noonand 1:30 p.m., respectively
For more informationor to register for Fair Housing Month events, or to learn aboutother Tenfold servicesandprograms related to housingand financial security, visit
308EastKing Street Lancaster, PA 17602
“My father wasapastorofasmallchurch whenI wasgrowingup,and we neverhad muchmoney. I was very awareofthat and yetnever feltinsecureaboutitor stressedbecause my parents,especially my dad, was veryopenaboutourfinances withthingslike what weweren’t going to buybecause we didn’tneedit,what kindof cars we boughtandwhatkindsof vacations wewere going to dobecauseof thecost. He also sharedhowthey worked hard tosave ongrocerybillsandother bills.Inaddition, they gave tocharity andsavedmoneyinthebank eventhoughtheydidn’t have alot – twothingsthatalotofpeople wouldchoosenot to doifinasimilarsituation.I was well awarethatI didn’t have thingsthatotherkidsandtheir familieshad…butIalso felt like my parents were doing wellintheirfinances,doingthebesttheycould, andthathelpedme to understandandnotcompare asmuch. Now, Inever stressabout my parentshavingmoneybecause Iknow they savedandhave enough,andmaybemorethanenough, fortheirfutureneeds ”
Amanda Rock, CFP® | FinancialPlanner“ThebestadviceI receivedis to track your spending. Asa youngadult,ourchurchofferedafree budgeting seminar.All youhad to do wasbringin yourbankandcredit card statementsandthey would give youafreeChick-fil-Alunch.Whilethe good food drewalotof youngadultsinto churchonaSaturday, what wasmostinformative waslooking at how much we allspentindifferent categories(eatingout, clothing,subscriptions,entertainment, etc.) versus ourmonthlybills.Thishelpedusall seewhere we werespendingourmoneyandcreate budgets. We also talkedabouttithing andbeing generous.I have continued to use thisadvice even today asamarriedadult ”
Diana Voth, MBA | Vice President ofMember Engagementand Impact, Everence FederalCreditUnionWh at ’s thebes t
“SomeofthebestfinancialadviceIhave ever received:
•IsGod‘Lord’ofallareasin yourlife–including yourfinances?
• Retirement–Plannow so that you canbea faithfulstewardinthefuture.
• Abudgetisaspendingplansothatmoney doesn’tcontrol youbut youcontrolit.
• We aresimplystewardsormanagers ofsomethingthatdoesn’tultimatelybelongtous.”
Lynette Morales | Stewardship Consultant“Start saving for retirementasearlyaspossible,dedicate aportionofanyannualincrease towardreachingthe maximumcontributionlevel youremployeriswilling tomatch– ‘don’t leave moneyonthetable.’ Additionally,if you can’t save for retirementand,if applicable, yourchildren’seducation at the sametime, startwith retirement–“noone wants to have to livewith theirchildrenbecausethereisalackof resources.”
Scott W. Tryon | AVP– DirectorofBusiness Development, Everence FederalCreditUnion“ThebestadviceIhave receivedis to startinvesting ina retirementaccountas soonaspossible.In11th grade, my calculus teacherprovidedan exampleof thedifferencebetweenstarting to invest at 20and 25.Starting youngerhighlightedthatthedifference was hundredsofthousandsofextra dollarscome their retirementage. This wasan eye-opener for meandencouragedme to start young ”
EmilyMiller, CCUFC® | Member RelationsManager, Everence FederalCreditUnion
When you choosethe team at Everence to walk with you on your financialjourney, you’re not onlygettingtheir financial expertisebutalsothe perspective andwisdom gainedfromtheir own life experiences. We askedsomemembersofthe Everence team to share the financialadvice orlife lessonsthat hadthebiggest impactontheirlives.
“My ‘wise words’ wouldbe to simplyspendless than youearn and you generallywillnotrunout ofmoney. It canbehard to understandhowan acclaimed athlete,musicianoractorhasfiled for bankruptcywhentheyhave earnedmillionsintheir respectivelineof work.Thegrim realityisthat whilethey mayhave earnedmillions,theyended upspendingmillions-plusanddidnot followthe wise wordsofspendinglessthan youearn.While thisisasimpleconcept,it’snotalways easy to practice.It’s definitelycounterculturaland requires disciplineand self-control.If we can keepourlives freefromthelove ofmoneyandbecontentwith what we have,Godhaspromisedusin Hebrews 13:5that, ‘Never willIleave you;andneverwillI forsake you.’Goodadviceandwise words to strive for.”
