B Squadron Hanging Around
A Company FTX
C Company Range Day
Issue 1 2016
The Newsletter of LNR Army Cadet Force
PLUS: • Bloors Boatz Photos from the water • RSM CAM Photos from the Cadet RSM’s • New to Camp Cadet Bethany Jiggins-Linnett
Squadron started their first morning of Annual Camp 2016 with a day of adventure training. We caught up with them hanging around in camp; Literally!. The “Jacob’s Ladder” is a high rope confidence course. The cadets had to climb up a metal ladder to a platform approximately 50ft off the ground... and JUMP OFF on a trapese!
n Monday we visited A company who were on their second day of their field tactical exercise (FTX). The exercise is designed to practice and assess the field craft skills that they have taught throughout the year. Many of the cadets I spoke to today, had never slept outdoors before and found this an exhilarating experience and they said, that working together as a team with many cadets that they have not met before, has also
After their “Leap of Faith”, the cadets where then challenges to use their team work to stack crates as high as possible with two people standing on top. B Squadron currently hold the camp record of 22 LAYERS! In the afternoon the cadets went Mountain Biking through the Welsh countryside.
helped them gel together and forged many new friendships. Throughout the day the cadets navigated across the training area, visiting stands where they practiced field craft, first aid and micro navigation. In the afternoon the cadets then went into full tactical mode and defended their harbour areas from an opsonising military force (made up of senior cadets). The day culminated in the cadets
attempting to rescue a down pilot; captain Spence, unfortunately their position was overrun by enemy and Captain Spence was taken prisoner. I left the cadets of A Company in high
spirits, forging a plan to rescue the unfortunate captain. Will their rescue mission be successful??
working weapon, firing a laser onto a projected target.
oday we Joined C Company on the range. Starting off with the 25 meter range in the morning then moving onto the DCCT (Dismounted Close Combat Trainer) in the afternoon.
This allows the cadets to to see where their shots are hitting and how they move whilst firing, similar to how the British Olympic shooting team are trained.
The cadets had the chance to refine their shot to perfection. For some though this was the first time, but with some coaching, they continued to improve and achieve exellent groupings.
After a bit lunch the cadets were ready to take on the DCCT. This is a computer simulated range, using fully
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What is a DAB?, we’re asking our instructors!
Sgt Simpson (B Sqn) “A DAB Radio??”
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Cadet Bethany Jiggins-Linnett from Babington Detachment is on her first Annual Camp at Sennybridge. She has spent the day on the 25 meter target shooting range at Brecon’s Derring Lines barracks. LNR ACF Public Relations Team caught up with her to find out how she is enjoying the day, her first annual camp and the Army Cadet Force: Time in the ACF: I’ve been in Cadets for around a year. What activities did you do today: Today I have been shooting live rounds on the target range. I fired about 20 rounds and then went to look how we did. It’s my first time shooting on an outdoor range. The first 10 shots were all over the target but with coaching the next 10 were all together, so I was really happy for my first time shooting. Today has taught me to take my time, take deep breaths and dont rush it. What activities have you done on camp so far?: I l’ve been Mountain Biking, had a go at Archery and Climbing. What do you think the ACF has done for you: I’ve made so many new friends and it really has made it fun to do the training. What do you like about the ACF: I love exploring new things, having lots of fun in the NAAFI (tuck shop) and the ACF helps to build you up to be a stronger person and reach your full potential..