C.DouglasUmble, REBC®, AWMA® | ManagingDirector
“Thesimple yetpoignantadageof ‘a penny saved isapennyearned’hasalways stuckwithmefrom childhoodasInegotiatedmanyoflife’sfinancial decisions.Asakid, my sister wasthe saverandIthe spender;lookingback,Ibelieve herstewardship broughtaboutastark realization formethat money wasearnedandshouldbespentor usedwiththoughtfulintention. Today, thisis evermoreclearasaparentandprofessionalinthe financial sectorthathonoringGodmeans serving well,whereinallour resourcesareHisand to be used well forHisglory.”
Kyle Keen,MHA, CCWS | DirectorofOrganizational Services
your life’s mission,letEverence
Whether you’re seekingwealth management, retirement, charitableorbankingservices, we’re here tohelpyoufind your way, soyoucan focus onwhat truly matters – yourfuture. Take controlof your financesandlet Everence® helpyounavigate toward your goals.
Findouthowwecanhelpyou meetyourfinancialgoalsat orcall 717-394-0769.
To take thenext stepin your financialjourney, consult a professional teamlike theone at Everence.
SecuritiesofferedthroughConcourseFinancialGroupSecurities,Inc.(CFGS),Member FINRA/SIPC.Advisoryservicesofferedthrough ConcourseFinancialGroupAdvisors,aDBA forCFGS,aRegisteredInvestmentAdvisor.InvestmentsandotherproductsarenotNCUAor otherwisefederallyinsured,mayinvolvelossof principalandhavenotcreditunionguarantee. ProductsandservicesofferedthroughEverence TrustCompanyandotherEverenceentities areindependentofandarenotguaranteedor endorsed by ConcourseFinancialGroupSecurities,oritsaffiliates.
SecuritiesofferedthroughConcourseFinancialGroupSecurities, Inc.(CFGS),MemberFINRA/SIPC.Advisoryservicesoffered throughConcourseFinancialGroupAdvisors,aDBAfor CFGS,aRegisteredInvestmentAdvisor.In-vestmentsandother productsarenotNCUAorotherwisefederallyinsured,may involvelossofprincipalandhavenotcreditunionguarantee. ProductsandservicesofferedthroughEverence TrustCompany andotherEverenceentitiesareindependentofandarenot guaranteedorendorsedbyConcourseFinancialGroup Securities,oritsaffiliates.
CertifiedFinancialPlannerBoardofStandardsInc.(CFP Board)ownsthecertificationmarksCFP®,CERTIFIED FINANCIALPLANNER™,CFP®(withplaquedesign),and CFP®(withflamedesign)intheU.S.,whichitauthorizesuseof byindividualswhosuccessfullycompleteCFPBoard’sinitialand ongoingcertificationrequirements.
BY SALLY REYNOLDSTattoosareas variedastheartists whocreate themandthepeople who wearthem.As youmight expect, youngpeoplearetheprimary wearersoftattoos,with41percentof peopleunder30having at leastonetattoo vs.only13percentofpeopleage65and older*.
Sowhat wouldmotivatesomeone toget theirfirsttattoowhentheyareolder?I spokewiththreepeoplewho gottheirfirst tattooafterage50and founda varietyof reasonswhythey tookthishighlypersonal andmeaningfulstep.
GretaRudacillehasstruggledwithbipolar disorder for years, to thepointofbeing hospitalized severaltimes. Mentalhealth issuesruninGreta’s family,buther family hasalways beenfullysupportiveofeach other, evenwhenthe going was rough.
Greta,hersister,herbrotherandher son allchose to makethatsupportvisible to the world by gettingthe sametattooon theirarms /wrists:a semicolon.Theychose this symbolbecauseofProjectSemicolon, agrassrootsnon-profitdedicated to bringinghopeand solidarity to peoplewho have beenaffected by mentalillness.
Theideabehind the semicolonis thatit symbolizes that yourstory isn’t over,there ismore to come inlife.When shelooks at her tattoo, Greta says she feels empowered.The tattooprovides permanent encouragement thatshe canmake her owndestiny, andthatsheis notaloneinher journey.
BarbMiller gotherfirsttattoo at age 75, inthecompanyof twodaughtersand two granddaughters, allofwhom gotatiny heartontheoutsideofthepalmoftheir lefthands.Whythelefthand?Becauseit’s closer to theheart, says Barb.
Thetattoobonding sessionhappened at a pre-Thanksgivingdinnera few yearsago, onaSundayafternoonwhenout-of-town family were visiting.“If you’ve everhad teenagersin your family” says Barb,“you knowthatno topicisoffthetable.”
Someone at thetable saidthattheyshould have a familytattoo,andBarb saidthat sinceit wouldbea familytattoo,itshould beaheart.Immediatelythe teenagegirls were ontheirphones searching foraplace
thatcouldtakefive peopleandthey founda tattoostudioin ParkCity Centerthat was open.Offthey went andwithinanhourall five hadfreshhearttattoosfromatattoo artistnamedGypsy
ThisisBarb’sfirsttattooanditwillbeher lastbecause thereisnootherimageor symbolthatisasimportant to herasthe heart.
Barb’s familyisablended family.When sheandBobmarried,hehad fourchildren andshehadthree.ButBarb says that shedoesn’thave stepchildren,shehas “childrenofherheart”,becausesheloves Boband everythingthatcomeswithhim. And,shedoesn’thave in-laws,shehas “inloves”. ForBarb,the symbolofthe heart wastheperfectchoice forhertattoo because herlife hasbeenbuiltaroundlove
Sandra Tucker gotherfirsttattoo at age62,onatripout west to visither daughter, Kate,whoalreadyhadalot oftattoos.AcoupleofSandra’sfriends had gottentattooswiththeirdaughters andencouragedSandra togo forit.
Sandra’schoice wasahummingbird becauseshehadalways loved hummingbirds.Initially,sheplanned on gettinga verysmallhummingbird, butherdaughterandfriends encouragedher togo bigger. Together, Sandraandherdaughter cameupwith adesign forahummingbirdagainsta bedof forget-me-notsinmemoryof Sandra’smom,whodiedofAlzheimer ’s disease.Thefinishedpieceisabout thesizeofthepalmofherhand,and Sandralovesit.
Lessthana yearlater, Sandradecided togeta secondtattoothatalso combinedthebeautyofbirdswith remembranceofa familymember. Whilehikinga few yearsago, Sandra hadspotteda red-wingedblackbirdand wasthrilled by thebright redflashofits wings. Later, shelearnedthatthisbird wasbeloved by hernephew, Grant, who hadpassed away at age34. Returning to that samehikingtrail,shehoped to seeanother red-wingedblackbirdasa signfromGrantand,sureenough,one settledonabranch infrontofher.She tookaphotoanduseditastheimage forhernext tattoo,combiningherlove forthebeautifulbirdwithherlove forGrant.
Aretherespecial considerations forgetting yourfirsttattoowhen youare over50? Yes,according to Emily Adleblute, atattoo artist at BlackAltar Collective tattoo studio.Emilyhasa fouryeardegreeinillustrationfrom the Pennsylvania CollegeofArt &DesignandrunsBlackAltar withtwoother womentattoo artists. Theirspaceis cozyand welcoming,withlotsofgreenery, artwork,andaslightlygothicvibe. HereareEmily’stips forgetting yourfirsttattoowhen youare older:
•If youareonmedications,check with yourdoctorbefore getting thattattoo.Bloodthinners definitelymean youcannotget atattooandtheremaybeother medicationsthatare counterindicated.
•Understandthatolderskinis thinnerandhasless collagen than youngerskin,sotattooson olderskinwillnotlookascrisp astattooson20-year-oldskin.
• Startwithsomethingsmall to makesure youlove thelook.
• Avoidputting yourtattooon crepeyskinareas.Goodchoices are forearms,calves,shoulders andbiceps.
•Findatattooartistwhois experiencedwitholderskin. Emilysays thatsheadjustsher techniquewhen workingon olderskin:sheturnsdownthe poweronhertattoomachine sothatshecangolightlyand slowly,andsheiscarefulnot to go toodeep.Ifatattoois too deeponolderskinitwillcause theink to “blowout”,orspread, undertheskin.
•Hydrate wellandhave agood mealbefore yourtattoo.
• Follow yourtattooartist’saftercareinstructions.
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Challengingprojects are nothingnew to my friendand formercolleagueGeorge Weber. He’s transformed a garage into anart studio,finished a laundry room,and built two large outdoor decks, all without anyprofessional help So, whenGeorge’s passion for pizzaledhimdown thepath towards buyingorbuildinghis own pizza oven,he said“I can dothat.” George explained there were several key decisionshe weighed before determining to proceedwithbuildinghis own pizza oven.
“The first question was, do I want a gas or a wood-burning oven. That was aneasydecision for mebecause wood-burning ovens producesuch a unique flavor. Then,when I started researching brick ovensonlineand saw what they lookedlike, I thought thatI could figure out a way to doiton my own,” George says.
Butbefore hecouldbegin,there was stillnoshortage of research to bedoneonmaterials, design,andplacement.
“Sincepizza ovens can reach temperaturesupwards of 1000 degrees(Fahrenheit), I learnedthatI wouldneed to usefirebricks andhighheat mortar,” George says.
Thenext important consideration was placement, andaddingan adequate foundation to support thesheer weight ofthestructure itself. Because ofthelocationwhere George was building, he needed to pour a substantialamount ofconcrete to create thebase onwhichhispizza oven wouldsit “it was reallyhard work. I mixed probably 70 to 80bags ofconcrete,” Georgesays
Getinspiredby two local familiesthattookdifferent approachestobringtheir visionstolife.BY KATINA KAUFFMAN|PHOTOGRAPHY BY QUINN STALEY
“If I coulddoitagain, I wouldhave keptthebase hollow and used that spaceasanarea for logstorage,” Georgesays.
Anotheraspectofthedesignthat George spent time researching anddesigning was the rounded roofdome, a feature critical for proper cooking because it keeps theair circulatingaround the pizza
“I wasn’t sure how to buildthe roundeddome,” George admits, butthenhediscovered anonlinestore that sold foaminserts specificallymade for this typeofproject
“The foaminsertmadethisprojectmuch easierthanit would have beenotherwise. You justbuild yourstructure aroundthe foam,thenpullitoutonce yourmortariscured,” George explains.
After two layers of firebrickand a third outer-layer of regular brick, the oven was complete and ready to cookits first pizza
Fromthestart, theendproduct was heralded a success “Even the first pizza I cookedturnedout great. NowI like experimenting withdifferent typesofdoughfromlocalbakers,” George says.
I askedifhe wouldmake any changesordoanythingdifferently OneofGeorge’s adjustmentsincludes a two-level cooking system, onehigherlevel andonelower level.Asthepizzascook together, he can easily rotate their positions to achieve his ideal level ofcrisp.
Anotheradjustment Georgesays he’s considering isaddinga door to the oven to helpmaintain temperature.
“So, what’s youradvice for anyonewhoisconsidering building
“Even thefirst pizza I cooked turned outgreat. NowI like experimentingwith different types of dough fromlocal bakers.”
~ George Weber
their own pizza oven,”I asked.
“Don’t,” Georgesays with a chuckle “No, it’s cool,butthere are other alternatives, andmostpeople won’t want togo throughthetroubleandmaintenance,” George says ashepoints tosectionsofthe exteriordomethat he recently repointed to prevent water frompenetratingthestructure.“If you buildone, you’lllove it Just beprepared for the workinvolved,” Georgesays
Dawn andSteve Groff were long-established hostswhen they decided to upgrade their outdoor livingspace. Their goal was creatingan atmosphere where they could entertainfriendsand family without food preparationpreventing them from socializingwith their guests.
“We are big gatherers around the table, so itjust feltright to create a spacewhere guestscould fellowship with us, allin the vicinity of the pool, cabana, anddecks,” Dawn says
Invitingfriendsand family to gather around their poolis a regular event that occurs almost every Sunday in the summer. Withonly a smallgrillandnocounter space, the Groffs explain there is a lot of runninginandoutof thehouse to grab foodand supplies These experiences helped them clearlyidentifywhat they were missing and what they wantedfromanupgrade:better counter space, a built-ingrill, a smoker, and anoutdoor refrigerator.
Thinkingthroughquestionson what upgrades to include,layout, and what the buildingprocess wouldlooklike is nothing new to the Groffs. Through their familybusiness, Steve Groff Masonry Inc., they regularlyguide clients through this process andknew what factors wouldbeimportant to consider as they workedon their own project
“First, we knew we wanted to use the grill year-round, so we definitely wanted to have itinclose proximityto the kitchen so that wewouldn’t have to walk halfway across the yard in the winter,” Steve says
The grillalso needed to be far enough away from their houseto
prevent itfrommelting the siding,anissue that many peopledon’t know to consideruntilit’s too late
“Lastly, we wanted to bepartof the party andenjoy the fundown there while we’re up here,” Dawn says, as she points to the elevated grillstation. “Achieving that balance was the most challenging partof the designprocess,” Dawn says.
Once the Groffs decidedon a location for their grill,it was time to think aboutsize andbrand. These decisions can often bedifficult, particularly when you’re planning a grillinstallationwithin a permanentfixture.
“It’s important to look fora grill that has replaceableparts,” Steve explains, “If you don’t, you’llbe forced to pull off yourmasonry work everytime you have anissuewith the grill.”
All this carefulplanning tooktime,but the Groffs say they are thrilled with their redesignedoutdoorcookingspace. Now, they feellike they’re partof the fun whenever they’re hosting. Having their grillstationinclose proximity to their backdoor has also led tosomeunexpected experimentationwithmealprep The Groffs say they’ve startedusing the grill for foods they might otherwise have cookedinside.
“Now, we’re thinking about what we want to add next,” Dawn says “Yeah, we’re actuallyconsidering a pizza oven,” Steve says We’ll see if they take George’s advice when itcomes to this upgrade!
“We are big gatherersaround the table, soitjust feltright to create a space where guests could fellowshipwith us...”
~ Dawn Groff
1 Consider the sunand shade: If you plan to use your countertopas a buffet,a shaded spotisideal for keeping foodfresh.
2 Counter space: Mostpeopledon’t have enough.When in doubt, plan for more.
3 Electric:Outdoorelectric can be reallyconvenient inan outdoorkitchen for things like blenders, mixers, etc.
4 Wind:Cross winds can make grillinguncomfortableand difficult. situate yourgrill towardsa head wind ifpossible.
5 GrillLocation: When a grillis too close to your home, it hasthe potential to meltsiding. Keep this inmindas you plan yourspace.
6 Surfacepreparation:If you’re a DIYer, it’s essential to level yoursurface. You don’t want your hotdogs rolling away
7 Material choice: Youroutdoorspaceisan extensionof your home.Choose materials that match yourinteriorand exteriorstyle.
“Yeah, we’re actually considering a pizza oven.”
~ Steve GroffSteve Groff says these considerations can makea huge differencein how you enjoy yourspace.
TOPS| $3.19 and $5.29
LANTERNS| $4.99 and $6.99
THREADSPOOLS| $4.99 ea. VASE| SILENTAUCTION CLOCK| $10.99 BOXES $2.99 and $4.99
DRESS| $5.50
SCARF| $3.50
PURSE| $3.75
GLASSES| $3.00
ROOSTER| $6.50 PURSE| $5.00
TOPS| $6.99 and $3.50
JUG| $9.99
value Add to the ofyour home
If you’re like manypeople, you’ve probablytakensteps toward an eco-friendlierlifestyle You separate your recyclables, and you’ve stopped usingplasticin favorof reusable grocerybags. Maybe you useecofriendlycleaningproductsand LED light bulbs, too.
There are many simplechanges you can make thatare right at your fingertips, but you shouldalsoconsider onethat’s right under yourfeet:switching from carpetto hardwoodflooring.
estimatesthat over 4 billionpoundsof carpetendup in U.S.landfillseach year, about2%ofthe volumeofallmunicipal waste.That’s one reasonthe World Economic Forumlabels carpetasone oftheleast recycledmaterials. Ofthe12 billionsquare feetof carpetproduced annuallyinthe U.S.only5%is recycled, Aquifil reports
ithasbeenrippedout,orheadtothe equallyenvironmentallyunfriendly incinerator.”
CarpetAmerica RecoveryEffort,a nonprofit aimedatincreasing reuseand recyclingof carpetinthe U.S.,saysone challenge isthecostassociatedwith identifying,separatingandhandling the variouschemicalcomponentsthat make up carpet.
Many of usdon’tgiveasecondthought tothe carpetinour homes - unless, of course,it’s timeto vacuum,cleanup a spillor redecorate.
Whenitcomestohome renovations, however, carpets arereplaced more than any otherinteriordesign feature,according toAquifilGroup,a manufacturerofsynthetic fibers with a focusonsustainability.That’s not surprising,considering the average lifespan of carpetisabout 10years, maybelessifit’s in ahigh-traffic area where it’s exposedtolotsofdirt,grime andotherhazardsof everydayliving.
Whenit’s timeto replacethat wornor outdated carpet,where does it go? More oftenthan not,itpilesupinlandfills
About 75% of carpetsincludematerials like nylonandpolypropylenethat aren’tbiodegradable,notesthe World Economic Forumin a 2023articlethat concluded,“yourold flooringis likely to spend a verylongtimeinlandfillafter
So we continuetoadd carpetto ourlandfills, contributingtoan ever-growingchallenge facingour communities Just recently, the LancasterCountySolid Waste Management Authoritytookstepsto expandtheCreswellLandfillinManor Townshipasthe Frey FarmLandfill approaches capacity.
How can you help?
Considerputting a more sustainable product under yourfeet:hardwood flooringfromHardwoodFloors of Lancaster.
Unlike carpet,hardwood floors clean upeasilywith a clothormop, andwith proper care andmaintenancethey can last a lifetime.
Buthardwood’s sustainabilityis far fromitsonlyadvantage.Research showsthathardwood floors are also a
satisfying financialinvestment.
Themost recent RemodelingImpact Report by the NationalAssociationof Realtors ResearchGroupfoundthat hardwood floors toppedthelistof homeimprovementswiththehighest recovered projectcost -a percentage calculated by comparingtheestimated costofanimprovement tothelikely dollar valueit wouldaddtothehouse at resale.
Refinishinghardwood floors topped thelistforthehighestpercentage cost recovered at 147%. New hardwood floors rankedsecondat118%.When it cametothe Joy Score,orthe happinesshomeowners feltafter their renovations, both refinishing hardwood floors andinstallingnew hardwood floors received a perfect 10.
HardwoodFloors ofLancaster owner
Tom Duxhasbeenbringingthebeauty ofhardwood floors intoLancaster Countyhomesfor over 25years. His workwith various flooringcompanies aroundtheglobeinspiredhimtostart his own businessin2005, offering quality flooringand excellent serviceat below-market, factory-directprices.
HardwoodFloors ofLancaster carries a diverselineofsolid
hardwood flooringfromsomeofthe bestcompaniesinthe world.They are alsothemanufacturerfor a line ofengineeredhardwood flooring atcompetitive pricing.They sell domesticand exotic woods, handscraped floors, customcolors and finishes, andspecialtyproductssuch asmedallions, borderinlays, woodtiles withleather, marbleorcorkinlays They evenhave a teamofdesigners who can help you make theright choice for yourproject. Andwhenitcomesto installation,they use finish carpenters asinstallers toensure thejobis doneright.
For thosewho want to refreshtheir existinghardwood floors, Hardwood Floors ofLancasteroffers Vesting LED, anenvironmentallyfriendly methodthat’s freeof VOCsand usesLEDlight tocure the finishin a split-second.With VestingLED,a 500-to600-square-foot floor can be completelysandedand refinishedin justoneday
Whether you’re lookingtohelpthe environment,improve yourhome’s resale valueorsimplyenjoy yourliving spacesmore,HardwoodFloors of Lancasteris youridealchoice.
Dr. JackSmith cares for patients who sufferwithdiabetic nerve pain of the feet. Qutenza could help.
A Da y in Frederick
ARTICLEANDPHOTOS BY MARYELLENWRIGHTFrederick, Maryland,isknownasa “cityofclusteredspires”because ofallthehistoricchurchbuildings sendingtheirsteeplesinto theair. Butthiscityofabout80,000peopleis somuchmorethanitsappealingskyline.
Beyonditshistory, variedarchitecture and famous former residents, Frederick attractsvisitorswithitsmuseums,arts venues, shoppinganddiningspots, breweriesandaparkanchored by a canallikecreekrunningthrough town.Italso boaststhepoetic,apocryphalstoryofa patrioticact by aLancasternative.
Frederickislocated at theconfluenceof a fewmajor roadways FromLancaster, taking Route30 to nearGettysburgand heading southon Route15willtake you to
From Ar tisan Eats to Cr eekside Be at s
Frederick’sdoorstepinabout twohours
Onthe waydownorbackon15,nearby Cunningham FallsState Parkmakesa greatstop-off fora foresttrailhike.
If you’re new to Frederick,a goodfirst stopisthe Visitor Center at 151S.EastSt. Thedisplays andbrochurestherewill give youaquick overview ofwhatthecity andcounty have to offer—fromhistory to breweries to outdoor recreation—andthe staffwillhappilygive youacitymaplisting attractions, restaurantsandstores,and direct you to thethings you’re interestedin. Fromthere,headinto thethickofthe downtown’shistoricbusiness district. Frederick’smain avenues forstrolling, shoppinganddiningare Market, Patrick, Churchand Courtstreets.
Onpleasant-weather weekends,the town bustleswithpeopleandactivity, and you’ll wait at alotofstoplightsandpedestrian crossings. If youcome totownonjustsuch abusy weekendandnoticethatmostof thestreetparking seems to beinuse, you might want toseekoutoneofthebusiness district’sparking garages— for$1anhour —immediately. Findinformationand directions at cityoffrederickmd .gov
Frederickischock-a-blockwithcute boutiques;antiqueshops,eateriesand wateringholes; candy,icecreamand coffeeshops;andspecialty foodstores. Oneof my favoritesisthe Pasta Palette, 121 N. MarketSt.,where you canbuydried
pasta in every flavor and shape imaginable. The restaurant scene might remind you of — myriad multicultural cuisines are represented.
Among my Frederick favoritesisOrchard at 45 N. MarketSt.,whereI can geta filling veggiestir-frybowlwithriceand crispy tofu,plusafruityherbaliced tea, forunder$20.
Inaddition to numerousart galleries andtheart-and-performancespaceof the FrederickArts Council,5E.2ndSt., the Weinberg Center fortheArtsand NewSpireArts, at 20and15 W. Patrick St., respectively,offerplays,concerts, speakersandotherperformances.The DelaplaineArts Center,40S. CarrollSt., offersclassesandfreeart exhibits.
Probably my favorite attractionin
Frederickisthe CarrollCreekLinear
Parkthatwindsamilethrough town. Thenarrow creekhaswidebrickpaths oneithersidewhere walkers, runners, cyclists,skateboardersandalarge number ofdogparentsenjoyperambulatingnext to the water. Thereareplenty ofbenches for resting,people-watchingandlistening to thebuskingmusiciansthatfrequentthe park.Several restaurantshave outdoor seating overlookingthecreek.
On warmSaturdaynightsontheeast endofthepark, you’ll seecrowdssitting by thecreek at theoutdoortablesofthe UnionMillsPublic House event venueand the IdiomBrewing Co.,withSteinhardt Brewing Co.rightaroundthecorner. Don’tmissthepark’s CommunityBridge, whichfunctionsasahugetrompe-l’œil muralwithpaintings ofleavesand classicalstatuesthatlook forallthe world like3Dfrescoes.
With PalatineGermansandother Europeanshaving formed settlements startingin 1748, Frederickislocatedin anareathat servedasaborderbetween NorthandSouth. Maryland wasa Colonial slave state,and Frederickplantations, farmsandanironfurnaceusedthelaborof enslavedAfricans.Butina region so close to Pennsylvania,thecity wasalsohome to freeBlackcitizens.
Whitecitizens’loyalties were divided between NorthandSouthinthecity— sometimeswithin families—duringthe Civil War. Thereare several Underground Railroadsitesaroundthecity.
The town’s architecture variesfrom Federal toVictorian to Craftsman-style bungalows;brightlycolored rowhomesline streetsontheborderofthebusinessdistrict.
Stop by theMuseumof Frederick County History, ina restored1824home at 24 E.ChurchSt.Themuseumisfilledwith artifactsandphotography fromthecity’s history goingback to the Colonialperiod. An exhibitrunningthis yearis“Brushes withHistory,” focusingonthepaintings, potteryandother work by Frederick-born artists.It’s$12 fora self-guided tourofthe exhibits;knowledgeabledocentsarehappy to answerquestions.
Saturdaycity tours, for$8-12, ranging from generalcityhistory to architectural andBlackhistory,runfromAprilthrough November;it’sbest to book yourtickets ahead at
‘Thebattlethatsaved Washington’
Surrounding Route355 to the south you’ll findthe Monocacy NationalBattlefield. TheCivil WarBattleof Monocacy took placeon July 9, 1864,withskirmisheson farmfieldsaroundthearea.Though Major GeneralLew Wallace’s inexperienced Federal soldiersultimatelylostthebattle toGeneral JubalEarly ’s Confederate troops,thebattledelayedEarly ’s
attemptedassaulton Washington, D.C., allowing Union reinforcements to prevent aSoutherntakeoverofthe capitalcity. Thefive-stop,six-miledriving tourofthe battlefieldisfree.Start at the Visitor Center at 5201 UrbanaPike. Upstairs at thecenter aremuseumdisplays,Civil Waruniforms andmemorabiliaandanelectricmapwith aneight-minuteaudioprogramthatwillhelp you get yourbearingsbeforedrivingthrough thebattlefield. Thebattlefield tourincludes suchstopsasthe Worthington farmhouse, where6-year-oldGlenn Worthington— laterajudgeand Frederick town father— watchedthebattlefromawindow.
Lancaster connection
When Confederate troopsmarched through Frederickin1862ontheir way to Antietamandotherbattles,alocal woman protectedthe UnitedStatesflagfrom beingdisrespected by the secessionists. Historiansbelieve it wasa womannamed MaryQuantrill.
Butafictionwriter at thetimeconvinced poet JohnGreenleafWhittierthatit was anelderly womannamedBarbara Fritchie —also spelled Frietchie—wholivedon PatrickStreet. (Fritchie was tooelderly andinfirm at thetime to have wavedaflag outherwindow.)
Inhis1863poem“Barbara Frietchie,” Whittierwroteofhow Unionist Fritchie supposedly yelled to the Confederatesin thestreet, “Shootif youmustthisoldgray head,butspare yourcountry ’s flag.”
Fritchie wasbornBarbara Hauerin
The Ba rbara Fr itchieGues t House honor sa Lancas te r native. The FrancisSc ot t Key stat ue st andsinMoun t Oli vet Ce me te ryLancaster,and wasbaptizedinto the First ReformedChurchcongregation.The Hauers moved to Frederick,andBarbaramarried glove maker John Fritchie.
Fordecadesinthe20thcentury, Fritchie’s house—a1927 reconstructionoftheoriginal home— wasthemain touristdraw forvisitors to Frederick. Even WinstonChurchillstopped by foravisit. Today, theside-by-side Hauerand Barbara FritchiehousesareAirbnbguesthouses.
Celebrity cemetery
Fritchie’sgraveismarkedwithan obelisk bearingthe wordsofWhittier ’s poem at MountOlivet Cemeteryoff MarketStreet. If you’re acemetery fan, MountOlivet isdefinitely worthavisit.It’sfilledwith interestingstatuary,andhasa fewcelebrity “residents.” At thefrontentrance—where you canfindasmallbuildingwith restrooms andmapsofthecemetery— you’llbegreeted by astatueof FrancisScott Key, authorofthe 1814 lyrics to ournationalanthem.Hisarm outstretched, Key’slikeness gestures to an Americanflagonapolenearby.
Keygrew uponaplantationinapartof Frederick County that’snow Carroll County, andpracticedlawin Frederick.
Another famous Fredericknativeburied at MountOlivetisClaire McCardell,a fashion designerwho wasapioneerin ready-to-wear clothingandAmericansportswear. You’llfind abronzestatueof McCardellin CarrollCreek Park,andoneofthedressesshedesigned— alongwith somesketches—inthe Frederick historymuseum.
To learnmoreabout Frederick’s attractions, storiesandpeople, goto the website to startplanningavisit. Frederickisfilledwithpublicart,